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Out of Line: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Page 61

by Juliana Conners

  He moves me onto my hands and knees, and I would laugh at the part about not tying me up if I didn’t know he was serious. I bet that’s exactly what he does to other girls.

  “You don’t have to go easy on me just because I’m a virgin,” I tell him, and he laughs as he spreads my ass cheeks wide open.

  “Was a virgin,” he says, before spanking my ass, hard.


  “Leave it to you to be snarky in the middle of your first time having sex,” he says, as he lowers his mouth to my pussy.

  He rubs my clit and sticks his tongue into my hole. Then he eats me out again as my pussy and ass is pushed up against his face. Soon I’m moaning his name again, over and over, while I come into his mouth. He’s eating up my juices like a fountain.

  “I love when you eat my pussy,” I tell him. “Almost as much as I love when you fuck it.”

  “Why is my good little girl using such dirty language?” he asks, as he pushes his cock into me.

  I shrug, liking how he says, “my good little girl.”

  I could get used to this, being fucked by him. Sure, he’s old enough to be my father, but he’s extremely handsome and everything he does to me makes me feel so good.

  He doesn’t seem to like that he said that, and he gets rougher with me, pulling my hair back and making me arch my back as he fucks me hard and grabs ahold of my ass. I do my best not to cry out again in pain, and sure enough, my pussy starts to feel good as he pushes in and out of it, faster and faster.

  “You’re only my dirty girl for tonight,” he says, as he fucks me hard and fast.

  I can’t help wondering if he’s announcing this as much for himself as for me.

  “If I ever fucked you again, I’d never want to stop fucking you,” he says, as he starts moaning.

  I’m trying to think about what this means— I don’t think it’s a thing a guy normally tells a girl in the middle of sex— when I start to feel a minor earthquake inside my body, all over again. I moan low and deep, and then I realize that Adam is doing the same thing.

  “I’m going to come,” I tell him, feeling every nerve in my body firing feelings of pleasure at me. “You’re making me come.”

  “I’m coming too,” he grunts, as I feel his cock pulse inside me. “I’m coming with you. Your pussy feels so crazy good, you have no idea.”

  We both sigh and end up on the bed together, with his arm wrapped around me. He holds me like this while we both start to drift off.

  I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t how such events normally end, either. But I don’t mind, since I have nowhere else to go tonight anyway, and his arm is so soft and comfy…

  The next thing I know, there’s a knock at the door.

  “Holy shit!” Adam says, jumping up and removing the condom from the bed, where it had fallen off after we had finished having sex. “What time is it?”

  “I don’t know,” I say, scrambling for my own clothes.

  “Adam? This is Melissa,” she calls out from the other side of the door. “Is everything okay in there? Someone else has booked the room…”

  “Yes,” he says, as he jumps into his pants. “And I’ll pay more. Sorry about that.”

  “No problem,” she says, from behind the door. “I was just checking.”

  Before I know it, Adam and I are both dressed and headed to the door. I hope he’ll say something— anything— but he just stops. Then he looks down at me, and if I didn’t know better I would think there was concern in his eyes.

  “Do you have somewhere to go tonight?” he asks me, gently.

  “Yes,” I say, although it’s mostly a lie.

  The “somewhere” I have to go is a hotel I’m sure I can find and book. I’ve never done it before, but it can’t be that hard.

  “Okay,” he says, with a sigh. I swear it’s as if he wanted me to say no. But I wasn’t about to reveal what dire straits I’m in. “See the front desk on your way out and they’ll have your extra money. This was amazing…”

  He drifts off, as if not wanting to continue. He grabs me and holds me tight against his chest. I wrap my arms around him, loving how his muscles feel under his shirt. Loving the fact that I just saw his naked and tattooed chest.

  “Amazingly hot,” he finishes. “Maybe I’ll see you around here again sometime.”

  He shakes his head as if he’s mad at himself for saying that, and lets me go.

  “I’d like that…” I start to say, and then he’s out the door.

  And now I’m alone, to live my boring life, all on my own, after selling Adam my virginity.

  But at least I had fun doing it, I think, as I nod to Melissa on my way out. I look around for Natalyia, but she’s nowhere to be seen. I’m sure she’s with whatever man had the pleasure of buying her company tonight.

  And at least, I think, as collect my money and then walk to my car to call a hotel that I’ve decided to upgrade from one star to four, the money that Adam paid will help me afford that life a lot more easily.

  Chapter 13 – Adam

  2 Weeks Later

  Hudson College is nothing at all like Harvard University. First of all, the classes are much smaller. I teach one in the morning and then return to the same classroom to teach another one that afternoon. It’s just a regular sized room; Hudson doesn’t even have a conference hall and I suppose one isn’t needed since the classes aren’t even that big.

  I sit down to look at my lesson plan but I figure I won’t need to. Another thing that’s different is that these classes are a lot less formal. No one is rushing to impress me like the students always did at Harvard. I have to admit that’s refreshing.

  Almost as refreshing as being with Sarah two weeks ago.


  I wish I could get her out of my head. But as it is, my head doesn’t want to think about anything but her. My cock doesn’t want to get hard at the thought of anyone else either.

  I wish I had gotten her last name, or found out anything about her. I usually make it a policy not to do such things, lest I express too much interest and make the girl think I actually want to see her again. But this time, for the first time ever, I actually want to see her again.

  It's a good thing I don’t know who she is then. I’d be in way too deep. It has to be for the best, then, that we only saw each other once. All I have to do is fuck someone else and get her out of my system. Except, I can’t seem to do that. My body and mind aren’t in sync. I’ve never been knocked so far off my game and I don’t know what to do about it.

  I still have five minutes before the next class starts, and no one is here yet. I decide to go to the bathroom and see if I can’t get my cock to work just by thinking about Sarah. I’m beginning to wonder if there’s something wrong with it.

  I go shut myself in a stall and thinking about her green eyes and her eager mouth. Her wet pussy and the way it dripped into my hand and onto my cock as she came over and over again. It works— I start getting hard. But the second I reach down to touch myself, it’s over.

  It’s like my cock only wants Sarah to touch it— not even me. Holy shit. I’m fucked.

  I wash my hands and then go back to the class. Most of the students are already seated. That’s another difference— these kids are much more respectful, and prompt.

  I walk up to the podium when I catch a glimpse of the girl in the third row and nearly fall over.

  Holy fuck. It’s Sarah Grace. The very girl I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. She’s sitting very prim and proper- like in the second row, with her hair done up in a braid, and wearing the same modest clothes as all the other girls here are.

  I can’t even believe it. And apparently, neither can she, because her mouth drops straight open when she sees me. But then she closes it again quickly and looks around, as if to say, please don’t out me.

  I look at her with wide eyes, trying to signal, don’t worry, I won’t.

  If she only knew how much trouble I could be in
if they found out I had fucked one of my students— even before I knew she would be my student— I’d be fucking toast. I start to think I must be hallucinating. My body must have wanted to be with her again so badly that my mind was imagining she was here.

  How could a girl from a Christian college in a small town have been the one to sell me her virginity at a club for billionaires in New York City? I consider it and then realize there’s a very good chance, especially since she was a virgin and a nervous, rather awkward one at that.

  Just thinking about that night makes me cock spring up into action. It has found the girl of its dreams, and it wants more. It’s not getting more though, because it never gets a taste of the same girl twice. Nor does it usually even want to go back for seconds, since there are so many variety of flavors in the world. But it’s been betraying me lately, just like my thoughts.


  I stand behind the podium while I introduce myself, so that no one notices my fucking hard on. I feel younger than some of the kids here, trying to hide this monster.

  “My name, as some of you know, is Professor Masters,” I announce. “And I’ll be teaching your business class this semester.”

  Everyone’s eyes go wide with recognition, including Sarah’s. She looks genuinely surprised to realize that the guy she sold her virginity to is the inventor of the computer chips for automated cars. I guess these sheltered kids probably don’t watch TV or read tabloids all that often.

  “Your professor from last year told me you are all working on projects,” I announce. “Let’s hear what they are.”

  It’s an easy way for me to teach the first day of class. I just have to listen and figure out which ones of these kids are A students and which ones are C- students— rarely does a school let me give much lower of a grade than that, since they don’t want to lose tuition money— and which ones fall in between. This, in turn, makes grading a whole lot easier in the future.

  But when it’s Sarah’s turn, I realized I just fucked the best student in my entire class.

  “My project is a business plan and proposal for my business idea,” she says, with a mixture of shyness and pride. “My market research shows a great portion of couples in the New York City area who have no children but who also have good jobs and high incomes. A lot of these couples have pets, and they spend significant amounts of money on them. They also have values aligned with preserving the environment, and believe that recycling is important. Therefore, my business idea is a pet toy company that recycles common household items into toys for pets to play with, and even houses and crates and climbing activities for them to play with them in and on.”

  She curtsies a bit and then returns to her seat. I have to get back behind the podium because she just gave me a major hard on.

  “Very nice, Sarah,” I tell her. I try to be professional and diplomatic. “Next?”

  I can see her looking at me, though, and it’s all I can do not to look at her for the rest of the class. I can’t even glance in her direction or I’ll betray my feelings for everyone to see, and cause both of us problems, considering this is a school where students can’t even date each other, let alone their professors.

  As class draws to an end, I wonder how I’m going to go all semester without taking Sarah into my arms and fucking her again. I begin to realize another thing that’s different here than at Harvard— there’s a girl in my class that I’ve been with and that I want to be with again.

  Chapter 14 – Sarah

  1 Month Later

  It’s been torture being this close to Adam— Professor Masters, as I always have to remind myself— and not being able to do anything about it. I couldn’t believe it when he’d walked into my classroom and pronounced himself the teacher. Although I hadn’t realized he was who he was, it all started to make so much sense.

  It’s obvious he’s still into me, yet he doesn’t do anything about it. He doesn’t even so much as acknowledge that he knows me. I don’t want to seem pathetic, so I don’t say anything to him, either.

  Yet every day I have to sit in class in front of him is excruciating. I keep remembering his hands on my ass and his tongue on my clit. Not to mention his cock in my hole. It had filled me up completely and I want it again so badly.

  All I seem to do, day after day in this class, is fantasize about how good it felt to be with him. And how I want to be with him again. I want him to pick me up and wrap my legs around his toned abs so I can slide my pussy up and down him before he slides his cock inside me. It’s driving me crazy and I can’t help but need him so badly.

  But clearly, he’s not going to give me what I want— what I need— to have again. He goes on with his lectures up in front of the class as if I didn’t stop his whole world the way he did mine.

  Sure, the money has changed my life. I’ve been able to rent an apartment and pay for my tuition and I still have so much money left over. I don’t even need to be in school but I truly believe in my business idea. This is about more than all that, though.

  There’s some bigger draw that pulls me closer to Adam. Every day when he teaches, I stare at him, wishing I could have him. He stares back but he never says anything.

  Today, though, he seems to be sending me signals. Or maybe it’s only in my head. I can’t help but think he’s throwing glances in my direction, looking at me up and down.

  Finally, towards the end of class, he makes his move. And I’m determined to make my own, right back.

  “Sarah, would you please come up to the front of the class to demonstrate an aspect of your business plan?” he asks me.

  I clear my throat and obey, my heart pounding as I approach him. All eyes are on me now: every student’s in the room. And his.

  “I’m going to do a 70% online advertising approach, and a 30% in person outreach plan,” I tell him, drawing a pie chart on the blackboard. “And then once I have positive results from one or the other, I switch over to the other method and continue delivering the kinds of advertisements that lead to the best result.”

  When I turn back around, his eyes are on my ass. He nods approvingly and then looks back at the blackboard.

  I decide it’s time to take the plunge and hint about something.

  “Why do you think this idea will work?” he asks.

  I feel vulnerable and exposed, being up in front of the class with him quizzing me.

  “Because I give the consumer exactly what they want,” I answer him, while raising my eyebrows seductively. “They just keep coming back for more.”

  The other students giggle, as if catching on to her innuendo but not— hopefully— realizing it’s aimed at him.

  But he raises his eyebrows right back at me, letting me know that he’s caught my drift, and he likes it.

  Finally. Things seem to be going somewhere again. And I can’t wait to see where they lead.

  Chapter 15 – Sarah

  I can’t believe Sarah is flirting with me so brazenly, in front of the entire class. But I also can’t help but like it.

  “That’s enough,” I tell her, and then, because I can’t help myself, “Please see me after class.”

  She looks very pleased with herself as she returns to her seat. I can’t help but feel that she’s teasing me, taunting me. Will she charge me more money to be with her again?

  I can’t be with her again. It’s against the school’s code and against my agreement with Harvard. Not to mention, it’s against my own dating code. But as the end of class draws near, I can’t stand the anticipation.

  Why does she have to do this to me? I wish I didn’t have to be around her nearly every day, but I also love that I am. It’s torture and it’s driving me mad.

  Finally, it’s the end of class and the other students disperse.

  Sarah remains in her desk.

  I follow the last student to the door, joking jovially with him about who knows what— my brain is a fog; my cock just wants Sarah again. I close the door and lock it behind me.

  The click of the lock tells me that I want to be with Sarah, for the second time, which is something I never want. But it doesn’t mean she’ll give into me. And it doesn’t mean I should let myself have my every desire, when it’s against the rules.

  But since when have I followed the rules?

  “I thought you were never going to ask me to stay after class,” Sarah says, breaking the tension between us. “I’ve been like a kid waiting for Christmas.”

  I can’t help but chuckle, even though what we’re about to do is no laughing matter.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you,” I tell her, without being able to stop myself.

  Her mouth falls open, as if she’s as surprised as I am that I just said that. Then she says, “Me neither,” and walks over to my desk.

  “Stop,” I tell her, before she reaches my chair. “We can’t do this. I…”

  I take a breath, but figure that she’ll hear about it soon enough if she hasn’t already, so I might as well tell her.

  “I’m known to have a certain reputation,” I tell her, with a sigh.

  “That’s funny,” she says, raising an eyebrow at me. “So am I.”

  “What?” I ask, confused. “But you’re a virgin.”

  “Do you think that matters, at a school like this? With a dad like mine?”

  I cock my head at her, still confused.

  “My dad’s a pastor,” she says, “a couple towns over. A town even smaller than this.”

  “I see,” I tell her, nodding my head. “I can see how that could be difficult. But it’s all the more reason not to do this.”

  I’m convinced that I have to be stern, resolute. Not give in to my instincts when clearly both of us have a lot to lose.

  “I guess that’s that, then,” she says, and begins to walk away from me.

  I want to cry out to her to come back, but I’d feel pathetic. And I know it’s the right move.

  But right then and there, she drops the long skirt she’s wearing, just like she dropped the dress she was wearing at The Exchange Club. I can see her perfect ass, and she’s wearing a red thong, as if she’s been waiting for this very moment.


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