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Killing the Dead (Books 4-6)

Page 25

by Murray, Richard

  “Ok, I had to try though.” Lily said, “Now how do we get this stuff back to the boat?”

  “There’s a whole section for luggage.” Karam offered, “This being a town people visited for holidays a lot of places sell it.”

  “There’s a load of vans out there.” I said and all eyes turned to me, “Maybe we could use them?”

  “The roads are blocked mate.” Gregg said with a puzzled smile.

  “Pavements aren’t though.” I said, “If we aren’t bothered about the vans getting a little banged up, we’re near the edge of town now. I’m sure someone here will know the area well enough to direct us back.”

  “That’s not a terrible idea.” Gabby said, “The roads are a mess in the town but once you get outside of it, they aren’t that bad.”

  “We could carry a lot of supplies back to our people.” I said to Lily and she smiled thoughtfully.

  “Hold on.” Brett said hoarsely, “How much do you think you’re taking?”

  “This isn’t ours.” Gabby chided gently, “We have no claim on it.”

  “They have a load of kids to feed as well.” The red headed Vanessa added with a look of distaste for the former lawyer.

  “I’m just saying that we should get the lion’s share. We let them come here, it’s by our place.” Brett said but soon wilted under the gazes of his group and ours. “Oh fine, whatever.”

  “There’s plenty here for us all.” Gabby said to Lily, “I think the van idea could work, we can load a couple up and then tomorrow see about getting them back to your camp.”

  “Tomorrow?” Lily asked.

  “Even if it’s stopped snowing it’ll be dark sooner than we’d like. You don’t want to try driving at night in the snow in a zombie filled town.”

  “Good point.” Lily said with a smile, “I’ll be glad to get back to my bed again though.”

  “Yes sleeping on the ground isn’t fun but at least we’re alive.” Gabby said as she returned the smile.

  I could see that the two women had a lot in common and would make a great team. Lily clearly wanted them to join us and I had at least one more night to figure out a way to make it work.

  Toby returned and announced it was all clear so Lily went outside with him to look over the vans while the rest of us started to gather items to load.

  It was long and hard work, even more tiring considering the exertions of earlier, and dangerous with all of the spilled blood.

  Lily had returned and announced that the vans were in working order and was in the process of sorting through the boxes when Melody had an accident.

  She had been climbing the racking to reach one of the higher rows when her foot slipped. She’d fallen to the floor with a crash and the people nearby went to her aid immediately.

  “Are you ok?” Vanessa was asking as the dazed young woman sat up.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” She said.

  “You’re bleeding.” I pointed out helpfully and silence fell.

  “Tell me you didn’t hurt yourself on a floor covered in zombie blood.” Vanessa said in horror.

  “I didn’t... I don’t know.” Melody stammered tears filling her eyes.

  “Pass me those wipes.” Gabby instructed Karam as she knelt beside the distraught young woman. “Lets’ clean it up, you might not be infected.”

  “We should get her back to the cellar.” Vanessa said, “It’s getting late anyway, we can finish here tomorrow.”

  “I agree.” Lily said, “We’re all exhausted and we don’t want anyone else to have an accident.”

  “Am I going to be ok? I don’t want to be one of them.” Melody said and started crying.

  “Shush, it’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.” Gabby said soothingly as she hugged the young woman.

  I left them to it; the sound of her crying was already beginning to irritate me. I found myself by the front door and stepped out into the cold snow to find Toby standing beside the door with a lit cigarette in his hand.

  “Foul habit.” He said before offering me one. I declined with the shake of my head. “Don’t blame you.”

  “Someone has to smoke them I guess.”

  “Yeah they’ll be gone soon enough, probably a good thing though I’ll miss my late night smoke before sleep.” Toby agreed. “What’s going on in there?”

  “Melody fell, cracked her head on the blood covered floor and is convinced she’s now infected.”

  “Is she?”

  “No idea.” I said, “We’ll find out one way or another soon enough.”

  He nodded thoughtfully and we waited in a surprisingly companionable silence for the rest of the groups to gather together.

  Once the groups were together we secured the doors as best we could and trudged back to the Taxi office and the almost comfortable cellar beneath it. We encountered no real problems on the way back though it did start snowing again.

  Since none of us actually had a change of clothing, when we got back into the cellar we did the best we could to clean off our jackets and each of us took turns in the tiny bathroom to scrub ourselves clean. Melody went first.

  A hot meal was prepared by Tameka since she had been idle all day and we gulped it down gratefully before settling in for the evening. After some discussion it was decided that we trusted each other enough after fighting together that we didn’t need to set a watch.

  Brett had appropriated a few bottles from the wholesalers and was eager to crack them open and share them around. I was surprised at that, given his obvious alcohol issues, but Vanessa leaned close and explained that he was only allowed to drink when the rest of the group did. It made him more than happy to share.

  The mood became relaxed and talk turned to the little things, tales from before the end of the world and talk of family and friends. I was soon bored and fell silent.

  “You never talk about your past mate.” Gregg said with a slight slur.

  “Nothing to say.” I told him.

  “No family or friends? What about a job? What did you do?” Gregg pressed and received a glare from his sister.

  “I think you need to cut back on that stuff.” She told him as she reached to take his glass.

  “No, no, no.” Gregg said holding it out of her reach. “We’ve all shared things.”

  “Not everyone wants to share their life stories.” Cass said.

  “I think I’ll go and use the facilities.” I said before he could speak again.

  They were still arguing as I climbed the stairs and I was grateful for the silence when the door shut behind me. The outside door was propped open and curious, I went to see why.

  “Everything ok?” Toby asked.

  “Seems to be.” I said.

  “Gets a bit too noisy down there.” He said, “I come up for a bit of peace.”

  “Forgive my disturbing you then.” I said and meant it. As a man who enjoyed solitude the idea of disturbing another’s peace was distasteful.

  “No, no. I didn’t mean for you to have to go.” he said. “Just crowds. Can’t stand them.”

  “I know what you mean.” I agreed and we lapsed into that same comfortable silence.

  The sounds of the town in the darkness were different. In the far distance some moaning could be heard and I wondered if some new prey had been found. The absence of noise pollution from vehicles, alarms and animals was pleasant. I could almost imagine myself at peace in a town full of the dead.

  Eventually though the moment came when the peace was broken and Toby spoke almost apologetically.

  “Looks like we have a couple of visitors. I guess it’s time to head in and lock up for the night.”

  “You need a hand?” I asked as I watched the trio of undead make their slow stumbling way toward us, they didn’t seem to have noticed us, they were just following the snow as it was blown around by the wind.

  “No need, we’ll deal with them in the morning when its light.”

sp; “See you downstairs then.” I said and with a companionable nod of the head, I left him to his task.

  I returned to the group to find them in the middle of a huge argument. Karam and Vanessa had their arms around Brett and were holding him back from the crowd while Pat had a steadying hand on Gregg’s shoulder while his sister spoke urgently to him. He was sitting still and rubbing at his jaw.

  “What’s going on?” I asked Lily as she finished talking with Gabby.

  “Brett hit Gregg.” She said.

  “Why?” I asked curiously.

  “It wasn’t my fault.” Gregg protested and his sister shushed him.

  “He made a pass at Brett.” Lily said in a low voice, “They’d both had a little more to drink and Brett was being all friendly.”


  “Yeah, arm round his shoulder and talking close. You know?” She said and I nodded though I didn’t. “Well Gregg thought he was interested in him so he said something and before you know it Brett punched him in the face and was screaming all kinds of stuff.”

  “Fucking puff.” Brett shouted from across the room and Lily winced.

  “Yeah stuff like that.”

  “Goddamn homophobes.” Cass spat, “Even now when everything’s gone to shit, they still have issues.”

  “Alright everyone it’s time to settle in for the night.” Gabby said sternly. “Brett you can stay on your side of the room and if you say one more nasty word I will personally put you outside.”

  He subsided, muttering and casting dark looks towards Gregg but he kept his mouth shut as Gabby approached us.

  “I’m sorry.” She said simply.

  “S’fine, I’m used to it.” Gregg said and pulled a blanket around his shoulders before laying down facing the wall.

  “Rough day.” Lily said with a grimace. “They’ll be fine by morning. How’s Melody?”

  “No infection that I can see. She was pretty lucky.” Gabby said.

  “I’m pleased.”

  “Me too.” Gabby said. “We should all settle in for the night, it’s been a long day.”

  With the excitement over I slid down against the wall by the hole that led through to the other cellar. Lily curled up beside me and was soon asleep though I just sat, thinking. I had already been toying with an idea and the way Brett had hit my friend gave me more than enough incentive to ensure he would be central to it. All I had to do was wait.

  Chapter 17

  Like many people who drank a great deal, Brett would need to get up to use the bathroom or in this case, the bucket in the next cellar. It wasn’t hard to stay awake while all those around me fell into slumber. The thrill of anticipation banished the weariness from my limbs.

  The sounds of many people sleeping in the same room leave little room for dignity. It was a sad fact that people had bodily functions that were particularly noticeable given a poor diet. A surprising number of people murmured in their sleep and not forgetting those who snored. I would have thought that they would be the first to be eaten if they alerted the zombies to their presence whenever they laid their head down.

  Needless to say the wait was tedious and I amused myself by going through every potential scenario I could imagine of what would happen that night. My goal was simple; to encourage Gabby to leave with us and the easiest way to do that carried some risk.

  Eventually murmuring turned to muttering and grumbling as someone stirred. The whirring sound of the crank being turned on a lantern followed and shortly a dim light banished the darkness. I contemplated pretending to sleep but soon realised that it wasn’t necessary.

  Brett was rubbing at bleary eyes with one hand while holding the lantern in his other as he crossed the room towards the stairs and I swore quietly. The drunken fool was going to the bathroom upstairs rather than the bucket. None of my imagined scenarios had included that.

  I waited as the light receded up the stairs and listened with bated breath for the click of the key turning in the lock. If it alerted anyone then the tattered shreds of my plans would be well and truly done.

  When no one stirred as the faint sound was heard, I rose to my feet and silently stalked across the floor towards the stairs. The darkness was absolute and I had to rely on memory of where people had settled to sleep. Gabby’s group slept in the centre of the room and my own friends were along the cellar wall which made it fairly easy to navigate.

  My foot bumped against the bottom step and I paused, straining to hear movement and after a tense few seconds I climbed the stairs. I paused at the top and pushed on the door. Brett had set the lantern on the floor and hadn’t bothered to close the door.

  I crept up behind him and waited for him to finish for no other reason than it would create less mess for myself.

  As he finished and zipped up his jeans, all the while muttering to himself, I took that final step forward and wrapped my arm around his neck, applying all the pressure I could to his carotid artery. I held him as he struggled and gasped for breath, his fingers clawing at my arm until finally he went limp.

  I left him lying on the floor while I opened the back door. The trusting people of Gabby’s group had seen no reason to even remove the keys from the lock which certainly made my life easier.

  The door opened soundlessly and I shivered as the cold hit. I poked my head through the doorway and hoped that Toby had indeed left those zombies we had seen earlier. It would at least allow me to salvage some part of my plan.

  Light spilled out and illuminated the courtyard and its grizzly occupants. One had wandered away again, another was far away by the main road but the third was busily staring at a swirl of snow in the corner.

  I tapped lightly on the wall beside the door and was either ignored or it couldn’t hear me. I tapped again and still no response, time was moving on and every second wasted would bring me closer to discovery.

  If I stepped out into the snow then I would leave footprints and risk discovery so I couldn’t go out into the courtyard. I cursed the idiotic zombie that didn’t have the common decency to turn around when I needed it to.

  With few options I tapped again on the wall, louder this time and when that elicited no response, I gave in and called out “Hey.” As loudly as I dared. Finally I had its attention.

  The zombie turned and noticing the light for the first time and my own self acting as a meal it began its staggering walk towards me. I ducked back through the doorway and looked down at Brett. It was perhaps less elegant than I had planned but it was the best I could do in the limited time I had available.

  I crept back down the stairs, making sure to leave the cellar door ajar. I moved as quickly as I could and when I reached the bottom I had a momentary flash of panic when I couldn’t recall exactly where I had been sitting.

  A muffled noise from above, perhaps the sound of an undead creature banging against the doorframe indicated that I needed to move. With a deep breath I set off through the darkness with the deep hope that I wouldn’t step on anyone.

  My outstretched hand found the blanket that was hanging over the hole in the wall and I breathed a sigh of relief as I settled down to the cold, hard floor. I sat in tense silence as I waited for a murmured query, asking where I had been. When no one spoke I settled back against the wall and waited.

  For what seemed to be an intolerably long time nothing happened. I began to wonder if I had found the one imbecilic zombie that couldn’t find its way through an open doorway. Then I heard it, Brett screamed.

  The sound of pain reverberated around the room and voices were raised in alarm. Someone in the darkness called for a lantern to be lit and in a short time light filled the cellar once more.

  “What’s going on?” Lily asked and I shrugged.

  “Toby.” Gabby called, and he was at her side lantern in one hand and his length of wood in the other.

  “Who’s screaming?” Tameka asked, fear filling her voice.

  “Where’s Melody?” Ga
bby asked.

  “I’m here.” A hoarse voice replied.

  “It’s coming from upstairs.” Karam said and all eyes turned to the wooden boards of the ceiling above us.

  “Where’s Brett?” Toby asked in his quiet voice.

  I pulled my knife from its sheath and pushed to my feet. Lily grabbed my hand and I looked down at her.

  “What’re you doing?” she demanded.

  “Something’s up there and it doesn’t sound friendly.” I said as I allowed some of the eagerness that bubbled within me into my voice.

  “We have no idea what’s happening.” she said, and I shrugged again.

  “One way to find out.” I said.

  Toby nodded his head once as he saw me approach with knife in hand, Lily following as she readied her hammer. Without a word he led the way up the stairs.

  “This was locked.” He said as he pushed on the door.

  The zombie was on him as soon as the door swung open, it must have been headed towards the sound of our voices already.

  Toby swore loudly as he let the lantern fall to free his hand to push back against the zombie. It had fresh blood smeared across its face and chunks of flesh fell from its mouth as it moaned.

  He couldn’t swing his baton with enough force to do any damage to the creature and the narrow stairs made things tricky.

  “When I say, let go of it and fall back.” I yelled into his ear and he grimaced. “Now.” I shouted.

  He released his hold and fell backwards, the zombie overbalanced and fell with him which put it close enough for me to sink my knife into its skull before I was pushed over by the two bodies.

  It took several precious seconds to untangle ourselves and I received a nod of thanks from the taciturn Toby before he pushed through the door and out into the Taxi offices back room.

  “Hell.” he said as he stopped and stared with wide eyes.

  I followed him out and Lily came after, she blanched and gripped my arm. Gabby was next up and she looked to be saddened as she stared down at the remains of Brett.

  The zombie had chewed away most of his cheek and he was lying in a pool of spreading blood. I could see his teeth through the hole it had made and I held back the burble of laughter that wanted to escape as I stilled my features. I had to appear normal.


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