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Page 5

by Jeanne Harrell

  Arriving at the camp, all the area between buildings had been turned into a

  dance arena. Cold drinks were available at one end and a cowboy band had set up on the other side. They were in full swing already and the joint was jumping.

  Twinkle lights had been looped between posts around the dance arena, so the coming dark would give the atmosphere a romantic flavor. Sawdust was everywhere, although it was really not needed. They were outside, after all, but it was another neat touch…

  Walking hand-in-hand, Colt and Amanda elicited a few raised eyebrows from other camp employees. Most didn’t know about them, but word traveled fast. They smiled at people and mingled… People brought their children, babies and all. The children staying at the camp looked happy with the music and lights. It would be fun…

  One little boy who was a client of Amanda’s ran up to her and tugged at her hand. “Dance with me, Amanda! Please…” She shrugged her shoulders at Colt and let the boy drag her out on the dance floor. The cowboy band was singing a moderately fast song about a lost love, so she danced as well as she could with him. Colt watched and laughed from the sidelines. Amanda watched as one of the pretty horse wranglers came up to Colt and asked him to dance. He shrugged his shoulders at Amanda and let her lead him out to the dance floor. Luckily, it was a swing tempo and not a slow dance. Still, she was getting moderately jealous. Finally, her little dance partner had had enough and wandered away to get a soda.

  Amanda now stood on one side of the dance floor watching Colt. Sigh…what a handsome guy… The song ended and she could see Colt thanking the woman for the dance -- So polite. Then he looked around for her – she loved that! – He stood on the other side of the floor gazing over at her. Wow. Look at those smoky eyes... And they were only for her. As he walked across the dance floor to her, the cowboy band began a new song – a slow one. Thank God, she thought…in his arms is where she wanted to be. Without speaking, Colt put out his hand, asking for hers. He closed it immediately and pulled her gently to the middle of the dance floor. Then he swept her into his arms.

  This is where we belong, thought Amanda.

  This is where we belong, thought Colt.

  They gazed into each other’s eyes as the cowboy band sang about finding love. He stroked her back gently and put her hand on his chest. Their feet moved together as their legs moved in tighter… She put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes….Mmmm….This was nice…She grabbed on to his shirt a little tighter… Their bodies swayed in time to the music…His lips whispered in her ear.

  “So you can dance…” Amanda was wondering if that was a question.

  She whispered back, “I was thinking the same thing about you.”

  “Are we thinking the same thoughts these days, sweetheart?”

  “Oh, Colt. You take my breath away…” she sighed. He gently laid her head on his shoulder. “I am so happy.”

  “That’s makes two of us,” he whispered back.

  While dancing, he felt her heart quicken. She looked up at him and smiled. He moved her past another couple and looked back at her. She was studying him.

  “You know you’re really handsome, don’t you?”

  “That’s what my mama tells me,” he laughed.

  “I’d like to meet your mama. I’d like to meet the loving family that helped make you into the wonderful man you are.”

  He held her out to look deeply into her eyes. “Are you serious, Mandy? Would you really like to meet them?” He searched her face.

  “Yes, but there’s something I’d like to do first.”


  “Oh, I can’t tell you here,” she teased.

  “Where can you tell me?”

  “Maybe by the truck.” He was confused.

  “Okay, that means you want to leave now?” It hit him. Colt smiled at her.

  “I’m completely fine with leaving now.” The song ended and he led her off the dance floor. They said their goodbyes to a few people and Amanda practically dragged him over to a shadow by a tall tree near the parking lot. Colt laughed as he drew her into his arms. She raised up on her toes to kiss him on the nose and then the lips. Her hands glided up his shoulders to link around his neck. She pulled him closer. Colt let Amanda do the directing. She was calling the shots as to who was kissing whom. He knew she was savoring the moment and he was thrilled at her exploration.

  As she delved deeper, he said, “Wait a minute, sweetheart. This is a G rated place. How about mine instead?” He took her hand and led her to his truck. Getting in, she moved close to him. Good thing he didn’t have bucket seats. She put her hands on either side of his face and turned him to look at her. She must have seen what she wanted to, because she kissed him like he had never been kissed before. Even by her… Something was happening and Colt knew it. He ended the kiss and said, “Mandy, honey, we need to get somewhere else and fast.” With that, he started the truck and drove too quickly to his cabin by Donner. Luckily, he didn’t get a ticket. Pulling up, he took Mandy’s hand and helped her out on his side. She reached up and kissed him again.

  She stirred every last fiber of his being. He knew he’d never be the same again. She was drawing him out and he was drinking her in. “In,” he said. “We need to get in the cabin.” Arm in arm, they opened the door and went in.

  Closing the door, Colt immediately pulled Amanda against the door with a heart-stopping kiss. His hands glided down her body – she shivered from his touch. She poured herself into him and he took everything she would give. His hands touched her breasts and she moaned from delight. “Come,” he said. “We’re finding my bed and soon.”

  They never drew apart while heading into his bedroom. Colt found it difficult to see where he was going, since he could only see her. Amanda had her eyes closed, but opened them quickly when he steered them into the doorframe. “Ouch, where are we?” She said into his lips.

  “Not there yet. A few more steps…” After they tripped over some clothes he had left on the floor and another pair of cowboy boots, Colt grabbed her as they were falling on the bed. Amanda almost fell off…

  “I didn’t know lust could be so dangerous,” she laughed at his serious face. “Relax, Colt, I’m not going anywhere, but it is a little funny. I think I hit my elbow on your headboard.”

  Colt looked at her as she rubbed her elbow and was laughing. This wasn’t going well, he thought. Hmmm…Maybe I should try again. He looked sooooo serious that she kept laughing, until the look on his face was so….


  “Honey, don’t look like I just slapped you. It’ll be fine…” Amanda put her hands on his face and pulled him to her. “Let’s try this again.” She smiled into his waiting lips. He moved to accommodate her on the bed. A few clothes were taken off and a few more kisses exchanged. More clothes came off with each heightened frenzy of kissing, until they were lying naked together. Colt pulled a quilt over them and kissed her again --- Slowly and deeply, like he had wanted to do for weeks now. She responded arching up at him as if to signal she wanted more. He trailed kisses down her throat and breasts. She flushed again and again at the thought of being explored. Her skin was on fire with his every touch and touch he did… Wow. I never knew it could be like this.

  Her skin glowed, his pulse beat wildly at the thought of what they would soon do. Higher and faster they went, until it was culminated in excruciating pleasure. When they had finished, she collapsed, quivering at what lovemaking was all about. Neither of them had ever experienced anything half as exhilarating or exhausting.

  Colt closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing. Amanda rolled over close by him and traced her fingers on his lips. It had taken her a few minutes to control her breathing as well.

  “I think…” she began smiling.

  “What, sweetheart? What do you think,” Colt smiled back at her. He cupped her face in his hand.

  “I think we should rest up a few minutes and then try that again.”

y? Didn’t we do it right the first time?” Colt rested his hand on her waist and pulled her closer.

  “You know what they say about doing anything well. You have to practice, practice, practice.” Her soft lips were again on his.

  “Damn straight…” And they began again.


  In Naples, a few days later, the sun was shining and the day was beginning. Sandy and Lily were enjoying a cup of coffee out on the patio and discussing what was planned for that day.

  “It’s so lovely here in the fall,” said Lily. “The trees are all changing color, the temperatures are dropping a bit…you know how I love to start wearing my sweaters.”

  Sandy smiled at his wife, “You are such a girl…” He laughed when she got that look on her face as if to say, ‘So’? Before she could say anything, he leaned over and kissed her. “Am I forgiven?”

  “Always and forever.” She kissed him again.

  Just then they started getting company. First Janie came out to join them. “Mom, are you going to be able to sign that waiver for me at the Sheriff’s Office?”

  Before Lily could answer, Joey came out with a cup of coffee, sleepily rubbing his eyes. “Early start today, folks?”

  “Joey, it’s 9:00. I would hardly call that early,” said his father.

  “What’s all the racket?” Miles came out as well, wondering where everyone had gone. “Is the roundup starting today, Dad?”

  Before Sandy could respond, Jason Bates, his foreman, rode up. He tied his horse to the post by the patio, got down and came over to the table. “Looks like a party. Can anyone crash or is it exclusive?”

  “Pour yourself a cup, Jason, we need to talk about the roundup,” said Sandy. He looked at his wife and their children. This happened a lot when you have six kids, he thought…Good thing they weren’t all here at one time anymore. That made for an incredibly noisy house – but very enjoyable. He smiled through a few memories…

  Jason joined the family at the outside table and poured himself a cup. Miles beat him to the sugar.

  “Let me have that when you’re done, Miles.”

  “Sure, Jason, here you go.”

  Stirring his coffee, Jason began, “We need a few more hands to bring in the calves for inoculation and branding.” He looked at Miles, Joey and Janie. “You guys up for a little excitement the next few days? We need you.”

  “Absolutely,” Janie said. “Starting today?” She was a pretty blonde who looked a lot like her father.

  “No, we need to get a few more things for the calf inoculation. Tomorrow’s good.”

  “I was going to head up to see Colt,” said Miles.

  “You could delay that trip for a few days, don’t you think?” said his father. Miles looked at Sandy and knew better than to disagree.

  “Sure, Dad. No problem.”

  Joey laughed. “Dad, you know if you need us, we’re there. But are you sure you want Miles? Remember how he got stomped on the foot by that cow last time trying to protect her calf? He got about a minus two on the sensitive meter with mother cows that day.” Jason and Joey laughed together and glanced at Miles.

  “Oh, ha, bro. Very funny. I will wager you I can brand more calves than you on any given day.” He stuck out his hand. “Wanna bet?”

  Jason exchanged a wink with Sandy.

  “You’re on.” They shook on it. The twins didn’t look much alike - Miles was dark, while Joey had light hair. Both had charming personalities, but also a capacity for getting into trouble.

  “What’s the bet?” asked Jason. “How about loser mends fences with me for a week?”

  Miles and Joey both gulped and reluctantly nodded. Sandy started laughing at their distraught faces. Fences? Great…

  “Wait a minute, everyone. Sandy, remember your birthday is tomorrow too. I wanted to have a birthday dinner after the branding. I need to call Colt and Meg to see if they can make it down. Jeanne and Sam too,” said Lily.

  “Okay with everyone? Can you all be here all day tomorrow?” Lots of nodding heads…

  Janie laughed. “I want to see Miles and Joey working their butts off at fence mending or calf branding. Either should be a first, so I’m bringing my video camera.” She laughed at the distressed looks on her brothers’ faces. They disgustedly got up and left the table. She followed them back into the house, still giggling.

  “You just had to have twin boys, didn’t you, sweetheart? I wanted another girl and out popped the ‘twins of trouble’.” Sandy and Lily laughed.

  “I don’t remember any particular request, as you closed in for the kill,” purred Lily.

  “Whoa --- time for me to leave. It’s getting mushy around here, so I think I’ll saddle up Ole Paint and head on down the trail.” Jason pushed back from the table and headed to his horse.

  “Are Amy and the girls helping too?” Lily called after him. “How about Jesse?”

  “Yes to everyone. We have more calves this year than last and need everyone’s help.”

  “Okay, let’s get her done,” said Sandy.

  Meanwhile at Donner Lake, the sun was shining through the bedroom window as Mandy yawned and stretched. She reached over for Colt, but found his pillow instead – although it was still warm. Glancing around, she heard water running in the shower. Early riser…what a showoff…

  Just then she heard the neighing of a horse. In the bedroom? She looked around and then under the bed. Where would he hide a horse? Of course, it was the ringtone on his cell phone. She didn’t pick up, but let it go to voicemail. Slithering down into the covers again to soak up the warmth he had left behind – especially from last night, Mandy smiled. And then she heard a bird call. What? A bird call?? She looked out the window and then narrowing her eyes, looked at the phone again. Sure enough -- another call. He seemed to be into animal noises for his cell phone ringtones. She smiled. What a nature boy…

  The water was still going, so she let that one go to voicemail as well. She stuck her face into his pillow and was just starting a new fantasy about Colt, when she was startled as she heard the bleating of a sheep. Oh, for Pete’s sake! What’s going on here? Three phone calls? Maybe there was an emergency. She sat up and wondered if she should get this one. The water shut off in the bathroom and she picked up the phone to take it to him. It stopped bleating. Okay, I can still get dressed, she decided, She got out of bed and was looking around for a shirt, when the blooming phone started going again. This time it was music. What was that tune? ‘There’s No Business Like Show Business’? He’s got to explain that one. Mandy was just getting into one of his shirts, when Colt came quickly out of the bathroom and grabbed his phone.


  “Oh, hi, Grandma. How are you? ... Really … that time again already? ...Okay…sure. Should I?” He winked at Mandy and then leisurely looked her over from head to toe. “I’ll ask her… Tomorrow? ... No problem. Thanks. Love to Sam. Bye…” He clicked off his phone and threw it on the bed. Glancing at it, he said, “Did I have another call?”

  “No, you had three other calls… Tell me, who’s the horse ringtone?”

  “That would be my brother, Jesse. He’s a horseman.”

  “Okay, how about the bird call?”

  “That’s Mom. She loves the call of a loon.”

  “Bleating sheep?”

  “Brother Miles. He can be problematic.” Colt smiled.

  “And the best for last: ‘There’s No Business Like Show Business?”

  “Well, you know that’s Grandma Jeanne. She is such a movie buff that I thought it was appropriate.”

  “That’s cute that you give them such personalized ringtones. What’s mine? Do I have a special ringtone?” She looked up at him through her lashes.

  “Ah…” Colt began.

  “No ringtone? I have called you, I know. I remember doing it a few times,” she teased.

  “Well, it’s…ah…” Colt looked hesitant. She would think he’s a nincompoop. Did he just think ‘nincompoop’? Or
worse – a hopeless romantic.

  “Where’d you go? So I don’t have a ringtone?” She pouted.

  “Do you know ‘If Ever I Would Leave You’?”

  “From ‘Camelot’? Are you kidding? What a beautiful, romantic song. That’s my ringtone?” Tears sprang up in her eyes.

  “Wow. I didn’t expect that reaction,” Colt held out a hand to her.

  “Thank you. I love it,” she said quickly, wiping her eyes. And then to change the subject…

  “I’m also incredibly impressed that you are so popular. I don’t think I know four people who would bother to call me.” She plopped back in the bed again and pulled the covers over her head. She peeked one eye back out at him. He was smiling. “Feel sorry for poor, little, unpopular me?” She pouted.

  “You really are cute. Good thing I haven’t found my jeans yet.” Colt slipped back into bed and took her into his arms. “Isn’t this Friday?”

  “Yes, we have one more workday and then freedom!”

  “I have a question for you.”

  “Yes…” she was smiling. “Oh, you smell so good…” She burrowed into him.

  “Would you rather go to the kitchen for breakfast or would you rather skip it and stay snuggled a while longer?” Colt gave her one hell of a sexy, smoldering look.

  She licked her lips and kissed his lightly. “Absolutely no choice.” She put her arms around his neck and pressed her lips in more urgently. “None. We could both lose a few pounds anyway…” And so they were late for work…


  Rushing out the door, he said, “You know, you still have my shirt on. I thought I got it off you.”

  “It’s mine now, sweetie. I want the smell of you on me all day.”

  In the car, Colt said, “Oh, almost forgot. Jeanne said the roundup and branding is tomorrow and our presence is required. It’s also my dad’s birthday. It’ll be a big do and a whole lotta fun. Will you come with me?”

  She turned and looked at him. “I’m invited?”


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