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Saving Grace (A Broken Heart Book 1)

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by Vi Carter


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  Other Books by Vi Carter

  A Broken Heart Series

  Saving Grace

  Claiming Amber

  Taking Laura

  All of Me Series

  All of Me

  All of You

  All of Us

  The Royals




  What if? Two words I hate because I use them too much.

  What if I hadn’t been selfish that day?

  What if I had just gone outside when he’d asked me to?

  What if it had been raining?

  What if I had more time?

  What if I had the power to change that moment?

  There was no time machine and no do-overs. No. Only this, whatever this was. That’s all that was left. People say it’s living, I say it’s existing.

  Existing and trying to forget.

  To forget crooked smiles and tractor toys.

  To forget birthday cakes and singing made up songs.

  To forget my father’s screams, my smashed watch, and so much blood. There was so much blood everywhere.

  So red, so very red.

  I wanted to forget how the sun streamed in through the trees that day. Or how it blocked my vision momentarily as I raced towards my father’s screams. As I raced away from our picture-perfect home, my heart pounded so hard that it was ready to explode from pure fear of what I might find.

  Now I hated sunny days. I always will. I even hated the smell of freshly cut grass, as it reminded me of sunny days. But one thing I know about surviving is you have to bury it. Don’t say it out loud, or it makes it real. Bury it good and deep, run fast and far, and hope you can outrun yourself.



  I CHECKED MY PHONE for the sixth time. “Where are you?” I stamped on the cigarette with each word I spoke before shredding it completely under my boot. The heat from my thighs warmed my hands as I stuffed them in my jeans pockets. I leaned against the wall, but the cold concrete soaked through my thin t-shirt. Pushing myself away, I tugged on the sleeves before lighting another cigarette. I blew smoke into the air before rubbing my neck as I continued to watch the road for Emmett.

  The sound on my phone was turned up, I checked again just to make sure. The purr of the Bentley had me slipping my phone back into my pocket before I looked up as it pulled into the parking lot. I glared at the tinted windows, as the Bentley neared I moved towards the door, not waiting for it to come to a complete stop.

  “Finally.” I flicked my cigarette on the ground. Closing the door harder than was necessary I turned to Emmett who sat across from me, focused on every movement I made. His grey, expensive suit sat perfectly on his large frame.

  “You took your time,” I said while pulling down the sleeves of my cheap t-shirt.

  “I have—a job for you.” Denim scraped against my palms as I dragged my hands along my thighs.

  “Do I have a choice?” I asked as my stomach rolled.

  Emmett looked at me in only the way he could; with his soulless eyes, eyes I swear I thought I saw the devil stare back at me from a time or two.

  “I need you to watch my sister for me.” Emmett fixed the cuffs of his shirt as he spoke, this was the first time since getting into the car that I was free of his stare and it gave me some courage.

  “I’m not a babysitter, Emmett. You called me down here in the middle of the night for this?” My leg jiggled, getting Emmett’s attention. I stopped it immediately, placing my hands back on my thighs. My skin felt tight.

  “Yes,” Emmett spoke, before the joining window to the front of the Bentley slid open. The driver didn’t speak but held out a white piece of paper to me. I took it and the window went back up allowing me to see my reflection. The bags under my eyes seemed deeper than they had yesterday.

  “Your new address,” Emmett spoke, and I turned away from my reflection. I didn’t unfold the paper, I just stared at it. “You will be across the hall from her. She’s vulnerable. I need you to watch over her, befriend her–if you do this, your debt will be cleared.”

  My body stiffened as my heart rate picked up speed.

  “You are telling me that if I befriend and look out for your sister, that’s it? No more calling me? I owe you nothing?” I needed to clarify. I held my breath as I waited for Emmett to answer.

  “Yes. You have my word. But there are rules.” I sat back and my whole body went slack against the leather interior for the first time in two years-I would be free. I thought about saying anything, but that would be really stupid. So, I did the smart thing and said nothing at all.

  He looked at me seriously, “You can’t ever tell her you know me or that I sent you.” Emmett didn’t even blink.


  “I just want you to be her friend-” Now Emmett leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, his suit still sitting perfectly on his frame. “-but, you touch my sister in any other way than a friend would ...”

  I was going to babysit a spoilt little brat; I had no intentions of touching her. “I won’t. You have my word.” Emmett glared at me for a few moments and I held his stare.

  He sat back and continued to focus on me. “You better get packing; the landlord is expecting you tomorrow.”

  My fist tightened around the piece of paper with my new address on it. “How long will I have to do this for?” My leg started to jerk again, drawing Emmett’s gaze. I clamped down on my thigh, stopping it.

  “I’ll be in touch.” He answered. I got out of the Bentley and walked a few paces away until I could no longer hear the noise of the engine, glancing over my shoulder confirmed that Emmett was gone. I unfolded the piece of paper.

  Apt 4,

  1827 N Grant

  Unit 1104


  My new address. Stuffing the paper in my pocket, I lit a cigarette and left the car park, making my way to my car that I parked three blocks away. When Emmett had rang me, I wasn’t sure how long I would be away. The last time was three days. Climbing into my Land Cruiser, I placed my phone in its dock before smiling. Once I did this, I would finally be free. My family would be free.


  Butterflies spun in my belly as I made my way to the party with Amber. I did a quick count of the group around the fire. Everyone was here.

  “Yeah you made it,” Claire threw her arms around my neck, the smell of smoke from the fire clung to her clothes and black, curly hair. Her bright yellow jeans, matched with a blue and white Polka dot top, were tough on the eyes. She wore a lime green jacket over it, making the whole outfit loud. None of it made sense, but it screamed Claire. It made sense to her, I suppose.

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” I said as she let me go. She glanced at Amber, who fake smiled back at her, and we joined everyone else at the fire.

  “God, I think she has a crush on you.” Amber’s words were said low and through the fake smile she still held.

  “Don’t be jealous,” I told her, keeping a straight face.

  “Baby sister,” Luke was drunk, as he threw one arm around Amber’s neck. H
is blue eyes were his main telltale sign he was drunk. They would shine brightly, just like they were doing now, and his second tell was how much he moved his fingers. Luke’s arm rested for all of two seconds before Amber threw it off. “Ah don’t be like that,” he told her, trying to sound offended. Amber walked away, and Luke’s attention fell on me. “Grace, Baby girl.” Now his arm was slung over my shoulder. I didn’t push it off. Luke was like a brother to me, and a harmless drunk. He was one of those rare people who actually got nicer the more he drank.

  “Are you drunk, Luke?” I teased. He stood back and wobbled. “Me? Drunk?” he pointed at himself.

  “No, the man behind you,” I responded with a smile. He twisted around, nearly toppling over; when he didn’t fall and injure himself, I left him and joined Amber.

  “That was cold, Grace,” Luke said when he turned around to find me gone.

  “Okay, since everyone is here. I want to make a toast,” Craig said.

  I sat beside Amber and Claire on a log. The fire was low enough, giving me a view of Luke, Lisa, and Stanley, who sat across from us. Luke gave me a wink that I grinned at before waving quickly to Lisa as Craig raised his can. At the sight of him, I shivered and pulled the sleeves of my yellow knitted jumper down over my hands. Craig was in a t-shirt, as usual, his tats covered both his arms. He always had them on display. Not even snow would make him cover them up. Craig was like the wild card of the group. With his piercings and tats, anything bad was what Craig craved. Women were high on his list too, and he could get any woman he wanted. He was seriously good-looking, but he knew it. Right now, Claire was in his sights and she beamed up at him. “To Claire. Happy twentieth birthday. You’re a top-class friend, especially for a girl. And any guy who gets you is one lucky lad.”

  I would have rolled my eyes, but Claire looked at me and did a happy squeal, the alcohol now showing. Craig was taking it all in; his smile was one of a guy who knew he was going to score. His green eyes dulled as they met mine, I looked away. It was Claire’s birthday; I would not ruin it.

  “Surprised you came, Grace. I thought this would be beneath you. You know, drinking in a field.” Well, he clearly didn’t care if he ruined her birthday.

  “It’s Claire’s birthday. I wouldn’t miss it.” I said through gritted teeth hoping he would get the message.

  He jumped down off the stone he had been standing on and hunkered in front of me.

  “I doubt that somehow. I think you had nothing better to be doing.” The tilt of his head and his full attention would have melted any girl; he gave a smile that I didn’t return. He wasn’t melting me.

  “You’re only pissed because she wouldn’t be with you,” Amber said, and I closed my eyes in dread; this would cause a row.

  “Craig, please. It’s my birthday,” Claire whined wrapping her arms around Craig’s neck, but he removed them immediately.

  Amber got up and walked away, clenching her fists. She was small and petite; she couldn’t do much damage with her fists. But her mouth was another thing, and I loved her for her honesty. Sometimes though, like now, things were better off left unsaid, and she recognized that. Amber sat down beside Luke; he didn’t notice her as he was chatting with Lisa who was blushing like crazy.

  “For you, babes, anything,” Craig finally said, while standing back up again. Claire smiled. My stomach relaxed. I didn’t want a row. He kissed her, and she fell into his arms, clinging to his wide shoulders. I shivered again, not from the cold this time. Craig kept his eyes open and looked deliberately at me as he kissed Claire. I turned away and gazed into the flames. Walking away would kick off an argument, so I stayed put. A belch from Craig ended his make-out session with Claire.

  “God, you are such a pig,” Amber held nothing back, her words dripped with disgust. I hid my smile.

  “I’m going for a piss. Want to join me?” Craig asked as he moved away from the fire while opening the belt of his jeans, he waved the ends toward Amber.

  “That’s my sister.” Luke’s earlier banter vanished, now replaced with the big brother tone. Craig laughed holding up his hands. “I’m joking, man.” He moved outside the circle of light and, just like that, everything settled down.

  “Thank you for coming,” Claire hugged me from the side. Guilt gnawed at me, making me feel like a bad friend. Claire made it seem like she groveled for my friendship.

  “Claire, seriously, stop thanking me. I wanted to be here. You’re my friend.” My words caused her eyes to fill up.

  “I love you,” she hugged me tighter. I glanced at Amber as she mouthed the word ‘awkward’. I smiled at her before mouthing back ‘Help me’ and she did. She didn’t leave me for the rest of the night.

  Once Craig returned, he spent the rest of the night making out with Claire. A while ago, I had tried to get her away from him, but Claire clearly didn’t want to leave Craig's side. I kept them in my sights, I didn’t trust him, and he would take advantage of her in a second. He wasn’t a predator, but he could talk any woman into bed and Claire was too drunk to say no.

  Luke and Stanley were talking about cars. Honestly, I couldn’t tell the difference and I didn’t care. So Amber, Lisa, and I sat together. Lisa always reminded me of a fairy, with her small pixy features. Her short stature and bob-like style hair added to her cuteness. “So, our band is playing at ‘Only 41’ next Saturday night, and it would be so awesome if you guys could come,” Lisa regarded me and Amber. I didn’t want to go. In fact, I wanted to say no, but Amber answered for me.

  “Sure, we will be there.”

  Lisa’s face turned pink with excitement. “You guys are the best! It will be amazing.” Lisa played in a rock band, contradicting her sweet appearance; so, seeing her beating the crap out of the drums at her gigs was weird.

  Lisa gazed passed us to where Luke and Stanley sat. “Luke.” A nervous quiver entered Lisa’s voice. Both boys gave her their attention. Now that she’d gained it she seemed even more nervous. Lisa was naturally shy, but never around us. Something must have changed; I could tell by how she looked at Luke.

  “Are you drunk, babes? Zoned out?” Luke teased while taking a drink from the can that hung loosely from his fingertips. My fingers were still covered by my jumper, but the coldness still seeped in. With no warmth from the fire, it was only light, that illuminated our faces, it didn’t scare the cold away. Even a drink would have helped, but I hadn’t taken a drink at all tonight. I never drank. Lisa’s laughter sounded shaky.

  “We're all going to watch Lisa’s band next Saturday night at ’Only 41’, you guys in?” I said. I glanced at Lisa hoping that butting in for her helped. Her small smile told me I made the right decision.

  “Count me in,” Stanley said while rubbing his bald head. “Yeah, we will be there.” Luke’s words caused Lisa’s face to light up with joy.

  “No invite for me?” Craig materialized with a very drunk Claire on his arm.

  “You’re finished eating?” Amber said. I stood up and took Claire’s arm, moving her towards me.

  “I’ll take her home.” I hoped I sounded casual. But Craig wouldn’t let her go, his gaze was fixed on Amber.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, to Amber’s delight.

  “Claire’s face.” His eyes flicked to Luke’s then back to Amber’s, and he grinned. One day she was going to piss him off. “Come on, Claire,” I said, and her eyes flicked open. This time Craig let her go. “I’m done with her,” he smirked.

  “Give it rest, Craig. Sometimes I wonder why I still hang out with you.” I didn’t want to start a fight, but Craig made it so hard not to. I had met him first at Clarke’s College before the others, which had helped us bond as we both took the same course in Business. Craig was super smart and easy on the eyes. We studied together, but it soon became clear he was a womanizer. Although when we studied, we just studied and at times, I got to see a much nicer side to him, unlike the one I was faced with ever since I turned him down. He’d obviously never heard the word n

  He moved into my personal space, but Amber jutted herself between us in a second. “Step back, dickhead.” Reluctantly, he did as Luke stood up too.

  “I’m done with all of you,” Craig said and stormed off. Guilt welled in my stomach as Claire pulled away from me and followed Craig.

  “Claire,” I called, but she didn’t turn back.

  “Leave it, Grace. Seriously, he isn’t worth it.” Amber pulled me in the opposite direction.

  “I just feel like shit, because underneath it all he’s a nice guy.” Luke gave me a look of disbelief and I smiled for the first time that night.

  “He’ll cool off. He always does,” Stanley said from in front of us and Lisa echoed his advice. They were both nice people, sometimes too nice.



  I ALWAYS ENJOYED SUNDAY mornings. No college. No people. Only me and Adele surrounded by the four white stark walls of my bedroom. Lying on my double bed. ‘Hiding my Heart Away’ blared from the speakers and filled the room. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to think about him, and like always, my heart thumped too hard and my stomach twisted in knots. Tears slid down the side of my face soundlessly. Air filled my lungs quickly as I took a deep breath. I let myself picture him, his face, so sweet, his dimples so adorable, his crooked smile. I smiled at the invisible scene without speaking because if I did I would break this perfect moment. He played with his tractors, and I took this time to study him. To watch his little hands control each movement and then he’d face me. His big brown eyes, surrounded by long black eyelashes, shone with glee. There was no doubt we were siblings.


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