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Her Mad Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 15)

Page 9

by Julia Mills

  When the Assassin finally stopped to take a breath, Maddox was just about to continue when Kayne demanded, “Tell him the rest, Doxie.”

  Damn, I wish he’d quit with the ‘Doxie’ shit….

  Deciding to ignore the demi god, the mad dragon grumbled, “I told you to listen before you went off all half-cocked, Drago, there’s a helluva lot more to this.”

  “Like what?” The Assassin challenged.

  “Like the fact that those sons of bitches have messed with his mind and he didn’t even know us. Like the fact that he tried to scramble mine and Kayne’s brains with that damn screech of his. Like the fact that he trussed me up like a stuck pig and mumbled like a damn madman for almost three days.” He was seething, so angry and fed up with all the crap going on around them and that one of his oldest friends was questioning his motivation that the mad dragon didn’t realize what he was saying. Still pissed, he added, “How’s that for the shit that’s been going on around here while you lay about with your mate on holiday?”

  Maddox shot out of his chair, jumped off the deck, and paced the grounds behind his house. He tried not to trample the flowers and herbs Calysta had planted but was so angry he really didn’t care. Mumbling to himself about how much easier it was before he left his mountain, he almost missed the continued conversation between his friends.

  “Ky really got the drop on Maddox?” Drago asked, now concerned instead of accusatory.

  “I wasn’t there but all signs say he did. Maddox was pretty banged up but that could’ve been from the twin hunters, Tariq’s kids. Seems like they’re following in dad’s evil footsteps.” Kayne went on to explain. “And get this, he named them Adam and Eve.”

  “Oh shit, that is never a good thing,” the Assassin groaned.

  “No, no it’s not, my friend.” Kayne sighed then went on. “They’ve got some kind of electronic tracker in Kyran and caught up to him while he had Maddox tied up. Thankfully, the mad dragon had gotten free. Seems Doxie’s got tricks we never knew about. It was lucky that Ky was having a halfway lucid moment so they could fight together but the Gruesome Twosome, as the boys around here are calling the O’Baoill twins, have created some shit they’ve added to the silver and they made aerosol bombs out of it. The lads didn’t stand a chance.”

  Kayne looked up at Maddox and winked, to which the mad dragon flipped him off, jumped back onto the deck, and took his seat, still pissed but ready to rejoin the conversation. Picking up where Kayne had stopped, Maddox said, “First of all, and yes it’s off topic but keep your yaps shut, the Doxie shit has got to stop. If the boys around here get a hold of that, I will never hear the end of it. Got it?”

  He leveled a stare at Kayne, who gave a thumbs up but was still sporting a shit-eating grin and then waited while Drago finished chuckling and finally said, “Whatever you say, Maddox. Now, what else do I need to know before I get Alicia and we head your way?”

  “Second of all, why the hell did you never tell us what his ‘special power’ was? He nearly killed us, Drago, and we had no clue what the hell was happening.”

  Drago cleared his throat several times. Maddox could feel the uncertainty and regret coming from the Assassin.

  Trying to be patient but quickly coming to the end of his incredibly short rope, the mad dragon opened his mouth to speak just as Drago said, “I promised never to reveal Kyran’s secrets. It was a pact made between brethren, one we both took seriously and in all honesty, I had forgotten about it until you said he used it on you.” There was a second of silence then he added, “I won’t apologize but I will admit I am glad you lads know. Now, you know what we’re up against if they find a way to completely turn the Phantom against us.”

  Maddox slumped back in his chair as Kayne leaned forward, stared at his feet, and shook his head. They all knew what Drago was saying but none wanted to utter the words aloud. Finally, fed up with waiting, the mad dragon sat upright in his chair and declared, “We took an oath. We know what we have to do. We just have to be ready IF that time comes.” He stopped, shook his head, looked the demi god in the eye, and added, “And pray that it never does.”

  There were a few seconds of tense silence. He knew the other two were listening to his thoughts just as he was listening to theirs. They were all in agreement. They would save Kyran if at all possible and if worse came to worse…well, they’d deal with that time if and when it came.

  Tired of dealing in what if’s and needing to get the show on the road, the mad dragon said, “Okay, so enough of that shit for now. Here’s what you need to know right now. Niall and Brannoc will have to explain the technical stuff to you but just let me say those fucking hunters have created some nasty weapons and killed a lot of shifters to do it. They knocked Kyran out and carried him off like a sack of potatoes. Would’ve taken me too if they’d had enough man power.” Maddox paused, took a deep breath and pressed on in a low concerned voice, “They’ve messed our boy up really bad. His mind is fractured and scattered. He went back and forth between knowing who I was and thinking I was one of the hunters. When he did recognize me, he thought we were back in Forest of the Dead.”

  He let that information hang in the air. He felt Drago’s concern but also the pain and frustration he still carried over losing one of their own. Some wounds never heal, even after centuries. Samuel had been a fierce Guardsman and a good man. There was nothing any of them could’ve done, but that didn’t matter. Even all these years later, they still felt the loss.

  “Well, hell, that’s not a good thing,” was the Assassin’s only response.

  “No, it wasn’t, but at least he recognized me. It saved my life, I’m sure of that. I…”

  Drago’s chuckled stopped Maddox’s next comment. The mad dragon was instantly irritated and growled, “What now?”

  “Nothing.” The Assassin’s chuckle was growing towards full laughter and that exasperated Maddox even more because he knew what the jerk was laughing about.

  Through gritted teeth the mad dragon growled, “Just say it. Get it over with. I’ve got better things to do than sit around chatting with you ladies.”

  Both his old friends burst out laughing but it was Drago who said, “Nothing really, Doxie. Just imaging you tied up and hanging from your feet like a rabbit caught in a trap. What’s the matter? Too many years on the mountain, Grandpa?”

  “Ha. Ha. Ha. That’s right. Get it outta your system,” Maddox snarled. “Because I promise you the fight of your life if I hear this shit once you land.”

  His old friends still snickered but at least both Drago and Kayne had the decency to act repentant and even said sorry. Knowing that he’d only bought himself a temporary reprieve but really tired of sitting around and doing nothing, Maddox finished what he was trying to say before they both lost their minds.

  “What I was going to say…” He glared at Kayne and sent Drago a mental slug to the arm. “Was that you need to be careful. One of the properties the O’Baoills own isn’t far from here and in your flight path. I don’t think they’re stupid enough to come after us but just be sure you are shielded and only fly under the cover of darkness.”

  “You know it,” the Assassin answered. “I’m carrying precious cargo. We’ll take off at midnight and should see you before the sun rises.” There was a second of silence then Drago asked, “Okay to land in your backyard, Maddox?”

  “Sure. Just watch out for Calysta’s garden.”

  “Who would have ever thought it? You, worried about flowers.” The Assassin chuckled. “I do believe that little witch of yours might just be taming our mad dragon.”

  “Shut the hell up or I’ll tell Alicia about the triplets you ‘made friends with’ in Campsie Fells.”

  Drago howled with laughter before saying, “All right, all right, you win, but remember we all have secrets…Doxie.”

  “Just hurry the hell up and get here safely, ‘cause if something happens to you, I’m only coming to save Alicia. I’ll just leave your foul old ass.”
/>   His insults only made the Assassin laugh harder and to make matters worse, Kayne joined in. Shaking his head, the mad dragon stood and growled. “Just hurry up and be careful,” he said before turning on his heel and heading into the house, leaving his old friends to their hilarity.

  As he shut the sliding glass door he heard them chuckle.

  “Damn, Maddox never changes…thank the Heavens. We’d be lost without the old man.”

  Chapter Eight

  She’d gotten the call in the wee hours of the morning. Niall was at the clinic and Annie, one of the refugees and a bear shifter, was on the verge of calling her beast but scared of the magic flowing through her body after all she’d suffered at the hands of Tariq’s scientists. Calysta had been working with her since the day the Guardsmen rescued the delicate young woman from O’Baoill’s underground torture chamber. The Priestess had nursed the bear’s multitude of wounds, bruises, and burns, counseled her through the worst of her nightmares, and prayed to the Goddess for a miracle of healing, so it only stood to reason that Annie called for Calysta when she was afraid.

  Maddox grumped and growled when Calysta crawled out of bed. “Can’t it wait until closer to daybreak. I have to be up to greet Drago in a few hours anyway.”

  “No, Maddy, it cannot wait. She needs me. I have to go.” She’d used her best mom voice and even huffed as she tied the belt on her long silk robe around her waist and headed to the bathroom.

  She bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from laughing out loud when her mad dragon covered his face with a pillow and whined, “But, Callie…” The fact that she, and only she, got to see the softer side of her mate made all his grumping and growling all the funnier. Maddox was a special man, whether he wanted to be or not, and she was honored to be spending eternity by his side.

  She kissed him on the top of the head since the pillow was still over his face and called, “I love you, Maddy,” over her shoulder as she jogged down the stairs and made a quick cup of coffee.

  Caffeine is the only way I’m gonna make it through this day…

  Just about to take her first sip of the wonderful smelling java, she jumped when Maddox appeared at her side, took the cup from her hand, and swallowed a huge gulp. “Maddox!” She scolded. “You’re gonna burn your tongue.” Taking the cup as he handed it back to her, Calysta raised one eyebrow before grousing, “And that was my coffee.”

  “I left you some,” he grinned.

  Giving the cup a little shake, Calysta sighed, “Maybe a half a sip.” She drank what was left and said, “Guess I’ll make a pot at the clinic.”

  Looking at her mate, she noticed he was dressed. “I thought you didn’t have to be up until just before sunrise? That’s at least three hours from now.”

  Shrugging, her dragon answered while pouring a glass of orange juice, “I don’t want you walking to the clinic alone in the dark.”

  His consideration for her safety warmed her heart. No one had ever worried about her, not even Kyra’s dad. She was the Grande Priestess, presumably the most powerful witch in the world. Everyone considered her the threat, not the other way around. But Maddox was different. He saw her as a woman, his mate, the person he was meant to protect against all others and Calysta had to admit, she liked the way it felt.

  Standing on her toes, the Priestess placed her hand over his heart and kissed his cheek as she murmured, “Thank you, mo ghra’.”

  His heart beat sped under her palm and he pulled her close. Looking into her eyes, he purred, “And I love you, mo Priestess, until the sun no longer shines,” just before placing his lips to hers and kissing her until they were both breathless and longing to return to bed.

  As he set her feet back on the floor, Calysta feigned irritation and swatted the top of his arm, “Unhand me, you beast, I have a patient waiting.”

  “I’ll show you a beast.” Her mad dragon gave an exaggerated growl and in a flash was lavishing her neck with loud kisses and pretend snarling. Calysta giggled like a school girl, her heart full of love for the one the Universe had made just for her.

  Life simply does not get any better than this…

  When Maddox leaned back, chuckling and smiling from ear-to-ear, the Priestess couldn’t help but tease him just a little more. “You better be careful or I’ll turn you into…”

  “…a toad. I know, I know.” Maddox chuckled, shrugging as if he didn’t care one way or another.

  Laughing out loud that he’d finished her favorite joke, she corrected, “I was gonna say a slug,” she chuckled again, “but toad works.” Patting his chest, she added, “I need to get going. You ready to escort your mate to the clinic?”

  Doing a one-eighty, her mad dragon bowed and crooked his arm. “Your wish is my command, mo chroi’.”

  Placing her hand on his arm, she giggled, “Lead on, kind sir.”

  Their walk to the clinic was nice but fast paced. Calysta felt guilty for wasting time playing around with her mate while someone needed her but also loved any time she spent with Maddox, no matter how brief or stolen among the many demands of their lives, so she pushed her guilt aside. Walking through the double doors that led to the patient rooms at the side of the huge building the dragons built for the betterment of their clan, the Priestess turned to kiss Maddox goodbye but was surprised when he kept walking and opened the second set of doors, motioning for her to go ahead of him.

  “You’re coming in?” Calysta was surprised because after being released, Maddox had been adamant that he would never set foot in the clinic again.

  “I need to see Niall for a minute,” he answered, rather secretly.

  “Oh,” she answered, waiting for him to explain and when he didn’t, she asked, “What about?”

  “Oh, sorry.” He grinned at her. “I thought I told you. I need him to explain what he knows about the twins’ experiments and that damned silver gas to Drago. Kayne was supposed to make sure Niall knew the Assassin was coming home today but I want to make sure.” They stopped at the entrance to Calysta’s office. She unlocked the door and pushed it open as he added, “I damn sure don’t need any more surprises, ya know what I mean?”

  “Yes, darling, I do.” And she did; they all needed a lot less surprises. Putting her bag in the bottom drawer of her desk, Calysta grabbed a few pens and a small notepad from another drawer then took her lab coat from the coat tree in the corner.

  Maddox helped her into the ‘uniform’ that Niall wanted everyone to wear while they were working. He said with all the new shifters mulling about, the staff needed to be easily identifiable. Calysta guessed he was right but it reminded her of the ceremonial robes she used to be forced to wear in the middle ages, just more garb to have to worry about.

  Walking down the corridor hand-in-hand, Calysta smiled at the younger Healers as they waved good morning. When she and Maddox reached the end of the hall, she kissed her dragon goodbye and watched as he walked in the opposite direction. Sighing, she zeroed in on the muscles in his well-toned backside as they rippled and tugged at the denim of his jeans. For the first time in her very long life, Calysta was literally jealous of a piece of fabric. Her fingers tingled as she remembered what it felt like to caress and knead his toned, hard body. She clenched her thighs as just a touch of arousal wet the silk of her panties. Forcing herself to turn away, the Priestess breathed, “They don’t make ‘em like that anymore and he’s all mine.”

  Giggling as she made her way to Annie’s room, Calysta was immediately pulled back to reality by the bear shifter’s spine-tingling shriek of horror that echoed down the hall. “Noooooooo! Please, no. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.”

  Racing into the room, the Priestess immediately recited a Calming Spell and placed her hands on Annie’s arms. The bear immediately stopped screaming but her fear was still palpable, filling the room with the strong sickeningly sweet scent of rotten fruit. Looking into her deep brown eyes, Calysta spoke in a low, melodic tone. “It’s okay, Annie. It’s your magic. Your gift from the Univers
e. You’re safe. You’re with me and the dragons. No one can hurt you here.”

  The bear visibly relaxed. It was then the Priestess could feel the little bear’s magic fighting to be free. Could actually see the image of Annie’s beast superimposed around the young woman. She was so close to the change, Calysta could feel her muscles and tendons shaking with the need to transform.

  Pulling on her own magic, the Priestess murmured, “You’re safe. You’re calm. Welcome your bear,” over and over.

  Annie nodded and unknowingly began to recite the words along with Calysta. Her eyes, already a deep chocolate brown, darkened, becoming a bit more wild, a bit more ferocious. Her body trembled and warm, wonderful magic filled the room.

  Taking a step back, the Priestess kept eye contact with the shifter as well as continued her chant. From one heart beat to the next the petite young woman who’d appeared so frail became a perfectly majestic three-hundred-pound brown grizzly bear. The walls shook and Calysta could hear the pounding of feet running towards them as the bear gave a welcoming roar. It was not aggressive or angry but the sound of pure joy that she was once again in harmony with her magic and her human.

  The door slammed open as Maddox raced in and grabbed Calysta by the arm just as the bear lumbered towards her. Holding her ground, the Priestess shook her head and spoke directly into her dragon’s mind. “Let me be, Maddy. I’m in no danger. She’s just happy. Watch.”

  “Dammit, Callie,” Maddox growled but stopped pulling her arm and stood by her side.

  The bear crossed the room and carefully rubbed against Calysta free side while purring low in her throat. The Priestess smiled so profoundly her cheeks hurt but she couldn’t stop the joy she felt that Annie and her beast were finally reunited. It was nothing short of miraculous.


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