Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series)

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Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series) Page 11

by Herrera, Devon

  “Thank you Nina. I really don’t know what I would do without you and I hope I never find out. I didn’t even know how bad I wanted to do this until you told me that I could. The board was either so impressed or so desperate that they hired me on the spot.” He is so beautiful with his sapphire eyes and his excitement that I make a decision right then.

  “Yes.” I whisper. Connor stills and then smiles slowly. He always knows what I’m thinking.

  “Your place or something new?” He asks not giving me a chance to change my mind.

  “It really doesn’t matter.” I say meaning it. I’ve already walked to the edge of the cliff, might as well dive in.

  “It’s you and me Princess. I’m going to make you so happy.” He says in between kissing my temple than hair.

  “You already do.”

  At the end of the day Connor and I head to Les’ house. We walk inside and find the fire blazing and two men laughing in the kitchen. My gaze immediately goes to the fireplace and it takes me back to the night when my whole life changed. The fire snaps and pops against the glass and I go into a trance. I can smell the smoke of my burning bed sheets and clothes again and see my mother’s handwriting start to fade as the paper of her note blackens.

  “Nina?” I turn my head and see Connor looking at me. His eyes are the same color the flame was when I first lit the match that night. Sapphire. I’m reminded of how those flames seemed to help me pull everything together, making my world clear again. Connor frowns when I don’t immediately answer him so I smile. He smiles back at me but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

  “Ben, you’re in for a treat my old friend. Nina’s here!” Les yells.

  Connor mutters something under his breath that sounds like “Never mind my son.” I kiss his lips once and head into the kitchen.

  “Les! It’s so good to see you again!” I pull him into a hug and hear his friend chuckling.

  “Easy there Connor boy, he is your father. Les, your son seems mighty possessive of this one.” The other man, who I assume is Ben, says.

  Les laughs. “Don’t worry son, you’re the younger model.”

  I giggle at the exchange and turn to Les’ friend. “I’m Nina Ryan it’s nice to meet you.” I can’t help but feel at home here. I think I may have adopted Les as a father figure in my heart already. The man with salt and pepper hair shakes my outstretched hand with both of his.

  “Absolutely charmed Miss Nina. I’m Benjamin.” He releases my hand with a squeeze and I glance over at the bottle of José they have been taking shots of.

  “Why Les, are you sure you should be drinking this?” I ask glancing at Connor.

  Les flinches. “I am no invalid Nina. I’ve earned this bottle and I’m more than old enough to have a drink or two. The good ol’ Doc approved a little alcohol at this morning’s appointment. Yeesh Ben you’d think I was headin 80 the way these two act.”

  I really only have one concern at this point. “Les, you would have an extra shot glass handy for a girl needin a drink wouldn’t you?” I say batting my eyelashes at him. I swear Connor groans but I can’t be sure over Les’ loud response.

  “Is a frogs ass waterproof?”

  A few shots and lots of laughs later Connor and I are getting ready to leave when Les stops us, looking far too serious for a man who was just telling stories about pulling pranks on his son. Apparently, Connor is now terrified of snakes, always checks the toilet for saran wrap and stands slightly to the left when turning on a faucet.

  “Connor, Nina, before you go there is something I’ve been meanin to discuss with you, but just haven’t been ready for it. I’m ready now.” Les looks over to Ben who nods once.

  “What’s up Dad? Is everything okay?” Connor puts a hand on his father’s shoulder.

  “Yes it is son, I just been needin to make a few changes that’s all. I’m gonna be 60 in a handful of years and I’m livin in a big ol house that’s like a shrine to my dead wife, bless her soul. Almost dyin puts some things into perspective and I think it’s what your momma would want for me.”

  Connor glances at me so I step forward and put my hand on Les’ other shoulder. “What are you getting at here Les?”

  Les laughs “Doesn’t beat around the bush this one, just like my Patricia. Well, Nina I want to get rid of the house and travel.”

  My heart sinks a little. I can understand why he wouldn’t want to live in big house that reminds him of what he lost all alone, every day. And I definitely understand wanting to see the world. I’ve seen the “Bucket List.” But the thought of never getting to step foot in this house again puts a knot in my chest. I love this house.

  “Dad, I get where you’re coming from but do you really want to sell the house? You love this house. Mom loved this house. I love this house. Shouldn’t you think about this a little more?” Connor speaks what I’m thinking like usual.

  “I’ve thought about it plenty son. Selling it isn’t ideal and it’ll break my heart to let it go, but what other choice do I have? I was hopin to give it to you when you were ready to start a family, but your pushin 30 and that aint happened. Though you’ve made some progress with this one here and if you’re smart you’ll snatch her up ‘fore she figures out you don’t deserve her.” He says pointing at me.

  I smile at Les wanting to assure him of one thing. “Your son actually asked me to move in together this morning and I’ve agreed. Your son is wonderful to me Les, if anything I don’t deserve him.”

  Connor glares at me. And now I’m totally confused. I just made him sound like the perfect boyfriend and he glares at me. WTF?

  “Way to go son! I always said you had your mother’s brains. You two lovebirds gonna shack up at her apartment?”

  Connor shakes his head. “We aren’t sure dad, we only just decided this today.”

  Les gets a conspiring look on his face and Ben laughs. I look at Ben and raise my eyebrow and he just motions to Les still smiling.

  “Well that’s perfect! You have no idea how happy it would have made Patricia! Oh what good timing you have Connor boy! Nina you can fix up the house anyway you like it, just havin family here is all that matters. You two really have made your old man happy!” Les is beaming and I’m no dummy. He just hoodwinked us.

  “Dad, that’s a pretty big step and we haven’t been together that long. Don’t put that kind of pressure on Nina, that’s not fair to her. I’m sure whoever buys the house would let us stop by in the future if we asked.” I look at Connor and although he is trying to sound nonchalant, I can see that this is what he wants. His clear sapphire eyes are swimming with longing.

  “Connor, I love this house too. If we are moving in together anyway and we both already said we didn’t care where it was, why couldn’t it be here? It would save us the trouble of looking and if your father is going to be traveling he won’t need the furniture. Also, this way we have an extra room for him when he comes home and it’ll be someplace familiar.” Connor’s mouth is open and his eyes are smoldering.

  “You see Connor! I knew it would be perfect! Just listen to your beautiful, intelligent girlfriend. I could just sign it over to you, since I paid if off last year with Tricia’s insurance money. We may have to put a dollar or somethin’ on the bill of sale.” I shake my head at him. I was willing to live here, because it was the most perfect house in the world, but not for free.

  “No way Les. You’re going to need some traveling money and though I would love to live here, I refuse to do it free. You will sell it to us for a fair price or no deal.”

  Les frowns and harrumphs. “Stubborn woman. We can talk about it later. It’s getting late anyways.”

  Connor grabs my coat from the closet. “Yes it is and Nina and I need to talk about this before we discuss anything more with you, you sneaky bastard.” Connor shoots me a look that says I’d better say good bye now. Shit, maybe he really didn’t want this. We say our goodbyes and drive to the apartment. The drive is silent and when Connor pulls in and parks the truck,
I brace myself and bite the bullet.

  “Connor, I should have talked to you first before getting your dads hopes up. I can call him tomorrow and apologize if you want or…”

  “Let’s go inside before we get into this Princess.”

  Connor sounds calm, but then I remember how calm he was when he took out Jax at the bar and my pulse spikes. Screw that! I was just trying to make him and Les happy. It’s not like I committed a crime. I walk briskly to the door with my head up. No way was I going to let him get mad at me for this. I’ll go take a shower and give him a chance to rethink everything. Maybe then he will realize…

  “Ooof!” I’m barely in the house before Connor is slamming the door and pinning me up against it. He brings his lips down to mine hard. They will probably be bruised tomorrow, but I don’t care because he’s kissing me! He lifts me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist and he grinds against me. I pull away from his lips and groan. When he stops his torturous assault and grins at me, I untangle my hand from his hair and punch his shoulder.

  “Ouch what the hell was that for?” He says, but his eyes are still brimming with desire.

  “You made me think you were mad at me!” I shout at him.

  He just smiles. “Oh you mean like you did to me on our first date?” Connor raises his eyebrows at me and I giggle. Damn it he’s right and it was kind of funny. Connor looks at me intently and I stop laughing. “You really mean it? You’ll move into my Dad’s house with me?” I nod because the hope in his voice makes my throat thicken and his body is still pressed against mine robbing me of speech. “I’m warning you Nina Ryan. If we do this, I’m never letting you go.” In answer I kiss him. This is what I had been waiting for. I didn’t need him to say it. Words are meaningless compared to actions and Connor has showed me again and again how much he loves me.

  I never thought that this moment would come for me. My whole life has been shaped to protect me and keep my heart safe. I know that I’m about to change all of that and I should be terrified. I lean forward and brush my lips across his. The fact that the fear never comes and all I can think about is Connor and his mouth on mine gives me the courage to speak. “Connor, make love to me.” I say against his lips.

  Connor lifts his head and looks into my eyes searching again. His expression is wrought with disbelief, so I stare back at him and let my fingers run down his back, trying to convey without words how much I want this. Finally, his features soften, but somehow his eyes burn brighter at the same time. He understands. He always does.

  “Nina.” He breathes then kisses me and starts walking backwards to the bedroom.

  When we get there he covers my body with his, with our lips still sealed together. This kiss doesn’t turn desperate like it usually does. This time it slows, like we have all the time in the world. I bite down gently on his lip and he inhales sharply, his fingers tightening in my hair. I love that I know how to do this to him. He breaks the seal slowly, reluctantly and sits up guiding me to kneel in front of him.

  His hands leave me to remove the loosened tie around his neck and I reach forward to undo his buttons. My fingers tremble as I push his shirt off of his shoulders. Connor reaches down and strips off his under shirt and tosses it onto the ground. His bare chest is only inches from my face and my lips move of their own accord to press against his warm skin. His breath rushes out on a groan and he grasps the hem of my blouse and pulls it up over my head. He deposits my top over the edge of the bed and the look on his face makes me glad I splurge on my lingerie.

  “You’re so beautiful Princess. I’ll never get tired of looking at you.” His voice is reverent and full of the love I’m sure he has for me.

  I undo Connor’s belt and he helps me slide his slacks off. His hand moves to my chest and pushes me back on the bed while the other slips down to pull my skirt over my hips. My skirt barely makes it to my knees and his eyes bug out of his head like a cartoon.

  “Garters Nina! Holy shit! You wore this to work?” He runs his hands down the garter straps and down my stocking covered legs. “I don’t know if I should spank you or bow down at your feet. It’s a good thing that skirt is so long. You would have ruined the little boy who saw these.” He unsnaps the clips from my stockings and slowly pulls them from my legs and takes the belt from my waist. The look on his face and the touch of his hands trailing down my skin makes me feel so sexy. This man has given me so much, made me feel so many new things and now he is going to replace the bad memories with a good one.

  Connor’s eyes trace my body covered only in a bra and panties once, twice, three times and smiles. “If only I had a camera.” Then, he strips me bare without another word and kisses me. He drags his lips down my neck to my breast and takes the peak in his mouth while palming the other. I reach down and shove his boxers to his thighs and use my feet to push them further. Once I start to struggle to get them all the way off without breaking our connection, he kicks them to the ground to join the rest of our discarded clothing. His hand glides down my torso as I reach mine between our bodies. We touch each other at the same time and I can’t tell whose voice is who’s when we both groan.

  “Are you sure Princess?” Connor asks, his sapphires blazing into me, branding me.

  I brush my lips across his once and nod. “I want you Connor.” He closes his eyes briefly, opens them and then swallows.

  “I saw your birth control in your bathroom. If you’ve been taking it and you trust me, I don’t want anything between us. I have a condom and if you want me to use it I will. It’s your choice.” I can tell he’s nervous asking me this. I love that he cares enough to ask and that he wants to be that close to me.

  “I choose you Connor. I’ve been on birth control since I was 16. I trust you. No condom.” I kiss his lips and say, “I’m ready.”

  He doesn’t ask me again and I feel him start to push into me. “Tell me if I hurt you.” He grits through his teeth. “You’re really tight.” Connor grabs my leg and lifts it up at the knee and pushes all the way into me slowly. His forehead drops to mine and I gasp. “Okay?” He stops moving and I grab his ass and pull while I tilt my hips up to force him deeper. “Fuck Nina!” Connor gasps, his eyes clench shut and we both groan.

  “Move your ass Connor.”

  He laughs and pulls back then slides forward, oh-so-slowly. The friction makes my toes curl. When he starts to move at a steady pace, my other leg moves up as I try to get closer to him. He reaches down to grab it and pull it to my chest. He shifts so he’s at a different angle while holding both my legs and I cry out at the shock. The feeling is so intense, like he’s hitting some sort of trigger inside of me.

  Connor chuckles again and it’s kind of cocky this time. “I think we’ve found it Princess.” Then, he really starts to move and I feel every slide and push all the way to my toes. I thrust my hips up to meet him and it spurs him faster. I feel the familiar tightening, in my body, but this time it’s deeper and so much stronger. Connor reaches down between our sweat covered bodies and starts to move his fingers against me. I bite into his shoulder to fight against the all-consuming pressure. It’s too much. “Let go Nina, I’ve got you.” Connor half moans and it unravels my control. My body bows off the bed and the sound I make is half scream half whimper. “Thank God!” Connor yells and pounds on toward his own release. I run my hands down his chest and then back up into his hair and our eyes lock when I feel him stiffen and shout my name. He rolls his hips twice and shudders then collapses on me. He rolls so I’m draped across him and our ragged breathing is the only sound in the room. “I was right.” Connor says in between breaths. “I’ll never survive you.”

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  We just lie in bed on our sides looking at each other afterword, basking in the afterglow. This is what I have been craving, this connection that goes deeper than skin. It makes tears come to my eyes thinking about how perfect it was. How the damage done by someone so careless was healed by someone so wonderful and he’s
mine. Connor notices my unshed tears and frowns.

  “Baby I didn’t hurt you did I? I’m sorry I wasn’t very gentle there at the end.” He tucks my hair behind my ear and looks tortured.

  I shake my head. “No it was perfect, you were perfect. It’s just making me a little emotional.” His eyebrows pull in and I reach up and run my fingers across his lips. “I have some things to tell you.” I whisper.

  Connor kisses me. “You can tell me anything.” I take a deep breath. It’s surprisingly easy and I realize that I do trust him. The thought makes me smile and I start my story.

  “My parent’s names were Cameron and Brooke.” I say and speaking their names is so difficult, that I have to take a deep breath before continuing. “They were so in love. My mother was a country girl and my father was from the city. They met in college and fell in love and got married. My dad knew how much she loved it here, so he moved for her and worked construction while my mom stayed at home with me.

  One night when I was 16, my dad went out for drinks with the guys and didn’t come home till really early the next morning. The guilt must have been too much, because that night he told my mom he got drunk and ended up sleeping with a girl from the bar.” Connor is staring at me now, his fingers running over the strands of my hair, soothing me. I can do this.

  I take another breath and continue. “My mom didn’t take it well. She kind of lost it I think. Brook Ryan was a hopeless romantic and always after the “big gesture.” She dropped me off at Lo’s after school the next day and told me she would see me in the morning. I had heard them fighting the night before, but she looked fine so I thought they had made up. I had no clue. I didn’t even tell her I loved her.” Connor brings my hand up and kisses my palm. “She left my dad a note telling him she was leaving, hoping he would go after her. He did. He drove off while calling her over and over again, just driving around trying to find her.” I close my eyes at the memory of that horrible night. “They say another driver didn’t see him and went to change lanes and ran right into him. He was speeding so when he swerved he lost control and the car flipped. He was killed on impact.”


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