Right There with You
Page 6
“Hey, it's okay,” he soothed as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him so my hands and face were against his chest and his chin rested on my head. “Come on, let's sit down.”
He led me into my room and sat down on my single bed, his back against the wall. He pulled me down with him so I could lean into his side.
“I'm so sorry,” I sobbed, feeling pathetic. “It's just been such a long week.”
“I know, Shorty. It's okay. I'm here if you want to talk about it,” he said gently, giving my arm a squeeze. He listened without interrupting as I told him everything that had happened that night, whilst he stroked my hair. After I'd gotten through the whole story I'd calmed down considerably.
“Thanks for listening, Adam. You didn't have to. I don't know what I'd have done without you tonight.” I glanced at the alarm clock and noticed it was almost one. “This morning,” I corrected myself.
“It's no problem, Jamie,” he smiled as he continued stroking my hair. “What else are flatmates for?” He grinned. “Maybe you should text Jason?”
“I doubt he wants to hear from me,” I sighed, wondering just how pathetic he now thought I was.
“Don't be so negative,” he scolded. “Guys always want to hear from hot girls,” he said with a wink.
I opened my mouth to argue but he interrupted me.
“Now!” he demanded with a grin.
I sighed and rolled off the bed to fetch my mobile from my jeans pocket. I clicked the power button and saw that I had missed two texts. I opened my inbox and checked the first, sent at just after midnight, around the time Simon had taken me home.
Please text me when you
get home. I'm sorry if I caused
problems for you tonight.
Please forgive me! :(
Jason x
He was worried he'd caused problems for me? That made no sense. I frowned opening the next message, which I'd received about half an hour later.
Please let me know you got
home okay little squirrel.
I'm going mad worrying about you
here. I don't care how
late it is, please text me.
I really am sorry.
Oh no, after putting him through all that, now I'd made him worry as well because I'd been too busy crying my eyes out like a pathetic baby. Adam had been able to read the messages over my shoulder and he squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.
“See, he's not mad or anything, he just wants to know that you're okay. He climbed off the bed and stretched out his arms as he yawned. “Are you going to be okay, Jamie?”
“Yeah, thank you,” I smiled up at him.
“I'll leave you in peace to text him back,” he smiled back at me. “Just knock on my door if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Adam. You're a star,” I said as he gave me a quick hug and let himself out of my room. I quickly typed out a reply to Jason.
Hi Jason. Sorry, I
only just saw your
texts. I'm home safe
I'm so sorry about
everything :( I'm so
JL x
I plugged my phone into the charger and curled up underneath the duvet, allowing myself to drift off to sleep.
Sunday, 23rd September 2012
I woke up the next morning, feeling like I'd barely slept. I rolled over and checked the time on my phone. It was already nine. I groaned and sat up with a throbbing headache. I had a reply from Jason from last night; he'd sent it just a few minutes after my text.
You have nothing to
Be embarrassed about.
I'm just glad you're ok.
Sleep tight! x
I smiled, relieved that he didn't seem too annoyed about everything that had happened last night. His text reminded me that I had yet to face the real consequences. I groaned again and headed to the bathroom to find some Paracetamol.
I made for the kitchen, taking my phone with me. Emma and Sarah were there with Bradley. I said good morning to them all as I grabbed some orange juice from my shelf in the fridge. That was exactly what I needed. I felt my headache lift somewhat as the citrus taste washed down my throat. I sat at the kitchen table with the others and sent a quick text to Craig saying everything was okay but asking him to call me when he had a chance.
I listened to my flatmates talking excitedly about everything they'd done over freshers’ week. They made me realise that I'd been living on my own for over a week now. I can't believe how fast it's gone, and lectures start tomorrow! The thought made me smile, I can't wait to get started. I washed and dried my glass, putting it away just as my phone started to ring.
“Hi, Craig,” I answered, waving to my flatmates as I headed back to my room.
“Morning, Jelly. What's up?” He asked. He sounded pretty cheerful. I felt guilty, knowing I was about to put him in a foul mood.
“Nothing, I just needed to talk to you,” I said hesitantly.
“What's happened?” He said, his tone changing instantly.
I wasn't really sure where to begin. “I ran into your friend Simon last night,” I said, swallowing nervously.
“Simon?” He said, sounding confused. “Simon as in… hold up, were you at his fight last night?” He spat as he put two and two together.
“I'm so sorry, one of the guys from athletics was fighting and he invited me,” I said, knowing that no excuse was going to get me off the hook but feeling the need to provide one anyway. This will not end well.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” He sighed in frustration. “You know you're not allowed at fights!” He continued ranting and berating me and I felt worse and worse, but I was very aware that if we were having this rather one-sided conversation face-to-face, then I'd be faring much worse right now.
“Craig please, I'm eighteen now. You guys can't keep telling me what to do,” I cried. “I need to make my own-”
“Being eighteen doesn't make you an adult, Jelly!” He growled. “Are you really that naive? Your age means nothing, if you act like a spoilt little kid, then you deserve to be treated like one.”
I listened obediently as he listed my mistakes and pointed out how ungrateful I'd been after all the hassle they'd been through to help me get into university and support my education. I felt completely rotten.
“I'm sorry,” I sobbed, knowing that he wasn't after an apology but I couldn't think of anything else to say. I hated disappointing my brothers.
“Don't think that you've gotten away with pulling this shit just because you're not at home,” he warned.
“I know,” I replied quietly, already dreading my next trip home.
“Don't let us down, Jelly,” he sighed, sounding a bit calmer. “I'll fill the others in.”
I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. I knew he'd have to tell them, I wouldn't expect him to keep secrets from them. That would have earned him an asskicking as well. I groaned inwardly, already able to picture how pissed off Ian was going to be.
I heard Craig sighing deeply. “It might be okay for you to go to your friend's fights, Jelly,” he said, his tone gentler now. “Just let me know first so I can ring around and see if anybody I can trust is there to keep an eye on you. Simon's a student at Leeds as well, he's often around so I'm sure he can help out every now and then.”
Even though it annoyed me immensely that he wanted there to be somebody there to keep an eye on me, I was very aware of the fact that he was making a huge concession in letting me go to other matches. Especially since I'd gone behind their backs in going to the first one.
“Thanks, Craig,” I said quietly, switching my phone to my other ear. “That's really nice of you.”
“You're welcome,” he answered calmly and I heard the line go dead.
Chapter 8
Friday, 28th September 2012
The first week of lectures had gone by in a whirlwind. On top of the intense reading lists, learning about the referenc
ing systems, and getting to know the others on my course, I'd been to the various mixers for the social and sports clubs I'd joined. I was really enjoying myself.
Happily, my brothers had been maintaining relative radio silence. I'd had a few texts off Ian and Craig checking up on me but they'd both kept it relatively short and formal. I guessed they were still pretty pissed at me, and frustrated that they couldn't handle it in the way that they're used to. It was a little upsetting knowing I'd let them down, but the fact that they weren't ringing all the time meant that I was able to enjoy my first week much more than I would have otherwise.
I had my second training session with the athletics club this afternoon. We'd be meeting every Friday from now on. I was looking forward to it, but I hadn't talked to Jason since last Saturday, and I was still pretty embarrassed about it all. I checked the clock on my phone. It was 15:45, I had time to make it back to my flat and change before I head off to training. I'd decided to run to the track and back, it wouldn't take more than five minutes to get there and I could make a quick escape if things got too mortifying.
I made it to the track with a little time to spare. Grayson was already there, talking to the blonde captain whose name was apparently Lottie. I cringed as I realised I also owed Grayson an apology for everything that had happened. Deciding I'd rather not have to avoid him forever, I headed over to him just as a group of students emerged from the changing rooms. Lottie made her way over to them, giving me a chance to talk to Grayson alone.
“Hi, Grayson,” I said quietly, glancing up at him before focusing on his Asics trainers.
“Hi, Jamie, how are ya?” He asked warmly.
“I'm fine, how are you?”
“All good in the hood,” he joked.
“Listen, I'm really sorry about what happened on Saturday,” I started.
“Don't worry about it, Jamie,” he said dismissively. “Simon shouldn't have treated you that way.”
I looked up at him, puzzled by his words. He’s annoyed with Simon? He'd just been looking out for me. Granted, he was doing it in his own pig-headed fashion. It was my own fault for putting myself in that situation. Simon knew what my brothers were like. He was just honouring his friendship with them.
“Here's Reed,” he said pointing behind me.
I turned my head and saw Jason jogging over in running trousers and a tight-fitting sports top. He had obviously run here as well because his muscles were coated with a thin layer of perspiration which caught the afternoon sun and made him glow like the statue of a Greek god.
“Alright,” he nodded at us both as he grabbed the water bottle Grayson was holding and took a swig.
“Please, help yourself,” Grayson said sarcastically.
“Don't mind if I do,” Jason grinned, chucking the bottle back at Grayson who caught it with one hand.
After an hour and a half, we jogged around the track, cooling down and complaining about how sore we were going to be the next day. Lottie called the group around and thanked us, giving us a quick breakdown of what was planned for next week's session. Finally, she invited us all to dinner and a night out in town, meeting at Nando's at eight.
I made my way to the gate. It would have been nice to go but I'd already messed up my budget with the gym membership and course books. I needed to be more careful.
“Hey, Jamie! Wait up!” I heard Jason shout from behind me. I turned around to see him jogging over to me, his dirty blond locks bouncing over his eyes.
“You gonna run home?” He asked.
I nodded, feeling my cheeks redden a little. We still hadn't really talked properly and I had an overwhelming urge to sprint away, lock myself in my room and refuse to come out. It would never work though; I'd seen him sprint. He was quick.
“Want some company?” He asked, flashing me his perfect smile.
“That'd be nice, just give me a sec,” I said, grabbing my phone out of my pocket and making sure the GPS programme was still running.
“Listen, Jamie,” he cocked his head to the side, his eyes locked intensely on mine as I pocketed my phone. “I'm sorry about the way I handled everything on Saturday, I shouldn't have let him talk to you like that.”
“What?” I spluttered, almost falling over my own feet as we started jogging away from the track.
“He shouldn't have been talking to you like you were just some kid. I wanted to deck the guy, and a few years ago I might have but...” he trailed off.
“I really wouldn't have wanted you to do that,” I pleaded with him, panic setting in as I imagined all the ways in which Simon could have hurt him if they'd gotten into it. “I couldn't have forgiven myself if you'd gotten hurt. Simon was just trying to look out for me.”
“That's beside the point,” he said quickly, he sounded angry. “I didn't like the way he treated you,” he said, gentler this time. I wasn't sure what he was making a fuss about.
“It's fine, honestly,” I said dismissively. I'm used to it.
“It's not. Simon’s known for having a short fuse. He looked furious when he left with you. It took everything in me not to run out after you and get you away from him. I couldn't stop imagining him hurting you,” he admitted, keeping his eyes on the tarmac ahead of us. His admission blew my breath away. He cares, that's so sweet.
“Simon wouldn't have hurt me,” I said, subconsciously rubbing at my wrist where the slight bruise had now faded. “He could maybe take on one of my brothers, but definitely not all six of them,” I grinned at him. “I was just embarrassed that I'd caused problems for you and Grayson.”
“I told you, you don't have anything to be embarrassed about,” he said kindly as we approached the door to my building.
“You coming tonight?” He asked as we stopped outside the door.
“I don't think that I can,” I said, kicking at a stone with my foot and watching it roll away.
“You can come to dinner.” It sounded like a directive more than a request. “My treat.”
I frowned up at him, about to protest.
“Consider it my apology for the way I acted last Saturday,” he pouted and I couldn't help the smile that breached my lips. His mouth really is lovely. I sighed, it really would be nice to go; there were some really cool people in the club.
Before I could answer him he started to jog away. “I'll be back as soon as I've showered,” he shouted to me, grinning as he rounded the corner.
I showered and changed into some black leggings and a silver sequin, halter-neck top before going into the kitchen to grab a banana. I met Sarah in the kitchen and she grinned at me and wolf-whistled.
“Looking good, Miss. Carter,” she giggled.
“Thanks,” I blushed.
“Oh! Oh my god, can I plait your hair?” She squealed. “It would look so cute with that outfit!”
“Um, yeah that'd be really nice of you” I said, a little stunned.
She dashed out of the room and returned a few seconds later with a comb and a few bottles of hair products. She set about pulling my still-wet hair in every possible direction, getting the plethora of tangles out. She smoothed a sweet smelling liquid through from root to tip and set about plaiting it. It was so relaxing. I could have sat there for hours letting her do it. Unfortunately, her dextrous hands were finished all too soon.
“All done!” She announced proudly, tying it off with a hair bobble.
I checked my reflection in the kitchen windows. It was hard to see properly, but it looked pretty awesome. I patted my hair with my hands and could feel the intricately woven strands against my palms.
“Wow, that's amazing,” I said gratefully. “Thank you so much!”
“Anytime,” she giggled. “I always wanted a sister to practice on.”
“Here she is,” I heard Adam say as he came through the kitchen door with Jason behind him.
“Jamie, I found this guy looking for you downstairs,” he grinned at me, giving me a knowing wink. “You look hot by the way!” He grinned a little wider, gave J
ason a nod and headed down the hall to his room.
“Bastard stole my line,” Jason frowned sulkily. “You do look fantastic though,” he grinned at me.
I'll never get enough of that smile. “Thanks,” I said laughing and shaking my head. “I have Sarah to thank for that.” I nodded my head towards her and she smiled.
“Looking forward to going out?” He asked, pulling out the chair next to me and sitting down.
“I was under the impression I didn't have any choice,” I narrowed my eyes at him playfully.
“You don't. If I'd given you a choice you might have said no, and that's unacceptable.” There was an edge of authority to his voice but his eyes lit up playfully. “That doesn't mean you can't look forward to it though.” He cocked his head at me and studied me with his intensely beautiful emerald eyes.
“I am,” I smiled, glancing at the clock on the wall. “We don't have to be there for an hour though. You shower quickly.”
He grinned at me and I took a second to take in his appearance. He was dressed in dark jeans, with a tight white t-shirt. He had an unbuttoned grey check shirt over the top with the long arms rolled up over his muscular forearms once more. He looks yummy. I shook my head slightly, trying to dismiss my inappropriate trail of thought.
“I thought maybe we could walk there,” he suggested. “It's about forty minutes walk. Or we can take the bus, but it takes half an hour anyway.”
“No, a walk sounds nice, I just need to grab a jacket and stuff,” I said, standing up and heading to the door. “See you later, Sarah,” I called to her as we headed back to my room.
“This is your room?” Jason said, raising his eyebrows as he took in the small space.
“Yup,” I answered, flopping down to sit on the edge of my bed.
“I'd forgotten how small student rooms were,” he muttered, eyeing my vomit-curtains suspiciously.”
“It's not much, but at least it's mine,” I smiled. “Besides, it's bigger than my room back home and I can put whatever I want on the walls.”