Blink (The Breathe Series Book 2)

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Blink (The Breathe Series Book 2) Page 17

by Lila Kane

  I pointed my finger at him. “No changing your mind.”

  He grabbed my hand. “Then let’s hurry so I don’t get tempted.”


  The bar was packed with cars spilling over from the parking lot and lining the side of the road that led to Main Street. There were motorcycles in a long row out front of a wide porch that held tables full of patrons smoking, laughing, and talking.

  “I’ll drop you off here.” Curtis pointed to the road. “And park up there. Wait for Shane and I’ll do a lap to see our exits before I come in.”

  I glanced at Finn in a Is that really necessary? look. He squeezed my hand, lips pressed into a serious line, so I didn’t question it out loud.

  Curtis knew what he was doing, and I promised Finn I would let him do what he thought was necessary.

  We slid out of the back seat. Finn wrapped his arm around my waist as Curtis drove away with Shane in the car behind him. He dropped off Paige and Jake and we stood as a group, waiting for Shane.

  “Stay close,” Finn murmured in my ear, his arm tightening around me.

  I turned in his grasp. “You are going to dance with me, aren’t you?”

  “Sure,” he said, but his gaze was aimed over my head.

  “They play more than country, right?” Paige asked.

  Jake smiled at her. “Usually. They typically have a band in here every night because there’s nowhere else in town that’s open past six. Last time the group covered Eric Clapton, Bruce Hornsby—all the greats.” He pointed. “There’s Shane.”

  Finn relaxed behind me, taking my hand. We walked inside as a group with Shane leading the way. We had to wait a few minutes for a table to open up because Shane wanted us to sit in the back. Then we were able to find a booth near the rear exit.

  “This is good,” he said, eyes already scanning the rest of the bar.

  I missed Dustin and the familiar comfort his presence brought me but it seemed like Shane knew what he was doing.

  “Drinks,” Jake said right away. “Then food. Paige, you have to try the nachos.”

  “And the onion rings.”

  Paige smiled, leaning in so I could hear her above the sound of the music. “I think I’m going to have to get back to the gym when we get home.”

  “I agree.”

  And home…the way she said it made me sort of miss the small apartment I’d grown accustomed to. It also made me remember the stipulations I’d given Finn. We were going to have a home together now. The realization of that hit me hard in the stomach.

  Finn squeezed my leg. “What’s wrong?”

  I jumped at the contact and then laughed. “Nothing. Just thinking.”

  “The whole truth,” he murmured in my ear in a way that made me shiver.

  His hand slid higher on my thigh and I caught it with my own. “Home,” I said. “And our new place together.”

  He grinned, and it was worth the admission to see the happiness on his face. “You still have to tell me about your conditions.”

  “I was saving that for later.”

  He started to protest but the waitress came and took our order. Then the band started another set, drawing Paige’s gaze.

  “Want to dance?” Jake asked her.

  She nodded, sending me a smile. “Fishing and dancing. Maybe I’ll quit my job and move here.”

  They left me and Finn alone. I spotted Curtis coming in through the front door. He scanned the bar, eyes landing on people, exits, the hallway to the bathrooms, and the bar. He also lingered on the band and the dance floor and then made his way to our table.

  “You want to dance, too?” I asked Finn.

  “One minute,” he said, leaning over the side of the booth to gesture to Curtis, who’d stopped by Shane to talk.

  He said something I couldn’t hear and the waitress arrived, distracting me. I thanked her and pulled my glass closer to take a long drink.

  Finn swiveled back to face me. He leaned in, lips close to my ear. “Powell moved the car around back.”

  “Wait, we have to go? Finn—”

  “No.” His hand dropped to my leg again, reassuringly. “We don’t have to go. He just wanted us to know, in case we need to go. So you’ll know where the car is.”

  “Oh. Good.” To settle my stomach, I snagged my beer and took another long swallow. “Then let’s dance.”

  Before Finn could say anything, I slid to the edge of the booth, tugging his hand. He followed along, a smile on his face. When we reached the dance floor, the temperature picked up. I spotted Jake and Paige, dancing closer than I expected without having had any drinks yet.

  Finn curled his arm around my waist, pulling me up against him as he began to sway. My heels brought me up tall enough I could kiss him on the lips without reaching.

  “People are looking at you,” he murmured, his breath on my cheek.

  “Did I spill something on me?”

  “Ha ha. It’s you. Your hair, your dress, your legs.”

  My lips curved. “What about my legs?”

  His cheek pressed against mine. “They’re so damned long. I want them wrapped around me.”

  Anticipation swirled through me. “Later.”

  “You’re asking a lot of me to wait.”

  “Sorry, but I can’t help you there. You promised me a night out and I intend to enjoy it.”

  “Looks like half the bar is enjoying it,” he mumbled, tucking me even closer to his body.

  I kissed him. “I’m only here for you.”

  The song changed, a slower one that had me linking my arms around Finn’s neck. I swirled in circles on the dance floor, trying to tune out the rest of the world. Trying to forget Curtis and Shane had to be here because we might be in danger. Trying to forget it wasn’t safe to go back to the apartment I’d only recently moved into. Even trying to forget my fears about my future with Finn.

  I wanted a life with him and the only way I was going to get it was by stepping out of my comfort zone and trusting that we could make it work.

  Finn brushed his lips against my temple. “There’s a lot going on up there.”

  “I…” The whole truth, I reminded myself. “I was talking with Paige earlier about the future and moving in with you.”

  “And what did you come up with?”

  “It’s my own fear that’s holding me back, not insecurities about us.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?” he said. “Not that you’re scared of the future. But does that mean you’re willing to trust in a future with me despite being scared?”

  That same fear wanted to make me hesitate, to say we needed to give it more time. This was a blind jump for me because I had no idea what to expect. No, that wasn’t entirely true. I trusted Finn and I knew I could rely on him—and right now, maybe that was all I needed to know. Finn was there for me no matter what.

  He spun me in the other direction, fingers dancing up my spine and making me shiver. “Are you afraid I’m going to back out on you like last time?”

  “No,” I said immediately. “No, not at all. I don’t—I don’t think you could do that this time.”

  “I couldn’t. I’m committed to you, Charlotte. No matter what.”

  Those words boosted my trust even more, and I nodded. “Yes. Despite being scared, I’m willing to trust in a future. With you.”


  I stopped dancing. “What?”

  Finn coaxed me to continue moving, splaying his hand across my back on my bare flesh. His words, his touch—everything—made it hard to focus.

  “Does that include everything?” he asked. “Because my vision of the future involves a lot more than us moving in together.”

  I stumbled, my shoe catching on Finn’s. He tightened his grip on me, hauling me against his body. It was steel beneath his clothes, hard and toned, and distracting me from the rest of the world.

  “You’re making me nervous, Finn,” I said, glancing to the table. “I need my drink.”

  “It’s okay to be nervous. I’m taking everything I can get right now.”

  “I appears so,” I murmured. “Let me think on this. Let me…process.”

  He eased back, taking my hand. “Sure. Process. But process with food in your stomach—you haven’t had much to eat lately.”

  He was right. There were too many other things going on, or so many nerves in my stomach, I couldn’t force the food down.

  Our appetizers came along with another round of drinks. I quickly finished my first one and already felt calmer. Jake was shamelessly flirting with Paige and she didn’t seem to mind at all.

  Things were so normal, so blessedly normal, part of me even considered that staying longer might be a good idea. Paige would have to go back home, of course, but if Finn had some time, maybe I could make some, too.

  By my third drink and halfway into our dinner, I’d relaxed completely. I rested my hand on my stomach. “God, I’m full.”

  “You can’t be full,” Finn said. “You have about a week to make up for.”

  I grinned at him. “Maybe if I dance it off.”

  “No more dancing.”

  “Darts,” Jake said, pointing to a board. “Just opened up. Come on, I bet you a beer I can get a bullseye before you.”

  Finn took my hand, kissing my knuckles. “No, I’m good.”

  I frowned at him. “Go. Play. I have to use the restroom anyway. Don’t worry, Shane and Curtis are right there.”

  He stood reluctantly and then grabbed his beer. “Just one game.”

  I waved him away.

  Paige smiled at me. “He’s worried.”

  I looked around. The crowd had thinned out some, the band was still going strong, and nothing looked amiss. “I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. I’ll be right back.”

  Standing from the booth, I caught Curtis’s eye and pointed to the restroom. He gave a short nod and said something to Shane. Shane joined me at the hallway, lingering at the end of the narrow space.

  “I’ll be right here,” he said.


  The hallway smelled faintly like smoke, maybe coming in through the back door that was cracked open. Someone exited the men’s restroom and bumped into my elbow.

  “Excuse me,” I said.

  He adjusted his hat as he walked away. “No problem.”

  My hand froze on the handle to the bathroom. I glanced back but the only one I saw was Shane. His eyes met mine and I gave a smile before going inside the room.

  I was on edge. That had to be it. Just because the man’s voice had sounded familiar didn’t mean anything. It was loud in here and I’d had more than one drink. It was a wonder I wasn’t seeing John or Mark everywhere.

  I used the restroom, washed my hands, and exited, relieved to find Shane in the exact spot I’d left him. Feeling steadier, I returned to the table just as the waitress came by.

  “Here you go,” she said, delivering two more drinks.

  Paige blinked. “We didn’t order more drinks.”

  “That man over there asked if I’d bring them to you.”

  She pointed, and I already had a half-smile on my face, figuring it was Finn or Jake. But instead, she pointed out a man at a table by the door. The same man I’d run into in the hallway. A dark ball cap and a hunch to his shoulders.

  A familiar hunch.

  Fear balled in my stomach and I slid out of the booth so fast I almost stumbled.

  “Charlotte—” Paige’s voice rang after me, filled with surprise.

  Curtis reached me in seconds. “What is it?”

  I turned around, pointing, but the table was empty. The front door shut behind someone who’d just exited.

  “I saw him. He—he was there, at that table.” My fingers squeezed Curtis’s arm. “He sent drinks and—”

  “Where did he go? Charlotte, focus—did you see which way he went?”

  “I think he left through the front door.”

  His hand went automatically to his belt. “Shane.”

  Shane nodded, his hand cupping my elbow. “Ladies,” he said, gaze encompassing Paige. “We’re going to leave through the back.”

  “Wait, Finn—”

  He must have heard my voice or something close to panic because he turned and met my eyes. In a split second, he’d set down his glass and grabbed Jake.

  “What is it?” Finn asked, reaching my side.

  “We’re leaving,” Shane said calmly.

  I grabbed my purse. “We have to pay—”

  But Finn was already ushering me to the back door, so fast I could barely keep up in my heels. I saw Jake pull his wallet out and dump a pile of bills on the table before bringing up the rear.

  The car was just outside the door as Finn had said, past a group of smokers that watched us curiously as we burst through the exit.

  Shane grabbed the handle and we piled inside, squishing in like sardines until Jake could get the seat up and move to the rear.

  I turned to the door, peering outside. “Curtis went after him.”

  “Who?” Jake asked. “What happened?”

  “I saw him.”

  “John?” Paige asked.

  I nodded, still scanning the cars and the forest behind the parking lot. “He’s the one who sent us the drinks. I ran into him in the hallway—”

  “What?” Finn leaned in next to me.

  “I didn’t know who he was—we just bumped into each other. But his voice sounded familiar.”

  Jake made a noise of disgust. “He talked to you?”

  “Which way did he go?” Finn asked, hand resting on the doorknob.

  “Stay in the car, please,” Shane said, turning around. “Curtis will be back soon.”

  Finn ignored him. “Did he go out the front or back?”

  “Finn, no. Stop. Just wait for Curtis.”

  “Can’t you do something?” Finn yelled at Shane.

  To his credit, Shane stayed calm. “It’s my job to stay here with you.”

  “Fuck that!”

  “Finn.” I reached out, touching his shoulder with shaking hands. “Please, you’re scaring me.”

  “Come on.” Jake reached over the seat. “Sit tight.”

  “There he is,” Paige breathed, watching as a figure approached the car.

  Finn stepped out before I could stop him, catching Curtis a few feet from the car. “Did you get him?”

  I crawled out on his side as well, to escape the stuffy car and hear the news firsthand. Shane joined me, stepping slightly closer and keeping his eyes on the parking lot.

  “I checked parked cars and didn’t find anything,” Curtis said. “He could have left on foot—in which case, it’ll take longer to track him. Right now, it’s dark and our best choice is to go back to the cabin.”

  “Damn it,” Finn said.

  My phone rang in my purse and I had a ridiculous flash of Tracy’s face, her voice as she asked for Finn because she couldn’t get through to him.

  Curtis cut off whatever Finn was saying. “Who is it?”

  I gave him a blank look, shaking my head. “I don’t know.”

  Finn turned as I put the phone to my ear and answered.

  “I’m sorry,” the voice said quietly on the other end.

  I took an involuntary step back. Someone steadied me but I wasn’t sure who.

  “I’m sorry,” John said again. He actually sounded sincere. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It’s him,” Finn snapped. “Give me the phone, Charlotte.”

  Curtis shook his head. “Let him say what he needs to say.”

  “That’s bullshit—”

  “It sounds like I’ve caused a bit of a problem,” John said softly. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I just wanted to see you. You looked beautiful tonight.”

  “Where are you?” I asked, voice trembling.

  He ignored the question. “I hope you enjoy the flowers.”

  My mind drew a blank. Finn snatched
the phone from my hand but John had already hung up.

  “Shit,” Finn hissed.

  Curtis reached out calmly and took the phone. “If that’s all right with you,” he said to me. “Just so I can check the number.”

  “Go ahead,” I whispered.

  “Probably a burner on his end,” Shane said. “What’s the plan?”

  “Let’s get back to the cabin.” Curtis held the door wider, urging me to get inside. “We can go over what he said when we get there.”

  “He said, ‘I hope you enjoy the flowers.’”

  Finn frowned. “What flowers?”

  “I don’t know. It—he—”

  Paige rubbed my back. “Take a breath, Charlotte.”

  My head bobbed in an agreeable nod even though it was hard. I pulled in a deep breath, picturing thousands of yellow rose petals. “What if he was at the cabin?”

  Curtis already seemed to come to this conclusion because he was instructing Shane and how they were going to approach the house.

  “Come here,” Finn said, pulling me against his body as if he could shield me from whatever was coming. “We don’t have to go back there.”

  “Yes, we do.” My voice was muffled but firm against his shoulder. “It’s your house. It’s—we might find something that’ll help us.”

  “Curtis will let us know if he finds something.”

  “No.” I pulled back, looking first at Finn and then Curtis. “No. I’m not going to let him chase us away like this.”


  “Finn,” I answered through gritted teeth. “Don’t.”

  He propped a hand on the SUV above my head, dropping his chin to stare at the dirt.

  “We’ll go in first, check the perimeter,” Curtis said. “I doubt he’s still around if he went there. He’d want to make sure he’s long gone.”

  “If he went there, he probably did it before coming here,” I said.

  Curtis nodded. “I agree. Let’s go.”

  I climbed back into the car with Finn right behind me. I halfway expected him to go after Curtis, to yell at him or try reason with him, but he only sat next to me and took my hand.

  “You can’t get out of this car until Curtis okays it,” Finn said softly.

  I watched the other SUV pull onto the main road, and then Shane turned after it.


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