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Wrecked Page 7

by Shyla Colt

  He scowled. “You know what I mean. Bitches live for that shit, right?”

  “Not this bitch. You still want to claim that you know what this bitch wants?”

  Her claiming of the B word stunned him.

  “Don’t look surprised. I’m fine with being a bitch. Bitches get shit done and don’t put up with the bull people try to pass off as truth. There are many ways to be empowered. People see the business I run, then assume shit and underestimate me. I like that. It gives me the upper hand right out the gate.”

  “You’re so sexy when you’re being a boss,” Lefty retorted.

  Gia laughed. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “You like it.”

  “I do.” She nodded her agreement.

  “How much longer we gotta stay? I mean, if we leave, we’ll be seen as rude, right?” Lefty

  asked, pulling her body to his as he watched the couples on the makeshift dance floor.

  Despite the tension within her family, Ardy appeared to be having a blast. Laughter spilled from her lips and her face glowed. D’s version of dancing involved a lot of close contact. But it wasn’t lewd, which meant he was toning it down.

  Watching them make it work had given him the kick in the ass he needed to make his move

  on Gia. Emotions weren’t a thing he did often, but with her, they were unavoidable. So, he faced them head on and owned that shit. He made a promise to himself as a child to never again…live in fear.

  “The real question is what do you need to do to entice me to leave my girl high and dry like that?”

  “Oh, that’s how you want to play it?” Lefty said.

  She smirked and went silent. All the time they spent together and she still remained a


  “You keep playing with me, baby, and I’m going to take you in the back and fuck you

  against the wall.”

  Fire flared up in her eyes. “Don’t tease me.”

  “Up now,” Lefty growled.

  She slowly slid off her stool and batted her eyes.

  He grabbed her ass.

  She purred and leaned back into him.

  The silk of her black and white maxi dress slid across his jeans. His cock stirred to life and he gripped the back of her neck, squeezing firmly as he guided her through the crowded room toward the back. He leaned down and brushed her ear with his lips. “I’m going to fuck you fast and hard, Gia, and you’re going to come fast like the good girl I know you can be.” He slid his hand around her waist and pressed her back against him, letting her feel his dick. “See how hard you make me?” They walked down the hall and he pulled her into a dark alcove. They had the run of the place and none of his brothers would bat an eye if they caught them. He unzipped his pants and stroked his cock. “You ready for me, baby?”

  “Wet and waiting, Colm.”

  He growled. “Fuck, Gia.” He devoured her lips, lifting her up against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist and gripped his base, guiding him home. He slid into her heated sheath and grunted. “So fucking tight.” She tightened her muscles and he buried his face in her neck, pounding into her pussy. “You going to come for me, Gia? Let me feel that cream all over my cock.”

  “Colm, Colm,” she panted his name.

  “That’s right baby. I’m the only dick you’ll be having from now on.”

  “Oh, right there.”

  “Say it, Gia.”

  “You, only you.”

  “That’s right.” He gripped her hips tight, lifting her up and letting her slam down.

  “Come now before we get caught.” He bit her neck and she locked around him, coming

  hard. Her legs slid down to the ground and he pulled out, tucking his hard-on back into his jeans.

  “You—you didn’t come,” she panted.

  “The better to fuck you with tonight. I’m going to need accessories to wear that ass out

  properly.” She bit her bottom lip and he laughed as he smoothed out her dress. “Remember that when you’re working tonight.”


  “Didn’t I just please you?” he asked, running his thumb over her swollen lips.

  “You know it takes much more than that to fully satisfy.”

  “One of my favorite things about you, Gia.”

  Footsteps came down the hall toward them. He stepped away and wrapped an arm around

  her shoulders. “Let’s go make our rounds, so I can drop you off at work.”

  “You think that’s still necessary?”

  “I ain’t about to take the risk.”

  She sighed.

  “What? You embarrassed?”

  “No, I just don’t want anyone to catch on that something’s off.”

  “So, tell them I’m your man now.”

  She huffed.

  “What? I’m giving you an easy fix.” Lefty shrugged.

  “Yeah, I hear you.”

  The fact that she admitted it made him want to grin like a little bitch.

  * * * *

  Gia walked the club, talking to regulars and watching the performances. The break had been a good thing. She’d cut her hours down drastically and as far as she could tell, there’d been no ill effects. Jenny was an excellent manger. For what I pay her, she should be. She made her way to the back of the club to watch her latest hire, India, dance on the backstage. The dark-skinned beauty brought in a new batch of clients. Gia remained in the back of the crowd who were

  offering up their money like rain from the sky. India swung around the pole like an acrobat. Gia had to give it to her, she showed an excellent technique. The dance island music she used made her stomach turn over, though. Having seen enough, Gia quickly moved away to another stage.

  The Rob Zombie blasting out of the speakers became a welcome change. She bobbed her

  head as Ginger swayed her hips and the men groaned.

  This was an honest way to make a living. It might not be respectful to a lot of people, but they didn’t sell sex here. They sold sensuality and fantasy. There was a big difference. Most of her girls had bigger plans. They were putting themselves through college, or trade school, and many had families to take care of. Times were tough and dancing for five or six hours brought in more than most people could make in a week at a minimum wage job. The people who scoffed

  and looked down their noses at dancers didn’t know what it meant to be hungry and unskilled for a job that would provide for you. There were worst things a woman could do than show skin for money. Far worse.

  She stopped at the table that held a group of bikers from a Dueling Devils friendly set. “Hey, guys, how are we tonight?”

  “Good, Gia. You got some new girls in since we left,” Smoke answered. His raspy voice and

  gray eyes were fitting.

  “You know I’m always trying to keep you guys entertained. I have to keep it fresh.” She


  “Heard you been making time with Lefty? You change your rules on dating inside the M.C.

  world?” Smoke licked his lips. “‘Cause I’d have no problem taking you for a ride.”

  She scanned the bearded man with olive skin and swag to the ceiling. “As sexy as I find you, Smoke, the shit I got going with Lefty is exclusive.” His eyes went wide and she laughed. “Yeah, you think you’re surprised.”

  “Damn, Gia. I never thought I’d see that day!”

  She shrugged and patted his shoulder. “You need anything, give me a holler.”

  Smoke nodded, still looking dumbfounded.

  Gia continued her rounds and made it up front to talk to Big Rick. “How we looking


  “Good. Other than a few guys that had a little too much of the sauce, I haven’t even seen a potential for problems.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” Gia patted his massive bicep. “I’m going to finish making my rounds and go do some paperwork. Payroll is around the corner.”

  She made her way to the b
ar, checked the levels and the change in the cash register. She

  took two hundred from each till and walked it back to her office to make change. She closed then locked the door behind her and opened the safe. A few minutes later, she headed out with

  quarters, dimes, ones, and fives in a zip-up deposit bag she used for money transferring. She wove through the crowd, grinning at Chastity and Becky. “We’re busy tonight,” she said over the music as she refilled the first register.

  “I know, kind of surprising for a Thursday. But you never know when one of the M.C.s will

  roll through,” Becky replied.

  Gia snickered. “True. They don’t exactly run on schedules.”

  “Yeah, understatement,” Chastity added, rolling her eyes. “At least I get to have a job where I can still hang out with them. Dad almost said no.”

  Gia flashed a sympathetic smile. A daughter of a Knight of the Apocalypse, she’d been

  raised in the life. Her job here at Taffy’s had been one of the first the old man would allow.

  Mostly because he could always keep eyes on her and the attention would be on the women on stage. Monster was damn protective. But one look at his buxom, hazel-eyed, mocha latte skinned daughter and you could see why. “He loves you.”

  “Yes, to death. You’d think he’d have a relaxed parenting style…considering.”

  Gia wanted to tell her to cherish it. Some people never knew the love of a parent. Instead, she shrugged and moved on to the next till. Task completed, she poured herself a glass of cola and walked to the back. A man stepped out of the darkened alcove and she jumped back.

  “Pretty girls shouldn’t be left unattended.” His thick Jamaican accent raised the hairs on the back of her neck.

  “Women who own the establishment go wherever they want. The bathrooms are on the other

  side of the bar. I suggest you reroute yourself.” She gripped the glass in her hand, prepared to throw the fizzing cola in his eyes, stomp his foot with her heel, and run for her office. She knew how to defend herself, but at the end of the day, a man was more powerful. The .45 in her desk would put them on even footing.

  “You’re mighty jumpy. Makes a man wonder what you’ve done.”

  The hidden meaning in his words was unmistakable. She narrowed her eyes. “Who are


  “Doesn’t matter who I am. Did you really think you could just waltz off and leave

  everything behind? That’d you’d never have to repay your debt, Jai ss a.” He accentuated the S’s in her name, doing his best impression of a snake.

  She took a step back. Her muscles tensed and she began to calculate the distance between

  the entries of the hallway.

  “There are eyes everywhere. You won’t know when or where. But she’s coming for you,

  Jalissa, and she has a big surprise.” An evil smirk peeled his full lips back from blindingly white teeth. “I hope you remember all your tricks. You’re going to be using them.”

  She tossed the drink toward his eyes, spun on her heels, and ran for the entryway. She

  reached the end of the hallway and he grabbed a handful of hair, yanking her back into the darkness. He slammed her body against the side of the wall and pinned her there with an arm across her throat. She dug her nails into his flesh, struggling as her air supply depleted. Her vision began to dim.

  “I’m going to love fucking the fight out of you. I’m going to watch your eyes go dead as you re-learn your place.” He slammed the back of her head against the wall and released his hold around her throat.

  Dazed, she slid down the wall, struggling to get her bearings and move as far away from him as possible. Lightheaded, she forced her body upright while she watched him walk away and slip off into the crowd. She rubbed her throat, horrified by how easily it would’ve been for him to do whatever he wanted. In a matter of minutes, he’d come in and ripped a hole right through the center of the peace and safety net she’d built for herself. None of the work she’d put in mattered.

  Not the million-dollar security system, snarly bikers less than ten feet away, her gun, or her bouncer. Her legs shook and her stomach rolled.

  The hidden had become the hunted.

  The walls seemed to close in around her. She pushed against the floor, swaying as she

  gained her feet. Stumbling like a baby learning to walk, she made her way to her office and locked the door behind her. Bowing her head, she took deep breaths to steady her nerves. If she called Lefty all frazzled and frightened, she would destroy all the work she’d put in over the years. I refuse to be a damsel in distress. She moved to her desk, sat on the office chair, and unlocked her desk drawer with shaking hands. Pulling the phone out of her purse, she scrolled down to Lefty’s name.

  “You miss me already? Want me to come and get you early?”

  “Mylandra made her move,” Gia whispered.

  A heartbeat passed between them. “Are you okay?”


  “Stay in your office with the door locked. I’m coming.”

  “What if that’s what she wants?”

  “Trust me, I won’t be alone. Don’t leave the office.”

  “Yes, your highness.”

  “I’m serious. She’s probably got motherfuckers just waiting to catch you alone.”

  “No, she wants me to panic. He said she has a surprise for me.” She rubbed her arms.

  “Yeah, well, I got one for them too. I’m leaving here right now.” He hung up.

  Gia turned the phone off and set it back in her purse. She’d die before she went back into life as a living sex doll.

  The minutes crawled by and she paced the room as she waited for Lefty. What would this

  mean for her? She couldn’t just wait around like a sitting duck. Anger fueled her. All this time, she’d been a piece waiting to be played. It’s time to turn the tables on this bitch.

  “Gia.” Lefty pounded on the door.

  She opened it and he stepped in. A gaggle off Dueling Devil prospects stood against the wall behind him, ready to be commanded. They cut a menacing row of figures.

  He stepped inside and shut the door to the office behind him, cupping her face. “Tell me

  everything and don’t leave shit out. I know you, Gia. You downplay shit.”

  “I was coming to the office and he stepped out in front of me and told me pretty ladies

  shouldn’t be by themselves. His actions made me suspicious. Then he started asking me if I really thought I could just walk away like that. It makes me wonder how long she’s been

  watching me. Sitting back laughing at my failure.” Gia balled her fists and shook her head. “I want this ended. Really ended, Colm. I can’t keep building my life up for her to come and topple it on a whim.”

  “We’ll shut her down. Gia. You have my promise.”


  Lefty pulled back and met her eyes. “Yes. I’ll get together with Demon and we’ll handle


  “Not until after this weekend. I refuse to ruin their wedding.”

  “G, you can’t be serious.”

  “As a heart attack, Colm. She deserves to have her day untarnished, and after the way I

  showed my ass, I owe her at least this much.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “I didn’t expect you to.”

  “Two days.”

  “That’s all I’m asking you for.” She gripped his forearms. “Please, Colm.”

  “Fuck, turn those eyes of yours off. I already agreed to it.” He scowled.

  “Thank you.” She rested her head against his chest, breathing in his unique scent.

  “You know I still have to tell Pres everything, right?”

  “I know, but seeing as how his fiancée is about five months pregnant right now, I’m sure

  he’ll agree with the decision to postpone whatever plan the two of you come up with.”

  He grunted. “G
et your shit. I don’t want you out here in the open.”

  “We might be playing into her hand. At least here, we’re on familiar ground.”

  “So what? You want to stay here where you just had your ass handed to you?” Lefty

  frowned. His brow wrinkled and the corners of his mouth turned down.

  “You’re here now, right? Don’t you want to show everyone I belong to you now?”

  “You really must want to stay here if you’re pulling that card.”

  “I already told Smoke we were exclusive.”

  The sudden lightening in his eyes did funny things to her stomach. “Oh yeah?” He wrapped

  his arms around her waist and crushed her body to his. “And what led to this admission? I don’t think for a second you just volunteered the information.”

  “Can’t you just be happy it happened?”

  “Not until I know everything. There’ll be no secrets between us, Gia. Secrets cause

  problems and come back to bite you in the ass.”


  “And no one showed up?” Lefty asked, wrinkling his brow. It wasn’t what he’d expected.

  He’d been sure the elderly woman had been feeding information to Mylandra.

  “No one. The place was dead, Lefty. No signs of anyone watching in the distance or any sort of bugs,” Scout replied.

  Their resident recon man knew his shit. If he said it was clear, it was.

  “Alright, thanks.” Lefty hung up. He should be happy, but it made him nervous. They still

  hadn’t heard from the bitch and he had no leads on who was working with her or for her. She knew how to lay low. He put his phone on silent and turned his attention back to the groom.

  “Everything copasetic?” Demon asked.

  “Yeah, Scout said it was a complete bust.”

  “You don’t seem relieved.”

  “No, it just makes me more paranoid about when she’s going to drop the hammer and what

  direction it’ll come from. You know?”

  Demon nodded. “I feel you. As far as I can tell, she’s just here for some snow. I haven’t had any hits on the skin trade aspect yet. Sometimes, the shit takes time, though.”

  “True. But enough of that. Shouldn’t I be talking you down or some shit?”

  Demon snickered. “What the fuck for? Ardy is mine. This is just one more way to let


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