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Forever Charmed

Page 43

by Rose Pressey

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  My thoughts ran wildly as I hurried up the stairs. I wished I could talk with Liam and Nicolas and get everything sorted out. But that was hopeless. I didn’t even know what my feelings were, so how could I possibly get the men sorted out?

  I closed my bedroom door and pulled the books from their hiding spot. I carried them over to my bed and went through the table of contents. There was nothing that dealt with losing the power. How could it not be there? This was something that had to have come up in the past. What would I do now? I had to show the books to Liam. I hoped that I could trust him not to destroy them now. He’d be able to tell me if the spell I needed was really there. Maybe I’d just overlooked it.

  I grabbed the books and headed up the next flight of stairs. A male voice floated down the hallway. I recognized Nicolas’ voice right away. Who was he talking to? I stepped over to his shut door, and pressed my ear against the wood. I couldn’t make out much, but I heard enough. He was talking about me, telling someone that I wouldn’t give up the book. Who was he talking to? Since I didn’t hear another voice, I knew he was speaking with the phone.

  When his voice stopped, I hurried away. I knocked on Liam’s door and he answered right away.

  “You said if I needed help to ask you.” I half-heartedly grinned.

  He looked down at the book. His eyes widened and he looked back up at me. I guess he was surprised that I’d brought the books.

  “I can’t find any mention of a spell to bring back the power.” I gestured toward the books in my arms.

  His expression darkened—not what I’d wanted to see. This couldn’t be good news.

  “I hope that I’ve just overlooked it,” I said.

  “Would you like to come in?” he asked with a tilt of his head.

  I glanced over toward Nicolas’ door. No noise came from the hallway, so I stepped into Liam’s room. I stepped into his room and looked around. Everything was neat and his suitcases were by the door. The bed had been made.

  “Are you checking out?” I asked.

  “Now that Isabeau is gone…” His words trailed off.

  “I can’t believe you. You claim that my powers are gone, Mara still wants my head on a stick and you’re going to bail on me? Why did you even offer to help me?” I poked him in the chest. It was way harder than I’d expected.

  He grabbed my arms. “Calm down. I’m not going anywhere. Yes, for a moment I thought about leaving, but I realize that would be a mistake. I had a job to do and I need to see it through.”

  “You’re darn right you need to see it through.” I poked him in the chest again. It was like touching a rock, by the way.

  He stared as if he had something else to say, but didn’t.

  Finally, he said. “So the books don’t have the spell you need?”

  I nodded. “Not that I can find.”

  “You’re going to trust me with the books?” His left eyebrow rose a fraction.

  I watched for a few seconds, then said, “Yes, I suppose I am.”

  The edges of his mouth barely turned upward. But it was a start. I handed him the books. I wouldn’t lie and say that I didn’t have a moment of hesitation, but it needed to be done. I was out of options. Liam sat on the edge of the bed and I stood by the door.

  He looked at me. “I won’t bite.” He smiled.

  This was heading into dangerous territory. I stepped toward the bed. I wasn’t sure why I glanced over at the door on my way there. Wait. I knew why. Nicolas was the reason. Why did I care if he saw me in the room? He was acting strange anyway.

  I eased down onto the bed next to Liam. My heart rate increased. I shouldn’t have been that close to him. I needed to distance myself from both men. Liam handed me one book while he opened the other. I opened my book and began flipping through the pages.

  After a few minutes of silence, Liam looked at me. “May I?” he asked while holding out his hand for the other book.

  I handed it to him and he handed me the other one. More silence surrounded us. Finally he closed the cover and looked at me. The expression on his face said it all.

  “You may need to get some outside help on this one. Maybe there is a spell another witch knows of that we can modify.” He ran his hand through his hair.

  I nodded. It wasn’t the news I wanted to hear, but it was the news I had to deal with.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” he said, “but maybe you can ask around too.”

  I nodded. “I will. I’ll contact the Coven.”

  Liam stared at me, then reached up and brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. “I’m sorry if I was upset earlier. It’s your business who you kiss.”

  I nodded, but I didn’t know what to say. He was right, it was my business. He leaned forward and kissed me gently on the lips. I closed my eyes, but he didn’t kiss me more. He stopped with the soft gentle kiss. I had been expecting more, or maybe wanting more. When I opened my eyes, he touched my lips with his finger.

  Then Liam stood. “I’d better see what I can find.” He handed me the books.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  I stood and made my way to the door.

  “I’ll call you when I know something.” His dark hair gleamed in the light.

  I nodded and walked out of the room without looking back. I didn’t want to see his handsome face.


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