Eyes on the Target

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Eyes on the Target Page 4

by Gracie Meadows

  Leaving her lips, he kissed down her neck biting ever so slightly, making her moan before he moved up to her ear whispering in it, “I think they’re gone, babe.” However instead of the “that was nice” response he was used to, he got kneed in the nuts.

  “I said kiss me, not grope me.” Bent in half trying to catch his breath as his balls were now in his throat. He looked up at her, and she was flushed from their kiss, her lips swollen, but her eyes held a pissed off look. Damn, she was hot. Snickering at him, Jess raised an eyebrow as if asking him if the enjoyed that.

  “Oh, babe, you know for a fact that you enjoyed it, so much that I probably could have fucked you against the wall and you wouldn’t have said no.” Okay, he knew he was lighting a fire with gasoline, but still it was the truth, even if she didn’t admit it to herself. Preston instantly knew she wasn’t as much of an ice queen as she acted, and no way in hell was she batting for the other side.

  Liam came running around the corner and looked at her standing there with her hands on her hips and Preston on the ground. “Umm…do I even want to know?” Liam watched as she looked at him and pinned him with an icy stare. Shit, she was mad.

  “No, your brother here is just a prick who took a situation too far, and now will be singing soprano for a while. But the goons are gone.” She looked at him and Liam couldn’t help but laugh. Now he understood the situation. It seemed his brother went for the distraction and got hot and bothered by what looked like a pretty hot kiss from her swollen lips. Damn, maybe he should have gone after her and let him stew at the coffee shop. He needed something to show that he wanted to work with her. Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out a small card. He had already written his and Preston’s cell phone numbers on it.

  “Here is our numbers, if you need us, this is the best way although I’m sure you have them already.” She sighed and pulled out something from her pocket and handed it to him.

  “Here is mine. My cell is on the back. And just so you both know I’m placing cameras tonight at the warehouse, so I would keep your guys away from there, so I can do my job and not have to worry about shooting anyone.”

  “We aren’t working tonight, so we have no clue what they are doing. I’d wait, unless you want me to go with you.” Liam wiggled his eyebrows at her, and she actually laughed.

  “I think I just figured out the two of you now. Liam is the flirt, and Preston, well, you’re an ass.” Liam did laugh this time. Damn, this chick was good.

  “You got that right, sweetheart. So what do you say? Tonight with me or Preston, or tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow works fine.”

  “Okay, just let us know the time,” he started to shout out as she walked away. She swayed her hips a little, and Preston was watching her ass, just as he was. She stopped and flipped her head around to them.

  “I’ll text you,” and then walked away.

  “She’s trouble,” Preston stated as he stood next to him.

  “Yeah, but the good ones are always trouble,” Liam responded.

  “Yes they are,” he agreed, and together they watched her disappear down the street.

  Chapter Six

  Jess didn’t know what to think about the meeting she had with them. She wanted so much to tell them to fuck off, but the fact was she was going to have to deal with it and have them help her, or at least let her put a camera in the location she needed. To quote Rainbow, “Suck it up, buttercup,” which is what she was doing, this time. Heading to the store, she needed to grab some food for everyone, because no matter what she wanted, she knew that Rainbow, Bubbles, and her boy toys were going to stop by and bombard her with questions. Granted they could hear everything, but Rainbow would dig until she could find some type of sexual thought she hadn’t even considered, or even thought was sexually possible without some type of pulley. With so much going on in such a short time she needed to blow off some steam, not really in the mood to pull out her guns and go shooting again, even though the thought made her stop and consider it more than she liked to admit. She quickly grabbed the items she needed, paid, and then left. Jess needed something more draining and non-mental. Heading home, Jess quickly changed and headed to the gym. With no desire to run on the girly treadmills, she headed straight to the weights and boxing bag.

  Finding the tape, she wrapped her hands and wrists before setting a steady pace with a right jab then a left hook. Over and over she kept a rhythm losing herself as her aggression, mentally, and now sexually kept her blind in her own head. The more she hit the more she started to feel herself losing all reality. The only thing that mattered was finishing this case and leaving the two men, who she had to admit where sexy as sin, and a hell of a lot of trouble, out of her life. Now here she was hitting a stupid fucking bag trying to get out of her funk. She was the damn ice queen, and here she was melting over two asses, well okay, not two, Liam was a flirt, and Preston, was an ass. She can understand that, he had a job to do, but a little professional courtesy might be nice, she thought. Not wanting to think about anything else she ignored her daydreams working on hitting the bags when someone came up behind her. Going on instinct she reached back, grabbed whoever it was, and flipped them up and over. Realizing that it was Trent, she instantly bent down and helped him back up. He had been nothing but helpful to them and the company since his injury. He’d been released from his job as a DEA agent. He did his best to help save Bubbles, but it cost him his career. He had been very useful to help provide some types of classified information when Coffee isn’t able to help, plus Dylan and Chance felt better having a male on the job with them if they needed it. But Trent was still in a brace for his knee and she felt like shit.

  “Damn it, Trent, don’t you know you never sneak up on a girl.”

  “A normal girl, would just jump and scream. But you’re not a normal chick. You doing alright? I called your name and nothing. You were totally zoned out and I wanted to make sure you were okay. So, are you okay?” he asked as he dusted off dirt that was nonexistent from his pants.

  “Umm, thanks I think. And let me guess, Bubbles sent you?” she asked already knowing the answer to the question.

  “Yeah, but in her defense, she thought I might be able to help since I was DEA, and they are FBI.”

  “Damn, Bubbles and her fucking big mouth.”

  “Look, I’m just here to help, you can take it or leave it.”

  “What can you do?” her curiosity somehow got the better of her.

  “Well, for starters, I can find out how these two operate within the FBI, and what exactly these two are working on with this case. I have a buddy who owes me a favor, I will give him a call, and maybe it will help you find a way to get your case done, and not have to rely on these guys.”

  “Okay, I see your point. Sure, get me the information and I can go from there.” Trent nodded in agreement and left her. Not sure what else to do as the adrenaline had worn off, she headed to the locker room to shower, and then home to bed.

  Preston sat down holding the bag of ice to his balls and Liam did his best to work out a scheduled plan for trying to help Jess, or Smokey Eyes. Shaking his head, he flicked the TV on in the small room within Verona’s condo. It was going to be a long night, but tomorrow was going to be interesting. He just needed to make sure they didn’t go to the area that had the fights. Preston wasn’t sure what all was conspiring in the warehouse, but he knew for a fact it was going to be big. Already working with the ATF, he didn’t know what to expect from whatever agency they were working with. Their job was to get information about Verona that could be used in court and get the hell out. However, he never expected it to be tied to dog fighting. The thought made him sick to his stomach. The simple notion that someone was training dogs to kill and attack each other for sport disgusted him. He didn’t even want to think about the possibility more was going on, because he knew this was the reason people gathered, but other activities, such as prostitution, drugs, and guns went on there. This was a whole lot bigger t
han simple money laundering. Flicking the channel, he came across some type of food channel and people making some type of chocolate dessert. Mesmerized by the hunger for something sweet from the TV, he didn’t hear Liam walking behind him.

  “Kay, well I got this somewhat figured out. The Barney twins are on tonight, and we have the next three days. If we can get her time to set the cameras we might be able to use her to set some type of bug too with audio. She knows her shit and we might as well make use of her while we can, plus I would love to see her hot ass again. I still can’t believe your luck in kissing her. I gotta ask, man, was she good, or like good good. You know how some chicks are, they kiss you and I swear they are timid as a mouse, or they want to swallow you whole like a fucking whale. Which one was she?”

  Preston didn’t really want to answer, because she wasn’t either, she was soft and sweet, but hot as hell. His cock still ached with wanting to sink into her hot channel, but when she sucker punched him, well kneed him, he was seeing her in a whole new light.

  “It was a cover kiss, I took it too far, and my nuts paid the price.” There, simple, he thought.

  “Yeah right, her lips weren’t swollen like that from a simple kiss, and by the way she was acting, and her nipples showing through her shirt, she was into it too,” Liam joked back. He had missed it as he was trying to locate his balls in his throat at the time to actually look at her well enough, but he guess he was right. Ignoring his brother, they both sat down and watched the rest of the show before turning in for the night. Four a.m. came early, and when it came to dealing with Smokey Eyes, he was going to need to locate a cup from now on.

  Jess woke up early like she did every morning, but instead of getting up and going for a run she stayed in her jammies. She was cleaning her gun when her phone started to buzz.

  “So I heard you got all hot and bothered yesterday before hitting that beefcake in the nutsack. He didn’t need that, Smokey, come on, he was one hot piece of ass, they both are, and if you’re not careful, I might take them for a ride down my rainbow.” Jess had to laugh as Rainbow went on about her sexual frustrations and her desire for the men she seemed to be attracted to. All her close friends knew she didn’t do men, hell, the last one she dated still had yet to grow hair on his thigh. But in all fairness, he did cheat on her, and she warned him where he stuck his dick would get him in trouble. Then again, those were her arts and craft days, and he was just lucky she didn’t have her guns like now. Looking down the hall she saw her two safes and knew what lay behind those large boxes of metal. She was careful with her babies, but some said she was a bit obsessed.

  “Are you even listening to me?” Rainbow shouted on the other end. “Whatever, just open the door, I have your coffee.” Jess instantly jumped at those magic words, coffee. She loved the stuff and would drink it by the gallon; however, she couldn’t make a decent cup. Bubbles, Rainbow, hell, even Coffee made fun of her about it. She would either not put enough, or too much, or she burnt it—she still blamed the pot on that one. Thank God she was in walking distance—rain, sleet, or snow—she always had her coffee. Today she was just happy that Rainbow picked it up.

  “Hey, chicky, here ya go, looks like you need it more than me.” Jess didn’t even think twice before she took the bitter brew and, pulling the top off, downed half of it as it burned her insides. Smiling, she looked at Rainbow who was once again giving her a weird look.

  “Have you been sleeping?” She wanted to snort and say yes, but the truth was she went to bed tired from the gym, but other parts of her body and brain were wired to explode. The need to pull out her toys and take the ache away didn’t work out as well as she hoped. Yes she came twice, but it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t them. Shit, she was in trouble.

  “Yes and no. Grrr, this sucks monkey balls, Rainbow!” Jess yelled as she started to pace around the room. “You see these asshats are making this case harder than it has to be, and now dogs, why the fuck did I have to get the case with dogs, but even with them being a flirt, and an ass, I can’t stop the need. You know. Yes I know the ice queen has needs, and don’t try to pretend that I don’t know what people say about me.” Jess knew them all too well. That had always been the reason men had left her, they said she was frigid and sucked in the sack. She had no fire, unless she was shooting her guns. Well fuck them—fuck all men.

  “Oh, honey, men are weird. It’s easier to get a houseplant than try to figure out men, at least the good ones. Why do you think I have my small vibrator on the nightstand? I pick the ones I want, fuck them until they can’t move then leave and come home and watch TV. It’s simple really. But you have been burned so much, babe, maybe it’s time you try to see their point of view. If I’m not mistaken Coffee said these men were undercover, maybe they are worried you will blow their cover. Look what happened with Bubbles and Trent. So anything is possible. I say try working with them, and maybe not kick them in the nuts all the time.”

  “I didn’t kick, it was a knee, but I see your point.” She really did. She could be flexible when she wanted to be.

  “Oh, sweets, you need to try to control that natural aggression you have to the opposite sex…” Jess went to interrupt her but Rainbow placed a finger over her lips to shut her up. “Okay not just to men, but to other people as well. Look, I am not going to sit and coddle you and tell you that your perfect, because, chicky, you’re a hot mess. You like to fight and shoot guns, and I don’t think you even own a dress. You’re a hot piece of ass, but you won’t look past the ivory tower you put yourself in, to let anyone get close. Yes the other men sucked badly, but can you be happy if you never open your legs and allow someone to scratch that itch? So think about that. I’m otta here, I have a lunch date. Oh and Coffee said she had some information you might want, so stop by on your way out.” Rainbow kissed the top of her head before turning on her heels and leaving the house.

  Maybe Rainbow was right, she needed to get the stick out of her ass and move on to what she wanted, which in this case was Liam and the case. Preston was just an ass, but an ass who made her pussy scream with excitement from just a kiss. She had to admit she wanted them both. Parts of her started to long for what Bubbles had, but if she gave in and let her walls down, would she get shot in the ass by her own gun, or could this be something more? Not wanting to think about it anymore, she headed to her room to pack the equipment she would need for the afternoon.

  Chapter Seven

  Preston was eager to start his shift and make sure to stay away from the warehouse. He knew Smokey Eyes was going to set up some cameras and such later tonight. She sent him a text stating she left her house and was on her way to the warehouse. So far so good, she was at least working with them. As much as the woman drove him insane, the lingering thought of their kiss still remained with him. Liam was doing a perimeter check, while he stood like a damn monkey outside the Verona’s office. He really hated this job, he was a fucking lackey to a dipshit who watched poor dogs fight, and liked getting his ass spanked by women. What was this world coming to? Liam showed up within five minutes and stood next to the other door. Preston could tell right away that Liam was hating today as well. Shit, they were fucking FBI, not some lap dogs. The door opened to Verona’s office and both of them stood still waiting for their damn orders or to follow the fucker out. Verona walked out with someone, who he simply knew as another man from the party the other night, patting each other in the back.

  “Golf next week then. I’m sure we will be able to get this all settled by then,” the man in the suit stated.

  “Sounds great. Liam will show you out.” And like that Liam snapped at the command and showed the suit out.

  “Preston, prepare a car, we have a meeting tonight at the warehouse we were at the other night. I called in Mathis and Shawn to help secure the location.” Preston nodded silently and needed to find a way to send a message to Jess about them coming, because if they found her, they could let her go; however, if Mathis or Shawn did, there is no telling what tho
se fuckers would do to her.

  Preston called the car and gave Liam a look trying to get his twin to understand the need to send the text to Jess. However, before either of them could pull out their phone Verona headed to the elevator and down to the car where everyone was waiting for them. Preston knew they would go out to dinner with the fucker right before his meeting. That was his normal routine. Eat, then play. He sent out a silent warning into the universe that Jess would be okay until he could warn her.

  Jess silently worked her magic getting the right camera angle on the side of the warehouse when she spotted a truck coming in. Ducking to avoid getting caught, she heard barking from inside. Unable to stop herself she looked through the crack in the window and saw two men arguing over a dog in a cage.

  “I say we try to use him,” the weird white man said, pointing to the massive dog.

  “I don’t think so, he hasn’t been trained, and he doesn’t have what it takes. I’m going to use him as a weaker dog for the other dogs to train on, like a fucking chew toy. He didn’t do so hot during his first bout, and he’s labeled as a non-prospect. The boss pulled him out, that’s what we get from grabbing a stray,” the darker man argued. This argument seemed to go back and forth with both men yelling and one man even kicked the cage and the poor dog shook with fear. Her heart broke.


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