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Chaperoning Paris (Collins Brothers)

Page 15

by Victoria Pinder

  “No.” She went to her bureau to grab clothes. She passed as Sean took her arm. Surprised, she tumbled and fell onto the bed, then accidentally knocked the towel off her head.

  His warm flattened against hers.

  She placed her palm against his chest. “Hold on.”

  “Why?” He kissed the nape of her neck.

  Goosebumps formed on her body, and at the same time her nipples hardened. She covered her breasts with her arms, but her skin stayed electric and warm.

  “We’re supposed to talk,” she said, though she could live without that plan. Seduction was a much better idea.

  He stopped kissing her. “Good.”

  Drat. She kissed his neck, and hoped he’d go back to more sweet kisses and perhaps shed his clothes.

  Instead, he stood up and handed her his suit jacket for a bathrobe. “We do need to talk. It’s overdue.”

  “Yes.” She dressed and crossed the room to sit at the fancy side seats designed for a noble person a few hundred years ago to have breakfast. The luxury did nothing for her nerves.

  “Let’s proceed in logical order. We were happy, planning junior prom.” He followed her, and took the seat opposite her. “You and I had discovered sex too young. That’s my fault, too. Tell me what the hell happened ten years ago?”

  She couldn’t meet his gaze. She stared at the vaulted ceiling. “You know . . .”

  “Yes.” He touched her hand, but she tugged it back. “You told me the night before you left, but you never blamed your mother. You claimed you did it on purpose.”

  “I lied.”


  “Your family is picture perfect. You know this about the Collins. Your mother and father are the fantasy parents.” How would she ever make Sean understand? “My mother said I ruined her life the day I was born, and she’d not let me have a brat.”

  “You were practically adopted into my family, and we have money. You stayed at my house more often than your own,” Sean said. “What happened? What did she do to you?”

  “Mom decided she could not be a grandmother, not at that time.” Gigi remembered her mother’s face and why she had run.

  Lillian appeared beautiful to others, but all Gigi saw was her hard, unforgiving face every time she had looked at Gigi. “Fun times.”

  “What? Nothing is fun.” Sean’s brow contorted as he tried to understand.

  She’d told him how miserable her mother made her years ago. “I said that to cope.” She gulped for air. “She needed money. My second stepfather had divorced her, taking his money with him. She didn’t need me having a child.”

  Sean stared blankly at her. What had he thought? “You should have told me. You’d have never been alone.”

  “I couldn’t face you or what happened to me. Sean, you were, are, perfect.” She paused. “I ran away. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “Gigi, you never called.” Sean shook his head. “You should have, and I’m far from perfect.”

  “You’re my hero. You always were. I intended to, every night and every day.” She laughed, a bitter taste in her mouth. “You deserved better, and I turned cold from fear.”

  “Of?” He stilled his face and never blinked. She pressed her lips together, unable to speak in that moment.

  She turned her head away, not able to stare at Sean. It was easier to explain to the gleaming floors. She adjusted her hair, opened her mouth, stood up, then answered. “My mother’s new husband believed me to be evil. He owned her, and I never wanted to see him again. They called me a murderer, blaming me for everything she went through. Richard McMillan said on the phone if I ever bothered my mother for anything, he’d put me away.”

  “What happened to Richard?”

  She stared into Sean’s eyes. Did he know this story? How?

  She shrugged. “Five years ago he disappeared after he divorced her. I don’t know, and I don’t care.”

  Sean nodded, coughed, then stood up as well. “What happened to you in New York five years ago?”

  “What are you talking about?” She gazed into his eyes and wondered what he could possibly know so much. “You were getting married.”

  “I made a mistake. And my brothers know. They say someone was arrested, and they helped you without telling you.” Sean sat down. “What happened?”

  Gigi dropped her arms to her sides. “Some jerk thought he had the right to touch me. Said Mom gave him permission. I said no and called the cops before moving back to Paris,” Gigi explained in a cold voice. “And you up and married someone else that day.”

  Sean tugged on his ear. “You never picked up the phone. New York isn’t that far from the Cape. had you done that, you’d have saved me from my marriage to Jennifer.”

  “I didn’t think you’d even talk to me.

  So what’s the current problem?” Sean asked. “I need all the facts.”

  “Daisy Patterson. She owns Richard McMillan’s—”

  “Patterson?” Sean interrupted, and leaned closer to her. “This woman’s last name is Patterson?”

  “Yes. Why?” “Jennifer’s last name was Patterson before. What does this Daisy have on you?” Sean asked.

  She leaned back and crossed her arms.

  Sean reminded her, “Part of letting someone love you is trust. I will help you.”

  Sean would help her. Gigi dropped her arms to her side. Sean’s stormy gaze was not for her. “Daisy has tapes of me that could ruin my life now.”

  Sean shook his head. “What could be that bad?”

  “Me believing I murdered our baby. I said stupid things. I was angry and sad and numb.” She closed her eyes. “I called myself a murderer. At the time the video was taken, I believed every word. I was in a dark place and said stupid stuff. But now she intends to use it against me unless I pay her a million dollars. Once mother’s will is finalized and I get her estate, I planned on paying her off with the money.”

  “We’re not paying her off. And I don’t care whatever is on the tape, and neither should you,” Sean said firmly.

  She stepped backward and shook her head. “I don’t want to ruin my new life.”

  “It won’t,” Sean said in a straight tone. “I’m here now.”

  She bit her lip and stayed still. “I’ve been on my own.”

  “No, you never were. The police were near you in New York because my brothers sent them to you,” Sean told her. “They know you were always my girl, Gigi. Collinses never give up, and you know this about me. It will have to be you that leaves me, Gigi. I’m not capable of leaving you and not wanting to help you.”

  “You’re a glutton for punishment, Sean.” Why were his brothers willing to help? “Thank your brothers for me.”

  “Your mother is dead now.” Sean stood closer. “We lost years because you couldn’t call me and tell me any of this?”

  “Sit.” She pointed. “We’re not done.”

  He sat. She pushed a falling hair off her forehead, then decided to ignore her wet hair. “Antonio, the guy you punched . . .”

  “Yes?” Sean asked with an intense stare. “He works for her. Says if I don’t have the money in twenty-four hours then she’s releasing the files, ruining my name, reputation, and everything forever. Now you have all the details.” She shook her head. “Care to lend me a million dollars?”

  “Geegs, I will fix this, then you will have no more excuses.” Sean stood and went to the door.

  She took a step toward him, but stopped herself. “Where are you going?”

  “I’ll be back. I have calls to make,” Sean called out from the doorway before storming from the room.

  She’d been on the run for most of her life. Now freedom meant she could return to Sean. Trusting Sean calmed her. She stared at the closed door, and her heart fluttered. Could he really help her? Did they stand a chance?

  Chapter 24

  Sean knew he needed to straighten this nonsense out. Ten years lost because of the crazy old lady who raised Gigi. He’d ne
ver call her a mother. Not to Gigi, not to anyone. The name didn’t fit the woman who’d ruined Gigi for men, for life.

  After leaving Gigi’s room, he’d called Liam and Gerard, and they conference called in together. As they talked, Liam took notes on his computer. “Daisy Patterson. Jennifer Patterson. I’m not getting any hits right now, but let me dig deeper. McMillan owned a few businesses, and one of these must be linked to a Patterson.”

  Gerard added, “I’ll look at the case file again. If Gigi doesn’t get the money from her mother’s will, there is a corporation named Rebecca Foundation, LLC, which, despite the name, is not a nonprofit. I’ll take a closer look.”

  “Wait,” Liam interjected. “I might have something soon. If I don’t, when you get back home, have Mom fix up part of the house for Gigi to stay. Our house has more security than Fort Knox with the way the world is right now.”

  The rock in Sean’s stomach churned at the idea. No one had threatened Gigi. To try and calm down, Sean took off his tie and button-down shirt then threw on a tee shirt. “Thanks. I wanted to straighten this out.”

  “No one is paying anyone money for a tape. If someone puts something illegal on the Internet or anything else that stupid, they’ll leave a digital trace.”

  “Destroying Gigi’s name is not what I intend,” Sean said.

  “Then look on the bright side. She’ll be so grateful, she’ll have to marry you when this is over,” Gerard said with a smirk.

  “Gigi deserves better. She needs to want to marry me, not feel obligated to.” Sean gazed at the door. He needed to go back to Gigi. His brothers talked to each other on the video screen until Sean interrupted saying, “Good-night. I’ll call back in the morning.”

  “Tell Gigi we love her and welcome her back into the family,” Liam said.

  With a heavy heart, Sean signed off. His brothers probably thought less of him. They’d dated countless women, and he had never let go of the one. Now he had to see Gigi. A few minutes later, he knocked on her door.

  Finally Gigi opened her door, and quickly motioned him inside. She yawned. “I thought we were done. You charged off to be some white knight protector, saving me from my problems.”

  “They’re being investigated as we speak.” He stepped forward, and she stepped back. “You don’t sound happy. What’s wrong?”

  “What’s the payment for your help? What do you want from me?” she asked, sticking her chin in the air.

  “What do I want?” His eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

  “No one does anything for anyone without wanting something in exchange. It’s what I learned out in the world.” She raised a brow. “What is it you want from me?”

  Did she not know? Or was she teasing him? “Gigi, I’ve wanted to marry you and love you since the day we met. Nothing’s changed.”

  She kept her distance in the room, and circled to the other side. Her long legs exposed kept him glued to her shapely form. “Why haven’t you taken over as the heir to the throne of your father’s vast financial empire?”

  Why was she being so difficult? Touching her would stop the trembling in his stomach. Kissing her would be a way to release of his fantasies today. “I don’t want to talk about me right now. I need to know how you—”

  “Fixing me is overplayed.” Her shoulders went up and down and she stood near her dresser. She took a sip of water. “You are avoiding your destiny. You were the heir apparent.”

  He stepped closer to her then, keeping his voice low, he brought her into his arms. “I can’t be the heir apparent. Not without you.”

  “That’s not a good enough reason. Your family matters to you.” He moved closer to her, and trapped her between the wall and him. Her mouth pushed up with her kissable lips close to his. “And you ignore when I say I need you in my life.”

  “Don’t, Sean.” She traced his chest with her. He settled her hands on his hips. “Don’t, what? Tell me you love me, Gigi.”

  He intended to kiss her, but she turned her head away. Her eyes stared at a wall, and she refused to look at him. With his free hand on her chin, he gently turned her back to him. “Gigi, I need to hear it from you.”

  “And you need to be who you are supposed to be,” she whispered up to him. He traced her body upward and kissed her lightly on her lips. “Running from who you are and want to be is stupid.”

  He held her close, and his awareness of her near-nakedness grew. Red-hot desire coursed through his body. “Damn. You don’t shut up.”

  She drew him closer and kissed him hard on the mouth. Then she deepened the kiss. She pushed him backward onto her bed with her right with him.

  He fell on top her. Her body trembled and his hand hovered over her moist center without touching her.

  Gigi closed her eyes and let sensation overtake her. Sean pressed on the fold near her hips, and remembered how limber she had become when her muscles relaxed. “Hurry, lover. I can’t stop, not now.”

  He kissed her again, and his fingers trailed to her stomach, massaging her muscles. He stared at her generous breasts, then took his time with her stomach. She moaned then she moved to her other breast.

  “Sean . . .” Her breath caught in her throat and her arms tightened around him.

  He took her nipple into his mouth and she moaned, arching backward. His mouth went back to the other breast. She continued to sigh and tremble. His fingers trailed south.

  She played with his hair. “You’re making me lightheaded.”

  “We both know you’re hot for me,” he growled. “I’m checking your temperature.”

  “Thermal at the moment.” Her hands traced him, then she reached underneath his clothes, and squeezed his backside. He tore himself away then practically ripped off his pants. She traced her hands down his body. She needed him. Gigi had been the girl he’d loved and lost and found again. How did he get so lucky?

  “Not a day went by without me wanting you back, Geegs.”

  Her skin flushed and she shivered. Then she answered him. “No… more… waiting.”

  Waiting tortured him, and she pushed him to join her. She was so close to her release. He kissed her lightly, rolled back, and found his condom. She winked at him, and he rushed. Finally, he positioned himself over her. They’d go slow later, much later.

  She twisted her legs around him, drew him closer, and he trailed tender kisses on the nape of her neck. She opened for him and he thrust himself into her.

  She let out a satisfied moan and her body set a frantic pace. One he was only too happy to keep up with, her cries sweeter than any symphony on stage.

  Chapter 25

  Someone tapped her on the shoulder. Gigi refused to move and jerked her arm under the cover. A strong hand traced her shoulder then Sean’s voice told her, “You overslept, Geegs. The students must be hungry.”

  Fluttering open her eyes, she stared at her surroundings slowly, and tried in vain to filter out the light. Sean had opened the blinds leaving her no way to fall back into the blissful darkness.

  Her eyes narrowed. Sean had totally dressed. She whiffed the air. And he was fresh from a shower smell. Then her lips opened. His body should be illegal for teenagers to see in a T-shirt and those jeans. She sat up, staring hard at his muscular torso, and remembered how complete Sean’s size had made her cry out for him. With a smile, she blinked and asked in a yawn, “What time is it?”

  “Eight forty-five. You have fifteen minutes, Geegs. The tour bus for Normandy will be waiting.”

  No. She raced out of bed to the shower. “I’ll be ready in ten. Then we need to talk.”

  The towel he threw at her stopped her in her tracks. She stared at his blue eyes, and sighed. “Good morning.”

  “I like this greeting better.” He kissed her forehead. “Morning, Gigi.” He stepped back and told her, “Get moving.”

  She reached up and she caressed her throat. Then she ran. She closed the bathroom door behind her, turned on the water and hopped in the shower. Today she’d be an
adult, and stick to her plan to run. The water refreshed her, and woke her up.

  She had a slight reprieve from the lie she planned on telling today.

  Running might not be her answer, but she couldn’t let herself sway in this.

  She tripped over her shoe in a rush, and still, she had no idea what she planned on wearing. She grabbed her robe and intended to take the first outfit in the closet. Then with a fast glance around the room, she saw a clean shirt and jeans folded neatly on the vanity. Sean must have taken care of her. Sweet. Sean was the best. She threw on her clothes, and exited the bathroom. He had already left the room. He must have gone downstairs. Then she found her shoes and a pair of earrings. She glanced around then left.


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