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Letters to Penthouse XV

Page 25

by Penthouse International

  Lanie wouldn't tell me when she and Alice were getting together because she was afraid I might try to sneak in wherever it was and watch them surreptitiously. Which I very well might have done. I mean, I have watched my gorgeous wife fucking before, and nothing turns me on so much. But this time it looked like I was out of luck.

  Then one day I got a call at work. It was my wife. “You better come home,” was all she said. “We got a situation here.” And she hung up.

  I went home immediately. Lanie met me at the door. She was naked.

  “What the hell's going on?” I said.

  “Alice is here,” Lanie said. “And so is Pete. He got suspicious and followed her, and he burst in while we were doing it. I don't know what he's gonna do. I figured you better deal with him.”

  “Where is he?”

  “In the bedroom. With Alice.”

  I went into the bedroom. Pete was sitting in a chair, looking like he was going to cry. Alice was in the bed, covered up. Her clothes were on the floor.

  “Hey, Pete,” I said. “What the fuck's happening?”

  He looked at me as though the world was ending. “What's happening? I'll tell you what's happening. My wife is having sex with your wife. My wife is a fucking lesbian. And so is yours. Jesus!”

  “They're bisexual, actually,” I said. “You got to watch, huh?”

  He stared at me. “What do you mean?”

  “You saw them doing it, right? You lucky bastard. I wanted to do that, but your wife is actually quite the shy type.”

  His face reddened. “You—you wanted to watch my wife … with your wife … ?”

  “Of course,” I said. “God, who wouldn't? Didn't it excite you?”

  I thought he was going to burst. “Do you—do you know what they were doing?” he asked indignantly.

  “No,” I said. “I can only imagine. Please tell me.”

  He was speechless. But just then Lanie came into the room. She had put on a robe, but her feet were still bare. “I'll tell you,” she said. “Alice was eating my cunt. She was sucking my pussy and licking my clit, and damn, it was good. And then this bozo has to barge in and stop it.”

  “Damn,” I said, looking over at Alice in the bed. She looked back at me with no particular expression. “She's good at that, huh?”

  “You're damn right I am,” Alice said unexpectedly.

  “Alice!” Pete cried.

  “Oh, shut up, you pipsqueak prude,” Alice said. “Why don't you mind your own business? I didn't even get my turn!”

  Pete looked like he was having a heart attack. “Alice! How can you … I can't believe …”

  Alice blew up. “You can't believe?” she shouted. “You're shocked, you dumb son of a bitch? You can't believe your sweet little wifey is a dyke? Well, just watch!” And with that she threw off the covers and got off the bed, displaying her naked body to our eyes. It was quite a body too. Slender yes, and small-breasted, but curvy as a rural back road and lithe as a snake.

  “Great!” I said. “I get to watch too, right?”

  “Fuck you,” Alice said. “I don't give a shit. Let the whole fucking world watch. What do you say, Lanie? Let's take up where we left off.”

  Lanie shrugged. She shrugged twice. The first time to show that she didn't have any objection to Alice's suggestion, and the second time to shake the robe off her body.

  Lanie's body was quite a contrast to Alice's. My wife is dark-haired and solidly built, and anything but small-breasted. I heard Pete gasp as she dropped the robe, even though he had presumably seen her naked when he first burst in on them. Lanie's nude body is always an inspiring sight.

  But now Pete stood up. “I'm leaving!” he announced indignantly.

  We only had one chair in the bedroom, and when he got out of it, it gave me a place to sit down. I did so, prepared to enjoy the show.

  “Oh no, you're not!” Alice said. “You stay right here and watch, buster. It's about time you knew just what your wife is all about. So stay and watch or get the fuck out of my life, for good! Is that what you want?”

  “Maybe,” Pete said, glaring back at her. “Maybe it is. Maybe that's just what I should do.”

  Now Lanie spoke up. “Now wait a minute. Just hold on, you two. You don't want to do this.” She walked over to Pete, whose eyes fixed on her bobbing breasts as she moved toward him. She reached up to touch his face. I saw his hands twitch, as if he was holding himself back from putting them on her.

  “Don't be so up-tight, Pete,” Lanie said softly. “You and Alice don't want to break up. Alice just wants some room to spread out a little. You could do that too. You could do it with me.”

  Pete stared at her. The shocks were coming thick and fast for him. “You?” he got out. “You mean … you and me …”

  She smiled, and her hand drifted down his body and brushed over his crotch. He looked over at me, and I spread my hands. “Hey, we're all friends here,” I told him. I didn't think it was the right moment to mention the possibility that if he got it on with my wife, I might be able to do the same with his.

  “Stay and watch, Pete,” Lanie said. “Don't judge, just watch. Enjoy! And then afterwards, who knows what might happen?”

  Pete stood looking at her for a long minute. Then he looked around for a chair. Reluctantly, I rose and let him sit down where he'd been before. I sat down on the floor, making myself as comfortable as I could.

  Lanie now moved to the bed and lay down on it. “Now,” she said to Alice. “Where were we?”

  “We were here,” Alice said, and she got onto the bed, crouching between my wife's legs, spreading her knees apart. She lowered her head to Lanie's crotch, and my wife's low moan was almost drowned out by Pete's gasp of outrage—if that's what it was—as Alice's mouth and tongue went to work.

  “Oh God, that's good,” Lanie husked, arching her hips to give the blond better access. “Oh Jesus, you're so good, Alice. Mmmm …” Her body twisted on the bed, her fingers tangling in Alice's yellow hair. My cock was hard. I loved seeing my wife in the throes of passion, whether the cause of it was me or someone else. I had seen her with men much more often than with women, but either way her turn-on was my turn-on. And she was definitely turned on now. I knew she was rapidly approaching her first orgasm. Her head rolled from side to side and she was gasping loudly. Then she stiffened and her mouth opened, her lips moving in a silent cry. Then the silence ended with an animal-like groan of completion, and she fell back, panting.

  Alice raised her head from my wife's crotch and looked over at her husband. Pete didn't say a word, or make a move. But as I looked at him I could see there was a bulge in his pants. Alice had told Lanie that he had a small cock, but it didn't look all that small to me.

  Alice now rolled over onto her back, “My turn,” she said.

  “It sure is, baby,” Lanie said, still slightly breathless. “You've earned it.”

  She shifted onto her side and propped herself up, looking down at the slender blond body. “Mmmmm,” she said. Then she lowered her head to kiss Alice on the lips. After a moment their mouths opened, and their tongues slid against each other. Lanie's hand roamed down over Alice's body, sliding over her breasts, down her stomach, teasing her crotch as the kiss went on. Finally she slid her mouth away from the blond's and her head moved down, her tongue trailing over the taut flesh. Her lips caressed each of Alice's breasts, leaving the nipples standing up like little spikes. She kissed and licked her way downward, dipping her tongue in Alice's navel, moving on. She shifted her body on the bed as her mouth slid through the blond patch of pubic hair, kneeling between Alice's legs now, lifting them, spreading them, opening the other girl's pussy to the eager ministrations of her lips and tongue.

  “Yes!” Alice cried at the first touch of Lanie's tongue on her clit. She said other things after that, but they were mostly unintelligible babblings. I wasn't surprised; I knew how good my wife was with her mouth. If she ate pussy half as well as she sucked cock, nobody else could come
close. I watched Alice tossing and bucking and twisting about on the bed, and I hoped to God I would be able to get my cock inside her before this day was over. Or at least before I died. I wasn't too choosy; anytime would suit me fine.

  As Alice's babblings turned into pre-orgasmic cries and grunts, Lanie added a new wrinkle by putting a finger in her mouth to get it wet, and then snaking it gently but surely into the blond girl's asshole. Alice went crazy, and in a minute she was hurtling over the peak, yelling like a banshee.

  I heard somebody say, “Jesus!” It was Pete. I looked over at him. He was leaning forward in his chair, his mouth open, his eyes nearly popping out of his head.

  “Nice, isn't it?” I said, but I don't think he heard me.

  Lanie still had her finger in Alice's ass, and the blond was clenching her tight buttocks around it as she gaspingly came down from her climax. “Oh God,” she was moaning. “Oh Jesus God!”

  “You want more, honey?” Lanie asked her. “Want to come again for your husband? I think he's getting to like it.”

  “Fuck … him …” Alice gasped.

  “Well, I might do that later,” Lanie said. “If it's all right with you, of course. But I don't think you and I are finished yet, do you?”

  “God, no,” Alice said. “Oh God, no. Can you keep your finger there while I eat you?”

  “We can give it a damn good try,” Lanie said.

  And somehow she managed to keep that finger in the other woman's ass as they rolled over, and as Alice moved around so that her behind was almost in Lanie's face. The finger was still there when the panting blond lowered her head between my wife's open thighs, and it stayed there, twisting and probing and wriggling, bringing muffled grunts and whimpers and moans from Alice, which mingled with the similar noises that Lanie was making as Pete's wife licked and sucked her to orgasm again.

  Only then did Lanie remove the finger, which she then replaced with her tongue, while she used both hands to diddle Alice into a climax nearly as intense as her first. After that the two women collapsed, holding each other.

  My cock was about to burst through my pants. As for Pete, I could hear him panting, making little moaning noises with each breath. Lanie, still breathing hard herself, smiled over at him.

  “That wasn't so bad, was it, Pete?” she asked him. “You enjoyed it, right?”

  “I—” Pete got out. “I, I'm, I mean…”

  “He means yes,” Alice said.

  “Well, good,” Lanie said. “Now that we all understand each other, I think he deserves a reward. Do you mind if I fuck him, Alice?”

  “Not if I can fuck your guy,” Alice replied.

  I almost whooped with delight.

  “Deal,” Lanie said.

  And then—

  But maybe I'll save the rest for another time.—V.Z., Corpus Christi, Texas


  When I came home for the summer after my freshman year in college I immediately called up my friend Holly, who I hadn't seen since the previous fall. She invited me to come over to her place so we could swim in her pool. She said her folks were away for the weekend, along with her brother Hal, so we could skinny-dip in private while we caught up on each other's lives.

  Holly and I were both eighteen and had been friends since grammar school, although her parents were richer than mine. She lived in a big house with a pool and a tennis court, but she wasn't snooty or anything. Holly is blond and slender, with small elegant breasts, while I am dark-haired and athletic, and have a body that some people have called voluptuous.

  Half an hour after I called her, Holly and I were lying naked on a couple of beach towels by the side of the pool, drinking iced tea and telling each other what we'd been doing since we'd seen each other. At one point I was looking around idly when I thought I saw something moving behind one of the windows on the second floor of the house. At that distance I couldn't make out what it was, but as I looked again I saw a glint of light, like the sun reflecting off something.

  “Holly,” I said. “Don't look now, but I think there's somebody in your house, and I think whoever it is is watching us.”

  “Oh, shit,” Holly said, without moving. “I bet it's Cam. I can't believe I forgot all about him.”

  “Cam?” I rolled over onto my stomach to conceal my tits and pussy, but I was very aware that my bare ass was sticking up. “Who the hell's Cam?”

  “A friend of my brother. He was staying with us for a few days, and he's going back to Chicago tomorrow, so he didn't go camping with them.”

  I looked at her. “And you just forgot he was here, huh?”

  Holly shrugged. Her little tits jiggled.

  “Damn it, Holly, I think he's looking at us right now. I think he's got binoculars too.”

  “So?” Holly said. “Let him have his fun. What do you care?”

  “You could have told me,” I said. “What does this guy look like?”

  “He looks like a jerk. In fact, he is a jerk. He probably can't get a girl to give him any, so I guess he likes to peek.”

  “And you knew that, right? He's peeked at you before, I bet.” Holly just shrugged again. “So you got me over here to help you give him a skin show? Is that it?”

  “Yeah, something like that,” Holly said. “I thought we might show him a little more than skin though.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well … you remember what we did last summer? That time after Sally's party?”

  “Yeah, I remember. We were totally shit-faced. And that was just supposed to be an experiment.”

  “So? It was nice, wasn't it? You enjoyed it.”

  “I guess.”

  “Yeah, you did. So I thought it might be a kick to really give Cam something to look at. You know?”

  I snuck another quick look up at the window, and again I saw the reflecting glint of sun. “Yeah, he's got binoculars all right,” I said. “Unless it's a telescope or something.”

  “I'm getting hot,” Holly said. “Are you?”

  Actually I was. I was looking at Holly's body now in a different way, and remembering what had happened after that party. I could feel my pussy moistening and my nipples getting stiff. And the thought of some strange geek watching me and maybe playing with himself, which had disturbed me at first, now somehow seemed to add to the excitement. “I can't believe I'm going to do this,” I said, moving closer to Holly's body.

  “Let's make it good,” Holly said. Her voice was husky with arousal. “Let's make it real good for him.”

  “And for us,” I said. Then I kissed her.

  Her lips were soft and sweet, and when she opened her mouth to take my tongue I felt dizzy. I am not a lesbian; normally I like guys, and that one previous time with Holly had been my only experience with another girl, but I was really getting hot now. I touched her and ran my hand over her body as our tongues played with each other.

  When we broke the kiss I raised my head to look up at the window. I didn't see any glints this time, but I knew he was there all right. I still felt funny about him watching, but I didn't care anymore.

  Holly saw where I was looking. “Hey, maybe we should get him down here,” she said grinning. “Let him have a real close look.”

  “No way,” I said, but I had a strong feeling that Holly had already arranged this as well. I suspected that she was signaling to him as I lowered my head to take her breast in my mouth. It was small enough that I could practically take it all in, and my tongue danced over the iron-hard nipple. I moved to the other breast, and didn't look up as I slid my lips downward over her body, kissing and licking her tight stomach, until my nose was in her pubic hair. Her thighs swung open, but before tasting her beckoning cunt, I raised my head again.

  God, there he was. Standing right at the edge of the patio, with his tongue practically hanging out. A skinny, sandy-haired guy, very average-looking. He didn't seem as weird as Holly had made him out, but he wasn't exactly
a heartthrob either, and the way he was staring didn't help much.

  “That's Cam,” Holly said. “I think he likes you. Why don't you stand up and show him your body, baby?”

  Part of me was pissed off at Holly for setting this up, and another part wanted to tell this Cam to screw off. But those parts didn't seem very big compared to the strange arousal I was feeling in spite of myself.

  Slowly, deliberately, I stood up, facing Cam, letting him see all of my naked body, even stretching a little to emphasize my big firm breasts. I heard him gasp.

  Holly sat up now and drew me to her until her face was in my crotch. I straddled her lower body and stood with my legs apart, still facing Cam as Holly began to lick my cunt.

  “Damn, that's nice,” I said, and I was saying it to Cam as well as Holly. “Oh yes, oh God …”

  I could see that Cam had a hard-on. His pants were bulging, and he brushed the front of them surreptitiously from time to time. I put my hands over my breasts and squeezed them, tweaking the nipples between my fingers. I moaned as Holly's lips and tongue worked harder. When she nibbled my clit I cried out and bent over at the waist. Then I was gasping and panting as her mouth worked me over. Cam had unzipped his pants and had his hand inside his fly. I finally came with a shout and sank down onto my knees.

  “Your turn,” Holly said.

  I was still panting, but I bent down between her outstretched thighs and took up where I'd left off earlier. Her pussy was wet and warm, and I did my best to eat her as well as she'd eaten me. Holly lay down on her back and raised her knees, her hands in my hair as I pushed my tongue up inside her. I heard her moaning and whimpering, and I was happy that I was pleasuring her, and excited by the thought that Cam was watching it all.

  Then Holly's moans changed. They sounded muffled as if she had her hand pressed over her mouth. But both her hands were clutching at my hair. I raised my head and got a shock. Cam had come forward and was kneeling by her head. His cock was in her mouth and she was sucking it eagerly as he fucked her face.

  “Hey!” I said. “I didn't know he was gonna join the party.”

  Holly said something around Cam's cock, but I couldn't make it out. At the same time she drew my head back down to her crotch. I shrugged mentally and resumed eating her out. It wasn't long before I heard Cam give a loud grunt as he shot into Holly's mouth, and a few minutes later she came with a soft muffled cry.


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