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Out of Line: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Page 95

by Juliana Conners

  I’d found the ad for Mr. Roberts’ personal jet online and responded. His assistant quickly called me and set up an interview. I knew that anyone with a private jet had to have money, but I had no idea just how wealthy he was until I walked into his office building.

  It looked like a spaceship, equipped with escalators and see-through elevators. What really caught my eye was the impressive amount of gold that covered almost everything, the crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceilings, and the Romanesque waterfalls that served as centerpieces for each corridor.

  After a short interview, I was offered the position right on the spot, along with a salary that doubled the one I’d had at the airline. Of course, I didn’t hesitate to accept the offer.

  Up until this first flight, I’d never even met Mr. Roberts. I did Google him, though. He wasn’t very hard to find since he was almost as famous as a celebrity. But, standing there, seeing him in person, was nothing compared to seeing his pictures. And the way that he looked at me hungrily, like he wanted to have his way with me right there in the cabin, made my knees go weak.

  The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. When crossing my knees didn’t work anymore, I tiptoed to the bathroom so that I could try to calm down. I splashed water on my face and stared at myself in the mirror.

  Get it together, Dana, I thought. I didn’t want to mix business with pleasure, especially when this job almost seemed too good to be true. In addition to not paying enough money, my job at the airline kept me away from Scott more than I cared to be and my son needed me. I was all that he had.

  It was decided that my mother would watch him while I worked and she told me that he would spend a lot of time alone, just staring off into space, with the saddest look on his face. He rarely ever said anything, but one day he told my mother, “I miss my dad.”

  That was all he’d said to her. She begged me to find a way to spend more time with him and I promised that I would. I knew that this would be a way for me to keep that promise. I could work less hours and make more money.

  So, just then I knew that I had to get rid of my silly school girl crush on my boss or else it would cloud my better judgment and prevent me from doing the job that I was hired to do. Plus, I knew that Mr. Roberts was completely out of my league, so there was no need to frustrate myself with impossible fantasies.

  But, the look in his eyes…

  I couldn’t stop myself from getting excited. I decided to give my throbbing pussy some relief. I sat down on the toilet seat, lifted my skirt, pulled my panties to the side, and began circling my fingers around my hardening clit.

  I dipped my finger into my moist vagina and a clear coat of liquid engulfed my finger. I tasted it. A soft moan escaped my lips. I kept thinking about Mr. Roberts, imagining what it would be like to have my legs spread wide and him plunging deep inside of me. I tried to stay quiet as I imagined my fingers being his hard dick pushing its way into my wet womanhood.

  When I felt the pressure building, I exploded in a powerful orgasm that almost knocked me from my perch on the toilet seat. It felt like the bathroom actually shook.

  Then, I realized that the bathroom did shake.

  I thought that I’d felt a little turbulence before, but I dismissed it, thinking that it was just the jolts that I had been sending to my body with my fingers.

  Something was wrong. I quickly washed my hands and fixed my skirt, moving my way back into the cabin.

  As soon as I opened the door, my earpiece began crackling and I could hear a spotty, frantic voice in my ear. It was the pilot. After a few more steps, he came in clearly.

  “Mayday, mayday! All hands-on deck! Has anyone seen the flight attendant? We are experiencing turbulence caused by a blizzard that hit the plane, and one of the engines is down!”

  My tongue felt thick and I thought that I would be sick.

  Somehow, I managed to stammer out a response, my hands shaking as I tried to hold down the button on my walkie talkie.

  “I’m here. This is Dana.”

  “Where have you been?! Come to the cockpit right away! One of our engines has failed and we are going down. There’s an epic proportion winter storm out here that just hit us out of nowhere. Where were you, anyway?”

  “I…uh…had to use the bathroom,” came my sheepish reply. It was true, although my cheeks flushed at the thought of what I had been doing in the bathroom. “My earpiece must have lost reception in there.”

  I mentally kicked myself for letting my sensual thoughts keep me from being available at work when I needed to be, on the first day at that. And, of course, in the middle of an emergency. I was sure that this was going to be my first and last day, if we survived this.

  I rushed to the cockpit, my heart almost beating out of my chest.

  I tried to ignore the excitement that began to well up as Mr. Roberts made his way down the aisle toward the cockpit, where I was standing.

  Even among all the commotion, I could feel my clit hardening again.

  Well, shit, I thought. Leave it to me to be fantasizing about my new boss just as his private jet is going down. I’m about to lose my life and all I can think about is his cock in my pussy. That’s how fucking hot this guy is. And how horny I am after such a long time of going without sex, although it’s looking like I’ll never get to have sex again.

  Chapter 3 – Kurt

  The next hour after James announced that there was engine failure and blizzard conditions was a complete blur. I almost started to curse my high-minded thinking that I could have my own personal jet manned by just one mechanic, who served as the co-pilot.

  The way his eyebrows furrowed as he ran back and forth from the small engine room and the cockpit, checking and rechecking charts and maps, silently made me a little nervous. But it also didn’t seem to be as bad as it could be— as bad as it had seemed at first.

  I could tell that the flight attendant was nervous, too. She kept fanning herself, hyperventilating, and shifting her legs back and forth. Had this been anything else other than a minor emergency, I might had thought that she was getting turned on. But, I quickly dismissed the thought knowing that that couldn’t possibly be what was happening.

  Knowing that she was nervous about this situation suddenly dispelled my own qualms about it. It was almost like feeling very drunk and then realizing once you must take care of someone even drunker, that you’re not as bad off as you thought you were. A sobering reality washed over me, and I kept telling myself we were going to be okay.

  I saw her nod at me, as if reading my mind and thinking the same thing.

  We are going to be okay. Right?

  It seemed she too was trying to be stoic now. She walked over to me, plastering on her attempt at a smile and said, “Mr. Roberts, let’s get you back to your seat. Can I bring you another drink?”

  I was mildly impressed by her level of professionalism, but turned to James to get a feel for what was going on.

  He nodded in agreement, saying, “Dana’s right. It looks like we will be able to land fine with the remaining engine power. However, we will have to do an emergency landing nearby. We won’t be able to go back, and we won’t make it to our destination with this amount of engine power. I am going to contact the nearest airport and see how quickly we can land. But due to all the snow, I have no idea when that will be.”

  Getting the reassurance that I was looking for, I made my way back down the aisle to my seat.

  Great, I thought. Engine failure hundreds of miles away from our destination meant that I was going to miss my meeting. Could anything else go wrong?

  As upset I was about missing the meeting, I was glad we weren’t in imminent danger. And as much as I hated admitting it, I was even less excited about going back home early and dealing with Olivia now that my plans had been changed. I would have much rather sat in a stuffy boardroom locked in negotiations for hours, even days, with the most stubborn of business professionals, than relive the experience that I’d had with my d
aughter that morning.

  It made me feel like a fucking failure of a father, to not know how to help my own daughter. At least in the boardroom, I was king and knew how to help my business.

  “Mr. Roberts, please! Do something!” the nanny’s voice had wailed earlier today, over the house’s intercom system.

  My feet felt like lead weights as I walked the length of the hallway from my bedroom to Olivia’s room. I had no idea what I was going to say and, even worse, I didn’t know what I was going to encounter once I got there.

  Putting on my sternest face, I asked, “Olivia, what seems to be the problem?”

  “I don’t want to go to that stupid school with those stupid kids and those stupid teachers! They’re all so stupid and this stupid bitch acts like she can’t hear and keeps telling me to get ready for school. I’m not going to school and none of you assholes can make me!”

  She stood there with her arms folded, looking way too old for her actual age— especially based on the very adult swear words that had just come out of her mouth—and waiting for me to speak.

  “If you don’t go to school, you can forget about getting that new iPhone that you want.”

  I knew how much she loved her phone and had been begging for the new one for weeks.

  She stared at me, blood pooling in her pale cheeks. She let out a loud shriek.

  “I hate you! I hate everyone. I wish you would all just die and leave me alone!”

  She collapsed on her bed in a fit of tears.

  I took that as my chance to escape and quickly backed out of the room.

  And this was before I got the call from her school about her misbehavior. I knew that threats were not going to be enough. I would have to do something.

  But, what? Short of threatening her electronic devices, I was at a loss.

  But, I knew who would know exactly what to do: my mother. She had offered to look after Olivia after my wife left. She said that she knew that I was an amazing businessman and made her heart proud, but she worried that trying to raise a little girl on my own might prove to be stressful.

  It turned out she was right. As usual. But she was getting on in age herself and she had my father to look after. He spent more days in the hospital than he did at the brownstone that they now called home after selling my childhood home to live somewhere that was more manageable and closer to where we lived in the city. But, I had a nanny and she was tremendously helpful, especially when I had to take trips like this one.

  Part of me still toyed with the idea, though, of sending Olivia to live with my mother. That way she would be in a more stable home. And my mother was as tough as nails. I knew that Olivia wouldn’t even attempt a lot of the nonsense with her that she did with me.

  “Here’s your drink,” came a shaky voice next to me, bringing me back to the cabin in the plane. It was the flight attendant. Her hands were shaking so badly, she spilled a little of the drink when she tried to hand it to me.

  After dropping off my drink, she hurried off to the cockpit. She emerged after a few minutes, all the color drained from her face. She walked slowly down the short aisle in my direction, absentmindedly wringing her hands. Instinctively, I stood up, walked over to meet her, and wrapped my arms around her.

  “Don’t worry. We’re going to be okay,” I said.

  I wanted more than anyone to believe that we would be.

  Chapter 4 – Dana

  It wasn’t until Kurt Roberts hugged me, the scent of his sweet yet manly cologne wafting up into my nose, that I began to calm down. I could feel my heart slow down to a normal rate. I sighed deeply, holding onto him tightly. I didn’t expect it, but it was nice.

  I also didn’t expect my nipples to stand at firm attention, but they did. I could tell that he felt them pressing against his chest. He pulled away slightly, looking into my eyes, inquisitively. I didn’t try to hide the excitement that was taking me over.

  There I was again! Having these horny schoolgirl thoughts when there were more important things to worry about.

  “Thank you, Mr. Roberts,” I said, pulling away from the long hug. “I don’t know why I’m so shaken up. Working in an airline for as long as I have, I’ve had my fair share of emergency situations. I’ve been in situations that have been much worse than this, so I should know that everything will be okay. This storm is bad, but I really have been through worse weather and everything has turned out just fine.”

  Waving his hand, Kurt said, “Oh, no worries, and call me Kurt. I completely understand. I have a lot on my mind too and it’s almost like can things get any worse?”

  “Oh, my goodness! Me, too!” I blurted out. “Well, I’m sure I don’t have as much going on as you do, but I’m a widow and I’ve got a son at home that relies on me to take care of him.”

  Kurt’s face took on a look of genuine concern.

  “Wow! I’m so sorry to hear that! If you don’t mind my asking, what happened?”

  “My husband was a firefighter. He died in a fire.”

  “How sad. I am truly sorry for your loss.”

  I couldn’t believe that I was opening up so much to someone who was basically a stranger. And my new boss at that! It wasn’t like me at all. I had been quiet and reserved since Charles had died, preferring to spend my time with Scott or by myself. But Kurt just seemed so easy to talk to. And talking was helping me to calm down and think a little bit more.

  “Thank you,” I said, graciously. “I guess it’s part of the reason that I kind of get more scared when an emergency comes up. My husband was always in emergencies, but I never doubted for a second that he would come home to us. My son is not handling the loss of his father very well. So, every time something happens, I fear the worst: that he will somehow lose me, too.”

  I was suddenly struck by grief. I began to cry softly. I couldn’t stop myself.

  Putting his hand on my shoulder, he said, “Please, don’t cry. It’s okay. We’re going to be okay. The pilot says that we will be able to land just fine and we will be landing soon. Just think, there’s a blanket of soft snow to land in, to protect us.”

  That was a little funny, considering how hard snow falling really is and the havoc I knew it could wreck on planes. But the fact that he was using humor reassured me. It couldn’t be that bad if this handsome man was joking about it. However, in the midst of panic, and even when some of my sanity was feeling restored, all I could think about was getting back home to my son.

  “I’ve got to get home!” I exclaimed.

  A look of pained disappointment etched his features.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, apologetically. “It’s out of my hands. There’s nothing that I can do. It’s just the plane. And the weather…”

  He shrugged, as if wishing he had a solution when clearly, he didn’t. No one did. It was my turn to be disappointed.

  “Do you have someone that can take care of your son longer?” he asked, softly.

  “I live with my parents. He is with them.”

  I knew that all it would take was a quick phone call home to let my parents know what had happened and they would be more than happy to help in any way that they could. But, rethinking things, I decided that it might not be the best idea to tell them that we were landing early due to engine failure. That would make them worry every time that I walked out the door. I’d just tell them that Kurt needed me for a little while longer.

  I didn’t want my parents to worry, but more than that, I didn’t want Scott to worry. There was no telling how he would handle the fear of possibly losing me on top of already having lost his father. I was fighting hard to keep it all together so that he could start to heal. This would definitely be a step in the wrong direction.

  “I just need to get to my son,” I said again.

  Kurt smiled, looking me over from head to toe. His glance was protective and strong and I wished I could just melt into his arms, even though I knew that was a silly thought to be having about my brand-new boss.

��You know, I am becoming more and more impressed by you…what was your name, again?” he asked me.


  “Dana,” he repeated, his voice filling with a warm fondness. “You are truly an incredible mother. Most people would be worried about themselves in a situation like this. But, not you. Your concern is for the wellbeing of your son. Good for you.”

  Like a dark cloud covering the sun, sadness seemed to cover his face. If I wasn’t mistaken, it looked like tears were beginning to well up in his eyes. He quickly turned away.

  His words seemed choked when he said, “I wish more mothers were like you.”

  I couldn’t help but wonder what made him so sad.

  But soon, the pilot said, “Please take your seats, please. Our emergency landing is about to commence.”

  I knew it would be rude to pry, so I was glad the pilot saved me from asking further questions of Kurt. And now, as I hurried to do as I was told, was definitely not the time to try. I would just have to wait and see if I could find anything else out about my mysterious boss.

  Chapter 5 – Kurt

  Our landing was one of the smoothest I’d ever experienced. You’d almost forget that we were landing due to mechanical failure and a horrible storm. Once we landed, James pushed over to me with the biggest smile on his face, beaming positivity.

  “Not to worry, Mr. Roberts. We will have the plane fixed very soon. I am going to stay here with the plane to make sure that everything goes well. I’ll call you as soon as I have any news.”

  It was very cold, and the wind and snow were still whirling about. We shuffled off the plane, onto the quiet runway, stepping into huge piles of snow. There were a few people off in the distance. Employees, I assumed, although the sky was so bright and white in the storm that it was hard to see much of anything. But, otherwise it was pretty deserted.


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