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Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)

Page 25

by R. E. Hargrave

  With Jayden’s gift set, the borrowed pearl pins in her hair, and a deep blue satin garter adorning her thigh, the tradition was complete.

  “There,” Woody declared and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “You’re beautiful, Catherine, and I know she is here with you, proud as ever. She would’ve been so touched by your choosing today to do this.”

  “Oh, Da.” Erin sniffled, the first tear on the brink of falling.

  “Now, now . . . none of that! You’ll ruin your makeup, Erin,” screeched Paige. “Oh, and it’s show time, sweetie,” she added in a calmer voice, handing Erin the bouquet of deep red orchids. The flowers were an homage to those with which Jayden had courted her.

  Taking a deep breath, Erin slipped her arm around her father’s. “Shall we?”

  Woody harrumphed and Paige giggled, then the three of them moved from the anteroom to the main doors of the chapel. Paige poked her head through the door to signal the organist. While the first notes of the wedding march began, Micah and Warren—their ushers—pulled open the chapel doors, and the assembled guests rose to their feet.

  Samantha’s little sister Meredith was standing in as their flower girl. Joon wasn’t walking well enough yet to manage the task, and they didn’t know anyone else with a young girl. Meredith’s dress was cream-colored satin and tulle, finished with an intricate sash about her waist that had been hand-beaded with seed pearls and rhinestones. Erin had choked when Jayden insisted that all the pearls be real.

  A naughty grin crept onto her face at the memory of the argument she’d gotten into with him because of the cost. He hadn’t appreciated her tone. The disagreement had ended with her over her Master’s lap, receiving a thoroughly satisfying spanking, which had been followed by an even more satisfying fucking.

  Meredith pranced down the aisle, sprinkling petals from a basket while she went. Adorable. Paige, followed by Ronnie in a matching crimson bridesmaid dress, went next. While Erin and her da waited for the girls to work their way down and take their places at the front, she took in the room from her vantage point.

  Shawn was just inside and to the left, already snapping pictures. The assembled crowd was intimidating to her, but everyone looked amazing. Dressed in their finest clothes, they’d all turned to face the incoming bride, making her the center of attention. Her pulse began racing, and her eyes darted down, away from their beaming faces.

  This is happening. I’m about to become Mrs. Jayden Masterson. Her heartbeat gained momentum, thrumming in her ears.

  Everywhere she looked, crimson orchids and pearly white roses graced the available surfaces. Steel gray bunting brought it all together, matching the gray runner down the center of the aisle—now littered with Meredith’s white rose petals. Jillian and Steph sat at the front with Benny and Joon, and next to them was Natalie, with Matthew asleep in her arms.

  Erin’s gaze went back to her bridesmaids. They’d almost reached the front, so she allowed herself to look at the men on the right side of the aisle. Malcolm Masterson and Sir Landon had their hands clasped in front of them, looking impeccable in their dark gray tuxedos with cream silk shirts. Like her da, they had a single red orchid pinned to their lapels. Gray Stetsons were perched on their heads—Malcolm had insisted.

  Next to her, her father tugged on her arm to begin the walk down the aisle, and her gaze drifted to Jayden.

  Unlike his comrades, Jayden’s tuxedo and hat were black in color. His cream-colored shirt, patterned necktie, and crimson vest were breathtaking and complimented Erin’s gown. Her eyes met his warm, brown ones, and she lost her breath. He was beyond handsome. In the locking of their stares, the entire room disappeared.

  All she was aware of was Him—her friend, her lover, her Master.

  It wasn’t until her da responded in a boisterous voice to the pastor’s question of, “Who gives this woman to be married?” that Erin became aware of her surroundings again and realized they’d made the walk up the aisle. With painstaking effort, she pulled her eyes away from Jayden’s to pay attention to their pastor, but not before she caught Jayden’s enamored grin.

  “Beloved family and friends, we are gathered here today . . .” began the minister.

  Erin listened to the greeting and then his recitation of Corinthians with a fluttering heart. She was getting her happily ever after. Never had she felt more like a princess than at that moment, with her Prince Charming standing next to her, holding her hand while the pastor spoke.

  The couple had decided to recite a poem to each other before their actual “I do’s.” Though the poem each had chosen was a surprise, they’d worked on the vows together. Some of their guests were aware, and even part, of the Lifestyle, but most were not, so Jayden and Erin had to be subtle with the inclusion of that side of their lives into their vows.

  She had to steady her breathing when they turned to face each other. Taking Jayden’s hands in her own, Erin looked into his eyes and began repeating an Anne Bradstreet poem from the 1600s. Her lips trembled while she formed the words of “To My Dear and Loving Husband.” When a tear rolled down her cheek, Erin gave Jayden a soft smile.

  His warm thumb brushed it away.

  She took another deep breath, and another tear escaped while the lines fell from her lips. That time, he leaned in and kissed the tear away. His intoxicating scent, a mix of being freshly showered and the underlying hint of male, crashed into her senses and befuddled her for a moment.

  Pivoting, Erin collected the inlaid gold and platinum band from Paige. Turning back to Jayden, she lifted his left hand and positioned the ring at the tip of his fourth finger.

  “Mo anam cara, my soul mate, for the remaining days of my life, I promise to love and cherish you, to comfort and honor you, and to serve and obey you. For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse as long as we both shall live, I promise to be a faithful wife and keep my body for you—it is yours to do with as you wish. I, Catherine Eilene O’Chancey, take you, Jayden Matthew Masterson, to be my lawfully wedded Husband, the Master of my heart, soul, and body. With this ring, I submit to you, and I thee wed.” She bowed her head and lowered her gaze while sliding the ring onto his finger.

  He lifted her chin with a gentle touch. “Thank you, Catherine,” her Master whispered then cleared his throat and took her hands in his. “Eyes on me, my jewel,” he commanded before raising his voice again so that everyone could hear.

  “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.”

  Erin beamed, recognizing the opening to Browning’s well-known text. Jayden’s voice was strong and sure as he continued. When he’d recited the poem, her heart melting with every word, he collected her band from Sir Landon. Clasping her left hand in his, Jayden positioned the ring at the tip of her fourth finger and began his vows.

  “My jewel, I promise to be a faithful husband and to keep my body for you, and you alone. I promise to love you and cherish you, to comfort and honor you, to guide you—and push your limits.”

  A quiet laugh rippled through their guests. While those in the know found humor in his promise of ecstasy, those who were not still found humor in the idea of a husband pushing his wife’s buttons.

  Jayden winked at her and continued over the interruption. “For all the days of my life. For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse as long as we both shall live. I, Jayden Matthew Masterson, Master of your heart, soul, and body, take you, Catherine Eilene O’Chancey, to be my lawfully wedded wife. With this ring, I humbly accept your submission, and I thee wed.” Their eyes were fixed on each other while he pushed the platinum and gold Claddagh band that matched his own onto her finger.

  Lowering his voice so only she could hear, he said the most beautiful words Erin had ever heard. “I love you, Mrs. Masterson.”

  Smiling like fools, the couple turned back toward the reverend, waiting for him to finish and present them. “By the power vested in me by the State of Texas, and before these witnesses, I now pronounce you m
an and wife. Jayden, you may kiss your beautiful bride if you so choose.”

  Her husband threw his head back and laughed. “Hell yeah, I so choose. Come here, Catherine!” he ordered and pulled her into his arms to capture her waiting lips. His tongue pushed into her mouth, and they kissed deeply to the sounds of applause and catcalls from friends and family.

  When they broke the kiss, the pastor spoke again. “Ladies and gentleman, may I have the honor of presenting to you, Mr. and Mrs. Jayden Masterson.”


  About an hour later, they arrived at the restaurant for the reception. While the guests had left after the ceremony, those in the wedding party had stayed behind for a full photo session. Erin couldn’t wait to see the shots Shawn had gotten. It would be nice to display his work in their house where it could be admired by others, unlike the private shots he’d done for their playroom.

  Several of the photographs Shawn had taken of Erin the year before in the garden at the spa had been reproduced as poster-size black and white prints. They adorned the walls of their playroom. Jayden’s favorite was the one Shawn had captured of her spread out in the hammock with her hand on a breast, the other between her legs, and her head thrown back in ecstasy while her whole body blushed from the force of an orgasm. That one he had left in color and had blown up to life size. It was the centerpiece of the collection.

  The happy couple stood together while the guests came by to congratulate them with hugs and whispered words. They laughed when the embarrassing toasts were made before the meal was served. Jayden and Erin shared their entrees, delicately feeding each other bites.

  Erin was brought to tears when it came time for their first dance. Unbeknownst to her, Jayden had made arrangements for Woody to serenade them with a song from her childhood. In his deep baritone, his Irish lilt shining through, he belted out the words of “You Raise Me Up.” Afterward, Woody shuffled Erin around in a small circle while Jayden and Jillian glided around the floor.

  She’d never been happier.

  When it was time to throw the bouquet, Paige called all the single women to gather around and slipped a silk blindfold over Erin’s eyes. She laughed, a light tinkling sound, when the bride glared at her. Her friend hadn’t forgotten her whiny tendencies where blindfolds were concerned. “Oh, Erin, it has to be fair . . . no peeking!” she chirped.

  With a toss, the flowers went over her shoulder, and she hoped she was at least getting it in the vicinity of the waiting women. Erin heard a shuffle, followed by squealing and laughter, and she slipped off the blindfold to see who’d caught it.

  Samantha was holding it up with an exuberant smile as she made eye contact with Sir Ryan across the room.

  One Ryan Bishop had an adorable, but panicked, look on his face.

  Jayden’s arms slipped around her from behind, and he nuzzled into her neck, teasing her with discreet bites and soft kisses that caused a dull throb to spark between her legs. She rested her head against his shoulder for a moment before Sir Landon’s drawl commanded the attention of the room.

  “Alright, y’all. Erin and the ladies have had their fun. It’s Jayden’s turn now. I need all the eligible menfolk to step on up if y’all are interested in a piece of the bride’s lingerie.”

  She gasped at his announcement, and Jayden chuckled in her ear, sending another pulse of desire shooting between her legs.

  “Paige, I need ya to grab a chair and put it in the center of the room,” Landon instructed. Walking over to us, he took Erin’s hand but looked at Jayden, “May I borrow your bride for a moment, Jay?”

  Jayden released her to be led over to the waiting chair while he followed behind. With Paige’s help, Erin got her gown arranged and then sat down in the chair, crossing her ankles in demure fashion. While Jayden knelt in front of her, Sir Landon leaned over and whispered in Erin’s ear, “Uh-uh, Darlin’. Assume a proper position. Now.” He winked at her then stood back up.

  Erin straightened her back, uncrossed her ankles, and placed her feet on the floor by the legs of the chair in obedience. For good measure, she placed her palms flat on her thighs, just above her knees.

  Jayden lifted her left foot, bringing the ankle to his mouth for a kiss. “Good girl,” he whispered and the crowd ooh’d him on. Lowering her foot back to the ground, further out from where she’d first set it, his fingers started to trail up her leg, under her dress.

  Her heart raced. Landon was turning an innocent tradition into something sexual in front of all their guests, in front of her da. She knew she had to be bright red while glancing around at the men who had gathered to watch and wait for their chance to catch her garter. All of a sudden, Erin was apprehensive about Jayden’s reaction if, when, he discovered the surprise waiting beneath her gown.

  Why had she listened to Paige again?

  She must have tensed up, because her attention was pulled back to Jayden by the soft-spoken tone of his words. “Catherine, eyes on me, sweet girl. You’re doing great.” He smiled, his fingers stroking the back of her knee.

  Jayden’s words and touch coaxed her into relaxing. Maybe this won’t turn out too embarrassing? He would reach the blue garter on her thigh and pull it down. With a few inches to spare between the satin and her pussy, he wouldn’t notice. No harm.

  Suddenly Landon spoke up again. “Steady there, Jayden. I think you’re movin’ a bit too quick.” He winked at Jayden before addressing the group. “So, should Jayden be a gentleman and continue on his polite journey to round up that garter or,” he turned his smug grin on Erin, watching her reaction to his next words, “should he duck under that gown and go after it like a real man, with his teeth?”

  Her groan was loud when their audience started chanting “teeth” over and over. She looked to Jayden, pleading with her eyes to please ignore them and get this over with so they could be on their way. Erin was beyond ready to get their honeymoon started.

  By her Master’s orders and her lover’s request, she’d not orgasmed in two weeks, nor had she felt his cock in her, or even seen it for that matter, in four. He’d explained he wanted her “virgin tight” on their wedding night and had spent the next two weeks after his announcement teasing her, stroking her to release, but with no deep penetration. With two weeks to go to their wedding, he’d then declared her orgasms would be denied so that he could bathe in her come when he forced her to a squirting orgasm . . . on their wedding night. His reason for keeping it in his pants and hiding it for a month? In his words, because she was, “Too damn tempting.”

  Erin knew her begging was pointless when all she got for her silent pleading was a sexy, but smug, grin.

  He leaned over and kissed her ankle again before lifting her dress enough to crawl under it. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to block out everything else. Those two jackasses had decided to turn this into a scene, and she needed to focus and go with it. She’d told Master that she wanted to explore the exhibitionism side of herself more, and they’d been working on it. Catherine just never expected to be pushed at her own wedding.

  Jayden was kissing up her leg when Landon moved behind her chair. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Relax, Catherine, we’re just havin’ a bit of fun with you.”

  Jayden bit her calf, and she yelped, it wasn’t heard over the chanting the crowd was still doing.

  Landon straightened up and laughed. “Atta boy, Jayden!” he shouted, encouraging the cat calls.

  “Landon,” Erin hissed. If those two were in cahoots, then she was sure he also knew it’d been two weeks since she’d come and that she was walking a very fine line on her control. What he didn’t know was that Paige had encouraged her to do a bit of naughtiness, too. She needed to warn him that their ‘bit of fun’ could have embarrassing results.

  He cocked a brow at her before leaning back down so she could speak for his hearing only. “Yes’m, Darlin’, what is it?”

  “We might have a problem.” She whimpered when Jayden’s tongue dragged along the edge of h
er knee.

  Landon snickered. “Oh? What would that be?”

  “Two fucking weeks, Landon,” she growled at him, and his blue eyes enlarged at her boldness. “Two weeks, no release, and I’m not wearing any panties.”

  Erin panted while Jayden’s tongue licked her thigh, tracing the bottom of the garter. And cue the waterworks. The thought was valid, considering her lack of undergarment left it blatantly obvious that her lower lips were no longer dry.

  “Not even a thong?”

  With as little movement as possible, she shook her head. He grasped the situation with an impressive quickness and on a low whistle, let out an “Oh, shit.”

  She snorted. “Aye, my thoughts exactly!”

  Jayden’s nose skimmed over the top of the garter, again tasting her skin, moving his tongue up her thigh. She knew he’d discovered her little surprise when he stopped moving and exhaled against her with enough force to ruffle the gown. Her body clenched at the heat from his breath tickling the edge of her pussy.

  “Landon, help me.” Erin’s whisper was frantic.

  At once, his hands went to her shoulders and began a harsh squeezing, digging his thumbs in deep. It hurt, but helped her concentrate. “Deep breaths, Darlin’.”

  Under her dress, Jayden shifted so that his head, and mouth, were now in front of her moistening slit. Oh, god . . . oh, god . . . oh, please . . . Jayden, don’t do it, she begged in silence.

  His tongue brushed her pussy lips. Wide and flat, he dragged it up toward the nerve bundle he’d find swollen and yearning for him.


  The encouraging chanting came to an abrupt halt, the room going silent as all eyes in the room focused on the screaming bride—like she’d lost her mind.

  Though he began to back away at once, Erin clamped her legs together around his head, halting his retreat. She needed a second . . . or sixty.

  “Uh,” Erin stuttered, “Orchids. Aye, the red orchids are beautiful. They were the perfect choice,” she offered in a lame distraction. She felt Jayden’s mirthful shaking beneath her dress.


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