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Wrecked Page 6

by Shyla Colt

  chant, he stopped.

  “No,” she cried out.

  “You ready to give me those words?”

  “No?” He flipped her over and spread her legs. He flicked her clit and she cried. Their

  gazes met. Her eyes were hazy and filled with a myriad of emotions. He plunged two fingers inside her and stirred. Her lids lowered to half-mast. Her breasts threatened to spill out of her dress. Propped up on her elbows with her hair wild and her face flushed, she was a beautiful mess. A mystery he wanted to get to the bottom of.

  Beads of sweat formed on her brow. She bunched the sheets in her fists as she moved with

  his strokes. Her walls tightened around him.

  “Not yet, baby. Don’t come yet.” Her breathy pants and moans had him straining against his jeans.


  “You got something to say to me yet?”

  “Don’t you dare stop!” she growled.

  “That’s not it.” He slowed his pace.

  “Fuck you, Colm.”

  He smirked. “You will. But not until you tell me what we both already know.”

  Her forehead wrinkled and she bit at her bottom lip. He scissored his fingers and she hissed.

  “You’re so close, and I want to send you over. I want to give you all the pleasure you

  deserve.” He bent down and sucked her swollen clit into his mouth.


  He pulled back. “You’re so fucking sweet. Like warm honey on my tongue.” He removed

  his fingers and moved to sit beside her on the bed. “Taste.” She laved his fingers and he moaned.

  “Give me those lips, baby.” He kissed her gently, easing her down to the bed. Her body was tense and the heat coming from her skin was intense. He pushed two fingers inside her and made love to her mouth with his tongue as he fucked her pussy hard. Her walls tightened and he slowly eased out.

  Her hands came down, keeping him in position. “Yours.”

  He froze. “What was that, baby?” he asked against her lips.

  “I’m fucking yours. Are you happy now?”

  “No, but I’m getting there.” He angled his fingers, driving deep into her molten center. Her body tensed as her legs slammed shut around his hand and he gave her the release she’d been craving.

  * * * *

  Confused and conflicted, Gia lay in the circle of Lefty’s arms in the early morning hours.

  Last night, she’d given in to him and admitted she belonged to him. It felt good, but it shouldn’t.

  How could she fight so hard for freedom and independence, then give it all away for an orgasm?

  She slowly eased her body away from Lefty’s and headed for the shower. This domestic set up made her nervous. She was starting to feel like she belonged. Danger signs flickered in her mind like neon. Her past caught up with her, destroying her present and making a murky mess of her future. If she placed her trust in Lefty and if he slighted her, she’d be destroyed. If I don’t, will I ever truly be living? Remaining in the dark, afraid of the light because of the past was another prison. Mylandra would still be winning.

  Times like this, she missed Taffy the most. She always knew the right things to say to bring her out of her own mind and give her the kick in the ass she needed to progress. It’d been so long since she had a girlfriend. She worked with plenty of women and liked a good portion of them, but none really knew her. Her thoughts drifted to Ardy. She was young, but strong and

  understanding. She’d extended an olive branch. Maybe I should accept it. Her stomach churned.

  Opening up made her feel claustrophobic. She walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower, lost in the haze of her past …


  “We have to do this now, Rissa,” Taffy said, using her nickname.

  Rissa glanced down and toyed with the cream-colored Egyptian cotton sheet that covered her bed. Only the best for Mylandra’s girls. Had to make sure they were pretty and well rested to perform adequately. “How do you know if it’s the right time? What would we do in America?

  How will we live? What if we get caught?” Rissa shook her head.

  “And what if we stay and end up so desperate we slit our wrists, or dead like most of the girls we started this nightmare with.” Taffy shook her head; her twisted locks flew wildly. “No.

  this is our time. Thanks to Tya, we have a way out. What we’ve always dreamed of. We can’t let fear stop us. Then Mylandra has won because she’s broken us down so low we’ve given up.”

  Taffy gripped her shoulders. “Have you given up, Rissa?”


  “Good, because I’m not above kicking your ass. It’s time to put on our big girl panties and do what we need to do. You know that deep down, don’t you?”

  Rissa nodded. “I know. I’m just terrified. This is all we know. What if we get to America and end up in the same situation, only worse because we have no one to look out for us?”

  “It’ll be on our own terms. Don’t you think that’s worth it? We never had a chance here.

  There are plenty of opportunities others turn their noses up at. I don’t care if I’m cleaning hotel rooms, scrubbing toilets, or working at a fast food place as long as I live by my rules. You’re strong. We both are. We can do this.”

  Rissa took a deep breath and nodded. “You’re right, I know it.”

  “Promise me you won’t let fear keep you bound, Rissa.”

  “I’ll try. I’m not brave like you, Taffy.”

  “There are many ways to be brave, Rissa. I’m just more outspoken. Now promise me, no

  matter what happens, you won’t let Mylandra win.”

  Rissa meet her gaze. “I promise…”

  She stepped from the shower filled with guilt. She hadn’t fully kept her promise. Taffy’s had become a fortress she hid in, its patrons, her guards and jesters. As the boss, she could keep herself cut off and slightly aloof from everyone and have her pick of partners for her bed. She wasn’t a whore. Her tastes were selective and always discreet. It allowed her to go through the motions and dip her toe into the water without getting soaked. Colm made her want more.

  Wrapping her body in a plush towel, she walked over to the mirror and wiped off the

  condensation. The woman peering back at her looked lost and far younger than her thirty-five years. She could practically hear Taffy whispering in her hear, “Don’t you think it’s time you took the rest of your life back?”

  Yes, old friend, I believe it is. Everything came out in the wash eventually. Her story was no different. This man knew it and could care less. That had to count for something. He’d already had her body. What he sought went deeper than sex. That’s the scary part. For her, this was uncharted territory. For so long, she’d lived free of real attachment. Thoughts of her meltdown with Demon when she found out about him and Ardy made her cringe. She was missing

  something. Denying it wouldn’t change that. She ran her fingers through her wet hair and took a deep breath. Do or die time.

  She stepped out of the bathroom, leaving more of the chains that bound behind her. It wasn’t a fix, but a mend, the first step forward after years of stagnation.

  * * * *

  “It’s done.” She hung up and closed her eyes. Nan had been the same as usual, though they

  never talked with any frequency. She’d been the house mother, making sure they had what they needed and always got care. She’d been the only person to genuinely care, or at least seem to.

  The thought of that being a lie gutted her.

  “Good, now we wait. We have some people who’ll scout next week. Today, we need to get

  out of here.”

  “What?” Gia stared at him, thrown off by the swift swap. “You know I have to work


  “Yeah, babe, I know. That’s why we’re going out now. I’ll get you back home in time.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a su
rprise.” Lefty smirked.

  Gia frowned. “I don’t like surprises.”

  “You will when they come from me. You’re going to learn I’m different from anyone else

  you’ve ever known.”

  “Trust me, I already know that.”

  “Zip it and go get some riding shoes.”


  “Someone needs to take control with you or you’ll walk all over them.”

  “If I can walk over a man, he’s too weak for me.”

  “Luckily, you won’t have that problem with me then, huh?” He winked.

  She walked away without responding. He was cocky as hell and she loved it because he

  could back it up. Every day he showed her how much he cared. It was becoming addictive. She made her way into his room and dug out her favorite pair of dark brown cowboy boots. Then she returned to the living room.

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her from the house.

  Ignoring the voice that told her to pull away…she allowed it. As she leaned into Lefty’s

  body, she could almost see Taffy give a nod of approval.

  As they weaved through the mid-day traffic, it hit her. I’m used to riding on the back of his bike. It was a big deal to ride bitch and she’d made a habit of it. The slow smile that crept over her lips was the first nail in the coffin of resistance and denial. The further they drove from the city, the more she wondered where they were going. The city gave way to dessert. The beige, sandy land was broken by bushes and sparse grass. They drove up an incline and she gasped, squeezing his waist tight. A few feet away, a small black helicopter sat waiting for them with a pilot. Outside, a wicker picnic basket rested on a red blanket with a flask resting on the top. They parked and pulled off their helmets.

  Lefty glanced over his shoulder and grinned. “If I’m going to do something, you best believe I’m going to do it right.”

  “I don’t even know what to say,” Gia whispered.

  “Say, thank you, Colm.”

  “Thank you, Colm.”

  “Anything for my old lady.”


  He placed a finger to her lips and shook his head. “Nothing you say is going to change the fact that it’s true. You’re on the back of my bike, in my bed, and in my house. You want to go slow…fine. You want to keep it between us for now? Done. But do me the favor of admitting it now.”

  She took a deep breath. “What do you want me to say, Colm? That I’m yours? Why do you

  need everything?”

  “Because not too long ago, you were asking my best friend to give you what I should’ve

  been giving you all along. Makes a man need some reassurance.”

  Gia sighed. “It wasn’t like that. D is safe, was safe. There’s no real emotion there. It’s not like with you, Colm. You’re dangerous.”

  “We’re both dangerous.”

  “Only you endanger my heart and soul. I respect D. I like him. He’s fun, and the two of you made me feel like I belonged.” She glanced down at the bike. “I didn’t want to lose that.”

  “And you thought you would without him?”

  “I knew I’d lose my buffer. Why do you think I stopped playing with you? Alone, it was too much.” She shook her head. “Do we have to do this?”

  “You had to know I was going to ask. I waited until you were settled first. Now, yes, I need to understand. You’re not the only one taking a risk.”

  His words were a bucket of icy water. All this time, she’d been looking at the situation from just her point of view. There was a lot she didn’t know about Lefty or his past. “You’re right.

  I’ve been so caught up in my own head.” She shook her head. “It has always been you, Lefty.

  You were the one I wanted. I went through Demon to keep a safety net. If it was the three of us playing, I could have my cake and eat it too. I’d get to experience things with you and it’d be fun. Nothing anyone would take seriously. But that’s not how it went.”

  “How did it go, baby?”

  “I got attached. For the first time since I got back on my feet, I needed something from

  someone else, and as much as it scared me, I craved it. I still crave it.”

  “And who’s the one to give it to you, Gia?”

  “You. God help me, it’s you.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear, baby.” His eyes held a new light in them. “Let’s go, we have a ride to catch.”

  His abrupt shift in gears left her speechless.

  “You coming?” he asked, climbing off the motorcycle.

  “Yeah,” She slid of the bike while mentally shaking her head. She never knew what to

  expect from this man. But he’s never let me down.

  “Would you prefer to eat in the air or on the ground?”

  More and more, she thought of him as Colm, the man behind the Lefty VP persona . He understood her better than anyone. “In the air, please, Colm. I’ve never been in a helicopter.”

  “Done.” He bent down and handed her the flask. “I’ll carry the rest.”

  “What’s in the basket?” she asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  His devilish smile brought butterflies to her belly.

  He opened the helicopter door, stowed the basket and blanket, then held the wine glasses as she climbed up.

  “Good afternoon, my name’s Brian, and I’ll be your pilot today.”

  “Hi Brian,” she said, smiling at the sandy-haired blond with brilliant blue eyes.

  Colm handed her the flask and climbed inside beside her, closing the door. “Hey, man,

  thanks for the favor.”

  “Any time, Lefty. Once you’re settled, buckle in and slip on the ear protection and we’ll be on our way.”

  Colm deftly fastened her restraints and slipped on her earphones before moving to his own.

  “You ready?”


  “Okay. Brian, you can take us up whenever you’re ready.”

  “Alright. Here we go.”

  The propeller began to spin and she found herself grateful for the ear protection. Her

  stomach flipped as they lifted off the ground. Once the ascent ended, the helicopter evened out and she found herself in awe of the view.

  Colm bent between them and opened the basket.

  The sight of beef patties made her mouth water and her heart ache. They were one of her

  favorite dishes from back home. Moved, she glanced up at him.

  “I know you,” he mouthed.

  The words wrapped around her like a warm blanket, soothing her frayed nerves. No one had

  ever done anything like this for her. She felt worthy. For the first time in her life, someone saw her as deserving of love. Love? Colm smiled at her and she knew this was much more than sexual attraction or a flight of fancy. The man could have almost any pussy if that’s what he wanted and she’d turned him down repeatedly. What other reason was there for his continued pursuit? She nibbled on the beef patty, barely tasting it as she dealt with an influx of emotions she’d never experienced. Everything changed as her perception shifted. I want more too.

  He offered her the flask.

  Gia took it, sniffed the opening, and took a test sip. The rum punch she remembered from

  her homeland slid down her throat and made her heart sing. The rusty cage of her self-imposed prison rattled, as she began to work on opening it from the inside.


  Lefty tugged at the collar of the button-up he wore under his vest. The fancy threads made him itch. But the entertainment was topnotch. Watching Demon try to not snap on Ardy’s father in front of his family and keep the boys to watch their wandering eyes when it came to Ardy’s sisters was priceless.

  His intended bride, Ardy, came from good stock. Her two sisters, Birdie, who was nineteen, and Carylin, who was eighteen, were lookers. They’d all packed into the back room of a steak house. It was the nicest
place most of them had ever seen. Lefty felt surprised they didn’t have three forks. Gia looked right at home as she pursued the menu.

  He leaned in close to her and spoke in her ear. “You don’t look like you feel out of place.”

  “I’ve been more places than just Taffy’s.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I know.”

  “Playing the part of a lady is engrained. Plenty of men want the escort experience.” She shrugged.

  She’d been doing that more and more, opening up. He almost felt afraid to get used to it.

  Something shifted between them recently. Though, he couldn’t pinpoint exactly when or why. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  Gia giggled. “And that’s what I like most about you.”

  “That I’m clueless?” He frowned.

  “No, that you’re honest.”

  “Yeah, let’s hope you’re still saying that in a month,” Lefty replied, only half joking. Most people outside of the club couldn’t handle him. He liked to be up front and real. Life was too short for pretense, and he wanted to see his enemies. If you got into the habit of lying, you forgot how to spot a liar from a dozen paces away.

  “I’ve always admired that about you, Colm. Even when it pisses me off, which I know it’s

  bound to. I won’t fault you for it. I’ve had enough lies to last three lifetimes.”

  “What else did you always like about me, Gia?”

  She smirked. “I can’t tell you, it wouldn’t be polite table conversation.”

  “You think I care about that?”

  “No, but I think Ardy’s family has been scared enough. It’s one thing to know of us. It’s another to be caught smack dab in the middle of our club.”

  Lefty studied the family. Paddy’s face had been red from the minute he arrived in town. Her sisters’ eyes were as round as saucers. Her brother kept fidgeting in his seat.

  Lefty couldn’t blame him. It was like being a sheep in a den of wolves.

  The night wore on awkwardly and the party moved to the bar area and onto the dance floor.

  Classic rock wasn’t the norm for the place, but in Newsom, Demon got what Demon wanted.

  “You’re not going to ask me to dance?” Lefty teased.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be the one asking me?” Gia said.


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