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Tales of Aria: The Legend of Damiano's Disk

Page 13

by Carl Russ III

  “I hear it,” Hagan replied softly.

  “As do I,” Iris whispered.

  Lucas got to his feet, “What should we do?”

  “Relax,” said Hagan, “let’s stay put. They’re probably Spades. This is just what we need.”

  “It’s also feasible that they’re not,” Iris rebutted. She stood up and said, “I suggest that we prepare ourselves for the worst.”

  She handed the half‑eaten piece of bread to Lucas, who hastily returned it and his remaining food to the backpack. As he placed the bottle inside, he looked at Hagan and extended his other hand. “Give me the bread so I can put it away.” Hagan shook his head and hurriedly scarfed down what remained. He got to his feet and gripped his bow while Lucas closed the backpack, quickly slinging it over his shoulders and unsheathing his sword.

  The three stood in silence, facing toward the distant winding passage. The footsteps were far more audible now, and the voices had grown much louder.

  “Sounds like they’re right around the corner,” Hagan noted softly. “That’s a lot of footsteps.”

  Lucas tightened his grip on the sword. They could now understand the mysterious group approaching.

  “We have a ways to go before reaching our destination,” a deep male voice said.

  “Should we wait until nightfall?” another masculine voice asked.

  “We’ll make that decision after we arrive back in Aria,” the first voice responded.

  A third stranger spoke. “It would probably be best to get into town as soon as possible. Kuraikaji said that he wanted–”

  As the men emerged from around the corner, they immediately halted. There were six of them, all dressed in brown cloaks, similar to the men who had attacked Azure the day before. “Spades!” one of them barked. “Ignis orbis!” Without hesitation, all six men conjured fire orbs.

  Iris quickly stepped forward, positioning herself between Lucas and Hagan. With her palms facing outward, she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “Lumen orbis!” Lucas conjured a light orb in his free hand while Hagan prepared an arrow.

  Much to the trio’s surprise, however, the men did not throw their orbs. One of the strangers took a step toward them. “I would like to avoid conflict if at all possible. As you can see, we have you outnumbered. I can only assume that you’d prefer the same.”

  Lucas recognized that the deep voice the trio had heard previously belonged to this man. That must be their leader. These guys are dressed just like the group that attacked Azure.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure,” Hagan boasted. Iris’s eyes quickly darted in his direction, casting a cutting look, then back at the men.

  The deep‑voiced man chuckled, slowly taking a few more steps forward. “Don’t be so cocky. I’d suggest you listen to our offer before making any threats.” He paused.

  A bead of sweat ran down Iris’s face as she stood motionless with her arms crossed, anticipating the moment the men would launch their fiery spheres. Hagan’s eyes were fixed on his target, planning to release his arrow as soon as the moment was right. Lucas attempted to keep perfectly still despite his fear, causing him to tremble slightly.

  The man went on. “My name is Fino. We are members of the Cobras, an elite force under the command of Kuraikaji Kasabian. Considering that you are not dressed in green cloaks, I already know that you must be members of the Spades. According to our information, your organization currently holds one of the coveted fragments of Damiano’s Disk. I will now present you with two options, and I recommend that you choose wisely. The first, you lead us to your base and disclose the fragment’s location to us. You will then be allowed an opportunity to join our guild and assist us in securing the remaining fragment possessed by the Knowms. Or, you may select option two, in which you refuse to do so and we kill you now.”

  “We’re not Spades!” Hagan blurted.

  Fino’s eyebrows lowered. “I somehow doubt that.”

  “Well, we’re not,” Hagan replied. “So go ahead and do your worst.”

  “Very well,” Fino responded, turning back toward his associates. “Fire at will.” Instantaneously, the five other men hurled their orbs at the trio.

  Iris promptly moved her arms to form a large circle, shouting, “Glacies scuto!” A thick wall of ice formed just in time to protect the group from the onslaught of flaming projectiles. Orb‑sized holes formed in the frozen shield as a result of each fireball’s impact, simultaneously melting the ice as the flames were extinguished. With a flick of her wrist, the wall vanished. “Now!” she shouted.

  Hagan released his arrow, aimed directly at Fino. Swiftly sidestepping, Fino dodged the attack as Lucas threw his orb. Iris outstretched both of her arms toward the enemies as Lucas’s orb smashed into one of the men, knocking him to the ground.

  Fino, still holding the fire orb he had conjured when the encounter began, hastily launched the fireball toward Iris as four of his allies conjured another round of fiery spheres. Iris ducked to dodge the fire orb and quickly repositioned herself.

  Lucas attempted to conjure another light orb. “Lumen orbis!” but much to his surprise, nothing happened. What did I do wrong?! I didn’t do anything differently!

  Hagan took another shot, burying an arrow into one of Fino’s comrades.

  “Glacies gelidus zephyrus!” Iris shouted, conjuring two icy wind tunnels which moved quickly toward the enemies.

  Noticing the oncoming threat, Fino immediately countered by yelling, “Ignis sphaera scuto!” surrounding himself in a barrier of fire as Iris’s attack swept over his allies. Their orbs vanished as they became encased in ice, falling to the ground. Fino, unaffected due to his fiery defensive spell, raised his hands above his head. “Ignis inmanis sphaera!” A small fireball formed above him, which quickly expanded to three feet in diameter.

  Meanwhile, Lucas tried again to conjure a light orb. “Lumen orbis!” but with no success. What’s going on?! Why isn’t it working?!

  Iris became frustrated. “I’m unable to harm him while he’s enclosed in the flame barrier!”

  “I’ve got it,” Hagan replied, launching an arrow at Fino, who simultaneously threw his massive fireball at the group.

  “Look out!” Lucas shouted, running away from the fast‑approaching threat. As the arrow plunged into Fino’s chest, Iris and Hagan dove out of the way of the giant flaming globe. Despite their efforts, the fireball smashed against the ground, causing a loud and extensive explosion. Iris and Hagan were thrown against the cave walls and knocked unconscious. Lucas was thrown several feet and smashed against the ground, greatly injured by the impact and searing flames as a deep rumble resonated throughout the passage.

  Fino fell to his knees in agony, his fiery barrier disappearing instantaneously. Clenching the blood‑drenched arrow, he managed to utter, “D‑damn... S‑Spades...!” He then slowly collapsed to his side. As he lay motionless on the cave floor, Lucas synchronously slipped into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 28: Home, Bitter Home


  Zoe’s eyes slowly opened. Disoriented, she stared at the ceiling for several minutes, desperately trying to remember what had happened. During this contemplation, it hit her.

  “What the hell?!” she gasped, sitting up. Much to her surprise, she observed that she was now at home in her own bed. Her room was quite spacious, dimly lit by a single wall lamp near her door. Her feet met the thick velvet carpet as she sprung out of bed, bolting to the window. Opening the curtains, her eyes squinted tightly as the sunlight flooded the room. Nearly blinded by the sun’s luminosity, she quickly shut the curtains, rubbing her eyes as they readjusted. How long have I been out?

  It was then that the images flooded her mind. Alex, smashing against the sharp rocks, helplessly tumbling down the mountainside to his death. Roshan, offering final words of comfort just before the blade sliced into him. Her fists clenched as she stormed into the hallway.

  Slamming the door behind her, she marched down the long
corridor. After hastily climbing the stairs to the mansion’s third floor, she approached the double doors leading to her adoptive father’s room. Angrily gripping the doorknobs, she threw both doors open at once.

  Lord Quinn was seated at a small table on the far side of the large room, slowly sipping a cup of tea as she entered. He stared at her as she stomped over to him, her displeasure apparent by her intense gaze. Still dressed in the same tattered clothing she had been wearing in the prison, her hands and feet were noticeably dirty.

  “Zoe,” Lord Quinn began with a smile, “you’re awake. Excellent.” Zoe halted as she reached the table. They stared at each other. “Care to join me for some tea?” he offered, breaking the silence. Zoe’s mouth twitched as her eyebrows lowered. She wanted to scream at him, but was somehow unable to find the appropriate words. He continued to smile softly.

  “I suppose not. Very well.” He paused as he took a sip of tea. “I had Passford burn vitam leaves at your bedside earlier this morning. The effects were, apparently, successful.”

  “You killed my friend,” Zoe finally muttered.

  Lord Quinn’s smile suddenly vanished. “Your ‘friend’ was a criminal.”

  “No he wasn’t!!” she yelled.

  “Watch your temper,” he sternly replied. “Remember what happened last time?”

  Zoe bit her lip.

  “I could have quite easily deserted you to your fate as a prisoner,” Lord Quinn went on. “Instead, I chose to persuade the guards to turn the other way and allow you to return home. I expect a noticeable improvement in your etiquette and loyalty from this moment forth. Understood?”

  Zoe was silent, continuing to stare directly into his eyes.

  “Are we clear?” he asked. The room was quiet. “Answer me,” he growled.

  She rolled her eyes and walked back toward the door. “I’m leaving.”

  “You most certainly are not,” Lord Quinn quickly responded.

  She stopped and turned back to him. “You’re not my father. I’m not a child. I don’t have to stay here, and I won’t. I’m leaving.”

  Lord Quinn sat his tea down on the table. “Won’t wandering Aria’s wilderness be exceptionally difficult without the ability to use magic?” Zoe was quiet, puzzled by the remark. He grinned, gesturing with his hand toward a large mirror. “I presume you have yet to view your reflection.”

  Zoe quickly approached the mirror. Her eyes widened as she noticed a small black ‘X’ on the center of her forehead. She hastily turned back to him. “You jinxed me.”

  “I do apologize,” he answered, “but you left me no choice. Despite your failure to do so, you still attempted to assault me.” Zoe trembled with rage as Lord Quinn picked up his teacup. “Oh, and by the way... the servants have been informed of your ‘deteriorating mental state’ since you were kidnapped and brainwashed by that dreadful Spade guild. Therefore, I recommend that you keep your mouth shut about the entire incident.”

  “You bastard!” she barked with watery eyes.

  “Temper,” he reminded her, taking another sip. “I’m going to be attending a meeting with King Ashraf later this afternoon. In my absence, I expect that you will behave yourself and remain indoors. In the event that you choose to betray my trust, it would be most wise to note that the guards have already been briefed on the situation and will most certainly restrain your efforts.” He finished the contents of the teacup and sat it back on the table. “Now, if you would be so kind, please wash yourself and change out of that ridiculous outfit. You’re filthy, and your odor is absolutely repugnant.”

  Gnashing her teeth, Zoe stormed toward the door. Lord Quinn got out of his chair. “Oh, and Zoe.” She stopped in her tracks, still facing the door. He pushed in his chair and walked around the table. “If you do not wish to be involved in my endeavors, I advise that you stay out of my way and keep your mouth shut. Understood?” Without saying a word, Zoe left the room.

  After cleaning herself, Zoe proceeded back to her room dressed in a gray bathrobe. I have to find some way to get out of here. Entering her room, she caught a glimpse of herself in her dresser’s mirror. The black ‘X’ on her forehead seemed to glare back at her from its reflection. Uggh... even if I can escape, I won’t be able to make it back to the base without magic or at least a weapon.

  She opened her closet. Shocked by what she saw, she let out a loud shriek. The contents of her walk‑in closet consisted only of various styles of pink dresses. Quickly shutting the door, she stomped back to her adoptive father’s room.

  Lord Quinn turned to his room’s doors as they burst open. “What did you do to my clothes?!” Zoe seethed as she emerged.

  He smiled. “I took the liberty of upgrading your wardrobe.”

  “I hate pink!” she snapped.

  “Interesting,” Lord Quinn said calmly, turning toward a nearby window. “I’m not very fond of traitors, myself. Perhaps we will both learn to live with the hand we’ve been dealt, hm?”

  Zoe became enraged by the comment. “What the hell is your problem?!”

  “Language,” he remarked.

  Ignoring him, she continued. “If you despise me so much, then why are you keeping me here? Why did you adopt me in the first place?” Without turning from the window, Lord Quinn shook his head in disapproval. Zoe went on. “What you’re doing to Aria is wrong. You’ve killed more people than you probably even know. Not that you care.” Still, Lord Quinn did not respond. His silence irritated her further. “Don’t you have anything to say?!” The room was quiet. “Why won’t you answer me?!”

  Lord Quinn looked at her. “If I didn’t care about you,” he finally said, “you certainly wouldn’t be alive.”

  Zoe was completely infuriated. “You don’t kill me and I’m supposed to feel loved?! You murdered my closest friend!!” Tears were trickling down her cheeks as Lord Quinn unsympathetically returned his attention to the window. “UGH!! You don’t care about anyone but yourself!!” She stomped toward the door. “I hate you!!” Lord Quinn said nothing as Zoe left the room.

  “Brat,” he muttered to himself.

  As she reached the second floor and stormed down the hallway toward her room, she was met by Passford, one of the many servants on the mansion’s staff. “Miss Zoe!” he said cheerfully, “You’re awake. How are you feeling?”

  “Awful,” she softly answered.

  “Well, your wounds have recovered quite swiftly,” Passford commented. “Perhaps lunch will lift your spirits? Once you have dressed yourself appropriately, you may proceed to the dining room. Chef Jero has prepared an exquisite dish for your dining pleasure.”

  “I guess I am a little hungry...” Zoe admitted.

  Passford smiled. “It’s wonderful to have you back, Miss Zoe. I’m terribly sorry you had to go through such a horrific experience with that Spade guild. I can’t imagine how frightened you must have been.”

  “I wasn’t kidnapped!” Zoe snapped, startling Passford and causing him to stumble backward. “I ran away! I don’t want to be here!!”

  “Oh my,” Passford said, trembling. “You really believe that, don’t you?”

  “I wasn’t brainwashed!!” Zoe screamed.

  His eyes bulging from fright, Passford hurried down the hallway without another word.

  “I’m not crazy!!” she shouted. “He’s the crazy one!! UGH!”

  Once she had returned to her room and reluctantly put on one of the many pink dresses which flooded her closet, Zoe viewed herself in the mirror. “Just kill me now,” she grumbled. Picking up a brush from the dresser, she aggressively fixed her hair. If I can just get rid of this jinx, I shouldn’t have any trouble getting back to HQ. I think I read about these stupid things in one of my books...

  As she stood there in silence, her thoughts gradually drifted back to the horrific scenes from the days before. Her eyes glistening, she clenched her jaw. No. I can’t think about that. I have to stay strong.

  Chapter 29: Detour


bsp; Lucas slowly got to his feet. Ugghh... my head... That’s the second time I’ve been knocked out in the same week. I need to be more careful. He was quickly reminded of what had taken place the moment he saw Iris and Hagan lying motionless on the cave floor.

  “Iris! Hagan!”

  He darted over to his fallen allies. Oh no! He grabbed Iris’s arm and shook her. “Iris! Wake up!” She didn’t move or reply. He ran to Hagan and did the same. “Hagan! Hagan! Get up!” There was no response. I’ve got to do something! I could try my healing spell... if I can manage to do it. For some reason, I was unable to conjure while we were fighting Fino.

  Lucas placed his hand on Hagan’s body. I hope this works. Closing his eyes, he took a moment to concentrate. “Lumen sana.” A glow surrounded Hagan’s body, and soon enough the burn marks on his skin slowly disappeared. It wasn’t much longer before his eyes opened. Lucas took his hand off of Hagan. “Hagan! It worked!”

  Hagan sat up. “Huh? What worked?”

  “We were all knocked out by that explosion,” Lucas explained. “I woke up and saw you and Iris lying unconscious. I used the healing spell I learned yesterday to revive you. I’m going to heal Iris next.”

  Hagan got to his feet and inspected the bodies scattered throughout the cave’s passage. “Damn, that was a hell of a battle, huh?”

  “Yeah,” Lucas replied, picking his sword up off the ground and sheathing it. “Sorry I wasn’t much help. For some reason, I was unable to conjure light orbs after that first one. Maybe Iris will be able to explain after I revive her.”

  “You might have just drained yourself,” Hagan informed as Lucas made his way over to Iris’s body.

  “Drained myself?” Lucas queried.

  Hagan proceeded to elaborate. “You can only conjure so much before your magic stops working. When that happens, you can’t do a damn thing until you get some sleep. Being knocked out must’ve done the trick, oddly enough.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” said Lucas, placing his hand on Iris. “I think I saw something about a conjuring limit in one of the books I studied.” He closed his eyes. “Lumen sana!”

  “Orbs don’t take much out of you,” Hagan went on, collecting his bow. “Spells like the one you’re doing now are what’ll drain you faster. The amount of conjuring you can do is low at first but the more you push your limit, the more you can cast without rest. If you ever plan to try the intermediate level stuff, you’ll have to crank your limit up a bit just to handle one spell.”


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