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Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series)

Page 14

by Herrera, Devon

  “That must be from Les, that sneaky man.” I say smiling at Les’ surprise gift.

  Connor nods and pulls out his key and unlocks the door. When we step inside I know the second he sees the Christmas tree and our picture sitting on the mantle of the fireplace. He smiles at the tree and walks up to the picture and touches the green and blue stained glass frame. “Who took this? It’s of us dancing on our first date right?” He asks.

  I come up behind him and link our hands together. “Lo took it. I nearly dropped her phone when I saw it. I’d remembered you looking at me like that. But I’d never seen that look on my face before.”

  Connor smiles smugly at me. “You loved me already.” He says and I laugh at his cockiness, but tell the truth anyway.

  “I suppose I did.”

  He turns to me and his eyes are no longer dull. They are intense and bright, but there is still a hint of that desperation and fear clouding them. He brings our hands up to kiss my knuckles. “It’s been the worst two weeks of my life Nina. I need you and I don’t think I can wait.” He slams his lips into mine and backs me into the wall beside the fire place. Connor tears at my coat without breaking the kiss and I kick my shoes off. I pull at his hair feeling his need reflect mine. When he starts to peel my leggings down my thighs, I yank down his sweat pants and kick my leggings the rest of the way off and reach between us to take him in my hand. “Christ, Princess.” He hisses when I start to move my hand up and down his steel length. He removes my hand and lifts my legs around his waist bracing my back against the wall and pushes inside me in one hard thrust. We both cry out as our bodies connect for the first time since our split.

  “Yes.” He hisses when he’s seated as deep as my body will allow. I gasp at the sensation of having him inside me after so long. I’ve never thought of myself as an overly sexual person, but with Connor I feel as though it’s a necessity. I don’t ever want to go this long without feeling this again. It’s expression in its most basic form. I clutch is shoulders and run my lips up his neck and he groans.

  “I love you Nina.” He says and then closes his lips around the base of my neck as he pulls back and slams forward the first time. He pauses for a moment and runs his tongue up my neck to my ear before repeating the torturous retreat and thrust a second time.

  “I know, I love you.” I manage to whisper and he steals my next breath with the same desperate kiss as before. He moves inside of me at a bruising pace and I cling to him until I feel him tense. He circles his hips once and it sends us over the edge together.

  He stays inside of me for a few seconds and cherishes my face with his lips. I kiss him back once I come down from my high and he slowly pulls out of me. I slide to the floor, my legs incapable of holding me up and laugh at the sight of us half clothed in the living room with Connor’s pants around his ankles. “Come on hot shot we need a shower.” I say taking his hand so he can pull me up

  Connor smirks at me and his eyes are finally back to being brilliant sapphires. “Didn’t get enough of me?” He says pulling his sweats all the way off. I roll my eyes and turn him toward the master bedroom. When he gets inside he starts laughing hysterically. “Couldn’t handle sleeping in the same bed as my parents huh?”

  I giggle back at him. “It wasn’t really the thought of them sleeping that made me want to go buy a new bed.”

  Connor frowns and gives me a disgusted look. “Princess, if you love me. Never under any circumstances, bring that up again.”

  Many hours later we are lying in our new bed in the same position as the last time we were together. He runs his fingers around my lips and smiles. “I know I’m going to sound like a big sissy right now, but I’ve been wondering, when did you know?” The way his eyes light up when he asks the question tells me he wants to know when I realized I was in love with him.

  “I’m not sure. I think I knew it the morning after the tequila incident.” I say and Connor’s eyes widen.

  “I’m not trying to be an ass here Nina, but that was before you laid out the “no sex” rule. If you loved me already, why….” He trails off and I giggle. He may be an amazing guy, but he is definitely a guy.

  “I wasn’t worried about being in love with you before we had sex. I was worried about knowing if you were in love with me.”

  He frowns. “I must not have been as obvious as I thought I was. I’m pretty sure it started for me as soon as in the hospital. I may have even realized it that first morning in the movie theatre. It’s been building for a while.”

  I kiss his lips and think about that. If what he says is true he started falling in love with me almost hours with in meeting me and I wasn’t exactly the most charming person that day.

  Connor notices my pensive look. “What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”

  I shrug. “I just don’t get it Connor. I’m a mess on a good day and you’re gorgeous and sweet and patient and thoughtful.” He scowls at me but I continue. “Why aren’t you married to a model from New York with two kids?”

  He rolls on to his back and closes his eyes. “I didn’t know you in New York Nina. None of the girls I met or hooked up with made me feel the way you did when I first saw you. When I met your stubborn ass, you were beautiful but in a different way than the girls where I’m from. Softer. It made me curious and next thing I knew I wanted to know everything about you. I had to know.”

  I lean up and kiss him. “I’m glad the bus crashed.”

  Connor chuckles at me. “Me too, Princess.” I hear one of our phones beep from the pile of our clothes on the floor and it reminds me of something that’s been bothering me.


  He looks at me and turns back on his side. “What baby.” I struggle about how to ask him without sounding suspicious. I decide straight forward is probably best.

  “When you step out of the room to talk on the phone, who are you talking to? I know it’s not Toni because I’ve heard you talking to her. I’m just curious because after you get done talking to this person you seem…upset maybe? Will you tell me? I promise I won’t run off again.”

  Connor’s jaw tightens and he stares at me for a moment before he sits up and leans against the headboard. “I knew you saw too much for your own good.” He looks down at me. “It’s you and me Princess, no matter what. Do you trust me?”

  I sit up at his serious tone. “Yes I trust you.”

  Connor nods. “Good because, I have some things to tell you. I wasn’t honest about why I left New York.” He says and I nod at him unsure of what to say at his admission of lying to me, but wanting to keep my promise and trust him. Connor closes his eyes and finishes his confession. “When I leave the room to talk on the phone, it’s because I’m talking to the police. I left New York so that my boss couldn’t find me after I saw him kill someone.”

  I sit frozen, staring at the man who I had just been so intimate with and suddenly felt like I knew nothing about. “Hey, don’t look at me like that.” He says taking my chin in his hand and forcing me to look at him. “I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. I went to the police in New York and told them what I saw. My confession was enough evidence to arrest him but he took off. The police wanted me to go into the witness protection program, but I turned them down. I couldn’t leave Dad without any word when he was just getting better. They told me to pull out some cash and get a plane ticket to somewhere remote and they would keep in touch. I decided here was as good as anywhere and they agreed it was probably safe.”

  I squeeze his hand terrified at the thought that he was being put in such a position and a little rattled at something so large being brought out at what was supposed to be the easiest part of our relationship. “Why did he take off? Did he find out you went to the police? Wait you saw someone die!”

  Connor runs his hands through his hair and shakes his head. “I saw my boss and a couple of his security take a man who owed the company lots of money into his office. A few hours later my boss gave me instructions to get the
clothes in his office dry cleaned and to buy him a new rug. The clothes had blood on them but I never found the old rug. He must have thrown it away.”

  I struggle to put the pieces together in my head and finally admit that I’m confused. “I see where that would be suspicious, but that doesn’t prove he murdered anyone Connor.”

  Connor nods at me. “It does if the man never left Max’s office. It does if the man’s bank records show him purchasing plane tickets with his credit card, but he was found dead in an alley from what was set up to look like a mugging.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. This is bad. “So it looks like he was planning to run from his debts and was mugged before he could make the plane. Or the mugger bought tickets with the card they took off of him and why would your boss, a wealthy man, need to mug someone.” I say realizing how dangerous a smart man is.

  “He just never expected his loyal lap dog assistant to rat him out.” He reaches over and grabs my leg and rakes his other hand through his hair.

  “Connor, you did the right thing. It was brave. What could he do to you really? You already gave your statement and hurting you would only make him look guiltier.”

  Connor looks at me, his expression calm. “Maxwell Holden has lots of people on his payroll. The law doesn’t scare people with his kind of money and connections. I made an official statement about what I had seen so they can use it in court and that’s more than enough for him to retaliate.”

  “Oh my God Connor! What if he finds out you’re here?” I can’t imagine anyone hurting Connor. He seems so capable and in control of everything not to mention I know he can defend himself, but even knowing all of this I’m petrified at the thought of his boss finding him.

  “Shh Nina it’s okay.” He pulls me into his arms and kisses my hair. “Holden doesn’t know about my parents moving. As far as he knows I’ve never stepped foot in Cheyenne.” Connor reaches forward and rubs at the crease between my eyebrows. “Don’t worry Princess. We are back together now and that’s all that matters. Please don’t let this ruin everything.”

  I try to smile. “Okay baby. You’re right, I’m sure it will all be fine.” Even as I’m saying the words, my hands are shaking.

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  Early Christmas Eve morning, Connor and I start prepping for dinner together while listening to Christmas music. I sing to “Silent Night” while peeling potatoes and Connor is taking the shells off of the lobster for bisque. I look up at Connor to find he has totally stopped shelling and is just watching me.

  I throw a peel at him and stick my tongue out. “Stop staring and start shelling mister or there will be no Christmas dinner for you!” Connor laughs and goes back to working on the shell fish.

  When the song changes I notice Connor looking at the radio like he just ate something rotten. “How the hell do you listen to this stuff? I feel like I should be wearing a sweater my grandmother knitted and sporting a comb over.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “What is it with men and Christmas music? It’s festive. I can put on the Elmo Shropshire album again if you want.”

  Connor shakes his head with his eyes wide and hands in the air. “No thank you! If I have to hear “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” one more time I’m going to have to give up my man card.”

  We continue cooking till all the prep work is done and all that’s left is to put the ham in the oven with the side dishes. Connor and are I sitting curled up by the fire drinking hot chocolate with cinnamon schnapps, when the doorbell rings. Connor gets up to open the door and I hear Lester’s deep voice and Ben’s laughter.

  “Samson!” I hear Connor’s yell right before I’m attacked. The large golden retriever barrages me with licking and groans as I scratch behind his ear. I notice he’s wearing a blue bow around his neck and giggle when he gives me a big wet kiss on my ear.

  “Hey Sammy! You look so handsome boy! Who put this bow on you?”

  “Well at least I know he won’t make himself sick from missin me or anything.” I jump up to give Les a hug and I see him notice the picture of me and Connor above the mantle. He smiles at me and nods once. “Merry Christmas Nina dear! I know it’s not the grandest present in the world but you don’t mind takin care of this old mutt for me do ya? Ben’s house is too small for him. He couldn’t wait to get out of there.” Ben flips him the finger and I laugh at their antics. “He certainly has taken to you and you seemed to like him fine. If it’s a problem I can figure out something else.” Les finishes and I pat him on the back.

  “Even if I didn’t owe you for all your help the last two weeks and I didn’t love Samson I would still take good care of him. You’re family Les!”

  I notice his eyes tear up a little at that, but he hides it with a cough. “Now I know that’s not regular old hot chocolate you got there. Would you be a dear and go get your old man a cup of that concoction. I could smell the schnapps from the door so don’t try and cheat me out of a drink on Christmas day Con!” Connor lifts his arms in the air and I giggle and go to the kitchen to make him a cup.

  We all open our presents in front of the tree and Connor eyes me when I hand him the two small boxes from me. He starts opening the first and it’s the one I’m the most nervous about. I’d noticed lots of three piece suits in his closet from his job in New York and I wasn’t sure if he planned on wearing them to work here. He lifts the lid and pulls out the old fashioned pocket watch. I’d gotten the jeweler to put a sapphire on the top of the “crown” or so he called the little winding knob. Connor’s eyes light up and he looks at me.

  “Open it.” I say more excited than nervous now that I’ve seen his expression. He clicks the watch open and inside the lid is a picture of us I had taken with my phone during the “tequila incident” as Connor has dubbed it. I’m smiling at the camera holding the tequila bottle lying across Connor’s lap on the couch and Connor is looking down at me. “I know it’s sort of old fashioned but I kept picturing you sitting in your office in your vest, talking to some troubled kid and popping it open to check the time, so I couldn’t help myself. You don’t have to wear it or anything if you don’t want to…”

  I’m cut off by Connor’s kiss. A few seconds later someone clears their throat and Connor pulls away and smiles down at me. “It’s perfect Princess. I’ll take it everywhere. I’ve always wanted one of these.” He looks so young playing with his present, popping it open and twirling the crown to set the time then passing it around so everyone can take a look at that I almost forget about the second more practical gift. I hand him the second box and he frowns at me. “You didn’t have to do all this baby.” He says and I just roll my eyes and motion for him to open it. He unwraps the box and pulls out a medium sized folding knife. I had his initials engraved on the side of the blade. He flips it open and notices the CSW then glares at his father. “You told her my middle name didn’t you.”

  Les shrugs. “Have you tried tellin that girl no to somethin?”

  Connor sighs and looks at me sternly. “Nina Elizabeth Ryan if you ever use my middle name in public I will tickle you to death.”

  I just smile. “But I think Connor Sebastian is a wonderful name.” I didn’t even make it off the couch.

  We bought Les some new luggage for his travels and made him a small photo album with some of the pictures we could find around the house. He coughs a little bit when he opens the photo album and excuses himself to the kitchen to get some water. We all know better. Ben got a poker set and Samson got a big bone. After presents we sit down at the table to eat dinner.

  “I’ll say grace today.” Les offers. I look at Connor nervously but he has already bowed his head. We used to say grace when I was younger, but I stopped praying after my parents died. “Lord, we thank you so much for this meal, our health and good fortune. Today we have more to be thankful for than ever. We have new family and new plans and a new future ahead of us. We pray you keep us safe on our journeys and together in our hearts. In your name we pray

  Les’s prayer makes me think about all the good things that have happened to me in few short weeks and all the times the Universe seemed to be pushing me towards Connor. Maybe I’d never really stopped praying, or being heard. I was just doing it differently.

  After everyone leaves, I ask Connor to feed and water the dog while I get ready for bed. I practically skip to the room snickering at my secret. I have one present left for him to open and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking of me too when I bought it. I dress quickly and get under the covers. When Connor walks into the room, he starts changing and brushes his teeth. “That was the best Christmas.” Connor says setting his pocket watch and knife on his bedside table. “I’m already plotting what I want to get you next Christmas. I think that tomorrow we should go see Lo and give her…Holy shit!” I giggle at Connor’s cartoonish expression. His mouth is hung open and his nostrils flare when he pulls up the covers and discovers what I am wearing midsentence.

  His eyes trail down the front of the lacy, green, open front baby doll I am wearing and he licks his lips. When he sees that I still have on his bracelet he touches it with his finger and looks back up at my face. “Oh Princess. Best. Christmas. Ever.” He toys with the strap at the top of the material and trails his fingertips down the see through bodice. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” I bite my lip and he leans down to do the same. I push past his teeth to tangle my tongue with his and he gently pushes me back down on the bed. “Oh no baby. You knew exactly what you were doing when you put that on. I wouldn’t plan on getting much sleep tonight.” He parts the front and hisses when he sees the blue jewel hanging from my navel. “You have your belly button pierced? Fuck! Scratch that. You’re not sleeping at all.”


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