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The Sheikh's Second Chance Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 5)

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by Cara Albany

  "Ellie. What can I do for you?" Lana said hesitantly, trying to slow her rapid breathing. She realized her voice was quivering no matter how hard she tried to still her rapidly beating heart.

  "You're wanted," Ellie said bluntly. Lana knew what that meant. The boss would want to have words and Lana had learned in her short time at the company that when the boss called, you jumped.

  Lana heard footsteps behind and started to turn. She was about to say something to the man, make one final attempt at finding out the name of the man who had driven her senses so inexplicably wild.

  Her words froze at the back of her throat when she saw the figure of the man striding away from her. By the time she started to force out a disbelieving cry the man had already stepped into the revolving doors and made his way out into the cold New York night.

  "Lana?" Ellie said. "Who was that?"

  Lana shook her head and watched the man's broad shoulders dip as he ducked into the rear of a black limousine. The door shut, and the limo slid away.

  "I don't know, Ellie," Lana replied. "I don't really know who he was."

  Lana tried to mask the tone of regret in her voice. But, as she turned and started to make her way back up the stairs, she vowed that she'd think twice before ever acting so impulsively toward a man.

  Not even a man as gloriously handsome as the tall stranger who had just kissed her like no man had ever done before.




  "There she is," Mia cried out. "I can see her getting ready to disembark."

  Malik Al Kharif leaned casually against the side of the limousine on the tarmac of Qazhar airport. He folded his arms and wondered how long it would take before they could all start back to the palace. Collect Mia's friend and then head home. That was the plan. But, the plane had already been delayed, and Malik was starting to feel impatient.

  The limo had just brought himself, his brother, Rafiq and Mia the soon-to-be new member of the Al Kharif family all the way from the family palace on the outskirts of Qazhar City. The Al Kharif private plane had just drawn to a halt on the tarmac in front of them.

  Malik smiled in spite of the gloominess of his spirits and the tiredness he felt after yet another long night on the town with his friends. He ran a hand through his thick, dark hair.

  Maybe he was getting too old for his chosen lifestyle. That thought made him shudder and adjust his sunglasses. Malik gazed at the stationary plane and saw movement inside the cabin.

  Mia squealed which made Rafiq laugh and shake his head. The two brothers exchanged good-natured glances.

  It was good to see Mia so excited at the prospect of being reunited with her friend from America. Rafiq and Mia's wedding would be in a few days, and the palace had been a hive of activity, most of which Malik had successfully avoided. Weddings were one thing. Being involved in the arrangement of one was quite something else.

  The harsh sound of the whining engines of the small private jet that had flown Mia's friend from the other side of the Atlantic dropped to a steady mechanical rumble and then halted. The door on the side of the plane swung open, and steps were dropped down onto the tarmac. This part of the airport was reserved for the elite families of Qazhar and today the bright sun shone down upon a scene of emotional reunion. Mia hadn't seen her friend for months. They'd known each other in New York during Mia's regular visits to her family.

  Malik thought about Mia and Rafiq's whirlwind romance. They'd been reunited in London, and their previous relationship had been rekindled with Mia's presence in Qazhar to sort out a financial problem that had arisen. It seemed that true love could show up in the strangest of places, even in the midst of a financial audit.

  Malik glanced at his brother. Rafiq had never looked so happy. Malik was glad that Rafiq had found true love with Mia. Even if he didn't believe in it himself, Malik was pleased that at least one of his brothers had found a woman like Mia.

  Malik drew in a deep breath. The prospect of being tied down wasn't something that filled him with anticipation.

  Maybe some day.

  Just not yet.

  Mia reached across and squeezed Malik's arm. "You're going to like her, Malik," she enthused. "She's just your type."

  Malik raised a brow. "Really. And what exactly is my type, Mia?" he asked with a wry grin.

  Mia playfully bumped Malik's arm. "You know. Beautiful. Smart. Strong-minded."

  "Ah. I like the first two," Malik replied. "Not sure about the last one, though."

  Mia crinkled her nose and smiled at Malik. "You just haven't met the right one yet, Malik."

  Rafiq leaned in close. "He's been trying to avoid doing that for as long as I can remember," he said with an admonishing look.

  "What is this? A matchmaking exercise?" Malik asked with a grin.

  Mia shook her head. "Men! What are they like?" she said turning to her future husband.

  Rafiq grinned. "I don't know. What other men are you talking about?"

  Mia hooked her arm inside Rafiq's. "There's only one man for me. But, I think you already know that, don't you?"

  Rafiq and Mia gazed into each others eyes, and Malik wrenched his head away from the sight of the two besotted lovers.


  It was too early in the day for this kind of show of affection.

  There was movement at the door of the plane and Mia tugged herself away from Rafiq and strode forward. Rafiq and Malik walked behind her.

  Then, a figure stepped out from inside the plane, and Malik felt something shift inside himself. The petite blonde in an elegant blue dress and flat shoes emerged from inside the cabin and raised her head, squinting up at the clear blue sky.

  Malik halted in his tracks. Rafiq took a few more steps and then paused. He turned to Malik and frowned.

  Mia screamed with delight. "Lana!"

  The young woman emerging from the plane matched the piercing scream with one of her own. She leapt down the steps and onto the tarmac. Both women hugged each other, air-kissed, and started yelling and babbling like two school kids who hadn't seen each other for decades.

  Malik looked at Rafiq, who was glancing back and forward from the sight of the two women to the sight of his brother rooted to the spot.

  "What is it, Malik?" Rafiq asked.

  Beyond his brother, Malik could see the excited reunion. The two women were obviously overjoyed to see each other. Malik felt his heart beat faster. He clenched his fists, the need for control urgent and immediate.

  It couldn't be!

  Malik squinted one more time. Just to be sure.


  It was her.

  In spite of himself, Malik frowned. He felt a sudden tightness in his chest.

  The blonde hair; the green eyes; the full figure.

  The woman he'd kissed at the New York fundraiser was Mia's best friend?

  Mia turned and gestured toward Rafiq. "Lana. I'd like you to meet the man who is going to be my husband," she exclaimed with barely concealed girlish excitement.

  Rafiq turned away from Malik and walked toward the two women.

  Mia and Lana parted, and Rafiq extended a hand to Lana. "Welcome to Qazhar, Lana. It's lovely to meet you. I've heard so much about you."

  "Oh, come now, Rafiq," Mia exclaimed. "You can do better than that. Give Lana a hug, Rafiq."

  Rafiq smiled and embraced Lana as warmly as his sense of decorum allowed.

  And it was as Lana gazed over Rafiq's shoulder that her eyes settled on the figure of Malik. Her smile froze. He saw her lower lip drop and her eyes widen. It must have seemed like Malik was some taunting apparition beneath the warm Qazhar sun because he saw genuine disbelief on her face.

  A hard knot settled in his middle as his gaze met the eyes of the woman whose lips he had claimed on a cold New York night months before.

  Mia turned to Malik. "Come say hello, Malik," she said enthusiastically. Mia was blissfully unaware that anything was taki
ng place other than a tearful reunion. However, it was a reunion of a very different sort that made Malik's steps across the tarmac feel like he was treading through treacherous, tidal waters.

  Lana and Rafiq parted, and Malik strode up to them. Maintaining his composure was suddenly proving to be even more difficult than a few moments before.

  Mia gestured to Malik. "Lana. I'd like to introduce you to Malik. One of Rafiq's younger brothers."

  Lana's features were frozen in a mask of obvious self-restraint. He could see her jaw tighten even as she forced a smile across her luscious lips.

  Malik straightened himself and bowed formally, aware of just how awkward that gesture must seem when everyone else was so determined to be friendly.

  Malik raised his head, and his gaze met Lana's. Lana extended a hand. Malik was sure he could see that hand shaking ever so slightly. Surely, she wasn't nervous. She remembered their encounter. He was certain of that. She was looking at Malik with visible apprehension in her eyes. Did she think he was going to reveal the fact that they had already met each other?

  "Malik," Lana said with a forced pleasant tone. There was even a questioning tone in her voice, as if at last, she had the information he had denied her. "Lovely to meet you, Malik." She seemed to place an emphasis on his name, sending him a message. Was it a challenge?

  Malik had to admit to himself that he liked the sound of his name on her lips. There was something about the way his name slipped off her tongue that made that hard knot in his middle twist even more.

  Malik took Lana's hand, savoring the feel of her skin against his. He squeezed her hand gently and saw her eyes flicker imperceptibly.

  "Lana. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Malik said. He saw the corner of her sweet mouth crease with a smile at the sound of her name. He deliberately softened his voice, lowering it to a deep growl. It was something he often did when he wanted to make an impression on someone, make them understand immediately that he approved of them.

  "How formal," Mia exclaimed. "You'd think we were at some kind of dinner party or fundraiser," she said.

  Malik saw Lana's head whirl around, and he was sure her face had paled slightly. Beneath the bright sun, her skin looked seductively clear, almost untouched by the sun's rays. Her blonde hair was bright, highlights catching the light in a seductive fashion.

  He suddenly recalled the feel of her hair against the side of his face when he'd kissed her at the foot of those stairs in New York. The scent of the soft tresses had stayed with him long after he'd made his exit after the interruption of the woman at the top of the stairs.

  Malik tried to clear his head of such thoughts, but the sight of the beautiful American woman standing in front of him had seized his attention with an intensity that had taken him aback.

  Malik took in the sight of her features and tried to disguise the wave of approval that surged within him. Her lips were red and full; the green of her eyes caught the light, and they seemed to shimmer with the familiar intensity that had captured his attention in New York. Even across the room at the fundraiser those eyes had captivated him. There was something animal and hypnotic about them.

  The moment of their reunion seemed to slow time to a crawl. The distant noises of the airport had faded into the background. All he could do in this instant was savor the sight of this American woman who he had taunted so mercilessly and then abandoned.

  Mia squinted at Lana. "You and Malik haven't met before, have you?"

  Lana flashed a glance at Malik. Her lips parted obviously with the intent to reply, but Malik quickly cut her off. "Don't be silly, Mia. How could we possibly know each other?" he said to Mia.

  Mia looked unconvinced. She glanced back and forth from Lana to Malik. "It's just that, the way you two were looking at each other, it seemed like you were already familiar," Mia said.

  Lana glanced at Malik, and he was sure she was about to say something to correct her friend.

  Malik narrowed his eyes slightly and met Lana's confused gaze. She seemed to catch his drift and then turned to Mia. "I feel like I already know your future family, Mia. You've talked about nothing else since you gave me the wonderful news."

  Apparently satisfied Mia curled her arm inside Rafiq's. "I can't wait to take you to the palace," Mia said.

  Lana rolled her eyes. "That sounds just too good to be true. A palace?"

  Mia nodded. "I know. Isn't it amazing?"

  Lana turned to Malik. She looked up at the blue sky. "Is it always so sunny?" Lana slid down the dark sunglasses that were perched on top of her head. "I guess I'm not used to this amount of sunshine." She turned her gaze toward Malik. "Especially with New York winters. They're not renowned for their sunny days."

  Lana lowered her head, and Malik knew she was awaiting his reply.

  Malik shifted awkwardly. "I wouldn't know about that. I haven't been to New York in the winter. I don't go there as often as I'd like."

  The corner of Lana's mouth creased with a sardonic smile. "Really? What a pity. You'd love it," she said wryly. "It such a contrast to all of this," she said gesturing toward the distant sand dunes.

  Malik saw Mia frown. "Can I take your bags, Lana?" he asked quickly. It was all he could think to say. Desperate circumstances called for desperate measures.

  Lana turned toward the plane where the bags were being unloaded from the cabin. "I suppose so," she said.

  Malik saw Rafiq look questioningly at him. Malik's face froze in a neutral mask. It wasn't often Rafiq had seen Malik make such an offer to a woman, especially one he'd apparently just met. Was it so unusual for Malik to behave like a gentleman toward a woman? Apparently Rafiq thought so, judging by his expression.

  Malik walked to the plane, picked up the two small cases and headed to the limo. With the driver's help, he placed the cases in the rear of the car. He watched Mia, Rafiq and Lana get into the car. As she dipped her head to enter the limo, Lana lifted her head and gave Malik a long look.

  Malik got into the limo and paused before sitting down. Rafiq was sitting on the bucket seat with Mia and Lana taking up part of the lengthy main seat facing forward.

  "You can sit next to Lana," Mia said with a smile.

  Malik paused. There really wasn't anywhere else he could sit. He twisted and sat down on the seat next to Lana. He tried to avoid glancing at Lana's beautiful legs, and her petite feet. The scent of her perfume drifted toward him.

  Malik looked at Lana and saw that she was studiously avoiding eye contact. This was going to be a very awkward drive home.

  The limo eased away and soon they were heading through the main streets of Qazhar City. Mia and Lana chatted excitedly, while Mia pointed out the various city landmarks.

  Malik had to admit that the obvious enthusiasm the two women felt in each other's company was strangely affecting. He knew they had both known each other for many years. When Mia had been talking about bringing her friend to the wedding, Malik had never conceived that the friend in question would be someone he knew, let alone the woman he'd kissed so wantonly and on a whim.

  Malik drew in a deep breath and tried to calm his thudding heart. What was it about this woman that caused such a reaction? Wasn't he Malik Al Kharif, well-known playboy prince of Qazhar? Wasn't he the man who could have any woman he liked? Wasn't he the sheikh who so many women had tried to claim as husband and failed?

  So, why was it that, right here, in the confines of this limo, just feeling the heat of Lana's body against his side was driving him to distraction? This closeness was making him firm with desire. He could hardly believe the sensations which were coursing through his body. How could he be so affected by a woman he barely knew, even if they had already kissed once.

  Emerging from the outskirts of the city, the limo changed lanes, heading out into the desert and the car swerved slightly. As the car shifted, the side of Lana's body pressed against Malik's, and he almost groaned at the feel of her against him. He felt her thighs against his, the fabric of her dress bar
ely able to conceal the delights of her flesh from his hungry gaze.

  Her body felt so enticing, so utterly tempting, so insanely distracting, that he had to try and slide away from her. He had to at least try to behave himself. This was Mia's best friend, and he didn't want to do anything to spoil their reunion.

  He moved slightly, pressing against the hard interior at his side. There wasn't room enough on the long seat to put a decent distance between him and Lana.

  Malik tightened his jaw and started to chat with Rafiq, but somehow the words didn't come easily. His mind was a jumble of chaotic impressions. No matter how hard he tried to ignore the presence of the woman next to him, he couldn't force his awareness away from her.

  In fact, after a while, as the limo headed out into the desert, Malik started to come to the conclusion that he didn't really want to avoid contact with Lana. Despite the fact that she hadn't said a word to him since the airport, he felt they had already communicated more than enough. It was a dialogue that didn't require any spoken words. The proximity was enough. Each brief contact of their bodies as the limo travelled along the desert highway said all that needed to be said between them.

  They shared a secret.

  That kiss.

  It wasn't a dramatic, earth-shattering secret, or one that would drive a wedge between friends. Eventually, Lana would tell Mia all about her encounter with Malik. And he was sure Mia would be surprised and even excited.

  But, for now, Malik settled back in his seat, content in the knowledge that Lana would be around the palace for the next few days.

  It promised to be a fascinating time.

  There was some unfinished business between them. That kiss in New York had just been the start.

  And, Malik couldn't help wondering just where it would lead.


  "Is everything alright, Lana?" Mia asked.


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