Blink (The Breathe Series Book 2)

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Blink (The Breathe Series Book 2) Page 16

by Lila Kane

  He didn’t move. “You can’t just tell me something like that and then pack up.”

  “No? What am I supposed to do?”

  “Kiss me.”

  I walked over, dropped a chaste kiss on his lips, and backed up again. “Good?”

  “Not even close.”

  “I just gave you an answer, and now you want my body. Kind of demanding today, aren’t you?”

  He grinned. “You just gave me a great answer, and I always want your body. But I’ll be patient.”

  “Great. Off.”

  He stepped off the blanket and took it from me when I folded it. Then he hauled the backpack onto his back again and took my hand. “One more thing.”

  I tipped my chin to meet his eyes. “Anything,” I said, just as he had before.

  He kissed me, hard, mouth lingering on mine. “Thank you.”

  “You can thank me later.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You really do have a one-track mind, don’t you?”

  Laughing, I started back on the overgrown trail. “You’re welcome.”


  When we rounded the house and saw a new car parked in the gravel circle drive, I squeezed Finn’s hand, slowing my footsteps.

  He cast me a reassuring smile. “It’s Powell.”

  “Oh.” I relaxed. When I saw Curtis exit the house with Jake, I waved. And, so grateful to see him, I stepped forward for a hug. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  He went with it though I could tell he was surprised. “Good to see you, Ms. Evans.”

  “Uh oh,” I said with a laugh. “What did I do now?”

  “You just hugged him,” Finn said, taking my hand and pulling me back to his side.

  My cheeks warmed. “I’m sorry. I just—”

  Curtis smiled smoothly. “No problem. Nice place you got here.”

  When he turned to the house, Finn gave me a strange look.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered again. “I got caught up.”

  “I’d rather you get caught up with me.”

  I poked him on the shoulder. “Jealous?”

  He grabbed my hand and kissed it before turning his attention to Curtis. “We’ve got the security system though right now it just alerts us if any of the doors or windows are being tampered with.”

  “It works well, too,” Jake said dryly.

  Curtis gestured. “And the garage?”

  “That’s connected also,” Jake said. “You want to take a look around the place?”

  “In a minute.” He waved two fingers at his car and someone else stepped out.

  I expected Dustin but it was someone I hadn’t seen before. His hair was cropped close like Curtis’s and he had on a simple pair of jeans and a jacket that no doubt hid a weapon beneath it.

  “This is Shane. He’ll be with me here until you’re ready to leave.”

  “Sunday,” I said, nodding.

  Curtis shared a look with Finn and Jake.

  “Sunday,” I said again, turning to Finn. “We have to be back to work on Monday. I’ve got things to do.” Frowning, I said to Curtis, “We’re leaving Sunday—at the latest.”

  Curtis gave another of his easy smiles. “I’m here until you need me.”

  “Can I talk to you a minute?” I asked Finn.

  He opened his mouth but I only released his hand and stalked to the porch, waiting for him with my arms crossed. He climbed the steps and lowered his backpack to the porch floor.

  “Charlotte,” he started.

  “You didn’t tell them we were leaving Sunday?”

  “I said it was a possibility.”

  I closed my eyes and pulled in a long, slow breath. I didn’t want to argue with Finn. Not now. Not after the afternoon we’d had.

  “How about this,” I said. “We’re not going to fight because I can’t deal with that right now.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  He reached out to touch my arm but I backed away. “I’m not finished.”

  I swear his lips twitched, making that anger I was trying to bank flare up. “Don’t you dare think this is funny.”

  “I won’t,” he assured me.

  “I love it here and I’d love to stay longer, but I made a commitment to Oasis and I feel like I should be there. On Monday morning.”

  “Unless there’s some reason Powell feels we shouldn’t go back.”

  “If Curtis feels like we should change our plans, then I will take that under advisement.”

  This time, he couldn’t stop the smile. “You’ll take that under advisement.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Why does his opinion matter so much to you?”

  “Are you serious?” I asked, my voice rising higher than I meant it to. Glancing to the group still standing near the lawn, I took another calming breath. I watched the flowers sway in the breeze and tried to explain it in a way that Finn would understand. “He listens to me.”

  Something flickered deep in Finn’s eyes, an undefinable emotion I doubted he’d share with me. “I listen to you,” he murmured.

  “You’re…biased. Your emotions are involved. And I know you’re doing what you think is best, but sometimes I know what’s best for me. And sometimes you just have to let me make my own decisions—or compromise with me.”

  Finn’s phone rang in his pocket and he pulled it out. When he saw the number, he shook his head and put the phone away.

  “Tracy?” I asked.

  He crossed his arms.

  “Truth, please.”

  He lifted his eyebrows at me.

  “See, this is what I’m talking about. You deciding what you think I should know. If Tracy’s calling you at all hours of the day because she obviously wants you back—”

  “She doesn’t.”

  “She does. I was the one who heard her gushing over you. And you know what? I controlled myself even though I wanted to rub it in her face that I was the one sleeping at your apartment.”

  He grinned and then had the decency to wipe the smile from his face when I continued to give him a serious look. “You were jealous.”

  “Don’t sound so happy about that. I have feelings, too, Finn—the same as you. But I can handle it. If Tracy wants to go after you, I can handle it. It’s you keeping it from me that I can’t handle.” When he started to say something, I held up my hand. “That’s a deal breaker for me, Finn.”

  He exhaled, as surprised to hear those words as I was to say them. But if I was going to stand up to Mark and John, if I was going to try to get my life back on track, I had to be healthy and smart about it.

  “If the situation were reversed, you’d want to know, right? If someone kept calling me? Especially if you asked.”

  He didn’t have to answer. We already knew what he’d want—and it was the same thing I wanted.

  Stepping closer to him, I took his hand between both of mine. “I just don’t want to be left in the dark.”

  He wrapped his arms around me, lips touching my ear. “I understand.”


  He sighed. “Really. But since we’re being honest, I don’t like it. No, don’t pull away. It’s a guy thing, okay? I want to take care of things for you so you don’t have to deal with them. It’s natural, so understand if it’s hard for me to…let go of that.”

  “Sure.” I smiled up at him. “I can understand that.”

  “Good. You should head up, relax, take a shower. Whatever.”

  “That sounds superb,” I said with a grin. “But first I want to talk to Curtis and see if he has any news.”

  Finn tensed.

  “Breathe in, breathe out. Let it go.”

  He gritted his teeth. “Yeah, I’m trying. It’s not working.”

  “Well, try harder.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I laughed. “I love you, Finn.”

  “I love you, too. You sure you don’t want that shower?”

  “Soon. Oh, and what about tonight?”

>   He glanced around, gaze encompassing the lawn, Curtis, Shane, his brother, and the cars. Vigilant. “What about tonight?”

  “The bar in town. I know you’re nervous but Curtis is here now. And Shane. And Paige and I were really looking forward to going. I—”

  “It’s fine,” he said.

  “You sure? You’re not going to change your mind after I get all dressed up?”

  He smiled. “After you get all dressed up, I might change your mind because I want to keep you all to myself.”

  “I’ll dance with you. Really close.”

  He kissed me. “Deal.”

  Finn waved the others into the house. “Let’s talk inside. Then you can take a look around.”

  We gathered in the kitchen. Paige, in her usual way, had prepared drinks for everyone and looked refreshed. Either she’d gotten a wonderful night of sleep last night or she was still glowing from her morning fishing trip. And her fishing partner.

  She prepared to leave so we could talk, but I waved her over. “No, stay. I want you here.”

  “Dustin’s back at headquarters,” Curtis said. “He’s keeping an eye on both your apartments in case John returns. That way we can question him or at least get a lead on where he is. Also, those detectives you spoke with earlier this week stopped by for more information.”

  “Anything new?” I asked.

  “No sign of John yet. Dustin will call if he sees or hears anything.”

  “What about Mark?”

  Finn curled his fingers around mine when I asked the question.

  Curtis scratched his jaw. “That’s another matter.”

  My stomach leaped. “What?”

  “It’s nothing to worry about yet. As you know, someone’s been watching him and reporting back to me. He’s still in Portland but he’s put his home up for sale.”

  “He’s moving? Do you know where?”

  “We haven’t been able to track down that information yet. He might not have secured a new place either.”

  “Or he’s moving in with someone else,” Jake said. “Or using someone else’s name.”

  Curtis nodded. “Which is another possibility.”

  I rubbed my cheek, all sorts of ideas running through my head. “What does this mean?”

  Paige put her arm around me. “It could mean nothing, right? I mean, maybe he’s finished. He can’t get a hold of John, probably. Maybe he’s leaving. Moving somewhere else.”

  I tried to get on board with her optimism but I couldn’t manage it. It didn’t make sense. Why would Mark go through all the trouble of getting John to help him and contacting me just to move away?

  “We’re watching,” Curtis assured me. “If he shows up at Oasis, we’ll know.”

  “And then what?” I asked. No one answered. “I’m serious. Then what? If he doesn’t do anything, I have nothing against him.”

  “What about a restraining order?” Paige asked.

  “It’s an option but it might be hard to secure one,” Curtis said cautiously.

  Jake frowned. “Why?”

  “Because I have no proof he’s done anything,” I said quietly and regretfully. I turned my attention back to Curtis. “Anything else?”

  “Stay vigilant.” Curtis met my eyes and said firmly, “Report anything that happens. Anything strange. Even if it’s just a gut feeling. Better safe than sorry.”

  Finn squeezed my hand. “Anything, Charlotte.”

  “I know. I will.”

  Curtis shifted, glancing around the kitchen. “I’d like to look around, get a feel for the layout. Outside, too.”

  “Sure,” Finn said. “I’ll show you.”

  I caught his arm as the others headed out of the room. “I think I’m going to take that shower. Get ready for later.”

  He nodded. “Good. Take your time. Let’s do dinner there, too. That way we don’t have to worry about it here.”

  I smiled at him. “Good idea. Thanks, Finn.”

  His eyes still didn’t reflect his smile. “Are you okay?”

  “You mean about Mark?”


  “I…hope he doesn’t show up at Oasis.”

  “I know.”

  The idea made my stomach ache, and I knew Finn could read that on my face, so he changed the subject. “You still have to tell me your stipulations. For moving in with me.”

  “I will.”

  “You’re keeping me in suspense.”

  I grinned, even if it was a little forced. “Exactly my plan. See you in a bit.”

  Because I could, and because I wanted Finn to drool when he saw me, smelled me, and touched me, I went all out. Beckoning Paige into my room, we got ready together, swapping stories and helping each other with our makeup.

  I did my hair in wide waves that hung down past my shoulder blades, and dabbed perfume on my neck, in between my breasts, and on my wrists.

  “Finn doesn’t know what he’s in for,” Paige said, sliding into her outfit. A short skirt and dark top that showed off the lean line of her shoulders.

  “I’d say same with Jake, but…” I smiled at her. “I don’t know what’s going on there. Besides you two being really good fishing partners.”

  Paige wrinkled her nose. “He pretty much caught it for me. He showed me how to cast, which involved a lot of him standing really close behind me and holding my hands in the right position and…I was pretty useless after that.”

  I laughed. “Jake’s really good at that. Making women useless.”

  Her eyes widened. “You don’t—I mean…you don’t know from experience, do you?”

  “No. Oh, no, not me and Jake. I just mean we knew each other well back in school. He was a year older, but he knew how to charm a girl. By then, I already knew Finn so I already had those stars in my eyes. I was lost.”

  “Seems like you might be a little lost—in a good way—right now.”

  Pulling on my dress over a lacy pair of black underwear, I smiled. “A lot lost, I’d say. I don’t know how it can feel so new and exciting with Finn when we knew each other so well back then.”

  She helped me with my zipper. “You’ve both changed.”

  “That’s true. But it’s just so…right. So perfect. And so fast. It’s scary.”

  “You’re still not sure about moving in with him?”

  Sighing, I sat on the bed. “I told him I would.”

  “Really?” Paige’s eyes lit.

  “Yes, this afternoon. It’s not that I’m not sure Finn’s the one for me…I just feel like I’m being swept along without even getting a chance to experience everything. And, you know, I’ve got baggage. I feel like…Okay”—I glanced at the door and lowered my voice—“you know what else is scary?”

  Paige sat next to me on the bed. “What?”

  “He said the K word.”

  “What? What’s the K word?” Her eyes widened and she put a hand over her mouth, standing again. “Kids? You mean kids? Charlotte—”

  I waved my hands. “Shh. Not so loud. Yeah, he talked about our future. He…I mean, it wasn’t a whole long conversation, but he’s there, I think. He’s there—ready for the next step.”

  “I thought the next step was moving in together.”

  “And we haven’t even done that yet!”

  Paige set her hand on my arm. “Okay, deep breaths. Isn’t this where you were headed before with Finn? Way back when you were still a baby?”

  Rolling my eyes, I said, “We were in college. But yes, we were young. And I thought I knew what I wanted.”

  “What? You think you were wrong? That’s not what you really wanted?”

  I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out. She was right. That was exactly what I wanted.

  “See, Charlotte,” she said, reading my expression, “things aren’t so far from where you were back then. Except that you’re older and wiser now, and more financially stable. You’ve lived away from each other and gotten a little taste of the real world. If anything, it’s a
better time to be thinking about the future.”

  “You’re right,” I whispered.

  Her eyes narrowed. “But?”

  “When I was with Mark, I…kind of promised myself I’d never have kids. I couldn’t—wouldn’t let them be around someone like him. And as far as getting engaged again, it feels like…” I shook my head. “It’s scary.”

  “So, you’ll adjust,” she said soothingly. “If you know you want a future with Finn and you know it’s right, tell him. But you’ll adjust. You just need a different mindset. Those things can still be scary but in a good way. I was scared when I got engaged—and it scares me to think about doing it again.”

  “Because you don’t want to lose someone again.”

  She nodded. “Right. So, I guess…it’s always an adjustment. But that doesn’t mean we have to set aside what we know is right.”

  I reached over to hug her. “Paige, what I need is your brain when I’m dealing with these things.”

  “My brain, your body.” She laughed. “Killer combo.”

  I stood. “Your body seems to be working just fine for you.”

  “My body is ready to go out. And maybe my fishing partner will be my dancing partner.”

  “I see how he looks at you,” I said. “I think you’ll have a dancing partner.”

  Sliding into my shoes, I heard a knock at the door. “That’s probably Finn. And they’re probably ready to go.”

  I opened the door, and he put a hand to his chest.

  “If I spontaneously combust, at least you’ll be the last thing I remember,” Finn said.

  I grinned. “If you spontaneously combust, you won’t remember anything.”

  “Ah…” He took my hand and drew me close. “I don’t know how you expect me to form a coherent thought with you looking like that. Hi, Paige.”

  “Hi there. You look pretty good yourself.”

  Finn grinned, glancing down at his dark jeans and jacket. “The bar’s pretty casual. They have great nachos, though. A little narrow on the wine selection—”

  “Beer will do,” Paige said. “Or shots or anything, really.”

  “We’re just glad to get out,” I told Finn.

  I snagged my purse off the dresser and stepped into a pair of black heels. Finn’s eyes were on my legs and he released a low breath that just barely reached my ears.


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