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Doctor Holy Hotness (50 Shades of Grey's Anatomy Book 4)

Page 5

by Katy Connor

  “Was he this gorgeous back in the day?” she asked.

  “He was—although, if it’s at all possible, he’s even more beautiful now. But I swear, that was the least interesting part of him. He was smart and funny, in this fatalistic, Russian way. He was attentive and insatiable…” I drifted off for a second, the memories slamming one after the other.

  She fanned herself. “Stop, I’m going to have an orgasm just hearing you talk about him.”

  “What am I going to do now?” I asked.

  “Like I said, I don’t think you’re going to have to do anything. I saw the look in that man’s eyes—he may have been pissed, but he was far from over you. Not by a long shot.”

  Chapter Seven


  I can’t believe she’s here. What are the chances?

  I was in my office, perusing the hospital’s website on my laptop. Sure enough, there she was, featured on their radiation oncology page. She came to Colorado after her residency for a coveted postdoc fellowship, where she helped pioneer new stereotactic body radiation therapy, the first in the Rocky Mountain region.

  She was only thirty-six years old, young to be the head of her department, but the same was true for me. We had accomplished a great deal in our careers, which I guess was some consolation.

  So why was I still so angry with her? Why should I care if she was here?

  Because you never got over her. Not even close. You knew it the minute you saw those golden hazel eyes of hers peeking over her file folder, trying to hide from you.

  It had been years, and yet she was still evading me. What’s up with that?

  I used to keep up with her career, do the Google searches, set alerts to let me know every time she published another journal article or was the keynote speaker at some medical conference. And every time I heard my computer buzz, I would experience the rush, the thrill of knowing where she was, at least for a time. That was, until I started filling with dread, because I knew, someday, one of those alerts would be an engagement announcement.

  So, after a while, I realized I wasn’t doing myself any favors. The idea that she was out there and I couldn’t have her was too much to take. So I canceled my alerts and went cold turkey.

  It sucked. Friends urged me to drown myself in other women, to give myself permission to dive between the legs of all the beautiful and willing women hell-bent on helping me forget that anyone named Jenny Price ever existed.

  Sure, I’d had a few dates here and there, mostly for work functions.

  It was simple, really: every part of me still felt like it belonged to her.

  The idea of her with other men made me physically ill. I didn’t see a ring on her finger, but that didn’t mean anything. A lot of doctors didn’t wear one.

  After years of circling one another around the country, we were finally in the same state, laying our heads in the borders of the same town. In fact, we were merely five floors apart. Over ten years, I’d had to speculate why she left the way she did. I still had her letter, had read it countless times. Well, I was done waiting. I was getting my answers and I would finally be able to rid myself of the curse that was Dr. Jenny Price.



  “Hey Dr. Price, got a minute for a quick consult?”

  How was it possible my day was still going on as if everything was normal? As if my world hadn’t just cosmically shifted on its axis, in a way I knew would forever demarcate my life into before and after seeing Dr. Alex Petrinov again in that staff meeting.

  It wasn’t my colleague’s fault I was reeling. So I did my best at pretending everything was fine, status quo. I had a lot of practice at that. Besides, it was my turn to oversee the residents and interns in the ER. One of the many factors which made our teaching hospital a rising star was having the chairs from every department do rotations with the residents, even outside their usual area of specialty. The logic of such a system was there were more often interconnected diagnoses, treatments, and protocols, and we were encouraged to “cross-pollinate” and learn from one another.

  “Sure, what do you need?” I asked, feigning a grin.

  It was one of the residents with a new intern shadowing close by. Both looked like they were twelve.

  “Okay, so a thirty-one-year-old male just came in with multilobar pneumonia.”

  “He’s thirty-one?” I asked. “Geez, does he smoke in the shower? Does this guy even sleep at night?”

  The resident gave me a blank stare. “I don’t understand.” He checked the chart. “He says he’s only a social smoker, just when he goes out to a bar or something.”

  I offered a smile. It’s what I did instead of letting him see my “poor schmuck” expression.

  “Doctor, your patient is lying to you,” I informed him, taking the chart from him in order to scan what he had gathered thus far. “Because there’s no way an otherwise-healthy, thirty-one-year-old male has multilobar pneumonia otherwise, unless he’s been exposed to some other environmental irritant?”

  “Um, I don’t know,” the resident answered. “I didn’t ask.”

  “You need to ask, and also please order the following tests,” I said, marking them on his chart. “Get these blood cultures and order a CT scan.”

  “What are all those tests for?” Now his intern was piping in. “What are you expecting to find?”

  I gave back the chart. “Unfortunately, we’re looking for cancer.”

  “So, it seems your poor social skills extend beyond your personal life. Good to know.”

  I knew that voice. It was Alex.

  I forced yet another smile in front of the resident and intern. “Text me when you have the blood test results. Okay? I’m going to give him priority, so we can get the scan today.”

  They nodded, eyeballing each other, and scampered away. I turned around and, even with my boots on, I had to crane my neck up to meet his gaze.

  To most anyone else, his face appeared an impassive mask, but I knew better: he was the personification of contained fury.

  “Hi Alex,” I said, swallowing the jumbo-sized lump in my throat. “I can’t believe you’re here, in Colorado of all places.”

  He clenched his jaw. “Yeah, it’s been a long time,” he said.

  Some of the nurses were noticing us. The last thing I needed was to be fodder for the hospital gossip train.

  “Listen, I know there’s a lot to say, but I can’t have you making cracks like that in front of the residents and interns.”

  “Well, I would’ve said something earlier, but you were too busy sneaking out the back,” he said, talking through gritted teeth. “Although I should be used to that when it comes to you, right?”

  God, he must really hate me.

  “I deserve that.”

  The hospital’s intercom interrupted our happy little reunion. “Paging Dr. Price, please report to the third-floor nursing station. Paging Dr. Jennifer Price.”

  “I’ve got to go,” I said. “Maybe we can get together later and talk this out? I owe you that.”

  He nodded. “I’ll find you,” he said, something working behind his eyes. “There’s something important to discuss, and not regarding the past.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He gave a shake of his head. “I know you’re not used to it, but this time, Jenny, you’re the one who is going to have to wait.”

  Chapter Eight


  Seeing Jenny in that conference room, after all these years, was like entering an alternate reality. How many times had I fantasized about bumping into her somewhere and having her confess she had never gotten over me, the same way I never got over her?

  I can honestly say, in not one of those many fantasies did I find her in a staff meeting, at my new job, hiding behind a file folder. Nor in any of these scenarios did she sneak out the back, dragging her friend with her like a security blanket.

  Unfortunately, she was more beautiful than ever. She no longer hid behind those b
lack, oversized, owl-like glasses, and she had grown her hair out into long waves, down to the middle of her back. Colorado must also agree with her because she had this golden glow, like she was lit up from the inside out.

  If there was a boyfriend or husband that was responsible for that inner light, I didn’t know if I could handle that. I’d like to say I would just wish for her happiness, but screw that. I was a selfish asshole and I didn’t share well. I never have.

  “Knock, knock.” It was Ashley from human resources, sticking her head through my door. She was back at my office, her third time today.

  She was also one of those types who didn’t actually knock on the door, by the way. She just said “knock, knock.” I know she was just a sweet, anxious kid, but it still annoyed the crap out of me.

  I feigned a polite smile. “More paperwork you need me to fill out?”

  She ran her fingers through her auburn hair, crimping the ends. “Oh no, nothing like that,” she said, smiling while biting her lip. “I just wanted to check in, making sure you’re settling in all right. See if there was anything you needed, anything at all?”

  She was nervous and obviously interested, but I wasn’t into it.

  “I’m good, thanks,” I said, jutting my chin toward the big stack of files on my desk. “I’ve got a lot to read, to get me up to speed. But I appreciate you stopping by.”

  “Oh, yeah…sure thing,” she said, obviously disappointed, but that said, the determined gleam in her eye illuminated the fact that she hadn’t given up just yet. “So, I know you’re new in town. I’d love to show you around, be your personal tour guide, if you’re free this weekend?”

  Christ, now I’d have to turn her down—again.

  “I still have a lot to unpack at my new place before I could even consider being social.”

  Ashley looked as if she was about to go for a third round, but then her head turned, apparently focused on something or someone outside my office door.

  “Oh hi…no, it’s nothing. Sure, no problem.”

  She was talking to someone, but I couldn’t hear the other voice.

  “Bye, Dr. Petrinov. I’ll check in with you later,” she said with a wave.

  Before I even had a chance to say anything, Ashley was gone, and Jenny walked into my office. She closed the door.

  I couldn’t believe she was here. Both hands were bunched into fists on her hips, with her ears and neck turning bright red.

  Fuck, I missed that. I was so screwed.

  “Is that what you go for now…barely legal little girls who fawn all over you? She’s, like, twenty-four years old, Alex. She barely knows how to wipe her nose.”

  Jenny was jealous. She didn’t even try to disguise it.

  She had no right to say jack shit about who I slept with.

  So why did her tantrum please the hell out of me?

  “Please, give me a little bit of credit,” I said as I leaned back in my office chair, schooling my features so I didn’t allow the smug smile out that wanted to make an appearance.

  She crossed her arms in front of her. “I would have, but what am I supposed to think?”

  I stood up, rounded my desk. “Why should it matter to you who I fuck, Jenny? You left me, remember? And that was over ten years ago. What the hell?”

  Getting into her space was a mistake, because I caught that vanilla and coconut scent, bringing me right back to when she was in my bed, tangled up in my sheets. Christ, I had missed that smell. It reminded me of a home I never got to live in.

  “Damn you, Alex,” she said, her pulse thrumming wild in her neck. “Is that who you are now, some overgrown fuckboy? What happened to that sweet and beautiful man who had my heart back in Boston?”

  “You eviscerated him, Jenny. He’s gone, destroyed by a letter…a fucking Dear John letter left next to our bed. How could you have done what you did?”

  “I was scared, okay? It was too much, too soon. I couldn’t handle it!”

  “Yeah, that was obvious,” I growled.

  I was right in her face, unable to focus on anything except her. But then her gaze went from my eyes to my mouth. She ran her tongue across her bottom lip. Hungry, needy.

  I didn’t want that mouth for talking. I wanted it for something else.

  I slammed mine onto hers, tasting what I’d been desperate for, for way too long.

  She didn’t hesitate. Jenny opened for me, biting me as much as she was tasting me. I fisted my hands in her hair, feeling a softness that was exclusively hers.

  My lips and tongue traveled down her neck, and I bit her superior trapezius muscle, leaving my mark for anyone to see. Instead of protesting that I was marking her, it only made her moan louder.

  Her hands went for my belt buckle, releasing me as if her life depended on it. I hissed at her touch, the softness of her skin like a velvet burn.

  Her mouth curled in a delicious, wicked way. “You still go commando,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, I do,” I said, lifting her skirt up. Instead of her plain cotton panties she used to wear, she had a sexy French number on, black lace with bloodred ribbons tied at her hip bones. The muscles in my jaw started to tick.

  “Who are these for, Jenny? Who are you dressing up your pretty pussy for?”

  “No one,” she said, her voice a hoarse whisper. “There’s been no one since you.”

  I stared, gobsmacked at her confession.

  I wasn’t sure if I believed her, but I loved the idea of that—of Jenny waiting for me. I wanted all her pink to belong to me, and only me.

  “Good, because it’s mine now,” I said, practically ripping them off of her. The idea of her with anyone else made me see red.

  She was neatly trimmed and natural, just how I liked. I dove my fingers into her wetness, making her head loll back while she widened her stance for me.

  After all these years, it was still like this between us. No warm-up needed.

  I sunk my fingers deep in her channel while rolling my thumb over her swollen clit. She was stroking my dick at the same time, and I was having a hard time keeping my legs from shaking.

  “It’s not enough,” I said through my groan. “I need to taste this pussy.”

  I was like a mad man, crazed for her taste, her scent, and I wanted it all over my face. I wanted her arousal to be the only thing I could smell for days.

  I pressed her back against my office door and fell to my knees in front of her.

  “Wider, baby,” I said to her, my voice low, commanding. “Let me see you.”

  She didn’t even flinch, just widened her legs like a good girl, letting me see all that pink. I buried my face between her legs, like I had been starving for years, feeding on her.

  My God, her pussy was the sweetest thing I’ve ever had in my mouth. I couldn’t get enough of her. I threw one of her legs over my shoulder, pressing my tongue deeper into her. She was biting one of her knuckles, trying to keep her moans down to a whimper. Frankly, she was doing a real shit job at being quiet, but I didn’t care. Let the whole hospital hear me making her mine all over again.

  I knew exactly what my woman liked, so I flicked my tongue lightning fast, while finger fucking her. Just as she was on the edge of coming, I stopped.

  “Wha-why did you stop?”

  I didn’t answer. Instead, I went back to feasting on her. Just like before, I let my mouth go nuts, building her excitement, working her right up to the edge, only to either slow down or stop. Just when her protests got desperate, I’d start working her over with my greedy tongue.

  Each time, I gauged her reaction, going feather-light then deep, slow, then speeding up. She was so frantic for release, tears fell down her cheeks.

  “Stop punishing me,” she said, her voice barely a whimper.

  “No punishment,” I reassured her. “Just enjoying the hell out of you.”

  I stood up, getting a condom out of my wallet. She took it from me, ripped off the wrapper, and slowly rolled it over my dick. All the while, he
r gaze held mine. I lowered my hips and thrusted all of me into her. My eyes didn’t leave hers the entire time, as I fucked the hell out of her against the door. We were banging hard, and I drove my cock in with everything I had.

  She rolled her hips as I fucked her, clenching my cock with her pussy. There wasn’t any blood left in my head. She was making me dizzy, lightheaded enough that I was leaning a lot of my weight into her, afraid that if I didn’t I might fall over.

  I rolled her pink bud between us, making her standing leg shake. Her breath came out in short pants, her moan vibrating between us.

  “I need a little more pressure,” she said. I was more than happy to comply, using several fingers at once, increasing the pace and the friction.

  She knocked the back of her head against the door, but it didn’t seem to bother her. “That’s it, right there, just like that.” Her voice was like gravel, rough.

  Watching her come burned a circuit in my brain, making my orgasm barrel up my spine, right over a cliff. White heat blazed, blinding me. Everything was a warm, soft haze.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” she said, out of breath.

  “Was it?” I asked.

  She wiped the hair away from her eyes. “No, maybe not.”

  I exhaled, resting my forehead against hers, trying to catch my breath.

  “We should probably talk,” I said.

  She averted her gaze from mine. “Yeah, probably.”

  Then Jenny wiggled away from me.

  “We’ll have to do that later. I can’t talk now,” she said, searching around for her underwear. I pulled my pants back up and tucked my shirt in. She found her panties on the floor, lifting them up. They were ripped.

  “Great,” she said. I went over to my coat, retrieving one of my handkerchiefs.

  “Stay still,” I told her. Even though she looked like she was dying to get out of my office, she still complied and stopped moving. Then I got close, lifted her skirt and wiped between her legs, making sure to clean her up. I folded the handkerchief over once I was done and shoved it in my pocket. I pulled down her skirt and straightened her blouse. One of the buttons had popped off.


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