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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Rescuing Annabeth (Kindle Worlds) (Team Cerberus Book 2)

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by Melissa Kay Clarke

  The first gray streaks of sunrise lightened the sky and peeked in through the mostly drawn curtains casting pink shadows across Annabeth’s face. Looking over at the beauty beside him, he tenderly slid one strand of her crimson hair away from her face, marveling at his luck at having her in his life. Hick knew as a SEAL there wasn't a shortage of women who clamored for his attention. In the past, he had his share of one-night stands, and it had been fine; in fact, it had been preferable. A standing relationship had never been a priority for him, much to his mother's chagrin. Even though she had twin granddaughters, courtesy of Hick's younger brother, Elijah, she took every chance to remind him he wasn't getting any younger. With the announcement of his older sister, Antonia's engagement, he hoped to avoid more grumblings. Instead, it only made it worse.

  Then along came Annabeth, his beautiful "Georgia" and changed all his perceptions. He remembered only too well how stunning she had been at River and Joselyn's wedding last year. He and Toad were flirting with a couple of bridesmaids when he caught sight of the curvy vision in a form-fitting teal dress with her mass of red ringlets pinned high on her head. He watched her closely as she moved around the room, talking to guests, running interference for the newlyweds and taking care of whatever task was necessary including cutting the cake. He excused himself from the ladies, leaving them in Toad’s care and took the initiative to join her in handing out pieces of the confection. The gentle flirting turned into dances full of innuendos and eventually an unforgettable weekend in her hotel ordering room service and exploring each other intimately. It had ended too quickly for his liking.

  A soft sigh followed by a movement from beside him brought Hick's thoughts back to the present. Leaning over, he gently kissed Annabeth's forehead and untangled himself from her embrace. She reached for him in her sleep, so he pressed his pillow into her arms and watched her snuggle up to it before succumbing to deeper sleep. Slipping from the bed, he threw on his workout clothes and went for a run. He may not have PT this morning, but it didn't give him an excuse to forego exercising completely. As a member of the elite Navy SEALs, he needed to keep his body in fine condition. Plus, he enjoyed the running. It gave him time to work out things in his head.

  The “none” relationship with Annabeth had become so much more than he ever thought it would be. Given the fact they lived on opposite sides of the country, and both had jobs that made wrangling a relationship almost impossible, they mutually agreed to keep things casual. He had tried reverting to the fun-loving playboy he had been before, but it was no use. Since meeting Annabeth, every woman he met was a pale imitation of the vivacious woman that had stolen his heart that first night and held it hostage since. If only they lived closer together, he would convenience her they were meant for each other.

  He frowned as he worked his way through the early dawn streets of Annabeth's neighborhood. Then again, he had an impossible job that threw a giant monkey wrench in the works. As it was, they had to be satisfied with a few stolen days here and there. Annabeth was funny, beautiful, charming, witty and so damned sexy. Everything about her intrigued him body and soul. However, this life was difficult on those kinds of relationships. While it was true he knew many SEALs with healthy ones; the odds were decidedly against them. As much as he would like a more permanent arrangement with Annabeth, he couldn’t see dragging her into the uncertainty that it represented. As was par the course when his thoughts filled with the subject of their predicament, he found no solution for the situation.

  An hour later, he returned to her condo and let himself in with the key she had pressed into his hand last night. "Just in case I manage to lock us both out again," she had told him with a glimmer in her eyes. The apartment was quiet even though the sun had already topped the skyline. Annabeth enjoyed her sleep time, and he'd kept her awake much later than she was accustomed to last night. He grinned broadly at the memory of their antics and a quote from one of his brother SEALs flashed through his mind. You can sleep with a brunette, and you can sleep with a blonde, but take a ginger to bed, and nobody sleeps. Hick snorted. Toad had a quote for any situation if there was a woman involved. He had a well-deserved reputation for being a man-slut; one of which he was insanely proud. Up until meeting Annabeth, Hick had admired the easy way his buddy could catch women. Now, it seemed lonely somehow, and he felt sorry for him.

  At the thought of her name, the desire to rejoin her in bed overwhelmed him. Tamping it down, he reminded himself he needed a shower. There may be uncertainty about the distance between them normally, but he was here now, and he intended to make the most of it. That included taking care of his woman and making her breakfast. He sniffed his armpit and frowned. He was ripe - first a shower and then breakfast. Mustering his willpower, he bypassed her bedroom, grabbed his bag and hurried into the bathroom.

  Standing in the kitchen twenty minutes later, Hick laughed when he opened the refrigerator. Inside were two eggs, a half a stick of butter, three sad apples, a bag of stale chips and a drawer full of brown sugar and vanilla candles. He never understood the reason for putting candles in the fridge. According to a Google search online it was supposed to make them last longer, but he wasn't sure he believed that. Wax melted when you burned it. What did the starting temperature have to do with it? Heat was heat.

  The cabinet wasn't much better, but she did have some staples. She had once warned Hick she rarely cooked, and so kept very few groceries. Mentally taking inventory, he ran through the recipes in his mind and found one that was possible. Reaching inside, he pulled out flour, sugar, canned milk, and a few other items. That was joined by the eggs, butter, and apples that were just this side of turning bad, but he could salvage enough for his purpose. By the time she padded into the kitchen, yawning with her hair in snarled curls around her head, he had breakfast ready.

  "Did you cook pancakes?" she asked sleepily.

  "Mhmm. Here, have some coffee, and I'll fix your plate."

  Annabeth poured a cup of the dark brew and dropped into a chair at her table. Hick set a plate stacked tall with brown syrup dripping down the side in front of her. Taking his stack, he sat beside her and dug in.

  "Oh my God, what did you do?" she asked around a mouthful. "Is that apple?"

  Hick nodded and swallowed. "Cinnamon apple pancakes with homemade caramel syrup. It's one of my favorites, and luckily, you had the ingredients but just barely. Your pantry looks sadder than mine, and that's saying something. At least I have the excuse of being out of the country a lot. You're here every day."

  "You know I rather order out than try to cook. Gracie got the baking genes in my family. She's a lot like you - she can make anything. Honestly, I am shocked you found something edible. I hope you checked the expiration dates before using it."

  "Don't worry, Georgia. I'm not going to poison you. Enjoy your meal. The sooner you get done, the sooner you can get your work finished and the sooner I can have you all to myself."

  With renewed vigor, she dug into the hot pancakes, stopping only long enough to swallow some coffee or to moan appreciatively. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as she enjoyed her meal, finally pushing back the plate with a satisfied burp. Hick scooted his chair back and pulled her to him. Settling her into his lap, he wrapped his arms around her. She squealed and tried to get up. "Hick! I'm too heavy. I'll break your legs or at least a chair."

  He snorted. "Woman, I've had to carry full-grown men for miles before. You in my lap won't hurt me. Besides, I like you where I can have my wicked way with you. Easy access and all that stuff."

  She settled into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Have your wicked way, huh? What does that entail exactly?"

  Hick's hand slid up from where it rested against her hip. Slipping it into the opening where her robe closed, he splayed his hand across her warm skin as he pressed nips and kisses along her collarbone. "A little of this," he whispered huskily.

  He loved how her forest green eyes darkened to jade with the desire rising in her. She
was so responsive to his every touch, letting him know in no uncertain terms how he affected her.

  "A little of that."

  "Hick," she whispered as her head fell back and he resumed nibbling at her neck.

  Fire licked his blood when she clung to him with trembling fingers. She wanted him as badly as he did her. Well, who was he to deny them both what they needed? His fingers found the knot of her robe and deftly untied it with one hand. Slowly, he pulled the thick terry cloth material off her shoulder, peppering the creamy, speckled expanse with tender kisses. Nipping her playfully, he smoothed away the sting with more kisses until her fingers dug into his arm and she squirmed in his lap. He dipped his finger into the sticky remnants of his homemade caramel sauce and painted a line from her collarbone over the plump swell of her left breast. He felt her enflamed gaze as he licked the finger clean then dove in, tracing the path with his lips. As before, Annabeth squirmed and whimpered, arching against him and pressing her heated flesh to his lips.

  "Please," she whispered, her voice going low and sultry.

  Hick couldn't keep the smugness from his voice. "Please drive you insane? Yes, I believe I will."

  She squealed as he made animalistic growls and pinched her skin with his teeth. Quickly, he shoved the robe down her arms until she was bared for his perusal. "So damn beautiful," his words were filled with heat. With a push, he sent the empty plates flying across the table to clatter to the floor spraying droplets of syrup everywhere.

  "Now my floor is all sticky," she admonished.

  "That's not all that's going to be sticky when I get through with you," he retorted. He picked her up as if she weighed nothing and sat her on the edge of the table amidst protests.

  "If you break my table," she warned.

  "I'll buy you another one. Hush, Georgia."

  The satisfied smile his nickname for her brought to her face made him smirk. Quickly that smile turned to gasps and then moans when his teeth nipped at the tender flesh above her knee. He felt her fingers slide into his hair and hold on. She loved the little love bites almost as much as he loved giving them to her.

  Her gasps and moans filled the air as he continued to tease her with lips and fingers until she was panting. Standing, he scooped her into his arms. "That table is a little too unyielding for what I want," he murmured.

  She slipped her arms around his neck and laid her fevered cheek against his shoulder as he carried her down the hall to the bedroom. The sticky smack of his syrup covered footsteps was the only sound in the stillness of her condo until they were replaced with pleas then shouts at the culmination of their shared passion.

  Annabeth watched Hick rinse the mop out from where he had just finished cleaning up their post-breakfast activities. Placing it in the broom closet, he emptied the bucket and washed it out in the tub.

  "How long do you think you'll be?" he asked her as he stood.

  She checked her makeup in the mirror and lifted her shoulders gently. "Couple of hours or less? It all depends on traffic. However, other than a conference call this afternoon at three with Joselyn and four of my other clients about the Phoenix convention next month, I should be free." She turned around and smiled warmly at him. "Think you'll survive that long?"

  He sighed overly dramatically. "I guess so. It'll be difficult, but I think I can manage it."

  She turned back to the mirror then leaned back as his strong arms wrapped around her waist.

  "Careful, Hick, you squeeze anymore, and my girls are going to pop out and wave hello."

  He laughed against her neck sending goosebumps along her skin. "If they do, I'll kiss them good morning again."

  She shivered. "Keep talking that way, and I'll not make it out of the house."

  "I'm still trying to find something wrong with that."

  The teasing made tingles of need slice through her blood. Swallowing, she forced her voice into a normal tone. "You make it hard for me."

  Slowly he ground his hips against her. "No, baby, you're making me hard for you."

  "Hick." Her breath became labored as her face flushed and her eyes fluttered closed.

  He ran his palms over the swell of her cleavage. Finally, with a pained groan, he withdrew his hands and took a step back. Clearing his throat, he adopted a teasing tone. "Okay, enough primping; you're beautiful enough. I don't want some random guy to see my Georgia and think he can get her."

  She laughed softly. This is one of the things she so enjoyed about him - his sense of humor and how he never failed to make her smile.

  "Well that depends," she teased. "A girl has to hear all the options. If he can up the ante for all this hotness, I may have to trade you in."

  He made a frown, poking his lip out. "Aw, now, Georgia. You're breaking my heart here."

  She tried not to laugh, but it was useless. She broke into a giggle that became a full belly laugh. "Don't worry; most likely nobody can take your place."

  "Just most likely, eh?" He growled and bit her ear, tugging it gently.

  "Don't swallow my earring. They were my mom's, and I am not above dousing you with castor oil to get it back."

  He laughed and started to tickle her. "Mean woman."

  She squealed and pulled away. "Stop it, Hick. I have to go, or I'll be late."

  He sighed dramatically but allowed her to pull away. He followed as Annabeth grabbed her cell off the charger and headed for the door. She stopped and turned, wrapping her arm around his shoulders and pulled him down. Cupping her palm against his cheek, she rose on her toes and kissed him gently. His arms twined around her as he pulled her tightly to him. The tender kiss turned passionate as he feasted on her lips until they both gasped for breath. She held on to him then reluctantly let him go.

  "Take care, yeah?"

  "Geez, Hick, I'm only going to be gone a little while. It's not like I'm going to drop off the face of the Earth."

  "I know, Georgia. Just hurry so you can come back. While you are gone, I'll find another puzzle."

  "I think it's my turn, isn't it? I haven't answered your last one. Monsters Inc., by the way."

  He shrugged. "That's good enough. You got it. Go ahead; I'll have to think of a good one and have it ready for you."

  "I'm always ready." The twinkle in her eye had nothing to do with puzzles.

  He groaned. "Georgia. You're killing me, babe."

  Yeah, they were flame and gasoline when they were together, and it was obvious they both were pyromaniacs. The half-hearted smile filled her with longing to say the hell with the appointment and follow him back into her bedroom. Steeling herself, she instead turned away and opened the door. It took all her strength to walk away from him, but somehow she managed.

  Moments later, as she flew down the interstate, her mind turned to the handsome man she had left behind. He had bulldozed into her life right as she had resigned herself to a being alone. There were other dates, but nothing that could be considered serious. Not that she and Hick were serious, exactly, but they did enjoy spending time with each other. He was funny, smart, sexy, passionate, hot.

  So hot.

  Lord, that man could melt a pair of asbestos drawers off a nun.

  She shook her head and checked her speed. As was usual, when her thoughts turned to Hick, her foot tended to get a tad heavy. Easing up a bit, she moved into another lane and resumed her line of thought.

  She and Hick had been seeing each other for just over a year. In that time, they had shared hundreds of Skype and telephone calls as well as more emails and texts than she could remember. Even though they had agreed to keep their relationship in the realm of friends with benefits, she couldn't lie to herself. What she felt for Hick went far and beyond simple friendship. She had been head over heels in infatuation with him almost from that first night. Whenever they managed to find time to spend together face to face, it got harder to part. Now he was here, in her home, and already she dreaded seeing him leave tomorrow evening. If she had known he was coming, she would have resched
uled today, but she couldn't do that on such short notice. On the one hand, it was just a couple of hours. She could get it done and get back to him.

  Back to them.

  Giving herself a mental shake, Annabeth turned her thoughts away from her very real feelings for Hick and onto the matter at hand. Today, she was giving a talk at the local community college on Artistic Representation. Sure, it wasn't glamorous, and there probably wouldn't be but a handful of people there, but she enjoyed sharing her passion with others. Not only that but she was thinking seriously about taking on an apprentice to help with the load. Her business was expanding at an unbelievable rate. She knew the recent success of Joselyn Chambers was a direct reflection of her abilities as an agent. What the two of them had managed together was nothing short of amazing.

  As she pulled into the parking lot, her cell phone rang. Picking it up, she couldn't help but smile as Hick's name filled the screen. Punching the button, she chuckled. "Can't wait for me to get home?"

  The smile fell when she heard his pained tone.

  "Hey. Georgia, baby, I've been called in. I'm sorry."

  Swallowing hard she nodded, working to keep the disappointment from her voice. "Oh, when do you leave?"

  "Now. I've got to report back in eighteen hours. The only flight out is in two hours." She heard the sounds of things being moved in the background. Most likely, he was packing his duffle bag.

  "And you have no idea how long you'll be gone?"

  "No, you know how it goes. It could be days or weeks."

  Annabeth wiped at her eyes, and her voice dropped to a whisper. "Yeah, I know how it goes." Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly then stiffened her spine. "You better take care of yourself, okay?"

  The chuckle sounded forced. "You know I will. And Georgia? I did want to spend this time with you. Nothing less than my job would have pulled me away. You believe me?"


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