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Out of The Box Awakening

Page 20

by Theriot, Jennifer

  “Well, that mistletoe has a place in our room when I get back.”

  Hell, yeah!

  After I have been asleep for awhile, I wake up and find I can’t go back to sleep. I decide to go downstairs to get some warm milk and run into Tommy and Emily in the kitchen. Emily has her back to the refrigerator and Tommy is in front of her with his elbow on the fridge and they are kissing. I feel like I am intruding on them.

  “Oops! Sorry! Just gonna make me some warm milk and honey.”

  “No prob, Olivia. We just came down for some beer.”

  Emily, markedly embarrassed, quickly heads back upstairs. Tommy stays in the kitchen.

  “Olivia, you are the best thing that has come into this house in a long, long time! I hope you know that.” He gives me a big hug.

  “Awww… thanks, Tommy. That means so much! I love having kids around and I love all the guys in the band. I feel kinda like I’m their momma!”

  “Well, we all feel the same. I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am! I haven’t felt this in a really long time. I know Dad feels the same. Thanks for being you!”

  I tell him that tomorrow I want to chill around the house, that I am cooking and would like to watch “Home Alone,” saying, “Maybe we can rent it on the cable?”

  “Oh, my God! That would be awesome! We don’t need to rent, though; we actually have that on DVD. I’m so totally down with that! Thanks for lettin’ us stay tonight!”

  “Tommy, this is your house, I am just a guest. I love having kids around all the time. It’s what I live for. If you can’t come home and have a good time, what else is there?”

  “Well, thanks again, Olivia! You make coming home actually fun!”

  When I have my milk, I tell him, “Going back to bed. Take care of Emily for me?”

  “Will do! She’s in good hands. I promise!”

  When I walk past the music room into my room, I look in. Todd gives me the thumbs up. Yeeessss!

  I get one last text from Ash before I go back to sleep. “Thanks again for putting up a tree and having the guys over. Olivia! ILY sooo much! Sleep well, and call me in the morning”

  Before I drift off to sleep, I think of how thankful I am that my life is finally getting some order.

  I sleep until 8:00 a.m., which is late for me. I think that I should get up and get some breakfast going. I pass by the music room on my way to make coffee, and I see they are all still asleep…Emily included. Emily is too cute curled up on the couch wrapped in a blanket. The guys are all asleep on the floor. Tommy is sleeping on the floor by the couch. Must have been a good night

  I make coffee and get a text from Ash. “Mornin’, Sunshine! Sleep well?”

  “In spite of the fact that you were not sleeping with me, yes I did! fixin’ to make coffee and read the paper. Missing you, though!”

  “Call you later! ILY Ash!”

  I go into the living room and gaze at the beautiful Christmas tree. I can’t wait for my kids to get here. Hopefully, this Christmas will be good, in spite of the fact that we have been thrown some adversities.”

  The day is cold and drizzly. Definitely a good day to stay indoors, watch movies, and veg.

  Todd wakes early and comes down, begging, “Coffee pleeeeease!”

  “Late night?”

  “Arghhhhh! Way too much beer! Need caffeine!”

  “So how did it go with Tommy and Emily?”

  Todd tells me that Tommy and Emily got along great, and that I am a great matchmaker.

  “Yeah, we all like her…Tommy included. Don’t think he got a blowjob or that they screwed last night, though. The fact that we were all in the room wasn’t the best atmosphere for a BJ. I definitely think she’s not the type to blow on the first date.”

  “Todd! You’re incorrigible!”

  “Yeah, well, that too! Whatever that means. But I’m pretty sure he is into her and I think she is into him, so peace-love-dove.”

  When the kids all wake up, I make them breakfast. Tommy tells them that I want to watch “Home Alone” today.

  “Oh, cool!” Brady says. “I love that movie!”

  Steve tells us that his family watches it every Christmas. “When it first came out, we all watched it. Mom taped it and she puts it in every Christmas. She says it isn’t Christmas until you watch ‘Home Alone’!”

  Emily tells me that she should probably get home to study at some point soon, but Tommy convinces her to stay.

  “You can study tonight. Stay with us today. Olivia’s cooking, and we can watch movies all day. It’s too cold and nasty for you to drive home. Come on…lighten up!”

  “Well, okay—but I do have to study sometime today!”

  “Look, when you need to leave, if you need me to, I’ll follow you home if the weather is still bad.”

  This sounds like it is working out.

  We have an amazing day. Around dark, Emily tells us that she needs to head back to her apartment.

  “Todd, I’ll ride with Emily,” Tommy says. “Follow us to her place?”

  Todd, being Todd, in a girly voice asks Brian to ride with him. “Bri, the weather is bad…I’m scared to drive by myself. Ride with me, honey?”

  “Okay, baby! You sexy thing! Of course I will! You drive and I’ll ride!” They all laugh and head out to Emily’s apartment.

  I’m left with Steve and Brady. Maybe I’ll pick their brains. They tell me Tommy really likes Emily.

  “We haven’t seen Tommy interested in a girl in forever. He’s too damn picky! No one is good enough. They wear too much makeup, they are too pushy, they drink too much, dress like sluts, or they smoke.”

  “Well, that could be a good thing,” I say.

  “Yeah, but he still needs to lighten up and have some fun. I mean, what the hell?”

  When the guys get back, they get packed up and ready to head to their apartments. I am gonna miss them. Tommy pulls me to the side.

  “Olivia, I really like Emily. She’s, well, different from most of the girls I meet. I asked her if she’d consider having dinner with me sometime. I hope that’s okay with you. I mean, she’s your friend and all.”

  “Of course I don’t mind. And?”

  “Well, she said yes, so we’ll see. She gave me her number.”

  “Well, call her. She’s a really nice girl. I think y’all would have fun hanging out.”

  “Yeah, me too! Thanks for the hookup.”

  Crap! I hope he doesn’t see that this is what I was trying to do.

  Chapter 19

  The next few days fly by, thank God. Ash comes home on Wednesday night and I am elated. As soon as I hear his car pull up, my heart starts beating really fast. I know there are things that we need to discuss, and I just hope we can get past it.

  He walks through the door holding a beautiful tan bag brimming with lavender tissue paper. I suspect it’s for me. I look up at the mistletoe and smile.

  “Well?” I say.

  His face immediately lights up. “Mmmm! Come here, you beautiful woman!” He takes me into his arms and gives me the most amazing kiss.

  “My God! I missed you so much!”

  “Me too, hon! Look, I’m so sorry about the other night. Truce?” He hands me the bag. “Here, this is for you. I think you’re gonna love it—matter of fact I know you’re gonna love it!”

  The bag is from a shop called Bellefleur, and my curiosity is piqued. He takes my hand, guides me into the den, winks at me, and motions me to sit on the couch.

  “Gonna go grab us a glass of wine. Be right back, then you can open your goodies. No peeking!”

  I can’t wait to see what is in the bag and I do try peeking, but can’t see for all of the tissue paper. As if he knows exactly what I’m doing…

  “You aren’t peeking, are you?” he calls from the kitchen.

  “No, but you’d better hurry!”

  He’s back with our wine and gives me the go ahead to open my present. I love getting surprises from him and I’m absolutely s
peechless when I delve inside and see some of the most beautiful pieces of lingerie I’ve ever seen! Oh, my God! There is a very sexy pair of panties, an equally sexy bra, a chemise that is open in the front except for a tie, matching crotchless panties, and a kimono robe.

  “Oh Ash! These are exquisite—fabulous! I’ve never had anything like this. I can’t wait to try them on. How in the world did you know my size?”

  He rubs his chin and winks that damn sexy wink at me. “Well, let’s just say that I have my sources, and they are pretty accurate. Bellefleur is the best lingerie store in Seattle, you know, so I hope you like them. Nothing but the absolute best for you!”

  “Well, well, well last week, polka dot flannel pajamas—this week these? Do you have an ulterior motive, Mr. Harper?”

  “Oh, you know I do. Last week was all about comfort, since I was gone. It’s been way too long and we have some catching up to do. I’m about to burst!”

  “Well, Ash you’d better keep the giant down, because I haven’t even put them on yet.”

  “Just looking at them and imagining what you’ll look like in them has given me a perpetual hard-on, my dear! I can honestly tell you that I was tempted to buy every damn piece they had. There isn’t one thing in there that I couldn’t picture you in. Matter of fact, once I picked these out, I had to pay and quickly dash out of the store. The giant was letting me know it was definitely time to go!”

  In my mind, I can just picture him walking around the store looking at every piece of lingerie, and I honestly wouldn’t put it past him to buy me everything they had. Hell, he’s probably made friends with every saleslady as well!

  We get our wine and go into the living room. He motions for me to sit by him on the couch. The lights are out, except for the Christmas tree. Soft music is playing.

  “This is heaven. The view of the tree against the windows overlooking the lake is breathtaking. Olivia, I wish we could pretend the other night didn’t happen, but it did. I know I was out of line with the jealousy thing, and for that I’m sorry. The only way I felt I could deal with it was to get drunk. I was hurt, and I overreacted.”

  “Well, can I just tell you what happened? First, though, I’d like to know what Jocelyn said when she called you. At first, I thought maybe Jocelyn had called Ellen and that Ellen had been the one who called you.”

  “ Honey, Ellen would never have made a call like that. She’s not that type of person. As for Jocelyn, I hadn’t heard from her since the shower, so I was really surprised she would call. We don’t talk, as a rule. She just small-talked, which I thought was odd, and then she asked about you. She said that she had run into you in Starbucks, and that you and some guy were gazing into each other’s eyes and holding hands across the table laughing, having a romantic lunch.”

  I roll my eyes. “Well, let me just tell you what really happened. I was sitting at the table by myself, listening to music, about to eat my sandwich, when Alan walked up to the table and asked if he could sit down. I was caught off-guard and I didn’t want to cause a scene, so I said yes. He started talking and apologizing and, yes, he was holding my hands. He reached across the table and just took my hands into his. His words were going in and out of my ears like wah-wah-wah, I wasn’t really listening to him. I just sort of went numb. I saw Jocelyn and she smiled and waved at me, but that was it. She didn’t come over to the table, and I certainly wasn’t hiding anything, Ash. What was I supposed to do? He came looking for me. Why would Jocelyn try to cause problems? I’ve never done anything to her.”

  “I know that, Olivia. She is just a conniving little bitch. What can I say? Her friend was the one I went out with, and I kinda think Jocelyn had a thing for me too. Maybe she’s jealous of you. I just wish you’d called me and let me know Alan was in town. It hurt me that I found out from someone else, someone that I hardly ever talk to, that’s all. It was like she wanted to hurt me or get a reaction from me.”

  “So, what did you tell her?”

  “I just said, well you should have gone up and said hello! That’s all I could think of to say because I wanted to just go put my hand through a wall. It went all over me.”

  “Ash, I totally see that now. I get it. I didn’t take in to account your feelings and God I’m so sorry. I wasn’t trying to hide anything, I just thought I’d call you that night and tell you. I didn’t want to bother you during the day. Just thought it could wait until later. When I got your text, I knew that someone had made a call to you. I’m glad it wasn’t Ellen. I knew when I saw Jocelyn, by the way she waved and fake smiled at me that she was chomping at the bit to get the word out to you. That night was just awful. Knowing that you got drunk to deal with your feelings and that I couldn’t explain what happened just killed me. When you wouldn’t return my calls, I didn’t know what to do. I promise to be more open and communicate better, okay?”

  “And I promise to control my jealousy. I just don’t want Alan near you. He gave you up—it’s his loss, and now you’re mine. So, now that we have that understood, I can’t wait to see you in your new lingerie and in bed with me!”

  Thank God we’ve aired the tension. I needed him to hear what happened. We talk for a bit about putting up the tree. I tell him that Tommy and Emily are planning on going out.

  “Olivia, don’t be upset if it doesn’t work out. Promise?”

  “Of course I promise!” But I know different.

  I show Ash the gift that Todd brought me. He’s impressed.

  “He’s a good kid, Liv. You know that. All the guys really like you, which makes me love you all the more. You’re their little groupie.” He laughs, and then shifts his focus. “But let’s not waste any more time…making mad love to you is all I’ve been thinking about. I need you so bad!”

  We head into his room with my new lingerie, and get ready for some sizzling lovemaking.

  “So, what are you gonna model first,” he asks.

  “You want me to model them?”

  “Oh, hell, yeah, I do! I’ve been picturing you modeling them for me since I bought them. You’re gonna put them all on and let me see!”

  I feel like a beaming bride on her wedding night. Ash is actually excited to see me in these. God only knows how much they cost. They just reek expensive! I put the panties and bra on first. Geez! I’m getting turned on seeing myself in them. “Let’s Get it On” is playing on the system. I come out, and start dancing, feeling totally uninhibited. I’m really totally out of my element, but I’m feeling so comfortable.

  “Olivia, God! You totally turn me on when you dance like that! Damn, woman! You look amazing, and so damn hot. Come here!”

  He gets up and starts dancing with me. Oh, my God, every nerve in my body is in high gear. He rubs himself against me and we dance together, grinding our hips.

  “I can’t wait to get you under me, Liv! Go put on the other things. I wanna see! I’m dying here.”

  If this were Alan, I would feel cheap and used. For that matter, Alan would never have gone into a store like that to buy me lingerie. I love the fact that Ash takes the time to pick out nice things for me. Putting on lingerie he has picked out is such a turn-on. I actually feel sexy. This is so erotic! I come out shyly in the nightie. It is totally open in front, except for a small silk tie. The panties are crotchless and I love them!

  “Your body is amazing, and sooo sexy! Come here.”

  He takes me into his arms and lays me on the bed. He gently unties the gown with his teeth. It falls open, revealing my breasts, which are so sensitive. He caresses me gently.

  “You like?” he whispers.

  “Yes, I do. Don’t stop…”

  He slowly takes off his clothes. I am totally turned on by his beautiful body.

  “Ash, your body is amazing. You’re perfect in every way!”

  “Flattery, my dear, is getting you everywhere. Let’s not waste any more time…we have some catching up to do!”

  He doesn’t disappoint. I find this pleasure is beyond words. I’m glad no o
ne is in the house, because I can’t control my sounds. “I love to see and hear you react to my touch, Olivia. Your pleasure is what I live for!”


  “What honey?”

  “Lie back and let me play now.” I push him back on the bed and position myself between his legs.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Oh, yeah, really!”

  I suddenly forget that I’m not really skilled in pleasing a man. My desires take over, and I instinctively do orally what I’ve never done before. I’ve never had the desire to do this, but tonight it just seems right.

  “Oh my God! That feels so damn good!”

  Seeing and feeling him react makes me feel wonderful. He’s pulsing and his hips are moving. I’m in total control, and I continue until he reaches his orgasm. I don’t stop. As awful as that sounds, it was amazing! I never did that to Alan…never, ever, ever! When he has finished, I lie back on the bed and spread my arms…Bliss! I’m completely out of breath.

  “You okay, honey?” Ash asks.

  “More than ok. That was awesome!”

  “I’ll say!” He takes me into his arms. “Your turn,” he whispers.

  He lays me back on the bed and begins to kiss me all over. He starts with my hands, which are spread out on the bed, and continues exploring with his tongue over every inch of my body. I’m weak—lightheaded and about to pass out. My heart is beats fast, really fast.

  “You still with me?”

  “Yes Yes! Yes!” I swear that I have never let myself open up like this. It feels, well kind of forbidden…erotic and mind-blowing at the same time.

  When we’re about to both pass out from sheer pleasure, I start laughing.

  “What? What’s so funny“

  “You know what I want now?”

  “Oh God, honey! I don’t think I can go again for a while.”

  “No! Not that! I want some hot chocolate.”

  “Really? Well, put on your robe and let’s go into to the kitchen. I’ll make us some! That sounds wonderful!”

  We run like two teenagers into the kitchen. He swats me on my rear and lifts me up on the counter to sit while he makes us each a cup. I giggle.


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