Taking Charge of Your Fertility
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Aches (achiness), 68, 69, 399
Acne, 139, 140, 316, 404
Acupuncture, 220, 321
Adenomyosis, 298, 300
Adolescence, anovulation in, 114
Age (aging), and fertility issues, 153–55, 222
Aging eggs, and ovarian reserve, 238–40, 241
AIDS, 163, 395
Alcohol, 214–15, 255
Alternative therapies
for PMS, 321–22
for pregnancy achievement, 150–51, 220
American Birth Control League, 347
American Cancer Society, 286
American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 153–54
Amniocentesis, 199
Analgesics, 321
Annie Hall (movie), 301
Anovulation, 49, 113–24, 402
in adolescence, 114
Basic Infertile Pattern and, 451–54, 462, 463
bleeding, reasons for, 294–95
breastfeeding and, 115–16, 445, 446
causes of temporary, 118–21, 461
characteristics of, 116
different phases of, 114–16
exercise and, 120
Fertility Awareness and, 124
illness and, 118–19
medical causes of, 122–24
PCOS and, 122, 138
Peak Day and, 87
Pill or other hormones and, 115, 461
pregnancy achievement and, 216
pregnancy and, 115–16
premenopause and, 116, 461
spotting or bleeding during, 456–57
stress and, 121, 173, 223, 224–25
waking temperature and, 195, 196
weight issues and, 120–21
Antibiotics, 215, 264
miscarriages caused by, 266
sperm, 258
Antidepressants, 323
Antihistamines, 61, 217, 321
Antimalarial drugs, 215
Antimullerian hormone (AMH), 139, 269
Antimullerian hormone (AMH) test, 156, 239, 241
Antiprostaglandin medication, 323
Antral follicle count, 156–57, 157, 239, 241, 336
Antral follicles, 139, 156, 241
Appendicitis, 274
Arem, Ridha, 378n
Arms, Suzanne, 348
Aromatherapy, 321
Arousal fluid, 61, 170
Artificial insemination (AI), 243–45
Artificial lubricants, 216, 305, 307
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART), 243–45, 246–51, 259, 349–52
Association of Fertility Awareness Practitioners (AFAP), 473
Atresia, 46, 409
Atropine, 217
Autoimmune diseases, 275
Babymaking vs. lovemaking, 228
Baby oil, 216
Bartholin’s glands, 38
Basal body temperature. See Waking temperature
Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Method of birth control, 423
Basic Infertile Pattern (BIP), 53, 79, 368
anovulation and, 451–54, 462, 463
breastfeeding, 115–16
premenopause, 339, 461
Bath streams, for experiencing orgasm, 302
Belladonna, 217
Bicycling, 221
Billings, John and Evelyn, 352n
Billings Ovulation Method, 352n, 420, 423
Bioidentical hormones, 151, 333
BIP. See Basic Infertile Pattern
Biphasic chart, 53, 63n, 93
Birth control. See also Pill, the
abstaining when using, 396
contraceptive fittings, 289
contraceptive resources, 474
for endometriosis, 135
method failure and user failure, 14–16, 414, 414n
methods available today, 12
responsibility for, 11–14, 16–17
sexuality and, 311
side effects and physical ramifications, 12–14
women’s health movement and ramifications of, 346–48
Birth control with FAM, 163–79, 396–97
abstinence or barrier method during fertile phase, 164–65, 176
breastfeeding and, 442–49
chart, sample, 76
charting of fertility signs and, 166–75
cheating, risks associated with, 418–19
contraceptive effectiveness, 413–20
“dating and honeymoon” effect, 164
Dry Day Rule, 169–71, 179, 183
First 5 Days Rule, 167–68, 179
I-Just-Know-When-I’m-Fertile Mentality, 184
menopause and, 336–39
minimum charting with maximum reliability, 180–84
Peak Day Rule, 172–73, 179
postovulatory infertile-phase rules, 172–75, 179
preovulatory infertile-phase rules, 167–71, 179
summary of rules, 179
Thermal Shift Rule, 174–75, 177, 179
vaginal infections and, 175
Birth defects, 250
Blackish spotting, 295, 364
Bladder, 41
Bleeding, 361–67
after office procedures, 295
anovulatory bleeding, 118, 294–95, 299, 363
healthy period overview, 293
midcycle spotting, 69, 227, 338, 366
normal, 293–96
signs of miscarriage, 261, 262
spotting after intercourse, 392
spotting anytime from week after ovulation to expected period, 295, 367
spotting before menstruation, 361
unusual or problem, 296–97, 298–99, 300, 365
very light or heavy, 362
Blighted ovum, 267
Blocked sperm ducts, 256
Blood tests, 232, 233, 237
Body mass index (BMI), 147, 214
Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, 347
Breast cancer, 286–87, 289, 332, 334
Breast changes, normal cystic, 286
Breastfeeding, 442–49
anovulation and, 115–16, 445, 446
bibliography, 499–500
charting, 446
deciding type of, 445–46
duration of, 443–44
frequency of suckling, 443–44
intensity of, 444–45
natural birth control while, 448
Breastfeeding spotting, 295
Breast self-exams, 286, 287, 288, 289
Breast tenderness, 68, 211, 286, 338
Brown, Rita Mae, 279
Caffeine, 214–15, 255
Calcium, 141, 320, 335
breast, 286–87, 289, 332, 334
endometrial, 142, 332
ovarian, 242n, 285
Candida, 215
Canola oil, 216
Castleman, Michael, 307
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 259
Cervical caps, 66, 168, 289, 421
Cervical crypts, 36, 57n, 105, 370
Cervical erosion, 296
Cervical eversion, 281, 300
Cervical fluid, xviii, 52–61, 425
aging and, 222
charting. See Cervical-fluid charting
checking before ovulation, 426–29
conception and, 51
creamy fluid, 53, 55, 56, 57, 85
development pattern, 54–55, 56, 58–60
differentiation of basic vaginal secretions and, 61, 396
doctors’ failure to recognize importance of, 20–21
dryness, 54–55, 56, 84
eggwhite quality, 28, 53, 55, 56, 57, 59, 85, 206n, 398
factors potentially masking, 61
functions of, 54
identification of quality of, 60, 61
limited fertile-quality, remedies for, 217–18
lubricative quality, 58, 60
menopause and, 336, 338
Pill and, 104, 370
potential for conception with different types
of fluid, 396
potential problems. See Cervical fluid, problem situations
sperm survival and, 55, 57
sticky fluid, 53, 55, 56, 85, 396
terminology concerns, 8–9, 53
on underwear, 55, 58
vaginal infections vs., 280–82
women’s need to know about, 60–61
Cervical fluid, problem situations, 368–76
absence of any eggwhite-quality fluid, 370
continual sticky fluid day after day (Basic Infertile Pattern), 368
continual wet-quality fluid day after day, 369
infection masking, 375
patches of wet fluid interspersed over long cycles, 372
watery quality rather than creamy, 370
wet, creamy fluid well after ovulation, 374
wet fluid found at cervix but not at vaginal opening, 376
wet sensation or eggwhite before menstruation, 374
Cervical-fluid charting, 78–88, 106–7
charting procedures, 84–86, 107
internally before ovulation, 426–29
minimal charting, 181
observation procedures, 80–82, 106–7
Peak Day, determination of, 86–89, 107–8
terminology, 53
Cervical-fluid ferning test, 232, 237
Cervical mucus. See Cervical fluid
Cervical os, 36, 446, 457n
Cervical polyps, 282, 392
Cervical position, 66–67
birth control with FAM and, 175
changes during cycle, 66–67
charting. See Cervical-position charting
contraceptive efficacy and, 419
importance of checking, 398
typical pattern, 67
women who should check, 99
Cervical-position charting, 99–102, 109–10
charting procedures, 102, 110
menopause and, 338, 340
minimum charting rule, 182
observation procedures, 99–101, 109–10
Cervicitis, 300, 392
Cervix, 36, 57
bumps on surface, 390
incompetent cervix condition, 265
missing (never fully closing), 389
nabothian cysts on, 101, 282, 390
partially open, 389
vaginal delivery, effects of, 101
Change of life, 326
Charting of fertility signs, 6–7, 11, 72–110, 166–75. See also Cervical-fluid charting; Cervical-position charting; Waking-temperature charting
advantages of, 73
after special circumstances, 75
birth control chart, sample, 76
birth control with FAM and, 166–75
breastfeeding and, 446
due date, determination of, 199
first day of charting, 74
logistics for, 103
man’s participation, 311–12
master charts, 518–19
menopause and, 337–39, 340
minimum charting with maximum reliability, 180–84
premenstrual syndrome and, 318, 318
Charts, 264, 281
Chemical pregnancy, 267
charting of fertility signs and, 75
mother’s control of, 348
Chinese medicine, 150, 220, 321
Chocolate, 319
“Chocolate cyst” (endometrioma), 131, 133
Choreplay, 313
Chromosomal miscarriages, 263–64
Cigarettes, 214–15, 255
Cilia, 50
Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor, 192
Climacteric, 326
Clitoral stimulation, 307, 308–9, 314
Clitoris, 37, 38, 39, 301–2, 306, 307
positions best stimulating, 308–9
Clomid, 23, 187–88, 217, 242, 243, 253, 273
Clomid challenge test, 237, 240
Coagulation disorders, 298
Colonoscopies, 60
Community organizations, resources, 472
Complementary health care
for PMS, 321–22
for pregnancy achievement, 150–51, 220
Conception, 50–51, 411
charting temps indicating, 199–202
drugs facilitating, 243
identifying due date, 199
Condoms, 176, 312, 394, 413, 414, 416, 417
Contraceptive pill. See Pill, the
Contraceptive resources, 474
Contraceptives. See Birth control
Corpus luteum, 47, 264, 295, 298, 361, 386, 407, 411
Corpus luteum cyst, 129, 130
Cough mixtures, 217
Coverline, 109, 174–75, 203, 382, 384, 435
Cowan, Belita H., 12–13
Cowper’s gland, 41, 42
Cramping, 69, 234, 262, 297
Creighton Model System (CrMS), 423
Cunnilingus (oral sex), 305, 307
Curiositates Eroticae Physiolgiae (Davenport), 306
Cycle Beads, 422
Cyclic progesterone therapy, 142
Cystadenoma (cystoma), 131
Cystic breasts, 286
Cystic hyperplasia, 298
corpus luteum, 129, 130
endometrioma (“chocolate cyst”), 131, 133
follicular, 127, 130
nabothian cysts on cervix, 101, 282, 390
ovarian, 119, 125, 126–31, 284
Dalkon Shield IUD, 12–13
Danazol, 136
Dark brown spotting, 295, 364
Davenport, John, 306
Daylight Saving Time change, and charting waking temperature, 96
Day 14 myth, 3–4, 15, 18, 19, 26, 113
D-Chiro-inositol, 142
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), 233, 240, 269
Delayed ovulation, 48
waking temperature, 195, 197
waking temperature, stress, and late period, 64–65
Delayed sexual gratification, 304, 313
Depo-Provera, 13, 253, 394, 414, 421
Dermoid cysts, 131
DES, 13, 348
Diabetes, 138, 266
Diagnostic procedures, 233–36
Diagnostic tests, 231–32, 233, 237
Diaphragms, 168, 289, 414n, 421
for male fertility, 255
for menopause, 330
for natural hormone balance, 145, 146–47
for PCOS, 141
for PMS, 319–20
for pregnancy achievement, 214
Dietary supplements, 146, 213, 217
Digital thermometers, 92
Dilation and curettage (D&C), 262
Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), 238–40
Diuretics, 321, 322
Djerassi, Carl, 30
Donors, for IVF, 248–49
Douches, 215, 280
Drinking water, 147, 217
Drug therapy
for fertility problems, 242–43
for PMS, 323
Drug use, 214–15, 255
Dry Day Rule, 169–71, 179, 183, 425
Due date, determination of, 199
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), 297, 533
Ear thermometers, 92
Ectopic pregnancy, 267, 284
Eeva test, 251
Effects of Light on the Menstrual Cycle (DeFelice), 148n
Egg freezing, 157–59
female, 309
male, 42–43, 208, 222
Embryonic development of female and male genitalia, 39
EmbryoScope, 251
Embryo transfer, in IVF, 248
Emergency Contraceptive Hotline, 474
Emotions, coping with, 320–21
Enbrel, 266
Endocrine (hormonal) problems, and miscarriages, 264–65
Endocrine Society, 333
Endometrial biopsy, 22, 234, 237
Endometrial cancer, 142, 332
metrial hyperplasia, 298, 299, 300
Endometrial polyps, 298, 299, 300, 361
Endometrioma (“chocolate cyst”), 131, 133
Endometriosis, 125, 132–36, 272–73
anovulation and, 123
causes of, 132
charting, 133, 134
diagnosis of, 133, 135
effects on fertility, 155, 230, 272
premenstrual spotting, 297, 298, 299
symptoms of, 133, 284
treatment of, 135–36, 273
Endometritis, 298, 299, 300, 364
Endometrium, 36, 47, 51, 118, 132, 234
Energy level, increased, 68
Epididymis, 41
Ericsson method of gender selection, 468
Erotic imagery, 303
Estradiol test, 233, 237, 240
Estrogen, 46, 47, 59, 118, 406
cervical position and, 66, 67
excessive, signs of, 214, 369
hormone therapy. See Hormone therapy
menstrual cycle and, 406, 408–12
waking temperature and, 63
Estrogenic phase, 48, 412
Evening primrose oil, 217, 320
Exclusively breastfeeding, 444–45, 449
Exercise. See also Kegel exercises
anovulation and, 120
for menopause, 330
for natural hormone balance, 148
for PCOS, 141
for PMS, 320
for pregnancy achievement, 214
to strengthen vaginal muscles, 309
Fallopian tubes, 36, 50–51, 274
Fallopian tube tests, 235–36, 237
Falloscopies, 235, 237
“False negative” pregnancy tests, 51, 210
FAM. See Fertility Awareness Method
Fast Kegels, 83
FELOP hormones, 46
Female reproductive anatomy, 34–40
Female sexuality. See Sexuality
Female taboos, 349
Femara (letrozole), 242, 253
FertileCM, 217
Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition (Shannon), 150, 357n
Fertility, male and female differences in, 35
Fertility advantages of some women, 189–90
Fertility awareness apps, 73
Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), xviii–xix, 353–54. See also Birth control with FAM; Charting of fertility signs
abstaining when using, 396
anovulation and, 124
as basic education, 29–30
with breastfeeding, 442–49
diagnosis of problems and conditions with, 6–7, 27–28, 279
differences between natural methods of birth control, 422–23
doctors’ failure to inform patients about, 9
doctors’ lack of knowledge about, 5–7
effectiveness of, 394–95
four rules of, 166–75, 179
as free system of knowledge, 7–8
frequently asked questions, 394–98
gender selection and, 465–68
historical development of, 351–52
language of “palatability,” 8–9
male involvement in, 311–12
misunderstandings about, 4–9
phases of anovulation, 450–63
pregnancy achievement and, 164–66, 194–202