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Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series)

Page 10

by Herrera, Devon

  “But we both know there is no such thing as perfect. We haven’t even slept together yet and I know he won’t be celibate forever, but I’m still not ready for that. He never talks about his life back in New York and he hasn’t said anything about staying in Cheyenne. He’s patient and sweet and funny and nothing this good lasts Lo. Men this wonderful always pull the rug out from under you.” I sag my shoulders relieved to be finally letting all my worries out in the open.

  Lo’s eye brows shoot up into her hair. “Oh my sweet baby Jesus, you’re in love with him. You love Connor.” I wince at hearing my terrifying feelings being put into words. Lo smiles shyly at me and reaches over to put her hand over mine. “He isn’t Ricky, Nins. Not all guys are like that. Connor would never do that to you.”

  I smile weakly back at her. “There was never a doubt in my mind about that. I know it would be absolutely wonderful with him Lo and that’s the problem. He could hurt me so much worse than Ricky did. He could leave.”

  That night Connor walks in and sits down on the couch next to me and immediately moves to lie over top of me. I had showed him where I keep the hid-a-key the night before so he could just let himself in. This was a big step for me in the trust department. Most nights watching movies turn into steamy make out sessions that lead to Connor testing my boundaries. We discovered that other than the actual act itself, I don’t have many objections. He always brought me to an intense climax and never once has he pushed me to so much as touch him. So this time, when Connor tries to slip his hand under my shirt, I make my move. I flip him over on to his back and straddle his stomach and kiss my way down his chest, undoing one button at a time as I go.

  “What are you doing Princess?” Connor says in a strained breathy voice as he reaches to grab my hands from traveling lower.

  “Uh uh.” I say putting his hands back on the arm of the couch above his head. “You have had your fun and now it’s my turn. He groans when I scrape my teeth across his flat nipple using one of the moves he’s used on me many times.

  “I don’t have that much restraint Princess. I’ve been about to blow for three weeks now and if you go any further I won’t be able to stop.” I smile at him. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.

  “Let me take care of you Connor.” I nip his stomach and work the button of his jeans open and he hisses in a breath. When I have his jeans completely open I slide my hand in over his barely covered erection. He moans and I gasp. Holy shit! Underwear model indeed!

  Connor is more than helpful with removing his jeans and I kneel between his legs and slowly strip his boxers down his legs revealing him fully. I bite my lip and look up to find him watching me with a searing look on his face. I reach down and take him in my hand tentatively and Connor arches his back, thrusting into my grip. It feels powerful, the fact that I can do this to him. I move my hand up and down on him toying with the grip and speed until I hear Connor’s breathing pick up and see him close his eyes. Even though I have never done it before, I am 26 years old so I have an idea of what would feel the best for him, so I lean down and take the tip of him in my mouth.

  “FUCK!” Connor shouts and thrusts his hips up to meet my lips.

  I swirl my tongue around him and move down to take him further, then slide back up. Hmmm, this isn’t so bad. I move up and down using my hand to help cover his length since there is no way that thing is going all the way in. I listen to his breathing and his groans and can tell he’s close, so I move faster and faster until Connor bucks and his hand tightens in my hair.

  “Baby you need to move or I’m going to come in your mouth.”

  I know he’s just thinking of me, but this is for him, so I keep it up till I feel him tense and shudder all over. I hollow my cheeks and feel hot thick liquid shoot down my throat. I circle him one last time with my tongue and he groans loudly.

  When I sit up I’m sure my grin is smug. I may not be queen of the blow job or anything, but I’d say that was a pretty successful first attempt. Connor is panting and glossy eyed. I lean down and rest my chin on his chest and kiss his neck. After a few moments he pulls me up to his mouth and kisses the smile right off my face.

  “You’re amazing Nina.” He breathes against my lips. When he moves to take my mouth again, I pull away.

  “Wait let me go brush my teeth first.” I say and start to get up, but Connor flips me over and covers my body with his.

  “Oh no you don’t. What is it with you and the teeth brushing? The fact that I was just in your mouth is so fucking sexy and since you didn’t immediately jump up and run to the bathroom I’m assuming that offer was for me. So don’t bother.” He kisses me again deeper this time and I forget what I was worried about and just let myself feel. “I hope you know that you just added another thing to the “approved list.” And I’ll be damned if I’m not excited to take you up on that.” Connor says putting his underwear back on.

  Confused, I raise my eyebrows “You can’t exactly “take me up on it” with your boxers on, Connor.”

  Connor smiles wolfishly. “Oh, Princess as mind blowing as that was, I wasn’t talking about me.” Then, I’m thrown over his shoulder and a few seconds later bouncing across my mattress. Connor has me striped down to my underwear in record time and nibbles the skin on one hip bone to the other as he drags my thong down my legs. I’m shaking from nerves and excitement as the panties land on my floor and Connor looks up at me with his shining sapphire eyes. “Just relax Princess.”

  I lean back and stare at the ceiling as I try to do as he says. He kisses, licks and nips his way up one leg and down the other then moves to my navel and swirls his tongue around before dipping it inside. I twitch under his mouth, because I know what he’s going to do and the suspense is killing me. I’m about to just tell him to get it over with when he pulls back to look at me. My words never come as I get lost in his seductive gaze. Eyes still locked with mine he lowers his mouth to the apex at my thighs and my body bows off the mattress. I clench the pillow by my head with one hand and grip his hair with the other. One of his hands on each of my thighs keeps me immobile and open while he licks, sucks and scrapes the most sensitive part of me, alternating between gentle swipes and aggressive pressure. My blood sings and my body just keeps climbing higher and higher until he thrusts two fingers inside me and sends me over the edge. I open my eyes minutes or hours later and Connor is raining his usual post orgasmic kisses all over my face. He rests his elbow on the bed with his head in his hand and smiles at me.

  “So, I’m pretty sure all your neighbors know your new boyfriends name.” I blush. I wasn’t that loud was I? “Don’t be embarrassed Princess. Every man within a two mile radius is extremely jealous of me right now.” His smile turns serious and he reaches up and runs his fingers down the side of my face. “Nina, I know that it’s only been a few weeks but…” Connor’s phone rings and interrupts whatever he was going to say making me instantly angry at whoever dared to call him before he finished his sentence. He looks at the screen and back at me. “Hold on baby I need to take this.” I nod and he walks through my apartment and out the front door to talk on the steps.

  Huh, I wonder who he’s talking to. I throw on my clothes and head to the kitchen to put together something to eat. I grab some fruit and cheese and start slicing them up. I hear Connor’s deep voice and I can tell he’s not happy with whoever he’s talking to. I think I make out something like “No, nothing. Maybe he’s just gone to Mexico or something.” I hear the door open and Connor comes in the kitchen still visibly irritated.

  “Everything okay?” I ask when he comes up behind me and puts his arms around me.

  He sighs, “I’m not sure. Apparently there’s some stuff going on with my old boss back in New York. But, it’s not my problem anymore.” I put down the knife and turn in his arms.

  “What do you mean?” I look into his eyes hoping.

  Connor smiles at me. “I quit. I’m not going back to New York.” When he notices that I’ve frozen he smiles at
me. “What? You didn’t think I was just going to go back to my old life in the big city now did you? Sorry Princess, but you won’t get rid of me that easily.” I smile back at him, but inside I’m fist pumping and doing a happy dance.

  “But what about your job? I mean I’m just a teacher Connor. That’s not exactly sugar momma material.” I wag my eyebrows at him and he chuckles at me.

  “I’ve been thinking about what to do about that but I’m not sure. I didn’t like my job that much aside from the pay, so I’m sort of at square one.”

  “Well what do you like to do?” It’s hard to imagine Connor not being good at anything so I feel like this is an easy fix.

  “I don’t really know actually. I used to do some mixed martial arts in college and was pretty good at it, pretty much anything physical actually.”

  I run my eyes down his body and smile. “Your right about that.”

  “That isn’t what I meant but maybe I should add that to my resume.” He pretends to look thoughtful and says “Extremely capable of giving orgasms.” I swat at him giggling and he continues. “I got my degree in marketing and business management so I could always get a job at a small company in town.” I can tell he’s not exactly thrilled at that idea so I immediately wave it off.

  “Connor. You can do whatever you want. As long as it doesn’t involve using your orgasm giving skills.” He smiles at me but the doubt in his eyes makes me serious. “What do you want to do? What would you be proud of?”

  “I don’t know. Probably something that would help other people. I never really thought about it before, but hearing you talk about the kids in your class makes me wonder if I would like to do something like that.” That’s when it hits me.

  “Oh my God Connor that’s perfect!”

  He looks taken back and raises his eyebrows, “I don’t follow you. What’s perfect?”

  I squeal like a teenager because my idea is brilliant. “The mentor program for the school district. You would be the perfect head for it. You have the business experience, you’re patient and understanding and I’m sure you could use your martial arts somehow. Don’t they teach self-control and anger management techniques and it promotes physical health. Not to mention the fact that all the little boys will want to be you and the girls will be in love with you on the first day!”

  Connor just stares at me for a while, then opens and closes his mouth. “You really think that about me? The patient and understanding thing. You think I’d be a good mentor?” I nod enthusiastically. “Well it actually sounds like a challenge and a change. Something I would love right now. Who do I talk to?”

  I grab his hands and squeal again. “Come to school with me tomorrow! I’ll introduce you to the principal of my school first to get him on board and then go from there. I’m sure they will think you’re perfect though. Do you have a resume?” I’m so excited that I don’t care that I’m acting like a high school girl at prom.

  “Yea I’ll bring it with me. I’ll run home real quick and grab everything I need if you don’t mind if I stay with you tonight?” He asks softly.

  “Sleep over on a school night? Connor Wright what kind of mentor will you be?” I pretend to be outraged.

  “The kind that gets to sleep next to a beautiful woman. Who wouldn’t want to be me?”

  The next morning I make some scrambled eggs while Connor showers. I took one last night and braided my hair to save time. I’m just putting the plates on the table when Connor comes up behind me and snags a piece of bacon off one of them.

  “That one is yours now.” I say pointing to the plate he stole from and sit down to start eating.

  “You know Princess I could get used to waking up with you lying next to me.” The way he says it is not like it’s just a passing comment. He is pushing his hand through his hair like he does when he’s nervous and he trails off like he’s waiting for me to agree to something.

  I eye him not sure what he is getting at, but I still respond honestly. “I like waking up with you too Connor.” It was true, the mornings I had spent with him were amazing. But we were only going on four weeks as a couple.

  “Good, because I wanted to talk to you about something last night when I got that phone call.” He said sounding more confident this time. “I like being around you. I’m happier when I’m with you. My dad’s doctor says he should be okay to start living on his own and as much as I love him, I want a place of my own and I want it to be with you.” I’m sure my face shows my slight panic and unease, because he leans forward and grabs my hand in his. “It doesn’t have to be this week or anything, but I want you to think about it. Either we can look for a place together or I can move in here if you want.” I frown at him. I know how I feel about him, but I’m not sure I’m ready for this big of a step. “Just tell me you will at least think about it.”

  “I’ll think about it. Eat your eggs, we have to go in twenty minutes.” He nods and shovels a forkful into his mouth.

  When we get to the school, I notice Connor looking around and smiling at everything. He looks so happy and excited that I give myself a mental pat on the back for my brilliancy. I squeeze his hand once and release it to open the door to Principal Mark Wilton’s office. Kate looks up from her computer and smiles at me but blinks when she sees Connor. Really who could blame her though? She recovers quickly enough and reinstates her sweet smile.

  “Good morning Nina! What can I do for you today?” She says pushing her retro studded glasses up her nose.

  “Hey Kate! This is Connor Wright, I’m going to talk to Mark about introducing him to the board as a candidate for the head of the new mentor program. Is he in?”

  Kate claps her hands in front of her. “Oh that’s great news! They are pretty desperate at this point. The deadline to get this thing up and running is the end of March I believe.”

  I look over at the calendar. “That means they only have about four months.”

  She nods grimly. “Mark is in his office, you can knock and see if he is busy.”

  I do as she says and look over at Connor who is adjusting his tie and his predictable fingers take their normal path through his hair. I giggle at how adorable he is and he smirks at me. “Good morning Mr. Wilton.” I say when he opens the door. “Do you have a minute?” Mark opens the door wider and lets Connor and me into his office.

  “Please take a seat.” Mark gestures to the front of his desk where the chairs are.

  “This is Connor Wright, Connor this is Principal Mark Wilton.” The two men shake hands and trade nice to meet yous.

  “What can I help you two with this morning, I’ve got a conference call in an hour with the board to talk about possibly extending the deadline on the mentor program. Some of the board members are already talking about pulling the plug.”

  I smile, this is just too perfect. “That is actually what we are here for. I mentioned the program to Connor, because I think he would be perfect for the position and he is really interested.” I hand him Connor’s resume and just sit back and wait. Mark puts on his reading glasses and starts to read. When he is finished he looks at Connor.

  “Mr. Wright, what type of experience do you have with children?” He asks. This is the hard selling point since Connor is more than qualified to handle the business side of the position, but has never worked with kids.

  “Honestly Mr. Wilton, I don’t have any experience teaching children. I have a cousin who has a four year old daughter and sometimes I feel like she is the one teaching me. I have a feeling it will be the same with this job, but I’m a fast learner and in a way it’s no different than mentoring an adult. You just treat them with respect, give them the tools they need and the opportunity to succeed.” His speech makes me overflow with pride for him. This man, my man, is incredible. Mr. Wilton is quiet for a minute, but his deliberation is short and he smiles.

  “Well Connor, let’s start working up a plan to convince the board to take you on, you’ve got my vote. We have just less than forty-five minutes
before the conference call. Miss Ryan if you would like to head to class we can take it from here.”

  I smile at both of them. “Thanks Mr. Wilton I knew you would agree with me. I’ll see you after class Mr. Wright.”

  Connor smirks at my use of his last name. “Yes you will Miss Ryan.”

  It’s the first time I’m not one hundred percent there with my students and I almost feel guilty. I can’t help it when something so important is happening with someone I care so much about. At lunch I practically run to the principal’s office. When Kate sees me, she smiles widely.

  “I’m not positive, but I think it went really well. They are still in his office, so that’s a good sign right?” She says, already knowing what I’m there for.

  “Let’s hope so.” I say crossing my fingers.

  “If you don’t mind me saying something Nina, you look really great…happy.”

  I smile and flush. “I am, thanks Kate.”

  “Maybe it has something to do with a guy?” Observant.

  “Maybe it does.” I wink at her when she frowns. I knock on Marks door and I hear a “Come in.” I open the door to two men beaming with male pride and I can’t hold back the laughter that bubbles up at their mirrored expressions. “I take it you got the job.” I say.

  “Oh he got the job Nina, he’s even got the whole program outlined and has placed two phone calls with local businesses to set up meetings.” Connor looks so excited and proud that I want to jump in his lap and kiss him. Mr. Wilton must be observant as well because he smiles knowingly at me and says to Connor, “Why don’t you go grab some lunch and meet me back here afterwards.” Connor shakes Marks hand and guides me out of the office with his hand in the small of my back.

  When we get to my car, Connor opens my door for me and walks around to get in the passenger side. I turn to ask him all about the conference call with the school board, but when I open my mouth Connor slams his lips into mine and swallows my words with his kiss. A few breathless minutes later I finally pull away and glance around the parking lot. Thankfully it’s deserted. Connor grabs my face with one hand on each cheek and forces me to look in his eyes and right then, I wouldn’t care if the whole world was watching us.


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