Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm Book 1)

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Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm Book 1) Page 9

by Jillian Neal

  “Next we’ll have Valeduto Order,” Wilshire gestured towards the order seated to the right of Auxiliary.

  Logan smiled at Adeline proudly as she stood with her classmates. “To heal.”

  “Occamy Order,” was called next. “To create and provide,” they chanted.

  “And one of my favorites, as it is my Predilect,” Chancellor Wilshire tried for a joke, but it fell flat, so he called “Scholera Order.”

  Scholera stood and stated, “To teach.”

  Fergus fell forward and almost took out a girl who was seated in front of him as Logan and Rainer shook their heads.

  “Duco Order....”

  The relatively small Order stood and chanted, “To plan and calculate.”

  “And now, Visvirees Order...”

  Rainer and Logan grimaced as O’Ryan stood with a smirk and pompously vowed, “To will.”

  “And last, but certainly not least,” Wilshire assured, “Visium Order.” The final order stood and chanted, “To observe, analyze, and understand.”

  Chancellor Wilshire seated the Orders, and then droned on about what they’d learned at the Academy. Rainer stopped himself from checking his watch, as he was on the front row and facing the assembled crowd.

  All day, he’d been gradually losing the battle of trying to think about anything but Emily and the beach house. Just make it through graduation and the party, he thought as he slung the large sleeve of his gown aside and discreetly checked his watch.

  Logan noticed and chuckled. He leaned in to Rainer and goaded, “Anxious to be somewhere else?”

  “Shut it,” Rainer demanded in a heated whisper, which only succeeded in making Logan laugh harder.

  The head of Adminis took the podium, and Rainer smiled at Emily. She was next. She bit her lip nervously and pushed her hair behind her ear. He winked at her and watched her grin.

  A few minutes later, Christopher Parmen seated himself. Rainer noted that if he always kept his speeches that short, he’d be a shoe-in for Crown Governor.

  He smiled as Chancellor Wilshire said, “And next we’ll hear from the head of Auxiliary House: Miss Emily Anne Haydenshire.”

  The crowd applauded as Rainer let out a loud wolf-whistle, which made her giggle. Logan shook his head as he laughed at Rainer outright.

  Rainer listened intently to Emily tell everyone about what Auxiliary Order had meant to her, and what she hoped to accomplish after graduation. Logan leaned back in with his customary smirk.

  “And right after graduation, I plan to take Rainer Lawson to our beach house, and let him play hide the salami in my clam shack,” he hissed just before he cracked up. Rainer glared and rolled his eyes as he elbowed Logan hard.

  “Ouch.” Logan rubbed his bicep and scowled.

  A few minutes later, Emily looked relieved as she returned to her seat. Rainer tried not to focus on what she’d said she would be thinking about during her speech, as he now needed to be able to walk up to the podium.

  “And our final speech, before we give out the coveted diplomas, will be from the man that I know we are all so proud to call our own. We’re so thankful to this young man. We share in his devastating losses, and will always be so thankful for all his parents meant to our Realm.”

  Rainer swallowed and felt his face color rapidly.

  “I’d like to welcome the Head of Ioses Order, Mr. Rainer Emory Lawson!” Chancellor Wilshire called, and then began applauding as Rainer took the podium. He received a standing ovation.

  I haven’t done anything yet, Rainer wanted to scream. It’s my dad you’re applauding, not me, he pled in his mind. As he shook himself slightly, Rainer began his speech and steadfastly ignored the cameras that clicked feverishly from the other side of the field. He grimaced as he concluded his speech with a quote from his father:

  “With our gifts should come great generosity. We should expect greatness from those with much to give. We mustn’t rest on our gifts, expecting them to serve us, for we must serve them, and leave the world a better place than it was when we arrived here.” He ended and glanced around at the crowds. People were wiping away tears as they stood again and offered him thunderous applause.

  He clenched his jaw as he returned quickly to his seat. He caught Emily’s eye; she smiled at him sweetly. She knew him better than anyone else ever had. She knew how emotional and embarrassed he was by the display from the crowd.

  Rainer did note that a small portion of Visvirees wasn’t standing or applauding; all of Mitchell’s friends. This brought about a genuine chuckle as he returned to his seat beside Logan.

  The crowd settled, and Crown Governor Carrington made his way to the stage. Chancellor Wilshire began calling names and handing out diplomas.

  Emily’s name was called and she blushed as she shook the Chancellor’s and then the Crown Governor’s hands, before she made her way back to her seat.

  Rainer decided if he gave the press a little something now, they’d have a much easier time getting out of her parents’ house after the party and to the beach house without an entourage. He raised his eyebrow and gestured Emily to him. She beamed and rushed across the field. He wrapped her up in his arms and planted a long drawn-out kiss on her lips.

  The crowd went wild; the cameras moved in. He released her, and she laughed and waved to him before she returned to her seat.

  The Haydenshires were laughing as well, which made Rainer relax slightly as he waited to hear his name called. As Logan’s name had been called right after Emily’s, he’d missed most of the kiss, but shook his head as he returned to his seat.

  “Rainer Emory Lawson,” rang from the Chancellor, and the crowd cheered again.

  People Rainer had never even met felt that they had some small claim on his life because of what his parents had accomplished. Unable to discern how these people couldn’t understand that he wasn’t his dad, Rainer sighed. His father had been a great man. I’m just me.

  He would never understand why they wanted to know his whereabouts or about his and Emily’s relationship. People were perfectly willing to purchase papers and magazines filled with more lies than truths just to feel a part of it. The Chancellor moved through the names quickly, and all of a sudden caps were flying in the air, and they were graduates. Emily made her way to him quickly.

  “Is it bad that I’m really glad that’s over?” she asked as she fell against his chest. He chuckled and shook his head.

  “I certainly am.” He was still annoyed with the press and the crowds.

  Rainer supposed that his annoyance had to do with his and Emily’s plans for the next few days. He longed to be all alone with her, where no one would know where they were or what they were doing. He felt everyone was intruding on something extremely private. It was something that should belong to only him and Emily.

  Yet he knew, that even if they got to the Haydenshires’ beach house without the press finding out for a few days, it would make its way into the papers eventually. It seemed inevitable.

  He sighed and leaned in as he whispered how much he loved her. Her family made their way over to them. Friends from each of the different Orders came by to shake hands, and tell them that they’d see them at the party.

  “I can’t believe we won’t be back for a graduation or throw another party until the twins are here,” Mrs. Haydenshire was on the verge of tears again as she hoisted Henry up as her example.

  “Honey, I’m certain we’ll have much to celebrate over the next few years,” Governor Haydenshire soothed.

  “She’ll be pregnant by morning,” Emily huffed quietly in Rainer’s ear. He tried hard not to double over, laughing.

  “I’m just going to go by and check on Mom. She said someone was going to drop her off here.” Adeline looked extremely concerned.

  “Why don’t I come with you?” Logan offered, but she shook her head.

  “No, you go on. I’m sure your mom needs your help. I’ll come over as soon as I make sure Mom’s ok.”

  Logan si
ghed and handed her his cell phone.

  “Call me if you need me.” She nodded, kissed his cheek, and then waved good-bye. She headed to her mother’s late-model Buick, with badly chipped paint and two spare tires, that was parked in the parking lot.

  “I’ll catch a ride with Connor.” Logan shot Rainer his signature smirk. “I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about.” He shuddered slightly as he tried not to focus too much on Emily’s evening plans. Emily smiled up at him sweetly. She leaned up on her tiptoes, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed his jaw.

  “Thank you. You’re the best big brother ever.”

  Logan chuckled. “And in this family, that’s really saying something.”

  Rainer opened the door for Emily before he moved around the car and slid into the seat beside her. He turned the key, but skipped revving the engine, as her father was standing near his car.

  “You ready?” his voice caught as he swallowed. She smiled at him. She had his number; she always did.

  “Do you mean for the party or for the beach house?” She took his hand.

  “Either.” He felt his pulse begin to race.

  “I’m ready Rainer; I really am.”

  He nodded, and tried to will his heartbeat back to a normal rhythm. He drew steadying breaths as he drove the familiar route back to Haydenshire farm.

  “Are you all packed?” she offered him a slight subject change.

  “Uh, yeah.” His voice sounded distant even to himself. “I need to get gas before we head out, but I have everything else.”

  Emily smiled.

  “I packed some stuff for us for breakfast, coffee and everything, but we can get more groceries once we get there.”

  He nodded his agreement.

  “I really can’t wait to get there,” she whispered. Her cheeks colored rapidly as she gazed out the side window at her family’s approaching farm.

  “Me too,” he admitted in a choked whisper that made her smile. She released his hand and slid her own to his thigh. His breath caught sharply. His body willed her hand to slide higher.

  “How long do we have to stay at this party, Em? I’m losing it.”

  A delighted smile broadcast from her. She shivered slightly, making him ache. He longed to see her, all of her. Desperation to touch her, to feel her against him, to move her body with his own, coursed through him. To wrap her up in him, in his energy, to keep her safe, for her to surround him, consumed his every thought. He wanted to make love with her, and he wanted it now. He’d waited long enough.

  “We don’t have to stay long, baby. Just long enough to appease Mom and Dad.” She looked as anxious as he felt. He pulled his car onto the field, and parked near the gate, so they could get out easily. Other party guests were arriving, and the fields were filling up quickly.

  “I’m gonna go get our bags and go ahead and put them in the car,” Rainer explained. She wouldn’t necessarily want everyone at the party to know about their evening plans.

  “That’s a good idea,” she didn’t sound quite as sure of herself as she had a moment before.

  He nodded, threw the car in park, and moved quickly to open her door.

  Mrs. Haydenshire was already loading up trays with food. She cupped her hand and then moved it over the platters as she casted everything to the perfect temperature, and then took them out to the tables set up on the large back deck.

  Rainer followed Emily to her room. She handed him her large, purple Auxiliary duffle bag that was full to bursting, and then several smaller bags. He grinned at her and tried not to chuckle, as he hoisted her bags on one arm. After retrieving his one duffle bag, he headed back to the car.

  “That’s all you packed?” she quizzed as she followed him back to the Mustang. He laughed as he nodded, popped open the trunk, and then kissed her forehead.

  “First, I’m a guy,” he teased. “Second, we’re going to the beach.” He winked at her. “And last, it was my understanding that we wouldn’t be needing much to wear.”

  She giggled sweetly, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

  “But what will you do when we get there?” She waggled her eyebrows at him, and gave him looks that threatened to make him spontaneously combust.

  He shuddered and pulled her to him. He turned her and backed her up to the side of his car. He pushed his now-straining erection against her soft stomach. Her eyes goggled as she panted.

  “You, baby,” he let the lust that had been coursing through his veins leak into his tone, just before he devoured her mouth. She gasped for breath as he finally released her.

  “Rainer, I want to go now. I don’t want to wait anymore.”

  He closed his eyes and forced himself to breathe. He could feel her, and he wanted so much more. He wanted to be a part of her, and didn’t think he could wait for another taste of her energy.

  “Me either, sweetheart, but we have to stay for a little while.” He prayed she wouldn’t ask him again. He just wasn’t certain how many times he could put her off. Rainer had never wanted to leave Haydenshire farm so badly in all of his life.

  She moved away from him. She seemed to need a little space. He understood only too well. If they were going to have to spend the next couple of hours entertaining the crowd of people coming to her parents’ home, then they were going to have to let the electricity between them die down a little.

  To Heal the Wounded

  An hour later, the party was in full swing as the sun sank low over the backfields. Rainer glanced at his watch again. He chuckled and blushed slightly as he wondered if his father knew that he was using his watch to count down the last hours of his virginity.

  Logan was frantic. Adeline hadn’t shown up yet. He’d called his own cell phone repeatedly, but there’d been no answer.

  “Here,” Rainer threw him his keys. Logan’s Accord was locked in a sea of cars. “Go check on her.”

  “Thank you,” Logan waved halfheartedly to Rainer and Emily as they danced to the loud music that played on the outdoor speakers.

  The party was a huge success, just as it had been all the years before. Emily moved to the large metal tubs situated throughout the partygoers, to retrieve a few Dr. Peppers.

  She was nervous about Adeline as well. Rainer could feel it as he swayed her in his arms. She was distracted with thoughts about the beach house, and she hadn’t wanted to mention her feelings to Logan.

  As soon as she’d moved away from Rainer, Will, Garrett, and Levi moved in. They looked like they were definitely up to no good.

  “So, what’s this I hear about you and Em going to the beach house for the week?” Garrett sneered. Rainer shuddered slightly and glanced around to see where the Governor was and how far away Emily had gotten.

  “Uh, yeah,” Rainer nodded. He didn’t want to appear intimidated or like he felt that they were doing anything wrong.

  “You better take care of her,” Will demanded, not joking in any way.

  “Always, you know that.” Rainer didn’t bat an eye at that demand. Suddenly they were all laughing.

  “Hey, loosen up man; we’re just teasing,” Levi chuckled. “Have fun. We know you’re a good guy. We raised you.”

  Rainer’s chest released as he allowed himself to breathe. The sentiment certainly couldn’t have been more truthful. All of the Haydenshires had certainly had a hand in making Rainer the man that he was.

  Emily returned and handed him a cold Dr. Pepper.

  “And what are you three doing?”

  “Making sure he takes care of our baby sister,” Garrett drawled as he tousled her hair. She rolled her eyes, but then a delighted mischievous gleam lit Garrett’s face as he grabbed a Coke from a nearby tub and shook it violently.

  He aimed it at Emily, but Rainer was faster. He cupped his hand and formed a green glow, and then he threw the shield in front of Emily and bounced the spewing cola back at Garrett. She laughed and threw her arms around Rainer, who shot Garrett a cocky grin.

  “Well-played,” Garre
tt admitted as he cupped his own hand with a slightly heated orange glow and dried his clothes.

  “You’re my hero!” Emily vowed, which made Rainer beam.

  The good-natured joking ended suddenly when Logan returned, just a few minutes after leaving. He wouldn’t have even had time to make it to the end of the property and to Rainer’s car.

  Adeline was in his arms, and she was sobbing. Concerned glances were shared by Emily and Rainer and then all of Emily’s older brothers. Patrick and Connor joined the ranks quickly as Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire moved in.

  “What’s wrong?” the Governor demanded. Adeline was folded up in Logan’s long, muscled arms. He was swaying her and soothing her. His shield was locked tightly over her. He didn’t answer his father’s question. No one spoke for several long minutes. Other party guests moved away to give them some space.

  “Adeline, are you alright?” Emily pled, on the verge of tears herself. Adeline turned from Logan’s chest slightly. Her eye was swollen and purple. Her face was badly bruised. She was holding her arm oddly. It appeared to be broken.

  Mrs. Haydenshire gasped. Her eyes were the size of plates and Emily’s hand flew to her mouth. Logan appeared to have had enough.

  “You are not going back to that apartment, ever!” he commanded. “You are moving in here. I should never have let you go back alone. What was I thinking?”

  This only served to make Adeline cry harder.

  “Come here, sweetheart; let’s go inside.” Mrs. Haydenshire took Adeline’s other hand. “We’ll get you all fixed up,” she soothed.

  Adeline shook her head.

  “I can do it, Mrs. Haydenshire. I just can’t get calmed down,” she shuddered as renewed sobs stammered from her.

  Mrs. Haydenshire continued to tenderly guide her into the kitchen.

  “Do you know how that happened?” Governor Haydenshire demanded of Logan.

  He nodded and looked like he might be sick.

  “Her mother had a few ‘customers’ when Adeline arrived. One guy thought he was getting a two-for-one deal. She tried to hold him off with a shield,but she’s a healer, so she just barely escaped.” He was fighting tears of his own.


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