Book Read Free

Braving the Storm

Page 27

by Xenia Melzer

  “Of course. We’ve been planning this for months! There’s no way we’re going to back out now!”

  Reassured, the two warriors slung their arms around Daran, sated in the knowledge that he would always be theirs.


  1. SIRA

  FAR OUT in the vastness that was Ana-Raina, the Big Sea, a vortex had formed in which the waters had turned black and seemed to be boiling in some places. In others, it was as hard as the ice on a glacier, under which it was bubbling like lava from a volcano. A closer look revealed that it was not the water that had turned black, but the background that sucked in even the tiniest speck of color. What was growing in the depths of the sea was like a cancer, an unholy, deviant connection between Ana-Darasa and the domain of chaos. Untamed powers were crashing against the dam the Mothers had created to give life a safe place.

  The Good Mother smiled coldly. She had chosen this place with meticulous care. Though still unable to take solid form on Ana-Darasa due to the barriers Ana-Isara had placed all over the world, she could feel her powers grow. Now that the Mothers were gone, it was only a question of time until she would be able to break through. The magic stream was strong here, and even though it was already tamed, she could draw enough power to weaken the dam and give chaos a chance. Soon the borders would break under this constant assault, and then she would use it to destroy the sons of her enemies.

  SIRA WAS concentrating on a knothole in the ceiling above the bed on which she had been forced. The grunting of the man who had just entered her body in the most brutal manner was deafening. She tried to tell herself that this was nothing, that this business partner of her owner was nothing but a nuisance who would go away if she wished for it hard enough. She could feel him tensing, his movements became more rapid, and then he finally released inside her. Sira hated this man, just like she hated all men. It was an emotion life had taught her in the cruelest way.

  Her owner’s voice violated the walls of protection she had built around herself. “What do you think? Not too bad, eh?”

  The business partner laughed. “She’s okay. A bit unresponsive. And even though she’s got such a nice face, she doesn’t know how to use it. You should train her a little more.”

  “Don’t worry, she’s going to learn her lesson soon.”

  Her owner’s voice was now menacing, and Sira shuddered since she knew too well what he had in store for her that very night. Her master wasn’t known for his patience. She would bear this lesson like all the ones before and keep on waiting for her chance to either kill this despicable man or herself. By now she was so desperate, she didn’t care which happened first.

  The business partner was already fully dressed again and threw her one last, taxing look. She was still young; her breasts hadn’t reached their full size yet and were pointing upward. Her limbs reminded the onlooker of a boisterous foal and not a grown woman, but there were already hints of the sensual curves she would soon develop. Her hair was short. It had been sheared when she was sold to her current owner. Her skin was of a light bronze tone, and soft with long, thin scars in some places, proof that she had been punished before.

  That night, she became intimately acquainted with the small whip, and even though she had sworn not to give in to her tormentor, she begged for mercy in the end. Mercy she had only received after showing what an obedient, subservient slave she was. Now she was lying in the shed her owner called a room, crying and trying to ignore the burning pain of the welts on her back. Unfortunately it seemed as if her suffering wasn’t over yet. The door to the shed opened, and one of the men working for her owner dragged her outside.

  “Get up, stupid slut. We have customers who wish to inspect the merchandise.”

  Sira was dressed in a white tunic and brought to the exhibition room. The other slaves were already gathered, standing in a row, not making the slightest sound, their gazes cast downward. The first thing you learned in this man’s possession was to show nothing but absolute obedience. Resistance was weeded out without mercy.

  After Sira had taken her place, another door opened and her owner entered with two customers. The older of the two was like a bear; he filled the door completely with his powerful frame. His dark skin, the tattoo on his cheek, and his dark aura made Sira shiver. She didn’t want to imagine what it meant to be at the mercy of such a brutal man. His companion was almost two heads smaller and by far more likeable. His green-blue eyes sparkled in a friendly way in his open face, and his hair was even shorter than Sira’s. The young man stayed close to the massive one who had slung his arm around his shoulder.

  “Relax, Sic. We agreed that it’s important for you to learn how to choose your own slaves. A lord must be able to do this, as well as teach them respect. The merchandise here is famed for its good training and obedience.”

  Sira’s owner bowed deeply to thank the customer for his praise.

  “What does the young master need?”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Sira saw Sic looking at his companion for reassurance before he turned to the slave trader.

  “I’m looking for a slave who’s good with tasks concerning the household and has a gift for needlework.”

  “Male or female?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care about the age either. All I need is someone skilled.”

  The owner made two men and Sira step forward.

  “Those two are quite mature, as you can see, but well-versed in all matters concerning the house. The female is still young but good with her hands and can also sweeten your nights. Her training isn’t completed yet, but I’m sure a determined young master like yourself should be able to break her in in no time.”

  Flaming red rushed into the young man’s face, and he averted his gaze.

  “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary.”

  Again he looked at his companion, who nodded encouragingly. Sic stepped forward to inspect the three slaves. The last one was Sira. With an apologetic smile, he started feeling her body. His hands were muscular and callused. Unlike the regular customers, he seemed to know what hard work meant. He furrowed his brow when Sira flinched as he touched the fresh welts on her back. Abruptly he turned away from her. His voice was raw when he made his decision known.

  “I would like to take the woman, Master.”

  It was a statement that sounded like a question. A gentle smile appeared on the fearsome man’s face and made him less intimidating.

  “It’s your decision, Sic. I think you chose well.”

  Again the young man blushed, this time not because he was embarrassed but because he was happy about the praise. Sira wondered what kind of relationship those two had. Since she was going to be the younger one’s possession, it was a valid question. The companion turned to her former owner.

  “You heard his decision. How much?”

  Sira barely registered the haggling; she was too occupied with the fact that she had changed owners again. The three men agreed quite fast, and then her new owner led her out into the street. His companion looked at the dawning sun and placed his hand on Sic’s nape.

  “It’s too late to go home now. We’ll take a room and ride tomorrow.”

  “As you wish, Master.”

  In one of the inns they got a room with two chambers and had their dinner served there. Sira was tense. Until now, neither of the two had spared her more than a casual glance, but she knew this would change once they had sated their hunger. Insecure, she stood a few feet away from the table where the food was. Sic beckoned her closer.

  “Please, sit down. You must be hungry and there’s plenty. By the way, my name is Sic and this is my Master, Lord Noran.”

  The respect in Sic’s voice told Sira clearer than words who was the dominant one in this relationship. As subserviently as possible, she bowed to this man who would from now on have the last word about how she was treated.

  “My name is Sira, Master.”

  “Fine, Sira. Sit down and eat. Afterwards, you ca
n go to sleep. Tomorrow we’ll ride as early as possible. I want to get home.”

  Sira nodded, still insecure. That didn’t sound as if the two men wanted to test their new acquisition this very night. After she had eaten in silence, she hurried to get into bed, not giving the men a chance to change their minds. Even though nothing was asked of her, she couldn’t find rest. Her bed was standing at the same wall as that of her new master, and so she could hear every word they spoke.

  “You chose her because of the welts, didn’t you, my darling?” Noran’s voice was deep and gentle.

  “Yes, I did. Are you displeased, Master?” Sic sounded strained. It was obvious how important Noran’s opinion was to him.

  “Of course not. I already told you I would respect your decision. Apart from that, this is not what this was about. The crucial point was that you chose freely and on your own. It’s your first step toward becoming a reliable owner. And with time, it’ll get easier.”

  “Was it that obvious?”

  “How uncomfortable you were? For me, yes, but I do know you pretty well.”


  It seemed as if Noran had heightened his words with a gesture, because Sic sounded indignant.

  “What, you’re not interested?”

  A breathless silence followed those words, and Sira didn’t have to be a seer to know that they were kissing. When Sic answered, he sounded agitated.

  “How can you even ask, Master? You know very well that one look from you is enough to make me burn.”

  A deep, sensual laugh was the answer, then silence descended once again.

  “I know, my precious. Please forgive me for teasing you.”

  “Already done. And now, please take me before I lose my mind.”

  It was the last coherent sentence Sic managed to utter. Sira pulled her blanket over her head and tried to ignore the lusty groans and stammered pleas for more. She would have never imagined that those two shared a bed. Of course, she was aware that men could have sex with each other, but her experience in this regard was limited. For her, intimacy was something she abhorred deeply, since it was always connected with force. She thought it almost despicable that Sic and Noran so obviously enjoyed their lovemaking. Still, she was relieved. When her masters had sex with each other, they wouldn’t bother her.

  “WHY DO I have the impression that you two are up to something?”

  Daran shot Aegid and Kalad a suspicious look. Not even a week had passed since the execution and their steamy first night as equals. Since then, they had spent most of their time in bed, trying to find out how to reshape their relationship in order for it to fit their new needs. Daran was happy they had established a balance that allowed him to indulge his newly found dominance when he wanted and, at the same time, preserved the playful connection they’d had before, where Kalad and Aegid spoiled him rotten. Both scenarios had their charm, and getting it all sat well with the predator Daran had discovered inside himself.

  He had hoped to go on experimenting this night, but his lovers seemed to have different plans. The room was lit with countless candles throwing flickering shadows on the walls and making the scenes displayed in the tapestries look real. On the table, a sumptuous feast was laid out, and it didn’t take Daran long to determine that these were all his favorite things.

  The heavy, sweet wine with the dark red color he loved to sip in the evening. Freshly baked bread, still warm by the smell of it, accompanied by a creamy mountain cheese spiced with herbs. A small pot with chicken broth and sour dumplings, and some generous slices of lamb roast. Daran raised a brow.

  “What, no red berry cake? You’re disappointing me.”

  Kalad grinned saucily, reached for a plate on a smaller table, and presented it to Daran.

  “Ta-da, red berry cake, made according to Gweris’s secret recipe. We have it all covered!”

  “Which brings us back to my initial question: what are you planning?”

  Aegid placed his hands on Daran’s shoulders, leading him to the table.

  “Let’s just say we do plan something, and we need you to be relaxed and in a good mood for it. It’s nothing bad, so don’t be alarmed.”

  Daran let himself be seated in front of the mouthwatering meal.

  “I hate to point this out, Aegid, but there have been several occasions on which your and my interpretation of ‘bad’ diverged so vastly, they were almost opposites. So excuse me if I’m a little… wary.”

  Kalad blew Daran a kiss across the table.

  “We do excuse. Nevertheless, it would be nice if you could trust us a little. We’re pretty sure you’re going to like this.”

  With a sigh, Daran admitted defeat. Whatever they were planning, it would happen anyway, judging from their determined body language. He might as well enjoy the food first and face the future with a full stomach.

  Dinner reminded Daran of the time right after he had come to the Valley. Kalad and Aegid fed him the best pieces of every course, offering him the wine so often he soon started feeling dizzy. They pampered him as if they were courting him again, and when Aegid presented him the first bite of the cake, Daran finally realized that this was their intent—to woo him. He shook off the dizziness from the wine and glared at them.

  “What unspeakable evil do you want to try out in bed?”

  Dumbfounded, Aegid and Kalad stared at Daran, unsure whether they should laugh about his assumption or be offended because he had interrupted the mood. They decided to take it from the funny side and broke out in roaring laughter.

  “What do you think of us?” Kalad managed to sound wounded.

  “It doesn’t matter what I think of you. I’ve been with you long enough to know my suspicion is well-grounded.”

  “Point taken. Although I wish to stress that we have become quite harmless under your influence. As for the evil bed thing—we do have some ideas we wish to discuss with you sometime soon, but this is not the reason for our hard work tonight.”

  Aegid gestured vaguely toward the table.

  “No, we want something entirely different from you, something we have been thinking about for some time. Will you listen?”

  Sensing how serious his normally carefree lovers had gotten, Daran nodded. He couldn’t think of anything important enough to rile them up like this, and so his curiosity got the better of him.

  “Of course I’ll listen. I always do, in case you haven’t noticed.”

  Kalad got up from his chair and stepped next to Aegid, his lively brown eyes trained on Daran like a hunting falcon’s. He took Daran’s left hand in both his own while Aegid did the same with the right hand. Kalad started to speak.

  “I think you already know how much we love you. Words are too weak to describe the emotions you evoke in us. From the moment we met you, our relationship was special. You accept us as the unity we are, and not even once did you try to pry Aegid and me apart. How you do this, how you manage to love us both equally, we don’t know and will probably never understand. What we do understand is that you’re a gift from the Mothers, and we have every intention of keeping you forever.”

  “What Kalad wants to say is that we would be deeply honored if you chose to tie yourself to us officially.”

  Daran gaped at his lovers. It took him some time to get his composure back.

  “We’re talking about marriage here, aren’t we? I just don’t want to get this wrong.”

  Kalad kissed Daran’s hand reverently.

  “We are. And we would be beyond happy if you would accept our proposal.”

  Daran felt tears streaming down his cheeks. He had trouble speaking clearly so that his lovers could understand him.

  “Why do you even ask? Of course I accept. You two are my everything. The center of my being. So yes. Yes. I do want to be yours forever.”

  For an eternity hidden between heartbeats, the three men stared at each other, savoring a love that had stopped asking questions and harboring doubts and was now mature and invincible. It was
a fleeting moment, yet it cemented a relationship that was meant to face the centuries.

  Kalad broke the spell with a grin and a deep kiss on Daran’s mouth.

  “I guess this means we’re officially engaged now.” Aegid’s voice boomed with pride. Daran pulled him closer and kissed him as well.

  “Could be you’re right.”

  He made a face.

  “That’s a mouthful. Engaged. Almost as big a chunk as ‘married.’”

  “We’ll get to that soon enough. What do you think about a winter ceremony?”

  Kalad looked eager; he didn’t want to lose any time. Daran could hardly suppress his chuckle.

  “Winter sounds good to me. Anything sounds good to me. As long as you two are there, I don’t care when and where the ceremony is held.”

  “That’s good to know. We’ve already done some preparations, but there are a few things we would like to discuss with you first.”

  Aegid, too, sounded eager. Daran got up from his chair, his tongue wetting his lips in an almost unconscious movement.

  “You’ve just proposed to me in the sweetest of manners, and now you want to discuss wedding details? I thought you’d take me to the bed for sure. You know—to celebrate.”

  Growls emanated from Aegid’s and Kalad’s throats. Plain hunger lit their features, making them look like a pair of starved wolves. Kalad grabbed Daran’s wrists while Aegid embraced him from behind. His voice was guttural and reminded Daran of a beast.

  “You want to celebrate? Then let’s celebrate until you can’t remember your name.”

  With a contented sigh, Daran abandoned himself to his future husbands’ lust.

  “SIRA! HEY, Sira! Would you be so kind as to listen to what I have to say?”

  The biting sarcasm in Gweris’s voice pried Sira from her musings. Since it wasn’t a good idea to make Gweris mad, Sira hurried to apologize.

  “Please forgive me, Gweris. I was distracted.”


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