Eyes on the Target

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Eyes on the Target Page 3

by Gracie Meadows

  “Let me up, you ass.” She was pissed, damn she was hot as hell when she was mad, and it made him wonder what she would be like in bed with him buried deep inside her. The thought made his erection start to grow. He grinned down at her, but just as he was about to say something someone called his name.

  “Liam, you out here?” She took this time to get an arm free and punch him square in the jaw making his head ring. Before he knew it, she was up and running away. Fuck, she was quick. He liked to fight, but he had never had a woman fight him like this before. Preston came around the corner watching her run and looking at him as he rubbed the sore spot.

  “Dude, you okay?”

  “Yeah, the runner was back again, but fuck she is fast. She isn’t a normal spy or whatever. She knew her shit, and I don’t know. There was something about her.”

  “Wait, she actually got a blow to you? Holy shit, that’s priceless, a chick got one on Liam the undefeated.” Preston was laughing hard now.

  “Shut up, you asswipe, seriously we need to try to find out who she works for. I have a gut feeling she isn’t a competitor. She might be one of the good guys, and if that’s the case, we might just use her to help us bring Verona down.” Preston agreed and together the two of them walked back around to see Mathis, the other guard, waiting by the car. Climbing in, they headed back to Verona’s condo for the night.

  Chapter Four

  Jess couldn’t get over all that happened today. She had been caught. She had never been caught. Who the hell was this man? She had seen him, well, she thought it was him in the warehouse and thought, oh well, but then he came around the corner. She remembered they looked similar, but now she saw they were in fact twins. What the hell. How do twin bodyguards guard a fuck who is so sick he gets his jollies from watching poor defenseless dogs fight, and god knows what else goes on there too. She wouldn’t be surprised if prostitution, drugs, and gambling went on, they all seemed to go hand in hand. Shaking her head, she decided it was time to have some dinner with Coffee. Coffee didn’t like going out too much, she was very self-conscious, and she liked to work from her home. Stopping by a small pizza joint, she picked up two large pizzas and some beer before pulling into the driveway of Coffee’s house. She had the biggest house of all of them, but then again she had earned it. Her nice five-bedroom house worked as a home base when they had larger cases, but it was also Coffee’s refuge. She could understand that. Coffee had given them all keys when she bought her house. Pulling the key out, Jess opened the door.

  “Coffee, you home? I brought dinner. Your fav. Pizza and beer.” Coffee came walking out of her office with her hair in messy pigtails that showed off her glasses and bright smile. Today she was wearing what looked like purple snowflake PJ pants and a t-shirt. This was her normal attire and it made Jess smile. Coffee was a girl who was so low maintenance with herself, but when it came to computers and research, she only would have the best.

  “You must have read my mind. I was going to call some in. I wasn’t in the mood to cook today. Want to go into the office or the living room?” Jess balanced the pizzas and Coffee had grabbed the beer from her.

  “Let’s go to the office.”

  “Okay awesome, let me get the ranch and paper plates.” Jess nodded and waited. Jess would have just picked it up and ate it, however, Coffee loved to use plates and have ranch with pizza. Placing the pizza on the desk, she cracked open a beer and chugged half of it before Coffee even made it in.

  “I take it something happened. You don’t normally chug beer unless you need to calm your nerves. So spill.” Jess sat down and went into detail about what she saw at the warehouse and what had happened with this Liam. Coffee just listened as she ate and when Jess was done, Coffee didn’t know what to think. If this guard was one of the sickos, then he would have just shot her, and wouldn’t have flirted with her.

  “So let me get this right, you aren’t sure he is really working for them. We’ll let's see what we can find out then.” A glint of excitement flashed in Coffee’s eyes and she had to laugh. She was the one person who craved a challenge, intellectually speaking. “You sent me the pictures of them, I can zoom and enhance the image to lighten it up and run it against the name Liam, and see what we come up with.” Coffee rubbed her hands together with glee before her fingers started flying over the keys. The things that this woman could do with a computer scared her more than having a gun pointed at her. Coffee made her money originally as a hacker, but that was Coffee's story. The picture of Liam came up on one of the screens while Coffee was typing something into another one. Jess could barely use a household computer and Coffee had four monitors all doing various things. She would have been so lost. But as Coffee started putting in the information, Jess took the time to look at his picture some more. He was really handsome, and his dark blue eyes were hypnotizing. He had a strong jaw line, both men did, and short hair. She would guess that they had some type of military training. Soon Coffee started laughing.

  “Ha, they think they are so smart, but get this. They have two profiles, one that you would do on a basic background check, making them look like guards for hire, but good old FBI just created them. Your boys are on our team, and they are even working with ATF. We might just use that to our advantage. So, Jess, meet the real Liam and Preston James. Both are thirty-two, single, have high ranking marks, and oh my God, no way.” Coffee was laughing to the point of hysteria.

  “What? What is so damn funny?”

  “Both boys are gun experts and have been to sniper training, one is a knife expert, what the hell is that. I swear they are the male versions of you.” At that, Jess had to laugh. Male versions of her, was that even a real thing? But even if they were into guns and such, would they even like a chick like her. Most men who she ran into liked that she liked guns, but when she beat them, or wanted to join in on a hunt, they got turned off. Men just suck sometimes. “I think it’s time we try to help them, what do you say. I have their real cell numbers. Have them meet you at the coffee shop. I can have Bubbles and Rainbow keep lookout just in case they pull something.”

  Thinking about it for a second, they could allow her to get more evidence, and if they were working with ATF, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, she would be able to play a better part of getting next to Verona than them. Smiling at the thought of seeing them, she nodded and Coffee sent the text.

  “Hey, Liam, did you get this text?” Preston looked at his phone and reread the text.

  I know who you really are, if you want my help meet me at Shileen Sweets and Coffee @1pm tomorrow.

  “Umm…yeah, do you know who it’s from?” Liam asked.

  “I have an idea, and it’s time we did a little digging of our own.” Preston agreed and since Verona was in meetings all day tomorrow and Mathis and Shawn were watching him, they would go do what they needed. Right now, however, Verona had a friend over, and it was one Verona liked to play with. Shaking his head in disgust.

  “You think it’s the runner?”

  “Yeah I do, she knew her shit, and didn’t back down, hell, she threatened to shoot my junk off and was able to sock me in the jaw. So yeah I think it’s her. But I want to know how she found out about us. They were supposed to have covered all the information up.” Preston agreed and he was better at understanding programs than Liam. Taking out his laptop, he opened a protected FBI connection. The FBI had created fake backgrounds for them and if someone had been snooping it would have captured their IP address. Checking the log files, he quickly located the IP address and searched the database for more information. An address popped up for Ridgeville as registered to a business, not a person.

  “Hey, Liam, have you heard of Heels for Hire, Inc. at all?” He knew he remembered that name, but no clue where.

  “Yeah, isn’t it the detective agency the locals used in that bust a couple months ago?”

  “Shit, that’s right. Well it seems that little runner works with them.”
He didn’t give any other explanation, but pulled up a search on her. Within minutes he found her. Jess Cooper, or known at work as Smokey Eyes. As he looked at her he understood why she had the nickname. She had the most piercing eyes, and an eye for guns. She had several marks for sharp shooting, and hunting licenses, and other things that shocked him.

  “That’s her. She is something, isn’t she?” Liam’s voice sounded odd. His twin was drawn to her. He had to admit she was hot looking from the few times he had seen her, but she could cause trouble for both of them and this case. She didn’t know what she was getting herself in to. Looking at Liam, who seemed resolved to work with her and learn all her ins and outs, he needed the basic facts, and right now, she was going to be trouble.

  “Dude, you need to rein it in. She is just some chick who looks good on paper. She can screw this all up for us.”

  “Nah, I think you’re wrong about her, bro. She isn’t like normal chicks, she is different, and she wasn’t affected by my looks or sweet-talking. She seems to be strong as rocks and she really wanted to shoot my nuts off, man. I think we should try to trust her.”

  “And I say you’re full of shit and just want in her pants. Look, if you want an easy lay, we can go out tomorrow and pick someone up, but she looks like a fucking ice queen. Don’t think she is that type of chick. Have you considered that maybe she just isn’t into you, or men, in general. Hell, look at her stats. She is alone, and has no one, and it never mentioned a boyfriend at all. And she works for a female detective agency. Hello? Really think.” Preston hated being a prick like this, but he also knew his brother wasn’t looking past her cup size.

  “Whatever, man, you just don’t know. I say we meet with her and figure the rest out then. Okay?” Preston knew that Liam wasn’t going to drop this completely, but they needed to drop it before Verona noticed the heated discussion.

  “Fine, tomorrow. I’m going to do a perimeter check while you finish this and stand guard outside.” With that, he left and headed out. He really hated being such an ass, but Liam was always the softhearted one, and loved a damsel in distress, but this wasn’t her. She was a self-sufficient woman who didn’t depend on anyone. By all his accounts and research on her, she didn’t have anything that showed she had anyone in her life, well, besides the other three women in the company. Too many times he had pulled Liam’s ass out of hot water because he was desperate to get into the pants of someone he shouldn’t.

  As he walked the perimeter he noted that all things were quiet outside the building and even in the lobby. He hated this assignment. People who wanted power and took it without worrying about collateral damage were scum, add to that the discovery of the damn dog ring. What else would they discover on this job? So many times he could have snuck into Verona’s room, slit his throat and walked out without anyone hearing or seeing him. But the truth was, he was only one player and they wanted the lot. Resolving to get them all, he finished his check, heading to the small security room in the condo. Tomorrow he was going to have to get Liam to see that Smokey Eyes was bad news, and she needed to stay the hell away from the investigation.

  Chapter Five

  Jess made it to Shileen Sweets and Coffee in no time and saw Bubbles with Dylan and Rainbow sitting with Chance. Both ‘couples’ seemed to be laughing at things on their phone. She felt a buzz in her right pocket. Picking it up, she glance at the group message.

  Bubbles: U know this is so wrong right.

  Rainbow: What’s wrong? Me hitting on ur man?

  Chance: Come on, Bubbles, ur the only one I want to pop.

  Rainbow: OMG, ur both r so bad. Really u pop her bubble. Could u get any cornier?

  Dylan: We should be on alert, pay attention.

  Rainbow: Fine, grumpy bear. Hey, Smokey Eyes, ur ass looks hot in those jeans. U need to wear them more often.

  Bubbles: I agree. U look hot, chicky. Nice top too, the girls look extra perky.

  Dylan: Seriously?

  Bubbles: What, she does. Shit u like him, or them?

  Chance: Wait, I thought we were here to make sure she was ok. Not a booty call. Not that I mind those, but damn.

  Smokey Eyes: Guys, cut it out. Yes, Jeans. Need to be normal in human world. Top, fuck they’re just boobs, Bubbles. U can have mine if u want.

  Chance: Nope her tits are perky enough. She is good.

  Bubbles: OMG

  Rainbow: Chick is getting some soon. See told u she needed a good lay. It always works for me.

  Smokey Eyes: I don’t need to get laid. I’m just fine. Now chill I think I see them.

  She sat down inside at a small table so Bubbles and Dylan had her back and Rainbow and Chance were to her left. To her right was a wall, so she was covered. The door jingled and both men looked around and spotted her. One smiled, the one she knew as Liam, and the other must be Preston. Though they both looked alike, she could tell a slight difference. Right off the bat, Liam had a narrower nose and a small scar below his left eye. Preston had lighter blue eyes, and to her it would be easy to tell who is who.

  “So we meet again. I promise not to shoot if you don’t,” Liam joked. While Preston looked at her. Both sat down without another word.

  “Thanks for coming.” See there, she could play nice if she wanted to.

  “Let’s just cut the shit shall we. We know who you are, and obviously you know who we are, my question is what do you want?” Preston snapped. Right away Jess could tell he was annoyed and just wanted to end this whole thing.

  Taking a deep breath, she figured it would be easier to just come out and tell them what she wanted than play stupid mind games. That was Rainbow's type of thing, not her, she called them like she saw them. “Fine, look we all know details and facts, I want you two to help me get Verona. I know about the dogs, the money, and hell, probably more.”

  This time Liam snorted, “I like you, hot stuff, but we don’t need your help, unless it was more getting-to-know-you kinda help.” He lifted one eyebrow in a suggestive manner, and normally that type of behavior drove her completely insane, but with him, she did her best not to blush.

  “No, I just need you two to let me do my job, one that I’m great at, and you dingbats don’t try to shoot me anymore, or stop me.” She thought she stated what she wanted without sounding too bitchy.

  “Listen, sweetheart, I’m sure you’re great with taking pictures of cheating husbands and all that, but this is the big boys' game, and we need to keep our cover. What do we gotta do to keep your mouth shut about that?” Preston snapped in a hushed tone.

  Preston watched this woman seemingly get mad as he snapped at her. He wasn’t going to let her screw this up, even if it meant locking her up for her own good. Though as he sat and looked at her, he realized her picture didn’t do her justice. She had a smaller frame, built for speed, but she was nicely rounded in the chest. He would say almost a full hand. Her amazing eyes looked back at him and the green color was like none he had seen before. With small flecks of gold that danced in them. Before he could study her more she stood, shocking him.

  “Listen you egotistical asshole, I will do my job, I suggest you two idiots don’t get in my way.” And she turned to leave. As he and Liam sat there he watched her leave and admired her tight ass as well. Snap out of it, Preston, she is trouble with a capital T. Focusing back at Liam, he saw his brother was none too happy about their meeting.

  “Fix this, Preston, she can help. Don’t let her leave like that.” Liam was pissed, and not the kind he could just say sorry for. Shit, maybe he did come off as an ass, but he had a job to do, and not to babysit some hot chick while she played detective. But for Liam’s sake and to make sure she didn’t say anything, he stood and went after her.

  Rounding the corner he saw her walking away and he took off in a light jog to catch up. She was almost to the small diner where he and Liam liked to eat, when they actually got a chance to go out. He finally reached her and grabbed her arm, what he didn’t expect was her turning and punching hi
m in the gut. Doubling over from the sudden shock, yes it hurt, but he was too manly to admit it to anyone.

  “What the hell, Preston?” she snapped. Huh, she knew it was him, most people didn’t know the difference between the two of them.

  Standing he moved her to the side to try to get out of people's way. “Look I wanted to say I was sorry. I can be an ass, but I just don’t see how you can help in this. We have been undercover for three months and just found the dogs, but we can’t get bugs planted. Plus we have to do our job with Verona.”

  “Look, I can help. I have been doing this for a long time, and just because I was given boobs doesn’t mean I can’t handle myself.”

  “Look, I didn’t say you couldn’t but…” he was cut off by her grabbing him and pulling him to a small alley on the side. Every sense he had went on high alert, but he was taken by surprise when she grabbed his shirt making him lower to her level.

  “Kiss me.” He went to pull away, shocked by what she just said.

  “What? Are you crazy?”

  “Verona’s goons are at the diner, about to leave, now kiss me.” He could tell she wasn’t playing and generally seemed annoyed. Without giving her a chance to change her mind, he lowered his lips to hers. She held completely still while he kissed her. Then something had him wanting to see what she'd do if he really kissed her. Not giving her a chance to take control he put his hands on her waist, pulling her closer to him. She gasped and he took the small opportunity to thrust his tongue into her mouth. He knew he was playing with fire from the ice queen, but she did nothing at first but slowly she started to tease him back. The sweet taste of coffee and sugar made him crave more. The small mewling that escaped her made him push her against the wall. It wasn’t two people fighting for dominance, or two people trying to avoid getting caught together, it was two people turned on in the heat of the moment. Moving one of his hands he ran it up to her face holding her in place before he reached for her ponytail, pulling it, making her tilt her head back. He took that opportunity to deepen the kiss, and let his other hand drop down to grab her ass.


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