Book Read Free

Drawing Dead

Page 12

by JJ DeCeglie

  There was nothing more to it than that.

  There never really is.

  And I’ll tell ya kiddo, it was about fucking time.


  Some rookie drove me home and didn’t say boo the entire trip. In return I did the same. The light had turned milky on account of some clouds around the place now and as a result everything was a shade more dramatic. I got him to drop me at a coffee shop just round the corner from my house. Said ‘Thanks Madam’ and was ignored by him. There was a payphone out front and after a double espresso I called Chenko and set a meet for an hour’s time. I walked it the long way to my car still parked there on the street behind my house and jumped the fuck in.

  Drove around the place some to see if I had a tail but it seemed the cops had set me free for now. Such nice assholes. The razor-sharp remnants of that hangover were still in my blood so I stopped off for a sixer of cheap but very good Indian beer.

  I’d drained two by the time I’d parked the car.

  We skipped the beach this time on account of it being too hot to be near and met in public so as to convene with the alibi I’d given earlier and which we’d decided on the day before. It was a café in North Fremantle. I sucked another beer down while I waited for Chenko to arrive. I could feel the load coming on. I was early and he arrived on time. We walked in together after he had declined a parking lot beer like he was all of sudden too good for it. Spit in his mother’s milk then. I updated him as we went. Inside first thing I did was order one anyway. Chenko got coffee. The place was licensed and it was why I dug it so much along with the fact that every one of girls who worked there was at least an eight outta ten.

  You see this?

  If it’s pictures of you naked again Chenko I’ll pass my friend.

  He slid a printed off news update over to me.

  It’s all over the internet, will be in the papers tomorrow.

  There was picture of Evie all lovely and blameless along with a detailed reconstruction of what had possibly occurred. The story went just as I had planned it. Everyone remembered her from the poker game. She had drunk too much. Had driven off anyhow. Was seen going into her hotel room with a tall, well built man. Said man left with nothing but the same suitcase he had entered with. The cherry on top was my name right there in the fucking article. So much for a low profile.

  There’s more…

  Chenko was twirling his moustache, which usually meant a development, or if you were a girl he wanted to screw ya.


  Rumblings about a chunk of money stolen.


  Melbourne. Was meant for the cleaners but got jacked in transit.

  How much?

  Not sure. Big though. Over a half.

  He meant million, and kept twirling.

  I need another beer. You?

  Nah, I’m trying to cut back.

  Big deal. I got one anyway. Sunk the first in an extended swallow after putting the order on the second.

  You should cut your losses Jack, just let it go. There’s too much heat.

  He had to be in jest. Had to be.

  She owes me twenty-five grand Larry, plus expenses. You must be going fucking insane if you think I’m not gonna try and collect. That bitch is mine baby.

  It was a set-up Jack. You fucking said so yourself, right from the get-go that the broad was double-dealing. A notebook with your name and number on it. Wasn’t a fucking accident.

  He was right and we both knew it but I stuck up for her for a minute or two more just on principle.

  There are a variety of possibilities as to how that could’ve happened Chenko.

  I couldn’t think of one. He must have though.

  Perhaps, but skipping out with your cash only has the lone explanation. And now you can’t leave the State because you’re a murder suspect. She thought this thing through.

  I think she got lucky. She ain’t as bright as you think.

  I wasn’t entirely sure I believed what I saying but kept on talking anyway.

  She tried to make it look like she was going to the airport last night. Not sure which one but it doesn’t matter anyway. She can’t go anywhere with that kind of money in tow. It just isn’t possible.

  Chenko thought a moment. Gave that moustache a real good tweak.

  You’re right. It isn’t.

  That’s assuming she has the money that’s causing the stirring from Melbourne. I think we got a few days before she a makes a play. She’s holed up somewhere and we have to find her. You with me Chenko?

  You already owe me two Jack.

  I hadn’t bought the owe with me on account of the police incident this morning. It had slipped my mind completely. I swore and promised him another grand on top.

  Make it two.

  Lucky he was worth it.

  Why not just bend me over the table huh? Just do it right here, right now… Check all the city hotels, the high end ones, for a Sophia Rousseau. That’s the new name on the documents you got her. You already knew that. I got a hunch she won’t be slumming it. She ain’t that kinda girl. You shoulda seen the look on her face when I put some cheap clothes on her last night. Like she’d been sneezed on by a homeless dope fiend. Nah, she ain’t slumming, start high and go from there.

  I cut the second beer in half with a gulp. Killed it with another.

  You got any cigars in your car?

  He nodded and we got up to leave. I paid the bill and Chenko tipped his hat. You shoulda seen the get-up he was wearing. Full grey plaid suit, lusterless silver tie to match, sharkskin shoes shining, wearing that Stetson like a damned prohibition mobster. I couldn’t fault him, he looked good. Made me look like a bum, though that wasn’t hard. We smoked by the cars awhile. He gave me a couple more for the road. I laid off the beers. Neither of us said much, sometimes words lose their meaning on account of the gravity pummeling down on the confined space around you. The sea air came along on the wind now and then. Reminded me of being a kid. Reminiscence was about as useful to me right then as religion, or perhaps an asshole where one of my ears were.

  Yeah, remember that jackpot I knew was waiting round the corner, well here I was living it, and it was just as much a motherfucker as I had expected.

  Where you gonna go Jack?

  The one place no asshole figures I’d be dumbass enough to.

  The sun was still shining kids, wouldn’t do me the favour of exploding us all to oblivion in an inspired final fiery flash now though would it. Still I could dream it though, revel in it as I drove. I smoked my balls off the whole way over to the office.

  More driving, another double bluff.

  Come on God.

  Get on with it huh.





  I parked just about where I did a couple of days ago. Then walked it over with my eyes peeled and the beers in my hand. Again it seemed safe enough. Nobody figured I’d be asshole enough to go there. I was though, and when I got there and let my ass in I sat back and took a few minutes to soak it all up.

  I’d been in some shit in my life, there was no denying that, but this took the cake boy, took it and shoved that bastard right in my handsome face. I fired up the computer and read the same story Chenko had shown me. It was just a repeat of the same words on every goddamned site. Drank a beer. Paced about. I had a quick look for something stronger to down but had no luck. All I found was a stash of pull-ties I had in my drawer and I cursed myself for having bought a new bunch the other day instead of using these. They were nice big suckers too, heavy duty and with some length.

  Yeah I know I got a problem.

  But I bet you got your own too.

  These add spice to any man’s bedroom I tell you. Try it on someday. They made me think of Evie. Her flow and push and polish. I got the photo in my wallet out and looked it over like a sacred icon. The things I coulda done with her and these. Oh she would have squealed in delight. Would have moan
ed in pleasure bound mercy. The light can be tamed son, yeah you just need the tools.

  My musing daydream was devastated by a voice.

  A snarl that came from a beast.

  A hulking Neanderthal of a creature.

  In leather pants and a denim jacket.

  I went out into the anteroom to investigate the audacity of the disturbance.

  What’s your name?

  David Bowie.

  Jack Andrelli…right?

  He just stared at me. He was at least six three, had about thirty kilo on me. Hair like an oil slick and a jaw that could break rocks. I tried to smarten up some before he set my dial for me.

  We’re closed pal, I’m not taking anything on right now, no deals, no cases. I’m on an obligatory hiatus. You dig?

  You know Evie Lorenzi, Jack? This news article here says that you do.

  Were they handing those fucking things out on street corners? I played the wiseass one more time.

  Funny, 'cause you don’t look you’d be able to read.

  He just smiled. And laughed. And moved on over to me. Took him about one step to cover five metres. Then he let me have it square in the gut. Felt like his fist came out the other side. I was on my knees and gurgling.

  You know Evie? Huh asshole?

  He toppled me over with an almighty strike and then kicked me about three times. The jackpot had gone off, we had ourselves a winner.

  The cops got it wrong. I didn’t kill her. I don’t know no Evie. I never even met her.

  I was pleading like a bitch, he just kicked me more, one for each line of horse shit.

  Yeah well, maybe you did, and maybe you didn’t, I’m gonna kick you to hell anyhow, just to make the fuck sure I believe ya.

  A few things struck me. Firstly, he didn’t ask about the money, only about Evie, that made me think that he was probably involved with her, maybe did the job with her, and that he, like me, had been double-crossed by her. Secondly, he was serious as shit, he was ready to beat me to soft pulp, and wouldn’t stop with it until I either talked or fainted. Third, was his foot again, and then again, and then again. I made a desperate play. I had to. I was getting my ass handed to me. It was a hit of my own, a boot heel, with all I had, direct to his shin. He reeled with it enough for a quick respite. I hauled up to my feet and made for the other room.

  He was on me like a sprung trap. All I could do was grab for the pull-ties I’d left on my desk. It was a panicked snatch taken as he crunched a fist into the back of my head and sent me forward and over the furniture. It hurt real bad but gave me a second before he rounded the desk to carry on the sadistic battering.

  I threw away the excess and connected one pull-tie at its furtherest click, shook my head like dog and snap gathered myself then stood sorta swaying with that wildebeest right there already waiting to destroy. He rushed me, clutching at my shirt and slamming me back into a filing cabinet that was mostly there just to make the office look more like an office. I had the circle of strong adjustable plastic in my right hand and when we crashed back together I whipped it over his head in the momentary standstill opportunity of impact. He froze for just a second, and in that second I pulled the thing tight with the same hand I’d put it on with. The zipping clicks made him drop his hands and as he did I put my left foot on his thigh and pulled that thing with as much as I could.

  You just can’t fight without an air supply.

  As he started choking and wrestling with it, realizing he couldn’t get a breath and also that the blood supply to his peanut brain was being cut off I let him have a few sweetly timed punches, damn balanced crackers they were, head and gut, yeah I picked him off as he was strangled into a vulnerable submission, face going red, spit dribbling down his caveman chin. He was on the floor, about to pass out in about a minute. I took his wallet out his pocket. Name was Roberto Bertilo.

  Which meant shit to me.

  You know Rob, I’ll tell you something, between you and me, you’re the fourth guy this week who’s tried to kick my ass in this office. It’s a shame, a damn shame. For everyone involved. And yeah I know Evie, good girl, real looker, well looker doesn’t do her justice does it, a fucking humdinger, there I said it, and I mean it too…next time try maybe not being such an asshole Rob, just try it, maybe if ya had you wouldn’t’ve ended up like the rest of’em. Now look at ya, on the floor, no air, bleeding and just waiting to get the shit kicked out ya some more. It’s embarrassing…I guess we just can’t all be winners though can we.

  I gave him a nice hard boot after that part of my dialogue. Unadulterated pure joy.

  Now I gotta make a like a Russian Rob, you know, fuckoffski, make yourself at home though buddy, and try not to bleed too much onto the carpet huh.

  He somehow found the strength to curse at me, so I stomped his head into the ground.

  Shut up.

  I could see he didn’t have much left. So I kicked him again. Then went over to my desk and got the letter opener. I didn’t want a dead body on my hands. I showed it to him. He stuck out his hand the way a zombie would clambering after brains.

  I’m gonna throw this outside Rob, and you can crawl and get it.

  He tried to get up and failed. I went over and dragged his ass by the foot as best I could over to and out the door. Threw the thing, turned round and locked up. When I left he was half way across the car park moving in stunted fits of effort toward his emancipation. I was pretty sure he’d make it, I watched him a minute and made book on his chances, gave him odds of three to one right there on the spot then walked it on the double back to my car laughing my ass off all the way there.

  I was a little banged up but I'd live. They were mostly body shots and that one zing to the back of the skull. I’d taken much worse and walked it off before. This was gonna be no different. I drove to a supermarket and bought painkillers. Dry swallowed a handful before paying. Got outside and wondered why I hadn’t bought a drink. Then more driving and more thinking.

  What the fuck else was I gonna do.

  I knew that this guy knew Evie, and I was convinced he knew her well, otherwise he woulda only wanted to know about the money. Some joker sent on a business retrieval job would have only wanted the cash. He seemed more concerned as to her whereabouts, and he had all the cocksureness of a man who’d probably fucked a girl like Evie, a bunch of times too, that would make you pretty damn proud of yourself wouldn’t it. It would me. But I’m getting off track. My gut said they had ripped off the money together and then Evie had ripped him off soon after. But it was only a hunch and I been wrong about most things for most of my life.

  Anyway I was starving. I went the easiest option, which was drive-thru and downed two burgers and a large fries, also had a coke which helped wash those pills down that had felt stuck all stubborn to the side of my alcohol parched throat.

  It was too early to call Chenko back to see if he had anything for me. So I thought fuck it, I just knew that bitch was out there somewhere, I was gonna try my luck. I stopped for petrol then drove on and into the city. Parked near the train station and then trawled the hotels on foot for about two hours. It was a fuckwit-a-thon for the most part. Waiting about, getting no straight dope, dealing with the menagerie of assholes running places nowadays. Long story short I hit nothing but dead ends. Finished up in a bar drinking Grey Goose vodka on ice and wishing I was dead.

  Pretty standard afternoon for me.

  In fact I said to myself let’s write the entire day off and walked back to the car and drove straight to the liquor store. A pall had come over me. These were hard as shit to shake. I sat in the car looking at the place awhile first. Before I strode in. Outwardly saying no but inwardly having already decided yes. I bought more vodka, and a load of cheap white wine. I didn’t even drive home but instead went to the park overlooking this entire torpid slut of a city and drank until I passed out in the backseat humming myself a little ditty.


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