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Eyes on the Target

Page 11

by Gracie Meadows

  Preston and Liam busted through the door at the sound of a gun going off. All the worst possible thoughts went off in his head. Bubbles took the side with Dylan and Chance. He, Liam, and Rainbow took the front door, but every laid out plan went to hell in a hand basket with the sound of gunshots, and shouting. Busting through the door he saw red. A large man was straddling a naked and bruised Jess with his hands around her neck. She was kicking and moving trying to get air. He yelled, but the man didn’t stop, when her movements started to slow both he and Liam shot the man. He went straight for a head shot, but Liam took the chest. The man fell to the side but Jess didn’t move. Running to her, he called her name out, but nothing. Her eyes were swollen and closed. It looked like she had marks all over her body. He didn’t want to touch her and hurt her, but he had to.

  “Come on, wake up for me, baby. Come on, come back,” Liam said as he moved her hair off her face.

  “Damn it, woman, wake your ass up, you’re not leaving me, do you understand. Now open your eyes.” He waited, but she didn’t. He checked her pulse and it was weak, but there.

  “We have the paramedics coming, ETA is seven minutes.” Preston nodded but didn’t move his eyes from her. He couldn’t. Her skin that once was pale, now took on a sickening white color. Both he and Liam looked at her body to see if she was hurt elsewhere. From what he could see there were welts on her body from some type of whip, bite marks, deep ones on her breast. The worst thought ran through him that she had been raped and he couldn’t save her. Her naked body was covered with blood and pieces of what looked like a table or something, her wrists and ankles covered in cuts and bloodied. What the hell did they do to her? His heart sank, did they break her? He didn’t hear Rainbow come up behind him until she put her hand on his shoulder.

  “Let’s cover her up.” And she pulled a blanket out covering Jess's nakedness and her wounds.

  “Chance is heading to the vet with Thompson. He was shot, and lost a lot of blood, well, I would say a lot because of him being a dog.” He nodded, and Liam thanked her. He didn’t know what he would do without her. She had come to mean so much to him in such a short time.

  The paramedics arrived and loaded her up while he and Liam watched them. He looked at Liam who gave him one single nod and Preston climbed in the back and ambulance rushed away to the hospital.

  Liam stood rooted to the spot hoping to come up with something, anything to explain what happened there and how the hell to process it all. He knew Jess was strong, but he never knew the extent of her strength until now. She was the missing piece to him and Preston. He allowed Bubbles to drive him to the hospital. He might lose her, he might lose her and Thompson. It was a funny thought to him because he was never really a dog person, but Thompson was part of their weird family of hotheads. He was the gentle giant to the butting heads of Preston and Jess and he was so much more. He remembered looking around the scene and saw blood everywhere. The cage that held Thompson was smashed and chewed on. He spotted several bite marks on each person. Thompson was a hero in his book, he protected Jess the best he could and now he too was fighting for his life. Fate was a twisted bitch in giving him everything he didn’t want and then taking it away just when he realized it was what he needed.

  “Liam, can I get you some coffee or something?” Coffee was now standing in the waiting room with them as Bubbles paced and Rainbow kept checking her phone as if the thing would update her. He shook his head as Preston walked over to him. He held a grave look on his face and he didn’t know what to think.

  “They took her off to surgery, it seemed she had some internal bleeding and they needed to stop it. They didn’t give me any more details.” Liam's heart broke. He sat down and watched the clock tick by.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tick, Tock, eight thirty-six, Tick, tock, eight thirty-seven, tick tock…

  The clock kept ticking and nothing. Not a damn word on what was going on. They had been in surgery for about two hours now and it was driving him nuts. They say no news is good news, but this was worse than being tortured. Preston had heard back from the vet about Thompson, and he would survive. He had some small cuts, and the bullet went straight through not hitting anything vital. So he was happy about Thompson’s recovery. He would be there for a few days to be monitored, but Bubbles and her men would have him under control so he and Liam can focus on Jess.

  Suddenly the double doors opened and a man in scrubs came walking in.

  “Jess Cooper’s family?” Both he and Preston stood, along with everyone else in the waiting room.

  “One of you her family?” the doctor asked.

  “We are her fiancés,” Liam said, well it was going to be true soon enough.

  “Both?” The doctor eyed them.

  “Doc, how is she?” Preston cut him off before he could tell the doctor to shut the hell up.

  “Well she’s fine now, it was touch and go for a little bit because we couldn’t find the bleed. She had a cut to her spleen and bruised kidneys. We repaired it and checked her over for other injuries. She had some swelling to her vocal cords so she might not be able to talk for a while. She’s had a rough time of it and we’ll be keeping her for a while. She is in recovery, but I can let you see her when they move her to her room. I have to say with all her injuries, she is incredibly strong, she’ll pull through.” Liam agreed, so did Preston, as they waited to go see her. She was going to be okay.

  “She’s going to be okay, guys.” He didn’t even realize he was zoned out until Rainbow came up to him, handing him a cup of coffee. He thanked her and once again watched the clock tick by until he could see her.

  Tick tock. Tick tock.

  Preston walked into the room not sure what to expect, the nurse said only one visitor at a time. He wanted to be the last one as he was staying the night. He and Liam created a plan, and he would stay with her, and then Liam would come and stay the next night. She was to never be left alone. Bubbles and Rainbow looked grave when they left and Liam was wiping his face, so Preston wasn’t sure what he would find.

  Walking further into the room, he stared at her. The last image he had of Jess was her lying unconscious and bleeding. Not much had changed except now she seemed to have every needle imaginable in her and an oxygen mask on her face. A machine on the side let them know she was breathing on her own and showed her heartbeat. The tiny beeps kept going on in a soothing rhythmic pattern. He walked in the room and sat in a chair to her right. He took her hand in his carefully with the dressing on her wrists. The doctors had bandaged her all up, and she looked like a partial mummy.

  “Oh, Jess, I’m so sorry. I should have gone with you to walk the dog. I knew I was pushing you and made you mad. I’m so sorry, baby, please come back to me.” He held her hand and wept for the first time in his life. He needed her like his last breath. She didn’t move, didn’t speak. He waited for her to respond like they did in books and movies, but this was nothing like that. She wasn’t going to wake up, not anytime soon. He just sat there holding her hand watching her as she breathed in and out. Just like Liam watched the clock tick, he counted the beeps of her heart, the heart that belonged to him.

  “It’s been three days and she hasn’t woken up yet. There is something else wrong.” Preston was now yelling at Bubbles and Rainbow as they placed flowers and weird stuffed animals around the room.

  “The doctor said everything was fine, she just needs to heal and wake up on her own time. She was through a lot, give her some more time.”

  “Shut up.” Everyone froze, none of them had said it. Preston turned and saw Jess moving.

  “Call the doctor. She’s awake,” Preston snapped before he and Liam both walked over to her. She still hadn’t opened her eyes.

  “Come on, sugar, look at me. I want to see those eyes of yours.” Liam stroked her cheek as her eyes fluttered open slowly. She looked at him and then Preston before giving a small smile.

  “You came for me,” she whispered. It was hard to hear her,
but since both he and Preston were tuned in they heard every word.

  “Yes, we came for you, Jess. We love you, and would die without you.”

  She smiled, “You love me?” she asked.

  “Damn it, woman, of course we love you, we will always love you. How many times do I have to tell you that you're ours?” Preston used a stronger voice with her, but it made her smile.

  “Tell me.”

  He grabbed her hand with one of his before he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Oh, sugar, I love you so much that when I thought I lost you I couldn’t breathe. Nothing in my life has ever made sense until you. You walked into my life and made me whole. I need you, Jess.” He lightly kissed her lips and she smiled at him.

  Liam watched as Preston grabbed her hand, placed it over his heart, and just looked at her.

  “Jess, I am not one with big words like Liam, I can’t tell you how amazing you are because you’re a pain in my ass. But I do know that I have never known love until you. You make me want to be a better man, for you. Each day I will do anything to see you smile, to let you know that I love you. Yes, we fight and butt heads, but the make-up sex will be so much better.” She chuckled and then stopped, wincing at the pain.

  “Well it’s good to see you awake, Ms. Cooper.” The doctor had come in and both he and Preston moved out of the way. She was going to be okay, and for the first time in the last three days, he could breathe again.

  It had been two days since she woke and she was going stir crazy at everything. The doctor wanted to monitor her some more to make sure there were no signs of infection. But now he was back and it seemed he had news that even she was having a hard time wrapping her brain around.

  “Are you sure, doctor, I mean, I didn’t even know.” Jess was stunned by the words the doctor just told her. What made it worse was the look of panic that flooded both Liam’s and Preston’s faces.

  “That’s right, Ms. Cooper. You tested positive before you came in and we took you to surgery and redid the test just this afternoon, but you are indeed pregnant. The HCG count was low, so maybe only three weeks at most. You should follow up with your doctor in a couple weeks. It’s too early to do an ultrasound. But you look healthy enough to go home, as long as you rest. No strenuous activities for at least a couple weeks. I will give you something for the pain to take home as well.” Jess just nodded as the doctors went over the do’s and don’ts, but her whole mind was spinning with the news she was going to be a momma. Sure she had thought about having kids, well in the future after she was married and such, but hell. She hadn’t been with Liam and Preston very long, and she didn’t know who the father was. What if they didn’t want the baby? Could she terminate the pregnancy? Did they still love her even though she was stupid and got knocked up? The doctor had left saying he was going to be sending the nurse in to remove her IVs and give her some paperwork. Risking a glance at the men she just saw Liam looking at her, and Preston walked out the door.

  Liam went to say something, but she shook her head and asked for some alone time. She didn’t know what to do or say. Jess half expected him to argue with her, but he nodded and left too. They left her alone in a hospital bed after finding out she was pregnant with their child. Closing her eyes, she let the tears fall as she placed a hand on her stomach.

  “I don’t know what will happen, but I will never leave. Never.” The nurse came in about a half hour later to discharge her. When Liam and Preston didn’t return, she ended up calling Bubbles to come get her. Bubbles walked into the room and she busted out in tears. Bubbles held her as she helped her dress and drove to her house.

  “So they didn’t say anything?”

  “No, Liam went to say something, but I asked him to leave and he did. They said they loved me, but when they found out I had a bun in the oven, they sure as hell left quickly.”

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “Do you mean about the baby?”

  “Yeah the baby. Are you going to keep it?”

  “Of course, I may not have wanted this pregnancy, but it’s not the baby’s fault. So it will just be me, a baby, and Thompson. We are our own family.”

  “You have us, we would never leave you, hon.”

  “Thanks, I needed to hear that.”

  They pulled up into the drive and Bubbles helped her into the house. She didn’t want to lay in bed, so she got comfortable on the couch. She still hurt everywhere and the doctor said the pain pills he gave her would be okay with the baby. Taking one with a large glass of water, Jess closed her eyes and dreamed of what it would have been like if both men wanted the baby.

  “What do you mean she checked out? The doctor said she would be checking out tonight, and it’s not even noon.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, but she was released early and left the hospital grounds.” Preston was fuming. He acted like an ass when he found out Jess was pregnant. He never thought about it before, he just assumed she was on the pill, hell he didn’t even think to begin with when it came to her. When he got the news, sure it shocked him, but he could only think about how much he wanted a family. He figured that Liam would be with her, but when he caught up with him downstairs, they came up with a plan. They both wanted forever with her, and wanted this more than anything. Preston got into his car and sped downtown to the nearest jeweler to get her a ring. He wasn’t going to have his son or daughter brought into this world without being married. He was a man on a mission, but he didn’t think she would leave the hospital.

  “She went home, let's go get her.” He and Liam drove down to Jess’s house and parked. With the ring snug in his jean pocket they went to the door. They turned the knob and it was locked. They both knocked and nothing. No sound was heard inside. Liam was on the phone with Bubbles saying they were in deep shit, but Liam explained what they were doing and seemed to talk down the really pissed off Bubbles. She had told him she did drop her off and Jess seemed tired.

  “She’s not answering,” Preston said as he once again knocked and ran the bell. Fear sparked him and he looked over to Liam who asked Bubbles were the hidden key was. Once he moved the third rock on the left side of her door, he found it. Inserting the key, they both went inside. Calling out her name and hearing nothing.

  “Jess, baby, where are you?” Liam called, and still nothing.

  Preston walked into the living room and found her. She looked so tired and small. He saw the pill bottle and water on the table. She must have been hurting and they let her down. Kneeling down beside her, he ran his hand along her cheek.

  “Jess, baby, wake up.” She stirred and her eyes fluttered open.

  “Wait what, what are you doing here?” She went to sit up and winced again. Damn he was screwing this all up.

  “What do you mean what are we doing here? We came to see you.”

  “Why, you left, you obviously made your choice. That is unless you don’t want me to keep it, then you better get the hell out of here.” She was now awake and fighting him.

  God, he loved this woman.

  “I’m an idiot, we are idiots. I left, but not for that reason.”

  “Really then why?” she snapped as she now adjusted herself.

  “Damn, woman, you are going to make me pay for this aren’t you.” Liam now sat down by her feet rubbing them for her.

  She looked at him raising her eyebrows telling him to go on.

  “I left to get you this.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the small box. He watched as Jess gasped.

  “Umm…” she went to say something, but he placed a finger on her lips to silence her.

  “Jess, I have made a mess out of so many things in my life, I am an ass like you wouldn’t believe, but the one thing I did right was fall in love with you. Marry me…marry us. I want to raise our child together as a family, and I want our name attached to you and our baby.” He placed his hand on her stomach that was carrying something greater than anything he knew. Looking up, she had small tears running down her face. Li
am shifted and took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger.

  “Baby, you are the woman I love more than anything. You are my reason for being, and now you have given us the greatest gift anyone could ever give us. You and our child will always be loved and wanted. Please marry me.”

  Holding his breath, he waited. Jess finally smiled looking at them both before she finally said, “Yes.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Three months later…

  “You look amazing. Who would have thought that you getting knocked up would make your boobs even bigger than they are? Plus I think this is the first time I have seen you in a dress,” Rainbow stated as she fixed the rest of her hair. Jess was so damn nervous, not because of what she was going to do, but because her morning sickness was worse than a bitch on PMS.

  “Thanks, I really appreciate you doing this for me.”

  “Oh hush, that’s what friends are for. You ready.” Jess nodded and walked out of the bathroom in the courthouse.

  “You ready, sugar?” Liam grabbed her hand, and Preston had her other. Today was the day the three of them were getting married. She had told them it wasn’t necessary right away, they told her she had three months to recover. It did take her longer than normal to recover, but that was just because their little peanut was a stinker and with her puking her guts up, holding off was the cool thing to do.

  “So ready, let’s do this.” She kissed both Liam and Preston on the cheek before heading down the hall to her future with her soon to be husbands.

  Liam was walking on cloud nine as he carried his wife into their house. Since the kidnapping of Jess and finding out she was carrying their child, both he and Preston had moved in. It was pretty easy to do, but the waiting for her to accept getting married was because they loved her and the baby, not just the baby. Preston had given her time to recover and heal. However, tonight was going to be a night to remember.


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