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Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series)

Page 7

by Herrera, Devon

  “What do you want me to do about it?” I ask, because I’m a big fat coward. Lucky for me Connor is not.

  “I want you, Nina. I want to be with you. And I want you to let me.” Wow! Pinch me! Oh, what the hell. If he can lay it all on the line, then so can I.

  “I think I might want to let you too.” I say quietly and in answer he smiles the most amazing smile that has graced his face since I’ve known him.

  “So what’s our next move Princess?” I look at our hands still connected and know what I want, but I still need just a little time. I need to talk to the one person I know will help me make sense of this.

  “I need to do a little thinking Connor. You’re the first guy for me in a while and it’s for a good reason. What you said about something happening to me, being about my parents or something else. It was both. Them and something else.” This is the farthest I’ve ever gotten when telling someone, but I feel like I owe him at least this much. “I just need to think before I move forward with this. Being with you is so overwhelming. Can you give me that first?” He looks deep into my eyes and I swear he sees everything that is now exposed without the wall in place to guard it.

  “Sure Nina, you can have some time to speak with your friend about me. But you should know she stopped by while you were in the shower, so you have a lot of explaining to do. And she wants to go out tonight.” I fight the urge to slam my forehead into the table, but I can’t stop the face-palm. Connor smiles at me slapping myself and chuckles a little. “Would you be willing to make that our first date? Get some dinner then go out for some drinks and dancing…or in your case, water and dancing.” He smirks at me. God he is amazing. I am so going to do this.

  “Yes.” I say that one word and I’m rewarded with the dazzling smile again.

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  My cell phone stares at me. Well, I stare at it, but it’s taunting me I swear. I really need to talk to Lo about everything, but I know she’s going to freak out and say the dreaded “I told you so.” She always says it. It drives me crazy when she blows things out of proportion and since this time it involves me and Connor, I just know she’ll be picking out her brides maids dress tomorrow. Especially since I know she has been keeping her distance, pretending to be busy when I invite her over so Connor and I can be alone. Ugh, I am not looking forward to this. I give myself a mental slap. Lo is your best friend. I can tell her anything and I really need to talk to her. I pick up the phone and press send. While it rings I take deep breaths. A lot of good it does me because right in the middle of one is when she answers, so of course I choke on it.

  “Nina Ryan! What the HELL! I came over this morning to see how things have been going between you and Con Man, because really a week is pushing it, even for you. And what do I find?! A freaking Connor shaped underwear model in your living room! He answered your door Nina! While you were in the shower!" I hear her sigh dramatically. “Nina. Seriously, stop coughing and give me the deets!!”

  Goodness, this is worse than I’d imagined. I’m dying in my living room while my best friend yells at me. Can you imagine the headstone?

  “Lo, calm down. Did you take your medication this morning?” I say after taking a drink of cider to… help the air go down my throat? I’m such an idiot. Only I can choke on air.

  “Shut up bitch and start talkin!” Man, she is in the zone today.

  “We drank tequila. You know how I get. I said some pretty, non-friend-ish things and he did the same. I threw up, he held my hair, changed my clothes and put me to bed. He was there when I woke up this morning as you already know.” I decided to give her the condensed version. Some things are better left unsaid.

  “Aaaaannnnd!” She says, knowing that I’m holding out on her. I should have known better.

  I sigh and brace myself for the inevitable. “I told him my parents died. He knows something else happened but not what. He said I don’t have to tell him. He told me he wants to be with me, not just as friends and tonight we are going to dinner before drinks with you. It’s a date.” I wait for a response but it’s just silent. That’s odd. I look at the screen and see the call is still connected.

  “Lo?” I ask.

  “Holy shit balls!” Lo finally breathes. “I knew it! I knew this guy would be it! I told you girl! A. Fucking. Soldier. Of. Loooove! Oh Nins, I’m so happy for you. You deserve this you know. You better not screw this up, cuz that man is a keeper.” She practically screams into the phone.

  “I know he is Lo, believe me, you can’t possibly imagine how wonderful he’s been. He saved me from an altercation with Ricky at the mall last Saturday. I haven’t told him everything with that, but he just stepped in and defended me without even demanding an explanation. He took care of me last night and he puts up with my attitude and he touches me. All. The. Time. What the hell am I supposed to do Lo? I’m terrified but I can’t stop myself from wanting to be with him.” I say on the verge of tears. I have cried more in the last two weeks than I have in the last nine years. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing.

  Lo sighs into the phone and when she speaks her voice is understanding, but firm. “Then be with him Nina. He cares about you, any idiot can see that. I know you’re afraid to risk getting your heart broken again, but you never gain anything if you don’t risk anything. Your life can’t be one flat line the rest of your life Nins. You have to have some lows to get the highs. Connor probably isn’t perfect regardless of how he seems right now, but he hasn’t given up on you and that makes him worth the risk in my book.”

  I sit and just absorb her words for a moment. Connor wants to be with me and I want to be with him. It sounds so simple, but Lo is right, I am afraid. She’s also right about the fact that he’s worth it, so there really isn’t anything more to think about. “I’m going to give it shot, Lo. I hope you’re right.”

  Lo squeals into the phone. “You’re making the right decision Nins. Connor won’t make you regret it I’m sure of it. Did I mention I saw him in his underwear?”

  I’m just putting the finishing touches on my makeup when Connor knocks on the door. I take a deep breath and take one last look at myself in the mirror. I’m wearing my gold long sleeved dress with ivory detailing. I paired it with chocolate brown leggings and my cream high heeled boots. My hair is down around my shoulders in thick waves. Of course this is mostly at Lo’s insistence. She has way too much invested in this date for me to mess it up by wearing jeans and a t shirt. Her words, not mine. I walk to the door and take another deep breath and turn the knob. When I open the door Connor’s eyes bug out of his head and I could just kiss my best friend.

  “Come in, I’ll grab my purse and we can go.” I turn around to walk back into the house and I hear Connor close the door behind me. I get two steps from the doorway and I’m whirled around by my hips.

  “Just let me look at you for a second.” Connor’s voice is almost reverent and it makes my face heat up. His eyes rake me from top to bottom several times before he leans forward to kiss my forehead. “You are so beautiful it hurts.” He whispers against my skin.

  It’s the first time he’s called me beautiful and the first time I’ve actually felt it. I’ve felt pretty, attractive and sometimes even cute, but beautiful is a first for me. Without even thinking, I reach up and run my fingers through his hair and kiss the corner of his mouth. I’ve wanted to do that for so long that my fingers linger in his thick blond hair before I can pull them away and speak.

  “Thank you Connor. Of course, you already know that you’re insanely gorgeous as well.”

  He laughs and turns slightly red. “Let’s get going, I want to show you off.”

  We walk outside to his car and he holds the door of his black ford pickup open for me. I had noticed it this past week and it just hit me, “Connor, if you have a car why were you on the bus that day.” I ask.

  “I’d only been in town a couple of days and I flew in, so I hadn’t picked out a rental yet.”

p; Oh so that’s why it looks brand new. This conversation is bringing all sorts of questions to my mind. He’s staying at his dads, renting a car and has a job in New York. How long will he be here? Everything I know about his life here is temporary. What am I thinking getting involved with him when he is just going to leave?

  “Okay, Nina what now? I know that look and I bet you’re over thinking things. You’ve got that wall back up. What’s going on, talk to me”

  I sigh, he sees too damn much. “Nothing really. It’s just…how long do you plan on staying in Cheyenne.”

  I look at him to gauge his reaction. He’s staring straight ahead and I notice his hands tighten on the wheel. “I’m sort of just playing it by ear right now. I don’t have any plans one way or the other.”

  “But, what about your job?”

  “Don’t worry about my job. I was actually thinking it might be time to try something else. You know, make a change. I hope you like seafood.”

  I let his change of subject go. He has been so patient with me that I’m not about to push him on things he obviously would rather not talk about.

  “Red Lobster sounds great!”

  He laughs. “Yea, Cheyenne will never be known for its abundance of five star restaurants will it. I guess you already knew it was this or Outback Steakhouse.”

  “Either would have been great,” I say as he pulls into the parking lot, “but, I’m not sure you’ll want to go out again after this.”

  He smiles at me as he unhooks his seatbelt. “I doubt it, but why do you say that.”

  I smile widely back. “You’ll see!”

  “You don’t mess around do you?” Connor asks eyeing my large plate of seafood while trying to hide his laughter. I giggle at the face he’s making.

  “Crab legs are my favorite and there just isn’t any way to be polite while eating these suckers.”

  I crack into one of the legs, wiggle the long piece of meat out and pop it into my mouth after drenching it in butter. I quickly grab another leg, one with a claw and try cracking it open with my silver nut cracker. These are a little tougher to maneuver and when I squeeze the crackers with both hands to break open the shell, a piece breaks off and flies through the air before landing on our neighbor’s table.

  “Sorry!” I say to the elderly woman who is staring at me, completely appalled at my table manners. I go back to focusing on my crab legs and try to pretend I’m not mortified and hide my flaming face in my napkin. A choking noise from Connor’s seat forces me to look up and see him shaking with silent laughter. I pull the napkin from my face and throw it at him. “Connor! Stop it’s not funny!” It actually is, so I cover my mouth when I start giggling with him. “I told you, you wouldn’t want to date me after this.” I say still laughing.

  “Oh you don’t have to worry about that Princess. You can throw crab shells at people all you want and I’ll still want to date you.”

  “I didn’t throw it!” I say in a loud whisper, not replying to his declaration, but my stomach is filled with butterflies anyway.

  Connor pays the bill and we head to the bar. Once we get inside I spot Lo and make my way over to her. She is standing next to a man who looks like a character out of a western movie. He’s tall and the kind of tan you can only get from working out in the sun. He’s wearing the most worn out Wranglers I’ve ever seen, a black button down, black felt cowboy hat with curly black strands of hair peeking out under the brim. He has that look about him that some guys have that make you feel two feet tall. He’s the definition of ruggedly handsome and looks like the kind of guy who can take everything Lo will dish out and give it right back. This must be the guy her parents are trying to hook her up with. Poor dude.

  A few years ago Lo’s brother was arrested and her father pretty much disowned him for his actions. With her brother no longer of concern, Lo and her future was all her family ever thought about. Her parents just wanted what was best for her, but it drove her crazy and she usually avoids all of the men they throw at her. Lo has issues with commitment and has been fielding her parent’s efforts to get her married off for years. From this distance I can’t see the hostility, but I know that after this date, Mr. Cowboy will be sent home nursing a bruised ego, just like the rest of them. The bigger they are, the harder they fall and all that.

  “You go get a spot next to Lola and I’ll get us drinks. What do you want?” Connor asks.

  “I’ll have a tequila sunrise.” At his eyebrow raise I just shrug. I can’t be mad at José any more, after all he did get me and Connor to where we are now. He shakes his head and walks away. When I get over to Lo she beams at me and gives me a hug.

  “Girl you look hot!” She says looking me up and down.

  “You too!”

  “This is Drake. Drake, this is my girl Nina.” Drake shakes my hand and tips his hat.

  “Pleasure to meet ya.” He drawls. Yup he’s straight off the ranch.

  “Pleasure is all mine!” I say politely.

  “Where’s Con Man.” Lo asks me looking around the bar for him.

  “Getting drinks.” I respond as I scan the people around the bar for him.

  I spot him at the bar ordering our drinks from a brunette with too much makeup, a cut up tank top and really short shorts. She’s batting her eyelashes and pulling her top down and pushing her arms together to flash some more cleavage and a peak of her bright pink bra. Classy. Connor doesn’t look affected and puts some cash on the bar and grabs the drinks. That’s right, ignore the busty bartender and brownie points shall be awarded. Connor returns with our drinks and surprises us with a round of shots.

  “Why Connor Wright are you trying to get me drunk?” I say coyly.

  “I’m pretty sure you can do that just fine all on your own.” He leans over to whisper in my ear and I’m sure I turn a few shades of red. “I thought we should celebrate.” He hands us each a shot and we clink the glasses together and tip them back. Connor locks his eyes with mine as we tip the shots back. He sets his down and grabs my hand. “Let’s dance Princess.”

  I’m so into this that even though dancing isn’t my forte, I follow him onto the floor with no protest. Connor starts to swing me around and it’s obvious that the man can really move. He twirls and lifts me and guides my body into complex swing moves and is so confident and graceful that I almost look like I know what I‘m doing! I look over and Lo and Drake are dancing right along with us. Lola could dance with a child and make him look like a pro and Drake seems like he has been to a few ho-downs, so I’m not surprised they’re tearin’ it up.

  After a few songs I call it quits and lead Connor back to the table. I knock back my drink to cool my body down and Connor does the same. He motions over the music that he is going to go to the restroom and I nod. I’m so engrossed in watching Lo and Drake dance that I don’t notice when someone comes up next to me.

  “Hey wanna dance.”

  I look over and see an attractive shaggy brown haired guy in his early 20’s with brown eyes and a “frat boy” demeanor smiling at me.

  “No thanks I’m here with someone.” I say back, trying to be polite in my brush off.

  “Must be a loser if he left you alone. If you were my date, there’s no way I’d let you out of my sight.” He slurs. Is this guy serious?

  “He should be back any minute.”

  “Well my name’s Jax. Why don’t you let me buy you a drink and I can keep you company till he gets here. What’s your name gorgeous?” My anger rises and I have to force myself to remain calm. I really hate guys that can’t take no for an answer. I clench my teeth together as I speak to keep from shouting in his face.

  “No thank you. Like I said I’m here….”

  “With me.” Connor walks up behind me and grabs me by the hips and moves me slightly behind him. “So, you should probably go find someone else to hit on.” Connor’s eyes are the same darker shade they were with Ricky and despite his obvious anger, I feel the same relaxation spread through me as I did at th
e mall.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” Jax spits at him and puffs up a bit. “If you’re just going to leave your lady sitting here by herself, someone is going to steal her from you.”

  “Believe me it’s not a mistake I’ll make again. You however, will not be stealing my girl. Not tonight and not ever.” Connor grabs my hand and I think he was about to walk away except Jax just keeps on digging.

  “You think you’re tough huh? Well, whatcha gonna do big guy.” Jax slurs his threat and sets his beer down. Definitely a frat boy.

  Connor is about six inches taller and 60 lbs. heavier than this poor kid, but I still can’t help but wonder…Yea what will he do? I remember his move with Ricky and I’m starting to think that maybe Jax is in way over his head. Connor is tall, broad and obviously works out and I’m convinced the look on his face has sent greater men than this cowering away. I watch as Jax sizes Connor up and the liquid courage he’s been downing must not be threatened, because he doesn’t back down.

  “Last chance Romeo. Get a move on.” Connor says letting go of my hand and moves so there is only a few inches between him and Jax.

  “Who the fuck you callin Romeo?” Jax hollers, shoving his finger in the space between them. “I’ll fuckin…”

  Connor grabs the hand that Jax was waving around, forces it behind his back, locks his elbow and pushes Jax’s hand down at the wrist forcing him to the ground in a move so fast that Jax can’t even protest. Holy shit! It was all done so quickly and quietly that apart from the few people around us no one notices the non-fight. I grab Connor’s arm and pull him away from the scene and he doesn’t fight me. Without letting go of him, I drag him to the edge of the dance floor and hold one finger up.


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