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Orphan Train Trials

Page 20

by Rachel Wesson

  She couldn’t reply. She wanted to pinch herself to see if what was happening was real.

  Chapter 73


  Carl had sent a telegram to Kathleen with the address of their New York home. They had rented it to give Bridget some quiet time to recover from her illness. The fact Bridget was staying away from Lily and her new babies as well as the children of the sanctuary made Kathleen fear the worst. She called to the house and barely had Carl opened the door when she was on her way upstairs.

  “Bridget, how are you?”

  Bridget sat up straighter in the bed. Kathleen tried to hide how worried she was. Her sister was so pale.

  “Much better for seeing you. I am so glad you’re back,” Bridget said. Kathleen leaned in to kiss Bridget on the cheek, feeling for herself how thin her sister was. She hoped she was up to the shock.

  “I brought someone with me. Are you up to seeing visitors?”

  “Kathleen, I’m in bed,” Bridget admonished gently.

  “I know that, silly, but Shane has seen you plenty of times,” Kathleen said. She waited as Bridget registered what she had said. Her sister’s face paled even more as she sat up straighter in bed.

  “Shane? He’s here? Oh my.”

  Shane came into the bedroom. He faltered at the sight of Bridget and glanced at Kathleen. She motioned him to sit down.

  “Shane. Oh, how good it is to see you.” Bridget pulled him close into a hug. Then she looked over his shoulder at the door. “Is Michael with you?”

  “No, Bridget. Michael is staying in Iowa for a while,” Kathleen replied before quickly changing the subject. Bridget would learn the truth in time. “So, tell us, what did the doctors say?”

  “They said I will make a full recovery. I just need to be careful for the next while. I have a heart complaint,” Bridget explained, her hand still gripping Shane as if afraid he would disappear.

  Kathleen couldn’t say a word.

  “I’ll be fine, Kathleen. Once I take my medication, I am the same as everyone else. I just tire a little easier and have some dizzy spells.”

  The bedroom door opened, and Carl came in carrying a tray.

  “I thought your brother’s arrival would put a smile on your face,” he said. “Kathleen too. Bridget has missed both of you so much.”

  “We’ve missed her, haven’t we, Shane?” Kathleen said. “Isn’t it wonderful news about Lily and the babies.”

  “Imagine, twins and nobody knew,” Carl said. “I think poor Charlie got a heart attack, but he’s as proud as punch now. Have you seen them yet?”

  “We’re heading there next. We wanted to see Bridget first.”

  “Kathleen, there are some letters for you downstairs from Bella. They arrived after you left. I can tell you now, read the latest one first.” Bridget sounded tired.

  Kathleen nudged Shane and nodded her head toward the door.

  “Let’s go and see the twins and I can read my letters. We will be back later.”

  “Yeah, Kathleen has to introduce you to Richard,” Shane said, standing up.

  “Who’s Richard?” Bridget asked, her eyes flickering between Shane and Kathleen. Before Kathleen could answer, Shane did.

  “Her fiancé.”

  “Shane Collins, get out that door before I hit you,” Kathleen ordered. “Richard is not my fiancé. He is a wonderful man who I met on the train, he helped me with Patrick. He’s staying in New York and will come for dinner soon. Now rest, Bridget. We will chat later.”

  Shane disappeared before she could get her hands on him. Imagine telling Bridget she was engaged. Carl followed them out of the room.

  “How is she really?” she asked Carl once the door closed.

  “She will be fine, Kathleen. She gave us all a bit of a fright, but with the right treatment and care she will be as good as new.”

  Carl was being honest, she could tell that from his facial expression, but she was going to ask Richard to check on Bridget. He might be able to reassure her.

  She opened the letters from Bella. The latest one read:

  “Dear Kathleen,

  I hope by the time you read this letter you will have found your brothers and be back living in New York planning your trip to Riverside Springs. I miss you.

  This place is everything you thought it would be. It is more than I ever believed it could be. Kathleen, I’ve fallen in love and, what’s more amazing, he is in love with me. Brian Curran, yes, the man who was supposed to marry Bridget, is a farmer and so much more. He is also an orphan train survivor and knows what it was like.

  I can’t wait for you to meet him. We will be getting married next year. We both want to wait until you are here to be my bridesmaid. Please write back and tell us when you will be coming.

  I have lots more news for you but just wanted to get this in the post.

  With lots of love



  Christmas, Riverside Springs, Wyoming

  Bella glanced up from her machine to see Brian trudging through the snow as he crossed Main Street. He was carrying a Christmas tree. Her stomach leapt as butterflies flew around inside. She had to pinch herself that this fine man had chosen her to be his bride. They had spoken to Reverend Franklin who suggested they take some time to get to know each other properly. Bella knew the pastor was a little worried she had fallen for Brian as she saw him as some sort of rescuer. Perhaps she had at first. But over the last few months, he had proven over and over how wonderful he was.

  She picked up her skirt and hurried out to meet him.

  “There you are,” he greeted her with a smile. “Is this big enough?”

  “It’s wonderful. I have made some decorations for it,” she said as she examined the tree. “Megan and Eileen helped. I told them they can be here when you put the star on the top of the tree.”

  “A star,” he teased, “I thought you would prefer an angel.” He stole a kiss before asking, “Where would you like your first Christmas tree, Miss Jones?”

  “Right here please, Mr. Curran,” she said, her laughter bubbling over.

  “I’ll make you some popcorn for you to string together,” Mrs. Grayson said. “Reverend Franklin asked me to tell you he was looking for you, Brian.”

  “Thanks. I best leave you two ladies be. You look busy.”

  “That’s the understatement of the year. Bella has so many dresses to finish, I think she will be working right through to Christmas day.”

  “Don’t work too hard, Bella.”

  She saw his concern and rubbed him lightly on the arm. “I won’t. I have everything almost ready. Just a few final fittings. I can’t wait. This Christmas is so special.”

  “That it is,” Brian said, stealing a quick kiss. Mrs. Grayson pretended not to see. Blushing furiously, Bella pushed him out the door.

  “Go on. Go see Reverend Franklin and come back here for your dinner. I have some presents for you to take out to Shannon and the baby,” Bella said.

  “Jessica will be the best dressed child in all of Wyoming. Shannon keeps talking about all these little dresses you have made for her,” Brian replied before stealing another kiss.

  “She’s my goddaughter, I want to spoil her,” Bella explained. “I have presents for Megan and Eileen too. We are invited to dinner over at their place after church on Sunday. Annie, Liam, Carolyn, and Geoff are coming too.”

  “What will you be like with children of your own?” Mrs. Grayson teased her.

  “The best ma in the world,” Brian added before he blew her a kiss and left.

  Feeling warm inside, Bella opened the letter Mrs. Grayson handed her. She recognized Kathleen’s letter.

  “Why don’t you sit down and read it. I’ll make us each a cup of coffee.”

  “Would you like me to read it out to you Aunty Nan?” Bella teased, knowing the older woman was as curious as she was.

  “Not at all, that would be nosy,” Mrs. Grayson retorted. “You can tell me all abou
t it when I sit down.”

  Smiling at the woman who had treated her like a daughter since she arrived and insisted she call her Aunty Nan, Bella opened the letter.

  “Lily had twin boys, Laurence and Theodore. Kathleen says they call them Laurie and Teddy.”

  “Nice names,” Mrs. Grayson said. “How is Bridget?”

  “On her way back here as soon as the weather picks up,” Bella answered. “Richard, Kathleen’s friend, changed her medication and she is doing much better. They said they will all be here in time for Easter. For the wedding.”

  “Oh, Bella, isn’t life wonderful? You and Brian, and Kathleen finding her young man. And Shane too. Annie and Liam can’t wait to see their brother again.”

  Bella knew life was wonderful and she should be thankful. But part of her worried she was so happy and something bad was going to happen to spoil it.

  “Stop inviting trouble, Bella darling,” Mrs. Grayson said, putting a cup of coffee and a plate of cookies in front of her.

  “How did you know?” Bella asked curiously.

  “You have that look on your face again. You need to learn to count your blessings, dear. And we have lots of them this year.”

  Bella sipped her coffee. Mrs. Grayson was right, they had so many things to be grateful for. Coming to Riverside Springs had brought new opportunities. Living here in Riverside Springs had made her softer and more open to strangers. She expected to be treated better by people, and life in general, as her friends in this wonderful town had showed her over and over again how much they liked her. She had come so far from the scared girl who Kathleen had to convince to take the orphan train. She thanked God every day her friend had done that for her. She couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.

  Thank you so much for reading Orphan Train Trials. I hope you enjoyed it. If you would like to find out how Lily started the Sanctuary, you will find her story in my other series, Clover Springs East.

  Also by Rachel Wesson

  Trail of Hearts - Oregon Trail Series

  Oregon Bound (book 1)

  Oregon Dreams (book 2)

  Oregon Destiny (book 3)

  Oregon Discovery (book 4)

  Oregon Disaster (book 5)

  12 Days of Christmas - co -authored series.

  The Maid - book 8

  Clover Springs Mail Order Brides

  Katie (Book 1)

  Mary (Book 2)

  Sorcha (Book 3)

  Emer (Book 4)

  Laura (Book 5)

  Ellen (Book 6)

  Thanksgiving in Clover Springs (book 7)

  Christmas in Clover Springs (book8)

  Erin (Book 9)

  Eleanor (book 10)

  Cathy (book 11)

  Mrs. Grey (Book 12 coming soon)

  Clover Springs East

  New York Bound (book 1)

  New York Storm (book 2)

  New York Hope (book 3)

  Writing as Ellie Keaton

  Women & War (World War II fiction)





  This book wouldn’t have been possible without the help of so many people. Thanks to Erin Dameron-Hill for my fantastic covers. Erin is a gifted artist who makes my characters come to life.

  The ladies from Pioneer Hearts who volunteered to proofread my book. Special thanks go to Marlene Larsen, Cindy Nipper, Janet Lesley, Robin Malek, Meisje Sanders Arcuri, Georgia Arcuri and Denise Cervantes who all spotted errors (mine) that had slipped through.

  Last, but by no means least, huge thanks and love to my husband and my three children.




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