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Orphan Train Trials

Page 11

by Rachel Wesson

  Bella pretended to be examining the sewing machine. Could she go for a walk with a man? What if he thought it might lead to something? It wasn’t fair to pretend to be something she wasn’t. But all he’d asked was for her to take a walk. He was probably just being friendly.

  “I can ask Mrs. Grayson to come with us if you feel the need for a chaperone?” he said.

  She shook her head. “A walk sounds nice. Thank you.”

  Chapter 36


  The next morning Bridget and Carl called to the Mercantile. Mrs Grayson escorted them into the kitchen calling Bella to come see her visitors. Bella came downstairs, relieved to see that Bridget was looking better than she had the day before.

  “Kathleen sent me a telegram,” Bridget said. “She’s on her way to Iowa to find our brothers. I didn’t want to say anything in front of Liam or Annie.”

  “I can understand, you might get their hopes up,” Mrs. Grayson said.

  “How are things here?” Bridget asked, looking at Bella. But before she could answer, Mrs. Grayson spoke up.

  “Bella has settled in just lovely, haven’t you dear? She can show you her workshop in a minute. Brian Curran has been fixing it up for her.” Mrs. Grayson elbowed Bella gently. “I think he may have fallen for our new arrival already.”

  Bella’s face heated up as she wished she could be anywhere but sitting at the table. Bridget smiled, a satisfied look on her face. Bella knew Bridget had originally come to Riverside Springs to marry Brian, but it was obvious her friend had no romantic feelings for him. Bridget was madly in love with her husband Carl. When Carl asked Mrs. Grayson for something in the store, the two of them left, leaving Bella and Bridget alone.

  “Mrs. Grayson means well. She wouldn’t want to embarrass you,” Bridget said softly.

  “I know. It’s just awkward being the center of attention. I feel everyone is looking at me and…”

  “And what?”

  “Waiting for me to make a mess of things,” Bella said, feeling miserable.

  “Bella, when will you believe in yourself? We all do. Nobody in Riverside Springs thinks you’ll make a mess of things. On the contrary, everyone is impressed by how hard you have already been working helping Mrs. Grayson in the store as well as getting things ready for the dress shop. You seem to have settled in very well. Let this fresh start be your chance to put the past behind you.”

  “But,” Bella looked around to make sure Mrs. Grayson hadn’t returned, “you know I can’t let a man have a real interest in me. It wouldn’t be fair.”

  “Why not?” Bridget asked. “You’re a lovely woman and Brian is a wonderful man.”

  “He won’t want me, not when he knows about me.”

  “Bella, he will want the person you are becoming. A woman who cares about others, who fights for their welfare. You fought for Annie and you fought for the twins. Someone without a loving heart wouldn’t have done that. Stop being so hard on yourself.” Bridget placed her hand on Bella’s. “I wish we could stay longer and see you settled in properly, but we have to return to New York.”

  “So soon?” Bella couldn’t stop herself from saying.

  “Yes. Carl is insisting I see someone. Please don’t tell the others, but he’s concerned about me. My dizzy spells are getting worse. I told him we could go to the doctor here. I’m not even sure there is one, but he insists on going home.”

  “Bridget, you must do as he says. We need you to get better. The children need you. So do I.”

  “Thank you, Bella. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Do me a favor though and give yourself and Brian a chance. He asked me to find him a wife. Maybe that’s one promise I got to keep.”

  Bridget’s eyes danced telling Bella her friend was teasing her, but a wife? Was that how Brian saw her?

  “Bridget are you ready to go and say goodbye to the others?” Carl walked back into the room closely followed by Mrs. Grayson.

  “Goodbye? Don’t tell me you’re leaving already,” Mrs. Grayson said, looking put out. “I thought you would stay and visit with us for a while.”

  “I would love to, but duty calls,” Bridget said, winking at Bella. “There are more orphans in New York and the agency is short of placement agents. We’ll come out here again soon.”

  “We will look after Bella while you’re gone,” Mrs. Grayson promised. “Don’t wait too long to come back. We miss you, Bridget.”

  Bella saw the telling sparkle in Bridget’s eyes, so she distracted Mrs. Grayson by asking her about using the catalogue. The older woman explained it was used to buy items that were too big to store in the mercantile. While Mrs. Grayson spoke, Bridget blew her a grateful kiss and was gone before Mrs. Grayson realized. Bella hoped Bridget would be able to find a doctor to cure her. She didn’t want to think about losing her friend.

  Chapter 37


  The rest of the day passed in a whirlwind as Mrs. Grayson brought more women to the store, introducing them to Bella and outlining her talents. Bella almost wished she could cancel the walk with Brian and get to work on the dresses right away. Almost.

  She changed into her other dress, the one she kept for Sundays at the sanctuary. She patted some of her precious rose water onto her wrists. Lily had given her the bottle when she left, in addition to a small sum of money. She had written her a lovely note, too, saying how much she would miss Bella and what a wonderful young woman she was becoming.

  She wondered what Lily would think of her agreeing to go for a walk with Brian Curran. She had only just arrived in town. Would people think she was fast?

  She walked down the stairs to find Mrs. Grayson in the sitting room, her knitting on her lap.

  “Don’t you scrub up well,” the woman said, appraising her. “That dress is very becoming.”

  “Do you think so?” Bella asked, fanning out the skirt. “I made it.”

  “It’s beautiful, dear.”

  “Kathleen helped me with the design,” Bella said. “She’s very talented.”

  “I think you both are,” Mrs. Grayson added. “Are you going for a walk with Brian?”

  Bella blushed. “Yes. Do you think I shouldn’t?”

  “I think it’s a wonderful idea. He is a fine man. You will be quite safe with him.”

  “You don’t think people will think less of me?” Bella asked quietly.

  “Less of you? Why should they? Haven’t young men and women been courting since Noah built the ark? It’s the most natural thing in the world.”

  “I only just arrived in town,” Bella protested.

  “Brian knows he has to be quick. There are very few single women out here, Bella. You’ll soon find a trail of admirers at your door.”

  Bella shuddered. The last thing she wanted was men coming after her.

  “Bella, stop thinking and just enjoy yourself,” Mrs. Grayson ordered. “Brian Curran is a man I would trust with my own daughter. Go on, have a little fun. Life is hard enough without missing out on simple pleasures.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Grayson.”

  Brian knocked on the door. When she opened it, he had a small posy of flowers in his hand. “I picked them for you,’ he said, almost throwing them at her.

  She heard Mrs. Grayson laugh but the old woman quickly turned it into a cough. It looked like she wasn’t the only one nervous about the walk.

  Chapter 38


  “Why don’t we walk along the river?” Brian suggested once they were outside. “I always find the sound of water to be soothing.”

  Bella nodded but she had no real experience of walking beside any water. She hadn’t time in New York and where she had lived before… She closed her mind to those memories.

  As they walked, they talked about various things, including her plans for the dress shop, and her hopes Kathleen would join her in Riverside Springs. Brian was easy to talk to. He asked questions without making her feel like he was interrogating her.

  He spoke a little about him
self and his farm which he was rebuilding after losing cattle to rustlers the year before. He told her about Mitch and Shannon and how much they were looking forward to the arrival of their first baby.

  She told him about Kathleen, wondering aloud whether she had found her brothers. Brian knew about Bridget’s family.

  “Miss Jones, I guess you know I was supposed to marry Bridget,” he said, his ears and neck turning crimson. He stared into the river. “I had written off for a mail order bride.”

  “Yes, she told me. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you,” she replied stiffly, wondering why he had brought Bridget up. She wasn’t a bit like the other woman who was older, stronger, and not to mention, innocent.

  “I just wanted you to know that I am glad things didn’t work out,” he said quietly.

  She looked at him before looking back at the river in embarrassment.

  Flustered, he blurted out, “Of course she is a wonderful woman, Bridget, I mean, and Carl is very lucky, but she wasn’t the right woman for me. That’s what I was trying to say.”

  Bella didn’t respond at first. She didn’t know what to say.

  “Maybe it’s time we got back,” she suggested after a few moments of awkward silence.

  “Oh, now I’ve scared you off. I am not very good with women. I mean, I don’t know how to talk to ladies,” Brian said.

  Bella stopped walking.

  “I like you, Miss Jones. And I would like to get to know you better. I just wanted you to know that.”

  He took her arm and escorted her back to Grayson’s store. When they got there, he took off his hat and nodded.

  “Thank you for the walk.”

  Then he was gone.

  Chapter 39


  The week passed by quickly as Bella got set up with her new work space. She made Mrs. Grayson’s dress first, as promised. The older woman couldn’t believe how well it turned out, making Bella blush with her compliments.

  “Even Mr. Grayson noticed, and he never notices anything,” Mrs. Grayson told her. “You have such talent, my girl. You are going to do so well with your new business.”

  Bella beamed with happiness. Carolyn Rees also called in and ordered two dresses for herself and two for Annie. Annie helped pick out the material, although she had to be guided away from a pale pink to a fresh navy gingham.

  “This will be much better for hiding the dirt you seem to pick up wherever you go, darling,” Carolyn said to her daughter, putting her arm around her shoulders.

  Their obvious closeness made Bella feel lonely. She was rather surprised, as she didn’t usually notice the relationships of those around her. But seeing Annie reminded her of Megan and Eileen. She hoped the twins were getting on as well with their respective new mothers.

  On Sunday, she went to Reverend Franklins’ service with the Graysons. Afterward, Brian invited her to join him at Mitch and Shannon’s for dinner. Her hopes rose, thinking he wanted to spend time with her, but his next words proved Shannon to be the one issuing the invitation. She couldn’t help but be disappointed.

  “Shannon asked me to invite you,” Brian said. “She would love some company. With the baby coming, she doesn’t get into town and, Mitch, he isn’t much for chitchat.”

  “I will have to check with Mrs. Grayson. She may need me.” Bella wasn’t keen on spending more time with Brian. She was losing sleep wondering if he liked her then worrying what would happen if he did. Then she’d convince herself he couldn’t like someone like her and that made her feel worse. Unfortunately, Mrs. Grayson was right behind her and responded without being asked.

  “It’s Sunday, Bella. You don’t have to work today. Off you go and enjoy yourself.”

  She couldn’t get out of it now without seeming rude. So, Bella decided she might as well make the best of it.

  To her surprise, she enjoyed the short ride out to Mitch’s place. Brian didn’t mention Bridget or anything relating to them. He told her of his friendship with Mitch, how they had met on the orphan train and more or less considered each other family. She didn’t volunteer any information about her background, but Brian didn’t seem to notice.

  Chapter 40


  Shannon was everything Bridget had said, warm and friendly. Her pregnancy had slowed her down a little, but it didn’t stop her chattering away nineteen to the dozen. She’d prepared a pot roast with all the trimmings including baked potatoes heaped with mountains of butter. Bella had to stop herself from having seconds. She didn’t want to appear greedy in front of the others. Conversation flowed with Shannon and Mitch teasing Brian then Bella. She couldn’t believe how natural it seemed for the four of them to carry on a conversation. There were no uncomfortable silences.

  After everyone had declared themselves to be full, Mitch asked Brian to check on his horse.

  “He has such a way with animals,” Shannon said as the two women cleared up. “He can fix up most things.”

  “He did a lot of work on the area Mrs. Grayson gave me for my workshop. Put in new windows and everything,” Bella said, stirring her coffee so she wouldn’t have to look at Shannon. She could feel the woman looking at her.

  “He made sure to make your workshop a priority. Brian is a good man. He would make an excellent husband and father when the time comes.”

  Embarrassed, Bella tried changing the subject. “I saw your garden. You seem to have all sorts growing in it.”

  Shannon chuckled, letting Bella know she knew she’d changed the topic of conversation, but she didn’t change it back.

  “My mother taught me everything I know. I was adopted by a Pastor and his wife. They didn’t always have much money, so Ma used to make the money we did have stretch further by growing her own stuff. Farming here can be a little tricky, you got to make sure the ground isn’t too cold when you plant stuff. Mitch gave me part of the barn to use, so I plant my seeds there first then I transfer them out to the ground in May when it warms up a little. The first frosts come in August, so you have to harvest as much as you can before then. You also have to pick crops that suit our climate. Watermelons do great. I love watermelons.”

  Bella smiled at the look of pleasure on Shannon’s face.

  The woman continued. “Lettuces and radishes. Cabbage, peas, and carrots work too. Apples grow themselves. I mean, I don’t have to do anything to help them. Strawberries and raspberries too, but I miss other things. When I was little, we lived near Florida and you could grow lemons and oranges.”

  “I never tasted a lemon. Had an orange a couple of times at Christmas,” Bella added.

  “Yes, that’s what it was like for Mitch and Brian. They tell me I am spoiled,” Shannon said.

  Bella didn’t think Shannon was at all spoiled, but she didn’t say so. She wasn’t about to contradict her host’s husband. She noticed the woman was yawning again.

  “Why don’t you sit down in that rocking chair and take the weight off your feet for a little bit. I can tidy up.” Bella offered.

  Although she looked tempted, Shannon protested, “I can’t invite you to dinner and expect you to clear up.”

  “I offered.”

  “I won’t say no,” Shannon said, giving in. “To be honest, I feel so big I think I am going to burst. I wish this baby would come already.”

  Bella watched the woman caress her bump.

  “Do you want a girl or a boy?” she asked her.

  “I guess a boy, as that would make Mitch happy. You know how men are with their sons. But, to be honest, I don’t mind either way. I just want it born.” Shannon smiled but Bella could see she was exhausted.

  “Close your eyes, you look tired. I will have these dishes done in no time. And I think I’ll take a walk afterward. You live in such a pretty place.”

  Shannon grinned. “I am the luckiest woman in the world. Mitch does all he can to make things nice for me.”

  Shannon put her head back on the rocking chair. Bella took the dishes to the sink and, using h
ot water from the stove, quickly washed up and put the clean dishes away. She rubbed down the table and made some more coffee. A quick glance at Shannon showed she was asleep, so Bella tiptoed out of the house and headed in the direction of the barn.

  Brian looked up as she approached, his smile making her heart race.

  “Bella, there you are. Did Shannon make you run away with her chatter?” Brian teased.

  “No. She fell asleep. I was worried I would wake her, so I came out here.” Bella glanced around them. “Are you finished?”

  “Almost. Are you ready to go back to town?”

  Bella wasn’t. She was enjoying her time with Brian and his friends. But Shannon was unlikely to rest properly with guests, so it was only fair to leave.

  “I think Shannon could do with some rest,” she said.

  “We can come back another day,” Brian said, as if reading her mind. “I think the two of you will become quite good friends. I can tell that she likes you a lot.”

  Bella blushed. She found it difficult to believe people liked her just for herself.

  “I hope you stay in Riverside Springs,” he added, before turning away to check the horse.

  Bella wondered if he was saying that for Shannon’s sake or because he liked her?

  Chapter 41


  The next two weeks passed quickly. Shannon promised to order a dress after the baby came and, in the meantime, she helped to drum up new business by telling all the farmers’ wives about Bella. Mrs. Grayson suggested she make a couple of dresses to hang in the window. That way she may tempt people when they came into the store to buy other items.


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