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Bewitching Bite [A Blending Bloodlines Tale]

Page 2

by Destiny Blaine

  "Now are you impressed?"

  "Your talents are impressive, but no, I'm not impressed.” He said the words flatly.

  She laughed. “So, tell me Mr. Vampire. What does it take to impress one of your kind?” Her eyes scoured over him.

  "What do you have in mind?” He openly flirted with the danger she was offering.

  The blonde moved toward him and rubbed her buxom chest into his solid one.

  "Oh darling, I can't wait to show you.” She whispered into his ear before planting her hands on his broad shoulders.

  Armand's fingers went to her waistline, gently at first, before he brought her closer in one rough move.

  "You tease, young woman without any evidence of fear?” It was a question and not a statement. His eyes searched hers and she never blinked. “We're in a dark alley and you offer flirtations that many men would expect you to act out immediately."

  The blonde pushed her body into his lower half. “You probably won't be acting on anything, pet.” She moved her lips only a sigh away from his. “You are in for a real treat, one that will return you to your precious homeland with lots of stories, but empty-handed nonetheless."

  Her eyes locked with his and in that very moment, Armand knew he embraced the one that he'd already captured in his memory.


  She smiled. “In the flesh, love. This is the only way you can take me."

  The words left her lips in a sexy hiss before she turned into a black snake and slid quickly out of his arms and down the drain at his feet. In less than a few seconds, no sign of her remained. Not even the smell of vanilla roses.

  Armand chuckled. “Yes, darling. Now I am impressed."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Three

  Matilda was more than a little amused with her own talented display of trickery. She'd seen the look of desire in the vampire she was supposed to take to her bed. Though he tried to hide both his twisted desire and his profound need to find his mate, his eyes gave him away.

  She knew all about vampires and hated every one of them. They were nothing more than egotistical asses who thought they were destined to rule the world.

  Matilda absently stirred her stew over a gas stove as her thoughts wandered. Her aunt and grandmother never used modern conveniences but it wasn't something she avoided. In fact, being a contemporary witch suited her. She liked to blend in with the locals, and with the exception of her underground lab, she lived like everyone else in Virginia.

  Returning her attention to her stew, she tossed in some garlic and a few rare spices from her favorite herb shop. “Well, vamp. Come on out and play. I know you're out there somewhere."

  She stopped stirring when she heard the knock at the door. Glancing up at a clock on the wall, she saw that the vamp was right on time. It was just after midnight.

  Pasting on her friendliest smile, she opened the door. His six-foot form filled the doorframe, his eyes full of arrogance and something she couldn't quite determine.

  "Hello. May I help you?"

  Transformed back into her natural beauty, Matilda had dressed with nothing but sex appeal in mind. She had on tight-fitting blue jeans and a low-cut red tank top. Red was her color. A black lace strap showed on both shoulders, allowing Armand to see that her sexy nature wasn't just skin-deep.

  * * * *

  He stood on her threshold, dumbstruck by her natural beauty. She was enticing as a blonde, but with darker hair and soft ivory features, the witch was mesmerizing. He had to remind himself that she would fight the urge to go with him, and be even more opposed to becoming his life partner.

  "Pick your chin up off of my porch and come in. I suppose we need to get this negotiation out of the way.” She smiled warmly and moved to the side, allowing him the opportunity to slide by her.

  He paused for a second, and took a deep breath before he walked inside. “I'm Armand. It's very nice to make your acquaintance."

  "Yes, well, I believe we may have met before. Welcome my friend, to Matilda's Den of Deception.” Her wicked laugh chased him further inside.

  Spinning around, he looked at her with wide eyes. “What's so funny?"

  Matilda pushed the door closed behind them and locked it with one hand behind her back. “Nothing and everything. Come in and let's show our cards. Who knows Armand? You may just have the better hand.” She grinned from ear to ear. “But don't count on it."

  * * * *

  She led him through her home like she was weaving him through a home of much larger square footage. Armand stayed on guard throughout the tour. He'd been warned of her wicked ways while he enjoyed a few drinks in the bar and listened to the locals describe Matilda's unquenchable passions. He knew, for instance that she had a habit of mixing up drinks and stews for suitors that would render them pliable and willing to let her act out her many diverse sexual fantasies. She'd poisoned many of the eligible bachelors in town with a drink in hand and fucking on her mind. A few of them left her bed with nothing more than blue balls and the faint memory that they'd been in her house.

  Following her along a hallway that was obviously spiraling down, he knew she was leading him to a tunnel underground. He smiled as he eyed her hips swaying back and forth, back and forth. Since she had little jiggle in her ass, he knew she was doing it on purpose and it only intrigued him more.

  "So, Mr. Vampire,” she said. Her sly tone tore at his heart for a strange and unexplained reason he wasn't looking forward to exploring, “What is it that you want from me?” Matilda came to a screeching halt and glared at him.

  "Let's not play games Matilda. You know why I'm here.” He eyed her damnable beauty and the determination with which she set her jaw. He reached out to touch her face but thought better of it.

  "I do indeed, but you don't know why you're here.” She laughed and pushed open the door leading to her cellar. “My lab is designed specifically for me. You're one of the few that will ever see the inside of it but I had to show you. It holds pure and obvious hell for a vampire, and love, I plan to deliver that hell to your doorstep."

  The odor emanating from the witch's brew settled into his senses. The smell seemed to not only clog his nostrils but also absorb into his skin. He could taste it, feel it poisoning his body as he struggled to breathe.

  Run! Get out of here!

  His common sense took hold of him and immediately he slid back through the closing door before he was barricaded inside with the witch.

  From behind the door, he could here her screaming at him. “You may have won this one, Armand, but don't get used to it! I always win! Do you hear me?"

  Smiling, Armand continued to back away from the door so that the fumes wouldn't consume him once she emerged. Moments later, she came through the door, her eyes full of fire.

  The bitch has a temper, he thought.

  "Matilda?” He grinned easily and shot the wench his best I'm-up-for-the-challenge look.

  "What dammit?"

  She appeared to be losing her spunk.

  He knew better.

  "Could we go upstairs,” he pointed with his index finger, “And talk this over rationally before the games begin again?"

  Matilda squinted her eyes. “Whatever you need to say to me, you can say right here or you can leave."

  Armand let out a weighted sigh. Thoughts raged through his head as desire flooded his body. The wicked in the witch was trying to work him over and he had to keep some sensibility about him if he was going to survive the night. He was required to take her. He had to mark her as his own with a blending of blood that would only make each of them stronger.

  I could tempt the power-hungry bitch with that and see what happens.

  The notion did seduce him. The elders warned of the young witches coming into their powers. They were generally driven by the greed for their position.

  "Are you going to just stand there or what?” She put a hand up on the wall for support.

  "Okay Matilda,” he began, “I'll l
eave. It's been a pleasure to meet you.” He extended his hand.

  She eyed it carefully before taking it in a firm handshake.

  In one swift movement, Armand grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him tightly. Spirited eyes glared up at him.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?” She spat the words at him.

  "Ahh ... now is that any way for a woman to speak to her future mate?” He toyed with her by adding a loving smile and touching her face with sincere appreciation.

  Twisting and turning, Matilda tried in vain to get free.

  "What's wrong, love?" He swept down on her with a hard kiss. His tongue worked its way into lips firmly closed with determination.

  "Open your mouth.” He breathed the words heavily into set teeth realizing she wouldn't budge or respond.

  Tugging and pushing at him, Matilda broke free. With the back of one hand, she wiped the slobbery kiss off of her lips while the other hand formed a fist and drew back at the intended target. He caught her right jab before it could make contact.

  "What the fuck?” Matilda screamed at him. “Let me go! You have no right to do that."

  "I have every right!” He yelled back. “You belong to me and I intend to take you back with me. Shall I help you pack?"

  Matilda set her jaw. “You have some nerve. Do you know who I am?"

  "Yes. I know who you are.” He nodded and smirked again. “The thing is Matilda, I don't think you have any idea why I'm here or why I'm interested in you specifically."

  Armand felt his heart skip a few beats. I'm interested in her specifically now? Hmm ... maybe so. His eyes drifted over her as the realization pushed him forward.

  "You were chosen for me,” his smile widened. “And I'm beginning to like the idea."

  Matilda stormed past him and headed back up the ramp to the main part of her house. By the time Armand reached her, she was standing in the kitchen with a pistol in one hand and an opened book in the other. She was chanting a spell and stopped short of finishing it. “For the record, I know who you are and why you're here. I may be young, but stupid ... I'm not."

  She started the ridiculous chanting again. “You can't carry me away to a place afar. Can't seal the deal with me whoever you are. Take your time in finding another, but for us, there will be someone down the road a piece further...” She turned the page with her thumb looking for the next line.

  "That nonsense doesn't work on me.” He approached her carefully. “Put the gun down. While some of what you've read about vampires may be true and others not, I can just about promise you that it will take more than a loaded gun to stop me in my tracks. Don't tear up your floor or your ceiling by...” He didn't get a chance to finish when the gun went off and a bullet shot straight through the glass of the front window.

  Armand laughed. “See? Look what you did. And here I was ready to talk to you about how once we leave you can sell the house and keep any profit to spend as you wish. Now you'll have to replace the window.” He made a point to mention the obvious before turning his back to her.

  Another bullet shot past him. This time the slug caught a porcelain platter and it split into a dozen pieces. He was no longer amused.

  "Of course I'd keep any money from the sale of this house you stupid blood-sucker,” she yelled. “But I'm not selling because I'm not going anywhere!"

  He approached her with rapid steps and grabbed the book from her hand as she waved the gun. He quickly snatched the pistol before she could pull the trigger again. “Your little book of spells or curses, whichever it may be, isn't going to help change fate.” Armand tossed both the gun and the hardback across the room. “So you can stop acting like a spoiled child."

  "I'm not willing to let you order me around and you know nothing about my spells or curses. I can put a curse on you that will last a lifetime. I promise you I can!” She screamed venom as her knee delivered a dose of it directly into his more personal firing power.

  "Oh sh—” he doubled over as she ran toward the door. He grabbed at her and missed.

  "Get out of my house! I want you out of here.” She picked up a chair brandishing it at him.

  Armand was still doubled over. “I can't go anywhere at the moment you wicked, twisted little bitch."

  "I swear if you don't leave I'll ... I'll curse you to a hell like no other!"

  "Darling, it appears that curse has already been placed. I'm doomed to blend with a witch who has royal vampire blood running through her veins. Now, stop this foolishness and listen to me.” He moaned as he tried to stand erect.

  Blazing eyes shot jagged glances in his direction.

  "What?” She started to give the chair a fling. "What did you just say to me?” She put down the chair, and then picked it up again with a sudden urgency, holding it in a firm place high above her head.

  Armand made his way to her sofa in the adjoining sitting area. She was right behind him with the wooden chair over her head. Armand sunk down into the soft cushions of the couch.

  Sitting down in the chair across from him, she asked, “What did you just say to me?"

  "Play nice and I'll tell you everything.” Armand dared her, while glancing at the wall.

  It was already one-thirty in the morning and he'd obviously made little progress.

  Just great. He thought to himself. Yes, he'd been cursed and Matilda couldn't have done a better job if she had put it on him all by herself.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Four

  Matilda evaluated the current situation, and decided that it wouldn't hurt to hear what the vamp had to say. “What do you want to drink? Don't worry, I won't be poisoning you ... yet,” she joked. “I'll save that for later. You have something I want so I'll play nice. How's that?"

  He believed her. “Do you have any bottled water?” Believed her but didn't trust her. “You can leave the cap on if you don't mind."

  She nodded and walked to the kitchen to retrieve it. From there, she tossed it to him like a football and he raised his arm to catch it without ever turning around. “Impressed?” He teased.

  "Impressive,” She noted using his earlier words, “But no, I'm not impressed."

  She faced off with him again. “First, let me tell you that you have obviously been misinformed."

  "I have?” He played the game her way for a moment. “How so?"

  "You say that I have the tainted blood of a vampire, but do you not know that vampires have no blood? You thugs apparently don't have any brains left in your squishy little heads either."

  He laughed at her innocence and her sarcasm. “You're cute when you think you're being smart."

  "I am highly intelligent, mister. Look around you. I turned twenty-five this past month and immediately came into my powers because I played by the rules growing up. I'm educated by the finest schools—the schools of the mortals and those prepared by witches who've gone before me. I'm proud to say I'm a quick study. That's why some of the quacks pulling your chains want me for your wife or whatever. They need me. You need me—"

  "I want you.” The seductive words effectively stopped her babbling and he saw the surprise light and a spark of interest dance across her face.

  "I beg your pardon?” She hissed as Claude, her cat, made his grand entry. By the quick blush spreading across her skin, Armand knew he'd hit a nerve.

  He rolled his eyes at the cat and could've sworn the ugly thing returned the gesture as it slid its furry body around Matilda and went on its miserable way.

  "I said I want you.” He stood, walked over to her, and pulled her up from her wooden armchair.

  He heard her breath hitch when he touched her hands. When he pulled her to him, he saw lust fill her eyes, threatening to spill into the flooded desire he knew she was fighting to avoid.

  Armand had always had his pick of women, and he knew without any question that the one standing in front of him would be worth the trouble. She'd play hard to get but when he finally had her, she'd be the one t
hat could satisfy him. Each time he touched her, he fell into a flooded river of wanting. His heartbeat threatened to pound out of his chest and his body craved her with more pains than hunger could bring, and more desire than his mind or heart had ever experienced.

  "I think you've got the wrong witch. I don't have vampire blood flowing through my veins. I can assure you that the hatred I have for your ... kind,” she paused before continuing, “runs very deep. Deeper than you could ever know."

  Dropping her hands Armand strolled leisurely around the room.

  "Okay,” he said. “I'll buy that. In fact, I'm sure it does. But that, my dear, is because you don't know of your true heritage. I can promise you that your legacy isn't what you think it is and it isn't something you will be proud to learn. But it's yours nonetheless. I'm here to enlighten you and perhaps you may, in time, learn to appreciate that legacy."

  She moved toward him quickly with her arm extended. “Today is my day. It's my holiday and you are not going to ruin it by coming in here spewing lies! Do you hear me?” The anger consumed her. The room shook with it as dishes rattled in the kitchen. A shrine of some sort fell dark as the candles around the shrine's picture snuffed out in unison.

  The room went pitch black; Matilda was truly coming into her powers. He could feel it. He knew from his conversations with the elders that while the young woman thought that she had already achieved the hierarchy of her bewitching abilities, throughout the next few hours, things would change. She would change.

  She would become stronger with each passing hour until he wouldn't be able to constrain her if the need arose. She would be lost to them forever and the powers that they needed from her would be off-limits for eternity. Worse yet, she could turn on them. Her bloodline made it very possible for her to destroy generations of vampires.

  Armand shuddered at the thought as furniture began to move.

  Why me?

  He looked up at the ceiling and cursed the elders who had pushed him into his current situation. “Why me dammit?"

  "Here's an idea,” Matilda said, giving him a forceful shove toward the door. “You can go talk to yourself on the porch and I'll brew you up some tea."


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