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Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick

Page 47

by Lawrence Sutin

  41 Ojai catalogue: In PKD Estate Archives.

  42 Life at Ojai: Letters, PKD to Dorothy Hudner, October 1942 and May 1943 (undated).

  42-43 PKD on schools: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, March 17, 1974.

  43 Vertigo: C. 10 of Anne Dick, Search. Seventh-grade anxieties: Letter, PKD to Isa Dick, December 26, 1981.

  44 Little Jackie: C 5 of Martian Time-Slip (1964).

  Chapter 3: Forward Into The "Real" World

  PKD's works: "Stability," unpublished short story from high school days, in PKD Estate Archives. Gather Yourselves Together, unpublished novel written c. 1949-50, in PKD Estate Archives.

  46 House and Dorothy: Gerald Ackerman, "Remembrances of Philip K. Dick," October 1983, eight-page typed memoir in PKD Estate Archives.

  46 Disembarrassed state: Interview of Dick Daniels by Anne Dick, 1982 or 1983 (tape transcribed by author). On Margaret Wolfson: PKD handwritten notepad journal, 1970, in PKD Estate Archives. PKD in high school: author's interview with Margaret Wolfson, February 1986.

  46-47 Super hard in high school: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, October 29, 1974.

  47 Polio: Author's interview with George Kohler, March 1986. Musical interests: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968). Devising tricks and amour propre: Interview of Dick Daniels by Anne Dick, 1982 or 1983 (tape transcribed by author). Concert hall fears: Author's interview with Dick Daniels, February 1986.

  47-48 Complaints against others: Interview of Dick Daniels by Anne Dick, 1982 or 1983 (tape transcribed by author)

  48 Idios kosmos: PKD essay, "Schizophrenia & The Book of Changes," Niekas, No. 11, March 1965.

  48 Hand-holding: Gerald Ackerman, "Reminiscences of Philip K. Dick," October 1983.

  49 Physics test voice. Exegesis 001 (1980).

  49 Not confused: Author's interview with George Kohler, March 1986. Over worked intuitive processes: Author's interview with Barry Spatz, March 1986.

  50 Teen experience with psychiatrist: D. Scott Apel, ed., Philip K. Dick: The Dream Connection (San Diego: Permanent Press, 1987), p. 63.

  50 Rorschach test: Letter, PKD to J'Ann Forgue, November 23, 1970. Diagnosis of agoraphobia: Author's interview with Barry Spatz, March 1986. PKD's use of schizophrenia and his "hypochondriacal" tendencies: Author's interview with Anne Dick, February 1986.

  51 Admired control of outside world: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  52 Twenty-first birthday: Letter, PKD to Herb Hollis, December 16, 1949, in PKDS Newsletter #11, May 1986.

  52 War over: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, February 20, 1975.

  52-53 Phil not loose around Hollis: Author's interview with Dick Daniels, February 1986.

  53 KSMO copy: Typed MS. page in PKD Estate Archives. Much of PKD's work "palpably autobiographical": Exegesis 014 (1978).

  54 Fergesson opens shop: Part 1, "Morning," in Voices from the Street, unpublished PKD mainstream novel written c. 1952-53, MS. in PKD Estate Archives.

  54 Bulero memo: Opening epigram for The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1965).

  54-55 Anti-hero and ultimate surrealism: Interview of PKD by Uwe Anton in Metz, France, August 1977 (transcript in PKD Estate Archives).

  55 Radio speakers and traffic lights: Gregg Rickman, Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament (Long Beach, Calif.: Fragments West/The Valentine Press, 1985) pp. 3-4.

  55 No bill for labor: Interview of PKD by Uwe Anton in Metz, France, August 1977. Moving out of house: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, October 29, 1974.

  55-56 Dorothy's version of move: Letter, Dorothy Hudner to Tessa Dick, August 10, 1977.

  56 Oedipal conquest: C. 1 of Anne Dick, Search. 1981 journal entry: From typed thirteen-page MS. written on November 13, 1981, in PKD Estate Archives.

  56 Duncan, opera, and marijuana: Gerald Ackerman, "Reminiscences of Philip K. Dick," October 1983

  57 Disc recordings: Ackerman quoted in Ekbert Faas, Young Robert Duncan: Portrait of the Poet as Homosexual in Society (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Black Sparrow Press, 1983), p. 253.

  57 Advance up the ladder: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968). PKD on Berkeley and SF fans: Interview with PKD by Richard Lupoff on KPFA, November 1977 (tape transcribed by author)

  57 Concern over homosexual flirtations: Author's interview with Gerald Ackerman, September 1986

  58 Phil as erratic driver: Author's interview with Vincent Lusby, February 1986.

  58-59 Getting Phil laid- Author's interview with Vincent Lusby, February 1986.

  59 Edgar on Jeanette: Interview of J. Edgar Dick by Gregg Rickman, 1982 (tape transcribed by author).

  59 Phil and Jeanette's apartment. Gerald Ackerman, "Reminiscences of Philip K Dick," October 1983.

  59-60 Treasure sold dearly- C 5 of Gather Yourselves Together.

  60 Tessa on his first marriage: Letter, Tessa Dick to author, July 21, 1986.

  60 Connie Barbour. Interviews with Kleo Mini by author, February and July 1986.

  61 Consciousness and freedom of expression: Letter, Phil to Mary, undated. Betty Jo, turning green, movie-type romance- Author's interview with Betty Jo Rivers, February 1986

  61 PKD didn't fit into her circles. C. 11 of Anne Dick, Search. Inscriptions in books: Author's interview with Betty Jo Rivers, February 1986. German myth: C. I I of Anne Dick, Search. Phil's attraction- C. 11 of Anne Dick, Search.

  62 Fantasizing someone to share the pressure: Author's interview with Betty Jo Rivers

  62 Expelled from U Cal: "Introduction" to PKD story collection The Golden Man (New York: Berkley, 1980), p. xvi.

  63 Horrible experiences at U Cal: Author's interview with Iskandar Guy, February 1986.

  63 On nervous breakdown: Paul Williams, Only Apparently Real (New York: Arbor House, 1986), pp. 52-54

  64 Treatment notes for The Earthshaker, written c. 1947: From typed MS. pages in PKD Estate Archives.

  64 Carl's sexual disillusionment: C. 16 of Gather Yourselves Together.

  Chapter 4: A Real Writer At Last

  Books and articles: Michael Ashley, ed., The History of the Science Fiction Magazine, Vol. 2: 1936-1945 (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1975) and Vol. 3: 1946-1955 (Chicago- Contemporary Books, 1976); Richard Lupoff, "Introduction" to reprint of PKD story collection A Handful of Darkness (Boston: Gregg Press, 1978); Jeff Wagner, "In the World He Was Writing About: The Life of Philip K Dick," Foundation 34, Autumn 1985.

  PKD's works and letters: Interview with PKD included in Russell Hill, Reflections of the Future (Ginn and Company, 1975); correspondence between PKD and Horace Gold, 1954, in PKD Estate Archives.

  Author's interviews: With Richard Lupoff, February 1986; with Evelyn Glaubman, February 1986; with Harlan Ellison, March 1986; with Norman Spinrad, March 1986; with Alexandra Apostolides, August 1986; with Gladys Fabun, August 1986.


  67-68 Restaurant date and marriage proposal: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  68 On Dorothy and the wedding ceremony: Ibid.

  68-69 Francisco Street house: C. 2 of Radio Free Albemuth (1985).

  69 Rejections and kitchen mice: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  70 On Anthony Boucher: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968).

  70 One initial premise: Author's interview with Ron Goulart, May 1986.

  70 Success of fantasy story: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968).

  70-71 Boris barking: "Roog" (1953).

  71 PKD on "Roog": PKD contribution (along with Michael Moorcock and Fritz Leiber) to "First Sale," Unearth, Winter 1979. Letter instead of rejection slip: "Afterthoughts by the Author" in story collection, The Best of Philip K. Dick (New York: Ballantine, 1977), p. 446. Mailing off stories: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968).

  72 Mini pun: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  72 Second nervous breakdown: Paul Williams, Only Apparently Real (New York: Arbor House, 1986), p. 55. Sense of stuffiness: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  73 SF never had it so good: Michael Ashley, ed., The Histo
ry of the Science Fiction Magazine, Vol. 3: 1946-1955 (Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1976), p. 84.

  74 Stories written when life simpler: "Afterthoughts by the Author," The Best of Philip K. Dick, p. 444.

  74 Towel attack: "Colony" (1953).

  74-75 On "Colony": "Afterthoughts by the Author," The Best of Philip K. Dick, p. 447.

  75 Refusal to sell to Gold: PKD "Memoir," in Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander, eds., Galaxy: Thirty Years of Innovative Science Fiction (New York: Playboy Press, 1980), p. 239.

  75 Shadrach carried: "The King of the Elves" (1953). SF and fantasy: PKD, "My Definition of SF," Just SF 1 (1981): 1.

  75-76 Inner-projection stories: Interview of PKD by Richard Lupoff on KPFA, November 1977 (tape transcribed by author).

  76 Private love: Letter, PKD to Mr. Haas, September 16, 1954.

  76 Olham robot: "Impostor" (1953). On "Human Is": "Afterthoughts of the Author," The Best of Philip K. Dick (New York: Ballantine, 1977), p. 449.

  76 Archetypal Campbell story: John W. Campbell quoted in Frederik Pohl, The Way the Future Was: A Memoir (New York: Ballantine, 1978), pp. 87-88.

  76 Campbell on Phil's fiction and psionics: PKD "Memoir," in Pohl, Greenberg, and Olander, eds., Galaxy, pp. 238-39.

  77 Publishers unable to find distributors: Frederik Pohl, The Way the Future Was, pp. 233-34. Movies difficult: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  78 Doesn't dress well: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, May 27, 1978.

  78 Lucky Dog Pet Store: PKD "Introduction" to The Golden Man (New York: Berkley, 1980), pp. xv-xvi.

  78 Kleo on Phil's sense of humiliation: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  79 James Joyce but not blind: Ibid. Reading Maimonides: Gregg Rickman, Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament (Long Beach, Calif.: Fragments West/ The Valentine Press, 1985), p. 2. Kleo on Maimonides story, mystical unity, and animism: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  79-80 Figure standing by bed: Interview of PKD by Richard Lupoff on KPFA, November 1977 (tape transcribed by author). Kleo's memory of it: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  80 Marion's illness: Author's interview with Lynne Cecil, February 1986.

  80-81 Dorothy on Marion's death: From two typed journal pages by Dorothy dated November 18, 1952 (copies of these pages provided to author by Lynne Cecil).

  81 PKD and Joseph Hudner: Author's interview with Iskandar Guy, February 1986.

  81 Visit to Edgar: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986. Droves of small boys: PKD pulp magazine author's note, September-October 1953, quoted in "Introduction" by Richard Lupoff to reprint of PKD story collection A Handful of Darkness (Boston: Gregg Press, 1978), p. viii.

  82 Fans as trolls: PKD note quoted in Lupoff, "Introduction," A Handful of Darkness, p. x. SF writer in Cassandra role: PKD, "Pessimism in Science Fiction," Oblique, December 1955.

  82 Van Vogt's advice: "Waterspider" (1964). Van Vogt's suit: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986. SF writer's lot: Author's interview with Poul Anderson, February 1986.

  83 PKD analyzed everything: Author's interview with Virginia Lusby, February 1986. Bad party experience: Author's interview with Vincent Lusby, February 1986. Herb Gold autograph: PKD "Introduction" to The Golden Man (New York: Berkley, 1980), p. xxv.

  83-84 FBI agents and seeing the U.S.A.: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  84 Phil on his parents: Interview of Iskandar Guy by Anne Dick, 1982 (tape transcribed by author).

  85 Phil's affair: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986. Proud of his ex-mistress: Author's interview with Anne Dick, February 1986.

  85-86 Switch from stories to novels: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968).

  86 Mainstream dream: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  86-87 Wrote SF because it was happening: Author's interview with Iskandar Guy, February 1986.

  87 Perfect works: Author's interview with Vincent Lusby, February 1986. Falling back on SF tricks: Interview of John Gildersleeve by Gregg Rickman, c. 1985 (tape transcribed by author). Making Gildersleeve a character, PKD's typing speed: Interview of John Gildersleeve by Anne Dick, 1982 (tape transcribed by author).

  87 Strange behavior: Author's interview with Chuck Bennett, February 1986.

  88 On Solar Lottery: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986. SF stories and novels: Unpublished typed MS. "Foreword" to PKD story collection The Preserving Machine (1969), in PKD Estate Archives.

  89-90 Wollheim on SF, PKD, their 1969 encounter, and life at Ace: Author's interview with Donald Wollheim, June 1986.

  91 Marxist sociological view: Exegesis 011 (1979-80).

  91 Blurbs: From back cover and front inside page of first edition of Eye in the Sky (1957). The eye: C. 7 of Eye in the Sky.

  92 Wyn's requested changes: Author's interviews with Pool Anderson, February 1986, and Donald Wollheim, June 1986. Hallucinated worlds: Exegesis 019 (1978). Captain Video and Kleo's response: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  93 Wollheim on PKD mainstream efforts: Author's interview with Donald Wollheim, June 1986.

  93-94 Love scene: C. 17 of Puttering in a Small Land (w. 1957, p. 1985).

  95 Soft-drink stand: C. 3 of Time Out of Joint (1959).

  95-96 Same novel written over and over: Exegesis 015 (1978).

  96 Einstein's theory: Letter, PKD to Alexander Topchiev, February 4, 1958.

  Chapter 5: Phil Falls In Love

  Books and articles: Above and beyond direct citations, I am indebted to Anne Dick's unpublished biography, Search for Philip K. Dick, which contains much fascinating material on her years with PKD. See also Ludwig Binswanger, "The Case of Ellen West," in Rollo May et al., eds., Existence (New York: Basic Books, 1958), and the essay "Extravagance," in Being-in-the-World: Selected Papers of Ludwig Binswanger (New York: Harper and Row, 1968).

  PKD's works: Exegesis 013 (1978).

  Author's interviews: With Hatte Blejer, January 1986; with Miriam Lloyd, February 1986; with Lynne Cecil, February 1986; with Vincent and Virginia Lusby, February 1986; with Iskandar Cuy, February 1986.


  98 Minor SF writer: C. I of Anne Dick, Search for Philip K. Dick.

  98-99 Conversationalist: Ibid.

  99 Say things straight-faced: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, August 1988.

  99 Declaration of love: C. I of Anne Dick, Search. Charisma: Author's interview with Anne Dick. February 1986.

  100 Namby-pamby: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986. Nat Anteil in court: PKD mainstream novel Confessions of a Crap Artist (w. 1959, p. 1975). One thing too much: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.

  101-101 PKD after phone call: Letter, PKD to Anne Dick, December 27, 1958.

  101 Intolerance: Ibid. On San Francisco Renaissance: Letter, PKD to Walter Lanferman, December 30. 1958.

  101-102 Don't read crap: Author's interview with Javnc Brown, February 1986.

  102 Adults don't feel well: Ibid. Perfectly good wife: C. I of Anne Dick, Search. You don't throw away good friends: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986. I am punished: Exegesis 013 (1978).

  103 Ace, the lowest of the low, preferred fantasy: C. I of Anne Dick, Search. Twenty-year effort: Ibid.

  103 Lunchtime talks: Ibid.

  104 PKD's life: Letter, PKD to Eleanor Dimoff, February 1, 1960, published as PKDS pamphlet #1 (1983).


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