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Seducing the Boss (The Pulse Series)

Page 9

by Mari Carr

  “For once in your life, be practical.”

  Kellan gave her a crooked grin. “I suck at that, and you know it. We’re adults, Sara. We don’t have to wait until after dinner to eat our dessert. I miscalculated. Thought we could cover all the territory in one weekend. Apparently it’s going to take a little longer.”

  “Dammit, Kellan. You’re the king of casual affairs. I was kind of planning on following your lead when it came to walking away. You’re fucking this all up.”

  “So, you still want me, too.”

  Sara’s eyes flew heavenward as if she were praying for salvation. When she looked at him once more, he saw the same lust, the same hunger that had eaten him alive all day.

  “I still want you.”

  It was all he needed to hear. He gripped her hips, turning her away from him. Then he placed a firm hand between her shoulder blades and pressed her chest to the desk.

  Sara’s palms were flat against the smooth surface. Using one hand, he held her in place and bent over her. With the other, he shoved the pants of her scrubs down to her ankles.

  “For the record,” she said, before he touched her, “this totally counts as sex in public.”

  If his chest weren’t tight with need and some other emotion he was afraid to name, he would have laughed. Instead, he set her straight. “This doesn’t even come close.”

  Any further argument she might have made was wiped away by her gasp when he tugged her panties aside and thrust one finger into her pussy. She was soaking wet.

  “We’re not finished with each other. You know it as well as I do. The attraction is stronger than we realized. Let’s ride it out.”

  “You’re pissing me off, Kellan.”

  “Is that a no?” He’d stop if she asked him to. It would kill him, but he’d do it.

  “It should be.”

  He chuckled. “Should or is?”

  She blew out an exasperated breath. “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  He knew he’d won when she began pressing back against his finger, seeking more. He added a second, then a third. Sara moved rapidly, fighting for her climax, groaning when he tugged his fingers free.



  “It’s not a no.”

  His original intention had been to play with her, to make her beg for what she’d denied them all day. That plan was shot to hell. His control was in tatters, a state that seemed to be the norm with her. He unfastened his pants, rolled on a condom, and placed the head of his cock at her opening.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  Kellan bent over her before pushing in. Placing his lips at her ear, he whispered, “We’re not stopping. I can’t.” The last two words betrayed a weakness he hadn’t meant to reveal.

  She didn’t answer as he slid to the hilt. He held still only a second, sucking in some much needed air. Then he cut loose, giving way to everything that had been building up inside him since waking.

  Sara met him thrust for thrust, her ass lifting to welcome him.

  “Harder,” she urged.

  Kellan gripped her hips, plowing deeper, faster. When he felt her reach the precipice, he reached around her, covering her mouth with his hand as she came. One weekend with Sara had proven she never came quietly. And while his secretary was gone for the day, as well as most of the administrative staff, he didn’t want to risk her reputation should anyone be on the other side of the door.

  He covered her loud cries as his own climax struck.

  Neither of them moved for several minutes, their panting breaths the only sound in the room. Sara was the first to come to her senses. She tried to lift up, but he still covered her. He pushed away, dropping into the nearest chair as Sara stood on unsteady legs.

  He reached out to help her, but she shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  Kellan watched as she pulled her pants back up.

  “That can’t happen again, Kellan.” Her voice was stronger than he would have expected.

  He wasn’t going to back down on this. It wasn’t in his nature to surrender. “You’re wrong. Let’s just give it one more week.”

  “And then what?” Sara claimed the chair next to his. She seemed desperate to make him see reason, but what she didn’t realize was that he’d never been more certain about anything in his life. They fit together sexually. He wanted more time to explore that. And given the way she’d responded to him, he suspected she wanted the same. Even if she wasn’t willing to admit it.

  “And then…” He started to say they’d end it, but he didn’t want to get caught in the same tangle of time constraints he was fighting now. “Then we step back and reevaluate if it’s time to walk away or to keep going.”

  She shook her head slowly, but the action didn’t seem to be one of rejection. “Is this still just about sex, Kellan?”

  He frowned. “Of course it is.”

  “Then I’m going to have to reject your offer. Much as it pains me to admit it, I can’t deny that sex with you is incredible.”

  He grinned. Sara was good at offering compliments while keeping him humble. “Better than incredible,” he added, just to tweak her.

  “But I’m not looking for a hookup. I’m not interested in being a booty call like Veronica. Someone you contact when there’s no one else around and you feel like getting laid.”

  Kellan didn’t care for her comparison. “You’re nothing like Veronica.”

  “I don’t do casual sex.”

  He started to contradict her, but she raised her hand to cut him off. “I agreed to try it for one weekend. I need to…” She paused, as if she was weighing every word before she spoke. Kellan didn’t like it. Didn’t want her to feel as if she had to guard herself around him.

  “What?” he prodded.

  “I can’t keep things separate—” She bit her lower lip, and he realized whatever answer she gave him wouldn’t be the truth.

  “Emotionally,” he filled in for her, not bothering to make it a question. “You’re afraid you’ll fall for me?” He forced himself to smile, to appear amused, though the idea of being on the receiving end of Sara’s love wasn’t as frightening as he would have imagined. He quickly blamed the absence of panic on the lack of blood in his brain. It would take him a little while to recover from the climax that just rocked his world. He didn’t want a relationship. That fact hadn’t changed. He just needed to prove to Sara that her concerns were unfounded. “Seriously? Have you thought that through? The sex might be great, but after that meeting we left this morning, I’d be surprised if you felt anything other than hate for me.”

  “I don’t hate you. You annoy the crap out of me, but…” She blew out a long sigh. “I don’t hate you. You’ve been my boss for years, and even when we disagree at work, we’re still friends outside of the job. You know that.”

  He had learned early on in this gig as hospital admin, he was commander-in-chief of the Dark Side. He actually drank his coffee at work in a Darth Vader mug simply because he thought it was funny and proved he was willing to take the heat associated with the job. He was a businessman, and at the end of the day, it was his responsibility to see that the hospital was running efficiently and within budget.

  Doctors and nurses saw the people in need. What they didn’t understand was that he did, too. While he may see those faces projected in numbers, he still saw them. Still understood that the hospital’s role in the community was to heal.

  “We’re also friends who set the sheets on fire. I’m struggling to see anything wrong with that.”

  “If I’ve learned anything this past weekend, it’s that you should never say never. I used to believe hell would freeze over before I had sex with you.” She raised her hands as if to say look what happened there.

  “I’m just asking for another week or two.”

  She laughed. “So now it’s two weeks?”

  He loved the way her face lit up when she was amused. Her blue eyes sparkled, and the tinie
st dimple appeared in her right cheek.

  Then he recalled the second part of their deal. He had begrudgingly agreed to accompany her to her fundraiser, but now it seemed like to perfect way to convince her to come back to his bed. “It’s a little less than two weeks until the gala, right?”

  She nodded slowly, and he realized she’d forgotten about that caveat. “Yes.”

  “So, we’ll make that the new deadline. For everything. Two weeks to explore some more of those sexy, kinky desires of yours. After the gala, we let life return to normal.”

  She didn’t respond immediately. Kellan took that as a good sign. She was actually considering his offer. Then she shook her head. “No, Kellan. My answer is still no.”


  “I’m not interested in just sex. I want a real relationship. Dating, commitment, and all the emotions that go with that. We both know that’s not something you can ever give me. So I need to keep looking for a man who can.”

  Her words hit him hard, knocked him off balance. She was right, he couldn’t give her that. Could he?

  No. He couldn’t.

  She studied him closely, and Kellan was helpless to shield his thoughts, the panic and confusion she must have seen on his face.

  Fuck. This wasn’t how he’d intended for things to go down.

  “Good-bye, Kellan.”

  Before he could form a response, she rose and left the room.

  He wasn’t sure how long he sat there before his frustration turned to anger. She was walking away because he wouldn’t commit to her?

  There was no way she hadn’t felt the strong sexual pull between them. It had been there all weekend and again, just now, when he had taken her on the desk.

  Why would she shut those needs down? Refuse to indulge them?

  Forget it. If Sara wasn’t smart enough to know a good thing when it bit her in the ass, then to hell with it. He wasn’t going to beg her. Past experience had proven there were plenty of other fish in the sea.

  It was time to move on.

  Now he just needed to figure out how.

  Chapter Six

  Kellan walked into Southampton Social Club on Thursday night, cursing himself for playing the fool. Sara had rejected his offer to extend their affair on Monday, and since then, she’d avoided him like the plague. At first, he had taken her refusal in stride, telling himself he could take it or leave it.

  That was four days and three eternal, sleepless nights ago. Now he was tired, pissed off, and not going to take no for an answer.

  She’d made the wrong decision, and he intended to change her mind. She managed to hide from him at work, but there was no way she could get away from him tonight without making a scene. And Sara didn’t make scenes.

  The hostess had just asked him if he wanted a table when he spotted his mother. He pointed to her. “I’m joining that group.”

  Tonight was his mother’s birthday. Every year, she celebrated the event here. The Social Club was her favorite restaurant. Seated at the table, in addition to his father, would be Sara and her parents. The table looked the same every year.

  With one exception. Him. Typically, he found an excuse not to attend. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his mother—he truly did. He simply found family gatherings difficult.

  The shocked expressions on his parents’ faces, which quickly morphed to genuine delight, made him feel a bit guilty for not joining them before.

  “Kellan.” His father rose, taking his hand for a firm shake. “We weren’t expecting you.”

  Dad lifted a finger to the waiter, requesting another chair be added, as Kellan bent over to place a kiss on his mother’s cheek. “Happy birthday.”

  “What a wonderful surprise,” she said, grinning widely. “I thought you and I had done our celebrating yesterday at lunch. This is the nicest gift I’ve received.” His guilt grew, and he vowed that from now on he would attend all her birthday dinners.

  Unfortunately, the waiter put his chair in between Sara’s mom and his dad, across the table from Sara. He’d have preferred to sit next to her.

  “What are you doing here?” Sara was clearly not as pleased to see him as his parents were. He didn’t blame her for that, but it wasn’t as if he had suddenly morphed into the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. After all, they had made that vow to return to just friends status. And while he was here to break that promise, she didn’t know that.

  “Why wouldn’t I be here? It’s Mom’s birthday.”

  Sara shot him a yeah right expression that proved she didn’t trust his intentions. She knew him too well. Clever girl.

  At that moment, Sara’s dad returned to the table with another man in tow, someone Kellan didn’t recognize.

  Mr. Connelly’s brows rose when he spotted him sitting there. “Kellan. Good to see you.”

  He stood and shook Mr. Connelly’s hand. He then turned his gaze to the other man.

  “This is Gabriel Valladares,” Mr. Connelly said with a friendly smile for the stranger. “Sara’s date for the evening.”

  Kellan forced himself not to snarl as he shook the man’s hand. Date? She’d left his bed four nights ago, and she already had a date?

  He shook off the unexpected jealousy. They hadn’t been in a relationship. They’d been fucking. His response was wrong, yet Kellan couldn’t make the blood-red haze clouding his vision go away.

  “So…” It took every ounce of strength he had to make his voice nonchalant. Casual. Friendly. “How did you two meet?”

  “Actually, we met online,” Gabriel said as he smiled at Sara. “Never thought I’d try one of those dating sites, but I have to admit, I’m glad I did.”

  Sara avoided meeting Kellan’s gaze. Instead, she looked down at her plate as if fascinated by the salad.

  “Online,” Kellan repeated. Was this the guy who had stood her up Friday night? Or had Sara decided to return to the world of online dating? Had it really been that easy for her to move on?

  Gabriel nodded. “Yeah. We’ve been chatting for several weeks. Unfortunately, our work schedules seem to fall in direct opposition to each other. We were supposed to meet last Friday, but it didn’t work out. So we managed to get together for lunch yesterday. She’s just as beautiful in person as she is online.”

  It was the asshole. Why would Sara give the man another chance?

  “What do you do for a living, Gabriel?”

  “I’m a pediatric oncologist.”

  Awesome. A doctor. And not just any doctor either. He treated kids with cancer. Luke Skywalker had just shown up with his fucking lightsaber. There was no way Kellan was going to come out of this conversation looking good.

  “What about you, Kellan?”

  Kellan hesitated. He wasn’t embarrassed or ashamed of his job. After all, he was the CEO of a hospital. But if Gabriel’s opinion of hospital administrators was as low as Sara’s, he was about to open the door to a night on the hot seat, trying to justify his workplace decisions, when all he really wanted to do was get Sara back into his bed. Or even just back onto his couch for a viewing of the latest Star Wars movie.

  Coming here tonight had been a big mistake.

  “Kellan is my boss at the hospital. He’s the CEO at Hampton Gen.”

  “Wow. Impressive. That must keep you busy.”

  Kellan nodded.

  “Gabriel works in a private practice,” Sara said, looking at Kellan for the first time since her date’s arrival at the table.

  “It’s very admirable work that you’re doing, Gabriel,” Mrs. Connelly said. “I can’t imagine it’s an easy job.”

  Kellan was grateful Sara’s mother had turned the attention away from him, but it annoyed him to have to sit and listen to everyone rave about Gabriel. Did Sara tell them about the guy standing her up, leaving her sitting in Score by herself?

  “Just like with any job, there are good days and there are bad ones.”

  Kellan’s mother lifted her wineglass. “I’m so pleased you could join us ton
ight. Sara is a very special young woman. I’ve always thought of her as the daughter I never had.”

  Sara blushed at the compliment. “Thanks for the endorsement, Mrs. James.”

  Gabriel’s phone beeped. “I’m terribly sorry,” he said as he glanced at the screen. He gave Sara an apologetic look. “I need to step outside for a moment. I changed the medication for one of my patients, and his mother has a concern.”

  “Of course,” Sara said. “Please call her.”

  Gabriel left the table, and Mrs. Connelly and his mom both watched him go. God, it looked like both of the older women were staring at the man’s ass.

  “Sara,” Mrs. Connelly said in hushed tones, even though Gabriel was well out of hearing range. “He’s marvelous. So handsome and nice and smart. Well done, sweetheart.”

  Sara appeared to be as uncomfortable with this conversation as Kellan was. Part of him was debating crying off on the meal and getting the hell out of here. However, the stronger, jealous as shit side of him wasn’t about to leave Sara alone with the hot doctor.

  Sara sighed. “He’s been called away from the table three times so far, Mom. How can you make that assessment?”

  Kellan glanced over his shoulder. Gabriel was nowhere in sight. So, he was one of those guys—tied to his job and his cell. Which meant, if things worked out between the good doctor and Sara, she’d forever play second fiddle to his patients. Admirable profession or not, Sara deserved better than that. She deserved to be placed on a pedestal.

  “I just mean,” her mother said, “I think it’s wonderful that he’s so devoted to his patients.”

  “You’re right,” Sara amended, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. Kellan wondered if that was because he had shown up unexpectedly, or because her date kept slipping away. “He’s a very nice guy.”

  “Did he have a good excuse for Friday?” If Kellan weren’t exhausted from too many sleepless nights, and grumpy as fuck from horniness, he probably would have saved that question for when they were alone.

  Sara narrowed her eyes. “He did.”

  “Friday?” Mr. Connelly asked.

  “Gabriel and I had planned to meet for drinks Friday, but he didn’t show. Apparently there had been an emergency with one of his patients. He asked his receptionist to text me to let me know he couldn’t make it, but it appears the joke about doctors and their bad handwriting isn’t a cliché when it comes to Gabe. She thought his three was a five, and she texted the wrong number. It was an honest mistake.”


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