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Eyes on the Target

Page 5

by Gracie Meadows

  “Help me load the others in the back and keep them separated. I don’t need to lose any because you are too stupid to keep them separated.” More dogs barked and her pulse picked up as another truck came, but this time they went into a backroom, then left. Staying were she was so she didn’t get caught, it was a full hour until both vehicles left yelling that they wanted food before they finished setting up for tonight’s events. With one final look at her set up, she turned to go when the soft whimper caught her attention. Looking back inside, Jess looked at the poor dog in the cage. She got a good look at this massive giant with cuts and bites all over his body. Her heart broke and knew this dog would be put down if he didn’t fight for these men. That’s what they did. Taking the small chance, she made her way to another window and over to the beast. His brown eyes watched her, but she felt no fear as she approached.

  “Hey, big guy,” she said softly. “I’m not going to hurt you.” The closer she got the more she saw he was emaciated and parts of his fur was missing or coated in blood. He was in bad shape, but he didn’t growl at her like normal dogs would in this situation. After listening to the way the men explained this poor baby, he wasn’t a fighter. She reached out to him and he licked her hand and whimpered. She couldn’t leave him, not like this. He needed help. Sealing her fate, she looked around for some rope to tie around his neck. Once he was secure she opened the latched but he didn’t move.

  “Come on, big guy, you need to work with me. I can’t carry you.” He seem to understand and stood and Jess was shocked he was almost as tall as her. He followed her around without a sound and when she stopped, he whimpered with need until Jess petted his head and he quieted. She soon found a backdoor that would open without an alarm going off. Once outside, the sound of cars had her heart racing and panic started to rise up a little. She was good in any situation, but she had a dog with her this time. The dog pushed her against the wall seemingly blocking her from heading in the direction she was about to turn into. Huh, so this dog was smarter than the average dog, just a gentle giant. Rounding the corner, she spotted an opening in another warehouse and she took off in a full run, and more surprisingly was the dog followed without a word, or bark. Once inside she sent a text to Rainbow and Bubbles that she needed a car in her location without being spotted. After sending the address, she needed to lay low until she could get out of this mess. Her personal car was about two miles away, which wasn’t bad, but she needed to get there without being spotted with the dog. With no eyes outside, she was stuck. Realizing that one of those cars could be Verona, she was excited that her cameras were in place. Now with her new friend, she also had proof they stole dogs for the fights, or at least they stole this one.

  Looking around, she found a small water faucet and used it to give the dog some water. While he drank, her phone buzzed in her pocket.

  Preston: Heading ur way. Be careful

  Smokey Eyes: Gotcha, been there, now stuck. Txt me when ur off next. I got new friend.

  Preston: WHAT? Crap woman. We will talk later.

  Smokey Eyes: Don’t what me. U will see. Later.

  Jess looked at the screen and for once smiled. He was an ass that’s for sure, but he actually sent her a message about them coming. It was more than she had expected. He was trying to work with her. Closing her eyes, she rested her head back, and the dog came and laid next to her resting his head on her legs with his brown eyes looking up at her.

  “You’re just a big giant teddy bear, aren’t you? I think you need a name, I can’t keep calling you dog. Hmmm, how about we call you, Rover, no you’re not a Rover. I got it, let's call you, Thompson. I like it, do you, do you want to be a Thompson?” The dog wagged his tail before licking her hand. She laughed and soon the two of them rested in silence, waiting for their ride to show up.

  Liam looked at Preston who was turning a nice shade of red from looking at his phone. They both had a moment to step away while Verona talked inside the car. He knew in his gut something wasn’t sitting right with him; it could possibly be they were busted. But at this moment he knew Preston had texted Jess about their arrival, and by the way he was acting it wasn’t the response he was hoping for. Liam waited for Verona to step out. However, when the door opened, Mathis was the one to step out first.

  “We have other plans, you two are inside, and we will stay out.” Liam didn’t like this plan, but he couldn’t risk anyone getting suspicious.

  “Fine, lets head inside, we are too exposed out here.” Mathis nodded and Verona stepped out of the car with Preston in the front and he followed closely behind. Walking up to the door where a large man in all black and several guns stood guard.

  “Verona,” the man acknowledged. Verona nodded as the door opened. Liam about gagged when the smell of dog feces, urine, and blood smacked him square in the face. He knew this was going to be bad, hell, it was worse than going to a pound. Looking around the once empty warehouse, there now stood a large ring that was enclosed by heavy chain fencing. Several trainers were working on their champions, or getting them ready. Most of these dogs appeared to have some type of pit bull in them. This broke his heart, he knew this was actually a gentle breed when trained correctly, but if trained wrong these dogs turned deadly. It became a game of survival. He kept his gaze going around the room until he landed on a group of men in suits that seemed out of place. They didn’t appear to be paying much attention to the dogs, but rather to the conversation before shaking hands. Liam did his best to stay neutral to the situation, but the thought of what was going to happen was rolling through his mind. It didn’t take long before Verona sat down and some guy in ripped jeans and a t-shirt stood in the middle of the makeshift ring getting ready to make an announcement. It was an eight by twenty ring with two to three feet high walls on each side, a standard ring for its purpose.

  “Thank you everyone for coming out to this exhibition. I’m sure the dog men have trained their dogs enough to entertain you. Our first fight is between a champion and a grand champion. The referees have deemed them ready to fight. So will the dog men bring your dogs to the scratch line so we can get the show under way?” Liam froze in place as he watched two dogs snap and growl at the other dogs from across the ring. He had never been so sickened by the display and for once in his life he was torn between the job and his own morals. The man in the middle started to move away yelling for people to place their bets.

  Verona pulled out a roll of cash and handed it to the collector, he was then given a piece of paper with his bet on it. It seemed to go on forever with the dogs barking and people talking and betting, but in reality it was only about five to ten minutes.

  “Okay, ladies and gentleman, it’s time,” the man stated as he raised a small gun in the air. Liam held his breath and tried to remain passive as he knew what was coming next. With the gun in the air the sound of the shot rang out, but it was closer than he realized and didn’t sound like a small start gun. The sound of dogs barking and growling as blood started to litter the ground. He looked to his left as Preston started to yell. Looking at the seat he stood next to was Verona, eyes wide open with a gaping wound between his eyes, dead. Fucking hell! The sound of women screaming and he and Preston scrambling as they withdrew their guns waiting for some type of attack but nothing happened. The fuckers and their dogs stopped, but then again the sound of a gun going off once more had him on higher alert as he had no fucking clue where it was coming from. Looking to his left, a handler had shot his dog, he assumed because the poor creature lost. Mathis and Shawn showed up, and soon were yelling out directions, telling them to move and dump Verona's body. Following Mathis’s lead, he grabbed Verona’s legs and knew it was going to be one long ass night.

  The sound of gunfire had poor Thompson whimpering and snuggling into her embrace more. She had started to nod off waiting for Bubbles or Rainbow. She knew the night was dragging on, and the threat they could be caught would cost her a lot, possibly her and Thompson’s lives. Staying hidden wasn’t her stro
ng suit, but right now she needed to use her brain, not her guns. Her phone buzzed and looking down at it she spotted a text from Bubbles.

  Bubbles: Something’s going down. Sit tight, be there soon.

  Smokey Eyes: Duh, what do u think I was doing, painting my nails? Hurry, and bring food. I hungry!

  Bubbles: Gottcha, food!

  The sound of another gunshot rang really close and started to have her worrying, and poor Thompson shaking. Wanting to find out what happened, but not enough to risk anything made her stand, that was until the sound of police sirens started to blare and grew closer. Thinking she might be able to risk it now, she moved to the door with Thompson, well, until it swung open and another gun pointed at her.

  “Police, hands up.” Rolling her eyes, she complied. This was going to be one long night!

  Chapter Eight

  Jess was cussing up a storm when the cops hauled her ass to jail. Bubbles had shown up with Dylan and Chance, grabbing Thompson and taking him to the vet while she sat handcuffed in the back of the police car. Dylan used his connections to be able to seize the dog from her, and not have Thompson put down. She could deal with the asshats who took great pleasure in feeling her up, even though they said they were frisking her for weapons, and then the fucker took her guns! Steaming mad, she waited at the front while the fucker checked her items in, and she did the whole fingerprints, and pictures thing. She didn’t even know what she was being charged with. But she knew it had to do something with the dogs. Finally, after being able to get some real answers, she found out she was being charged with animal abuse, dog fighting, and a slew of other charges. Sitting in a damn cage, well a cell really, but it felt like a damn cage, she heard Bubbles and Coffee talking to the front desk.

  “She is a private detective, who happened to be looking into the dog fighting ring. Yes she was stupid and took the dog, but she saved it you dork. Yes, I called you a dork, and Dylan would say the same thing too. Listen Mr. Uptight and Proper, here are her papers… Oh fine, Coffee, you handle it.” Bubbles was bristling with tension, and soon Coffee had everything situated with the chief and wanted her evidence as soon as possible. Looking up, the arresting officer opened her cage door and she was free at last. With a sigh of relief she gathered her things, and made sure the fuckers didn’t mess up her guns. Once happy with her items, Jess followed the girls outside to her car.

  “Okay, so we get food and then tell me how Thompson is and then what happened next door.”

  Preston watched as Mathis and Shawn threw the body into the forested area.

  “Alright, now you fuckers go your separate ways. We don’t tell anyone, and we don’t know shit, understand?” Both he and Liam knew what was going to happen next. Both Mathis and Shawn would move on to the next big boss, which was fine, as long as the fuckers didn’t bother them, and by their rap sheets, they would be heading to the west coast.

  “Understand. We will take the second car, and leave it at the condo, and wipe it clean.” Preston also knew he would be making a call to make sure the FBI knew what was going down, and in the back of his mind, he wanted to check on Jess. Something didn’t sit right with him. She was at the same location and had major issues with Verona, and now he was dead. She was a sharp shooter, she had the skills, could she have been the shooter? So many damn questions, and he didn’t even want to start with the temper she had. Damn, he really did need to talk to her.

  Liam climbed into the passenger seat while he claimed the driver seat. It was about an hour drive from the condo to where Verona’s body was dumped. It would give them plenty of time to notify his boss, and get some information on Jess.

  “Okay, the FBI and ATF are at the scene and arrested a shit load of people, but guess who the local PD picked up in the next warehouse. You would be right, judging by the scowl on your face. She wasn’t alone either, she had someone with her, guess that would be why she was hiding out. She was charged with a bunch of shit reasons, but it doesn’t look good, man. Her prints are everywhere from where the shot was taken. McCoy is looking at her as a suspect. Her friends at Heels for Hire are springing her, but I say we take a trip over and check it out and see what the hell she was thinking.” Preston nodded in agreement, but he was fuming with anger knowing she could have been hurt, or possibly screwed up everything. Verona was a big fish and now he wasn’t sure what the hell type of information he would get since the dipshit was now dead. Three months down the fucking drain.

  “She has a lot to talk to us about. And I don’t plan on leaving without some damn answers.” Preston pressed his foot down on the accelerator. It didn’t take him that long to make it to Jess’s place. He and Liam knew where she lived, hell, they knew a lot more about her than she probably wanted to tell anyone. Parking outside, they both marched up to her door. Liam knocked, then pounded on the damn door.

  “Jess, open up we need to talk.” He heard the sound of shouting and yelling before a bubbly blonde opened the door.

  “Oh you must be prick one and prick two. Come inside, Smokey Eyes is in the shower, she should be done in a second.” Not really caring what or who she was, he made his way inside Jess's small apartment.

  “Hi, I’m Liam James, sugar, and I take it you’re the sexy Bubbles, am I right?” Preston rolled his eyes as Liam’s flirty nature. It seemed that Bubbles took note too.

  “Okay, so you’re the flirt, which makes you the ass. Got it. Listen this is my girl and I will totally kick your ass if you screw with her. She has had a shitty night and you two better not make it worse.”

  Jess came out of what had to be her bedroom. “They’re fine, I have some things to sort of with the pain in the ass twins. You can go, Bubbles. Tell Chance and Dylan thanks from me for taking care of Thompson and I’ll pick him up in the morning.” Bubbles nodded and left.

  Preston wanted to say something to Jess but he was stuck, his tongue-tied. She was currently standing before him in a dark green bathrobe and a white towel sat on top of her head covering her hair. Her green eyes sparkled and she was simply breathtaking. Not a stitch of make-up, nothing but her. He had visions of grabbing her and taking her up against the wall. He thought about the feel of her hot pussy sucking his aching cock into her while she screamed his name over and over again.

  “Seriously, you with me, did you get hit in the head or something, Preston?” Preston snapped out of his reminiscing when Liam smacked him upside the head. “Look, I am starving, and the small bag of chips did nothing, how about we talk about what the fuck happened tonight over food. I feel like pizza and beer, how about you?” She headed over to the phone and started to dial before they spoke.

  “Sounds great,” Liam stated as he kicked off his shoes and sat down on the couch like he owned the place. He, however, stood still and watched her move about ordering three pizzas.

  Jess was a ball of nerves and energy. So much shit had happened tonight and she didn’t even know where to start to process it all. She was hungry, and needed to run, or beat the shit out of something. With Thompson being taken to the vet and on his way to getting better, her being arrested, to finding out that Verona was dead. Now she was standing in her damn robe and towel while Liam and Preston were in her house. Her damn hormones were screaming, and she was contemplating leaving to change and put clothes on, but she really didn’t give a shit right now. Not caring what the men wanted, she walked to the fridge and pulled open a beer, when Liam came behind her and held the door open.

  “Can we have one as well?” She nodded and without moving her, he reached and removed two more beers. The smell of his aftershave still lingered on him as he pressed his chest into her back. She could feel her pulse quicken and the desire for him to touch her made her pussy scream with need. Thankful to have on a thick robe, she could hide the fact her nipples now stood out begging to be sucked. Closing her eyes, she steadied herself while Liam moved away and handed Preston a beer, who was still standing in her kitchen. Looking at both of them, she could tell they were twins, but with
Liam being the pretty boy and a flirt, he had dyed his hair a lighter shade, while Preston looked stoic with his black hair. Both men were in the hot as fuck category as Rainbow would put it, but she couldn’t do it while she was working. Well actually she wasn’t on the case anymore, Verona was dead, and the dog ring was busted.

  “So tell us what happened tonight, Jess. Your text was short, and didn’t give me much to go on. I’m not a mind reader, but I would say you picked someone up. Is that who Thompson is? Did he help you kill Verona, because let me tell you, you came to us for help, but you went and took this Thompson character instead. What the hell is that about?” Preston started to yell, glaring down at her. She was now dumbfounded and lost for words, he thought Thompson was a person and not a dog. And how the hell could he think she would kill Verona, he was her suspect to getting money back, and having him killed wasn’t what she needed. Sure, she'd admit that it did help with erasing scum like him from the world, but that wasn’t her style. When she wanted to take someone out, she would do it face to face, that way they knew who did it and why. This sneaky sharp shooting shit was fun for hunting animals, not people.

  “Listen here, you dumb fuck, I don’t need to justify myself to you, or to anyone for that matter. And for Thompson, that is none of your business, so leave him alone. But to set the record straight, I didn’t kill Verona, I don’t know who did, for all I know it could have been you. How do I know you two didn’t shoot him, hide his body, and make it look like I did it? It’s not that hard to believe considering you both are FBI, and well you have the means to make me disappear.” She was now up in his face screaming at him. How dare he accuse her of something?

  “I think we all need to calm down some, and have a drink,” Liam said as he tried to separate the two of them, but she wasn’t having it. It seemed that both Preston and she were on the same wavelength as they both shouted at him to shut the fuck up. Liam threw his hands up before sitting on the counter drinking his beer.


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