Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm Book 1)

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Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm Book 1) Page 10

by Jillian Neal

  “She ran all the way here,” he said and looked thoroughly disgusted. Every male standing in the circle felt their biceps clench and jaws set in furious anticipation.

  “Logan, you need to go be with her now, son.” Governor Haydenshire ordered. “Don’t yell at her. She needs you to listen to her. She knows she can’t go back, but she doesn’t need you to tell her that right now.” Logan nodded and sprinted into the house.

  “William, call Dan. Have him take an Elite team to Candy Parker’s apartment,” the Governor ordered.

  “Garrett,” the Governor turned to his next son, but Garrett was already on the phone with the Non-Gifted police chief.

  Garrett was a Gifted Police Officer, who worked as a liaison at the Non-Gifted precinct. He handled situations like this one, where the Realms collided. He handled plenty of Non-Gifted criminals, but this was his specialty.

  Governor Haydenshire nodded, “Connor, you and Rainer stay here in case they followed her. Levi, Patrick, let’s go.” Emily laid her head on Rainer’s chest and he held her, but there were no words to make what had happened to her best friend better.

  “I want to go check on her,” Emily said. Rainer led her into the house.

  Adeline was seated on the wide sectional sofa that took up a large portion of the Haydenshires’ family room. She was still sobbing as Logan held her and wiped away her tears. Mrs. Haydenshire was working on her wrist, but Adeline was distraught. Mrs. Haydenshire had a difficult time harnessing Adeline’s energy to guide her body to heal.

  Logan stopped his mother.

  “Let me do it, Mom.” He cradled Adeline to him. Mrs. Haydenshire was crying as well. She nodded and backed away.

  Rainer and Emily stood in the doorway watching. Logan was only an average healer; his Predilection was as a protector. His energy was to stop anything that tried to hurt others, and to prevent terrible things from occurring. It wasn’t to heal them once they’d already happened. Had Logan been with Adeline when she’d walked into the apartment, Rainer doubted, whoever the sick bastards were, that they would have survived Logan’s shield cast.

  “Look at me, sweetheart,” Logan soothed.

  She drew a staggered breath, lifted her head off of his shoulder, and gazed into his eyes. Her tears continued to pour. Logan closed his eyes, and Rainer watched a powerful blue light glow from Logan’s hand. His eyes opened, and he tenderly touched her wrist.

  “Feel me, Ad,” he urged. “Come on, baby, it’s me, just let me in. Just let me heal you.” Rainer and Emily watched as Adeline relaxed. Her body went limp as he healed her wrist.

  To Rainer’s shock, Logan didn’t have to stop to reset the energy as he moved to her face. The light in his hand seemed to somehow glow brighter.

  Mrs. Haydenshire looked at her son adoringly as she sobbed. Emily began to cry in earnest, as Rainer held her to him.

  They watched the swollen purple and blue markings that had marred Adeline’s delicate face begin to disappear. When he’d finished, she collapsed against his chest.

  “Take her upstairs, Logan,” Mrs. Haydenshire directed. “Stay with her; she needs to rest.”

  Logan nodded, stood, and scooped Adeline into his arms easily as he moved her toward the stairs.

  “She can stay in my room, Logan,” Emily offered timidly as she swallowed down her tears.

  “No,” Logan shook his head as he carried her up to his room.

  Mrs. Haydenshire shook her head.

  “I cannot believe any of this,” she gasped as Rainer and Emily gave her sorrowful looks. “That horrid woman, who gave birth to one of the sweetest spirits I’ve ever been in the presence of....” She gestured her hand up towards Logan’s room. “And now her mother is actually mad at her, after all of that.”

  “Dad told Will to call Dan Vindico,” Emily stated. She was clearly trying to reassure her mother.

  “Well there’s another spirit that I’m not certain can ever be mended.” Mrs. Haydenshire shook her head. “But good...” Her statement thoroughly confused Rainer and Emily. “Something needs to be done about all of this, and if you need something done, Daniel Vindico, that poor sweet boy, is the man you want.”

  Will and Garrett had grown up with Vindico. They’d been the best of friends all through school. Garrett and Vindico still worked together occasionally. Rainer wasn’t certain why, but it seemed they didn’t hang out much anymore. This didn’t seem to be the time to ask questions, though, so they followed Mrs. Haydenshire back into the kitchen.

  She turned to them.

  “You two go on back outside. As soon as your father and brothers get back, you can head on to the beach. I’m sure you’re anxious to start your vacation,” she smiled sweetly.

  Emily nodded and glanced back up the stairs. She seemed uncertain whether they should leave after everything that had happened.

  “Logan will take care of her, Emily,” Mrs. Haydenshire smiled adoringly at her daughter. “You two deserve to have a break.”

  She shooed them back to the party, and Connor cornered them immediately.

  “She ok?” He looked just as disturbed as Rainer felt. Emily nodded.

  “Yeah, Logan healed her. I’ve never seen anything like it. I mean he just did it.”

  Connor smiled and tousled Emily’s hair.

  “He loves her, Em, and that’s really something for her. She’s never felt that before. So she’s very responsive to him.”

  Emily nodded as she seemed to consider that. Rainer let it settle on him, as well. His parents had loved him very much, and though he’d lost them when he was young, he’d never doubted that he was loved. Adeline had never had that from anyone before she met Logan.

  Will navigated his SUV through the sea of cars in his parents’ front pastures. His father’s minivan was right behind him. Emily, Rainer, and Connor took off toward the cars.

  Will and Vindico spilled out of his car, along with two men Rainer didn’t know. Governor Haydenshire and Emily’s brothers leapt out of the minivan. Garrett had blood on his shirt.

  “What happened, Daddy?” Emily begged. Her father gazed at her adoringly, pulled her to him, and hugged her tightly.

  “Emily Anne, you know how much your mother and I love you, right?” She nodded but looked bewildered. “And all of your brothers, and I don’t think I’m going out on a limb by saying how much Rainer loves you.” She and Rainer both nodded adamantly.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Her tears returned.

  “Good,” he sighed. “Just never forget all of that, baby girl.”

  Whatever they’d found at Ms. Parker’s apartment had deeply disturbed the Governor.

  “Let’s go inside,” he urged everyone forward.

  They all spilled into the Haydenshires’ kitchen. The guests who had remained at the party eyed them curiously. Mrs. Haydenshire rushed down the stairs. She immediately reheated a plate full of her famous chocolate chip cookies and set them on the table in front of everyone.

  “What happened?” she demanded. Governor Haydenshire drew a deep breath.

  “First dear, this is Portwood and this is Ericcson. They’re some of the top officers on Vindico’s Elite team,” he explained as the two men offered kind smiles.

  “It’s so nice to meet you. Please make yourselves at home,” Mrs. Haydenshire offered. “Ok, now tell me what happened,” she reiterated impatiently.

  “Well, I need to talk to Adeline,” Vindico edged. His demeanor was sorrowful but his tone gruff.

  “No!” Logan’s voice came from behind the crowd assembled around the Haydenshires’ kitchen table.

  To Rainer’s shock, Vindico didn’t look upset. He looked impressed.

  “Why?” He studied Logan.

  “She’s been through enough. I finally got her to sleep. I just came down to grab something to eat. If I keep eating, then I can keep her casted all night. I’m going right back. She keeps waking up, and she’s terrified. Dad, please.” Logan turned to his father.

  He wanted the Governor
to tell Vindico ‘no’. Though Vindico was the head of Iodex, he still had to answer to the Governors. Governor Haydenshire gave his son a sorrowful look. He was about to tell him they were going to have to awaken Adeline.

  “We’ve arrested her mother, son. It was much worse than I imagined,” he tried to explain, but Vindico stopped him.

  “No, Governor Haydenshire, it’s ok. Let her rest. You go take care of her; she’s been through hell.”

  “I will...always,” Logan vowed.

  Rainer watched, still stunned, as Vindico’s chiseled face pulled into a genuine smile. He gave Logan a reassuring nod.

  “Go on...it’s fine. I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”

  “Garrett, what happened to you?” Mrs. Haydenshire gasped as she took in the blood on his shirt.

  “We stopped two men on the side of the road heading here,” Vindico began the story.

  Rainer felt violently ill.

  “They knew why we were after them, and one of them had a pistol. He fired at Garrett.”

  Mrs. Haydenshire cringed.

  “I deflected the bullet. I don’t miss, and I really don’t like men who want to force themselves on young girls. That really, really pisses me off,” Vindico growled furiously.

  Will and Garrett shared a knowing glance, but no one spoke. Vindico had reflected the man’s shot off of his shield cast. The bullet obviously hit the gunman, and his blood was on Garrett’s shirt. Vindico continued.

  “We arrested Ms. Parker, who kept insisting I call her Candy,” he drawled disgustedly. “And we recovered enough drugs in that apartment to fund Iodex for two years.”

  “But Adeline’s Mother isn’t Gifted,” Mrs. Haydenshire insisted. Vindico nodded, but Garrett explained.

  “We’ve been watching her for a while, Mom. We could’ve arrested her years ago, but we didn’t want to take Adeline’s mother away, as well. She didn’t seem like she wanted to move in here yet, so we let it be, but I took care of everything. She’s going to be in for a while.”

  Vindico continued, “I really just need to make certain that Adeline wasn’t hurt other than her wrist and the bruising on her face.” No one wanted to think about other ways that she might’ve been hurt.

  “No,” Mrs. Haydenshire assured him. “I would’ve known that.” Vindico nodded and seemed to accept her explanation.

  “And I need to make certain she isn’t using,” he grimaced. Everyone immediately assured him that she was most certainly not.

  “Good,” he sighed in relief. “We arrested a guy in the apartment, but he’s so high he’s not really aware he’s been arrested yet,” Vindico shook his head in disbelief, “and also the man who didn’t fire a weapon at one of my best friends.”

  There was no need to arrest the man who’d pulled the trigger. He was no longer alive.

  “And you’ll be taking care of her until her twenty-first birthday?” Vindico seemed to know the answer already.

  “We’ll take care of her for as long as she’ll let us, and I’m pretty sure Logan will take over after that,” Governor Haydenshire assured him.

  Vindico smiled. “Well, then I’d say she’s a lucky girl.”

  Mrs. Haydenshire began crying again as she threw her arms around Vindico, who embraced her, though he looked quite stunned by the gesture.

  “Oh, Daniel, why don’t you come by anymore? We miss you. We’d love to have you anytime; you’re always welcome.” Vindico patted her back hesitantly.

  “Uh, thanks Mrs. Haydenshire; I stay kind of busy, I suppose.”

  “Ease up, Mom; he’s a big boy,” Garrett joked as everyone chuckled.

  “You promise you’ll come by for dinner one night soon?” Mrs. Haydenshire insisted.

  “Yes ma’am, of course.” Vindico seemed to turn into a younger version of himself before everyone’s eyes. Mrs. Haydenshire released him, and he smiled.

  “We’ll let you get back to your party. Please tell Logan and Adeline how sorry I am. We probably should’ve stepped in sooner. I was just waiting for her to say she wanted help. We couldn’t force our way in. Like you just said, her mother isn’t Gifted.” He looked truly sorry.

  “No, Dan, this was on me,” Governor Haydenshire shook his head in defeat.

  “I’ve known about this for a while. I just never imagined Adeline would get caught up in her mother’s twisted world. I should’ve come to you sooner. I don’t ever want any of my children to think that I’m forcing them to be here. I’d hoped she’d get fed up on her own, and move in, but....”

  Rainer smiled; the Haydenshire’s already thought of Adeline as their own, just like they did him. He’d never met two people with so much love who were so happy to give it away. He marveled at them.

  “Alright,” Mrs. Haydenshire began to soothe her family.

  “You, no more bullets,” she ordered Garrett, who nodded and chuckled at his mother.

  “You two are welcome back on the farm anytime.” She smiled kindly at Portwood and Ericcson who thanked her for her generosity.

  “And I know how well trained you are, Daniel, but you should really try to take on the twins. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen; trust me. And if I don’t see more of you, dear, then I’m phoning your mother,” she stated wryly as Vindico gave a hearty laugh.

  “Please don’t,” he shuttered slightly. “I’ve never even seen the twins before, I don’t think,” he seemed shocked by that fact.

  “Well, we don’t take them out much. Like Lillian said, we’re frightened of them,” Governor Haydenshire quipped.

  “You should bring them by the office,” Vindico urged the Governor.

  “He doesn’t know what he’s saying,” Mrs. Haydenshire assured. “Alright, well since our family is throwing this party, some of us should be outside with the guests. And you two,” she turned to Emily and Rainer with a sweet smile. “You head on now. I don’t want you on the roads late.” She looked like she might tear up again as she gazed at them.

  Emily gave her a reassuring smile as she reached for Rainer’s hand.

  Governor Haydenshire gave Rainer a look that said he knew precisely what was on Rainer’s mind, and that he wasn’t particularly pleased. Rainer swallowed hard.

  “You be careful.” There was more than a trace of a threat wrapped in the command. Rainer nodded adamantly.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And you take good care of my baby girl.”

  Rainer nodded again, but Emily cut him off before he could speak. She wrapped her arms around her father’s neck. The gesture seemed to elicit tears from him, though he fought the emotion.

  “He always does, Daddy.”

  Governor Haydenshire nodded, held Emily’s face in his hands, and gazed into the depths of her eyes. Rainer knew he wasn’t looking at her like the twenty-year-old woman, the Academy graduate that she was. He was gazing at his baby girl.

  Rainer almost called the entire trip off right then and there. After a few minutes, Governor Haydenshire seemed to forcefully will his hands off of Emily.

  “Uh, actually, before we leave...” Rainer’s voice squeaked. He cleared his throat as he wondered what was wrong with him.

  Everyone but Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire meandered back out to the party.

  “I’d, uh, really like you to have this,” Rainer handed the Governor an envelope he’d pulled from his back pocket. Governor Haydenshire shared a knowing grin with his wife.

  “Rainer, I have a feeling I know what this is, and you should know we would never accept one penny from you, son.”

  Rainer shook his head.

  “Please, you have given me everything. I don’t even want to think about where I would be without you. You’re the most wonderful people in the world. This is the least I can do.”

  Mrs. Haydenshire moved to him and placed her hand tenderly on the side of his face.

  “And the fact that you feel that way means more to me than you’ll ever know, Rainer, but we will not be accepting any money from you, sweetheart.”<
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  Governor Haydenshire smiled wryly.

  “I tell you what, Rainer,” he offered the envelope back. “You promise me that you’ll always take care of my baby girl. Make certain she has everything she needs, not everything she wants...” He winked at Emily,who chuckled and shook her head. “…But everything she needs, and that’s all the payback I’ll ever need. Now, take this and tear it up, and you two go have fun at the beach. We’ll get Adeline all taken care of while you’re gone.”

  The urge for them to have fun seemed extremely forced.

  Rainer sighed, but knew he wasn’t going to get anywhere, so he took the envelope back.

  “Please,” he tried once more. The Haydenshires chuckled.

  “No Rainer,” they said together. Emily laughed at him outright.

  “I told you.” She reached and took his hand and pulled him towards the door.

  But Rainer turned back before they exited.

  “I will always take care of her, sir, always.”

  Fear flashed in the Governor’s eyes. It wasn’t an emotion Rainer had ever seen the Governor exhibit.

  “You’d better, son,” he choked back tears, which shocked Rainer. He nodded and then quickly followed Emily out the back door.

  The Governor hadn’t expected Rainer to turn back around. He’d fought the fear and the fury while Rainer had stared into his eyes, but they’d surfaced immediately when he thought Rainer was no longer looking.

  They met Will and Vindico, along with Portwood and Ericcson, on their way to Rainer’s car.

  “Have fun, you two,” Will teased as he tousled Emily’s hair, and gazed at her like he couldn’t quite believe she was all grown up.

  “Where are you headed?” Vindico quizzed with a kind smile.

  “Oh, uh, our beach house on Virginia Beach,” Emily explained.

  Vindico gave Rainer a chuckle, and then an impressed smile.

  “Taking Governor Haydenshire’s baby girl to the beach for vacation? Very gutsy, Lawson.”

  Rainer chuckled, “I suppose.” He wasn’t certain what else to say, but he noticed his voice catch again. He still felt nauseated.

  Vindico grinned as he held back laughter; it seemed he most definitely knew why Rainer was so nervous. He slapped Rainer on the back.


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