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Page 21

by Jurgen von Stuka

  “Jesus,” Camille said quietly. “What a way to go.”

  “Yeah, but fitting for Ray, wouldn’t you say. By that standard, yours is getting off easy with a cock cage and a butt plug,” Donna laughed.

  What neither woman knew was that Ray was at that very moment swinging in a bamboo cage in a rough trade bar in Somalia, chained hand and foot, collared, his tongue long ago cut out and a long ribbed post stuffed half way up his ass. His owners of the moment were gambling in the back room and before the game ended, Ray had been won and lost by three different local bandit chiefs before he was carted off in the bed of a Toyota pickup by the final winner. His days were numbered, but before he left earth, he’d spend many days and nights wishing that his ex wife had actually thrown him under the road-eating machine. That, Ray thought, would have been far better than being ass fucked and horse whipped daily by parties unknown.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Night Flight

  The fully reclining seat with cushioned footrest was extremely comfortable and Melinda enjoyed the luxury accommodation, especially since the flight was going to be nearly a full twenty-Four hours in length, including one stop in Dubai, assuming, as the Captain said after take-off, that they didn’t encounter any weather necessitating a detour. Melinda had done business in the Emirates before and while the area wasn’t on Her list of places where She wanted to remain for any period of time, She also recognized that doing business there, Her special kind of business, was unique and because of Her products and services, She was treated nominally at least, with deference, if not grudging respect. She knew that if She wanted, She could quickly sell Holly, or any of Her subjects for that matter, within a few hours of landing in this particular country. She also knew that She would be paid in any currency She specified and the monetary matters would be handled discretely and with speed. But She also knew that this entire Mid East area was unstable and rank with even more corruption than many other places on earth. Since the renegade Muslim world had declared religious war on essentially the rest of the earth, Melinda and many other business people from Christian or Jewish nations had become circumspect about dealings with Arabs in general and especially those based in the area. For that reason, Melinda had not recently done any business here. Her real apprehensio0n came from hearing that another physician and flesh merchant like herself had been summarily arrested during a stopover and charged with slave dealing, an absurd paradox in a country that had more slaves than anywhere else in the world. She learned that behind this fabricated action was the dissatisfaction of one local big shot who claimed he has been swindled by the dealer. The case was an interesting lesson in how even in a country where ironclad government control of almost everything was paramount; there were still opportunities for unpleasant occurrences for visitors to experience. In the end, it was settled by all parties and the dealer released, but that story kept Melinda and many others in Her trade from personally appearing in the country.

  Kneeling in front of Her, securely bound with leather thongs and strapped to the back of the seat in front, was Holly, Her former husband, manifested on the airline’s passenger list as Holly Go Quickly, Her maid and personal assistant. The airline had also inquired about the religion of all passengers and after some thought, Melinda had listed Holly as Buddhist, just as Her own documents indicated.

  Kneeling for any length of time in that position was not a situation anyone would welcome. Holly was held there, hooded, plugged with her usual double dildoes, gagged with an inflatable mouth plug; unable to move except to lean forward when directed. Any sound she made in her throat was instantly rewarded with a nearly paralyzing electrical transmission from the stainless steel plug lodged deep in her ass, matched in intensity by a similar plug now resident in her new frontal cavity that served as a vagina and cervix. The combination shocks were of such intensity that Holly learned weeks before not to make a sound, no matter what was being done to her. Melinda helped her with this behavioral training by altering her vocal cords with two separate operations. The first operation gave Holly the pleasant female voice one might expect from the five-foot-five, somewhat clumsy young woman with the large breasts, an excellent ass and bigger hands and feet than one might expect on a woman her size. But since Holly’s hands were almost always sealed in steel-reinforced mittens and her feet locked in ballet boots that kept her feet in the en Pointe position, no one paid any attention to their size.

  The second surgery was more complicated and effectively allowed Melinda to change or muffle any vocal sounds Holly might inadvertently make. To accomplish this, Melinda designed a tiny remote that looked like an elegant bracelet, but in fact contained the miniature electronic controls for not only Holly’s voice reduction, but also the “stimulus implants” in her lower torso.

  Holly had, over time, adapted nicely, Melinda thought, to having the twin stainless steel plugs set deep inside both lower apertures. The genius of the semi-permanent plugs was perhaps lost on Holly, but Melinda knew that once again She had achieved a medical breakthrough by creating these devices that didn’t have to be removed. Holly only knew that residing deep in her belly were things that could, at Melinda’s inclination, bring pain such as the transgender woman had never experienced before. A sound flogging with the bull whip was, as far as Holly was concerned, better than a single charge from the dual agony implants.

  But Holly was not making any sounds now. Melinda had, as usual, prepared for the journey well in advance, making sure that the accommodations for Her and Her slave maid were to Her exact specifications. Royal MidEast Al Sheik Air, a wholly-owned division of Sodom Air, was naturally accustomed to accommodating servants and other women wearing the usual female attire and the line’s security staff and policy honored the privacy of the burka-clad and hooded females, inspecting them carefully, but in total privacy by well-trained security team member who was accustomed to dealing with restraints and internal implants such as Holly wore. One well-informed source told Melinda that more than half the females passing through international airports in the middle east were under some kind of physical restraint and the regional airlines, recognizing this, made allowances to the extent of even placing “luggage tie-down rings” in some first class seating areas. Since there was no longer any indication that Holly had once been a male, this security process was merely routine and went without incident.

  The flight attendants, always ingratiatingly helpful to extra full fare frequent passengers like Melinda, helped secure Holly to the seatback in front of Melinda’s wide, comfortable seat and were aware that Melinda had also booked and paid for that seat as well, so that they would not be disturbed.

  Now, a few hours into the long flight, the cabin lights were off and the six pampered Premium Executive passengers in the upper deck of the giant aircraft were all tucked into their private “slumber cabins.”

  Except for the muffled song of the jet engines, it was silent.

  Still secured to the seatback on her aching knees, Holly felt the zippered mouth opening in the front of the posture collar/hood/neck corset being opened. Her lips encircling the leather-coated ring gag felt the huge dildoe extension being screwed into the plug already inside her mouth and the single tap on her hooded forehead indicated that she was to lean forward, extend her head and plunge the long, rubber faux dick once again into Melinda’s open and already steaming cunt.

  Holly wasted no time in doing as she was directed. Anything was preferable to a searing internal jolt from the implanted transducers, so she strained forward against the straps above and below her breasts. These restraints, and others at her waist and through her crotch, held her to the seat behind her. Holly proceeded to plumb the depths of the well-lubricated pussy she could taste and smell, even in her hooded captivity. Melinda exhaled sharply as the rubber nubs on the top edge of the dildo messaged Her swollen clit, reminding Her that She needed to keep Holly in this enjoyable position even when She, Melinda, drifted off to sleep. So, She reached forward, seized the
enthusiastically pumping head in Her crotch and wrapped three straps that were attached to Her own belt around Holly’s hooded head, slipping the straps through loops sewn into the hood’s exterior. Two straps came from around Melinda’s waist and a third rose up between Her legs. Each was buckled and tightened until the head embedded between Her thighs was tightly lodged in an exaggerated forward position and the dildoe was as far up Melinda’s demanding cunt as it would go without swallowing Holly’s head as well. Melinda stopped Her exercise for a moment, hearing a strange gurgling noise coming from below her waist. Quickly, She realized that it was a choking sound from Holly. Melinda quickly fumbled about in the space between her clamped thighs and then felt under Her naked ass that was pressed against the bed sheet and mattress of the reclined seat.

  “Ah, there you are,” Melinda said to Herself, pulling Holly’s twin breathing hoses from under Her sweaty buttocks and making sure that the air passages were not blocked. The gurgling noise subsided and Holly continued banging away with even more enthusiasm, triggering a thought in Melinda’s head that perhaps some occasional breathing restriction might be in order with this slave. She filed this idea away for later when She could explore the possibility of shutting off Holly’s air supply to gain compliance to whatever Melinda was plotting next.

  This journey had come as a major surprise to Holly when, in an especially candid moment while Her ex-husband/maid/slave was assisting Her as She emerged from Her morning bath, Melinda shared a few tidbits of information with her.

  “We are going to Africa, Holly,” Melinda said, standing before the full length mirrors while Holly toweled Her carefully, being especially cautious not to touch any of Melinda’s skin with her mittened hands that held her fingers locked in a semi-clawed and nearly useless position.

  “You are going to travel with me, Slave,” Melinda told Her former husband. “So, you, of course, will wear the normal Islamic female uniform and remain silent throughout the trip. You will have the special front and rear catheters that you so adore, so even though the flight will take more than a full 24 hour day, nature calls will not be an issue for you. You will have the rare privilege of serving me in my private Ultimate Comfort Cabin on the flight. I am told that these are the finest flight accommodations available and that they are usually reserved for royalty. Imagine that. You may end up in the same seat and restraints that were used by some unfortunate princess of prince. We’re going on Royal MidEast Al Sheik Air, so no one will find your attire of concern.

  “Oh yes,” Melinda added. “Security will probably probe your ass and cunt when the X-rays note your steel plugs, but that too is normal for women in your situation and I have a letter in Arabic and three other languages explaining the surgical implants as necessary for your continued good

  health, so no worries there. The locals are especially unpleasant when they find any devices they deem as ‘hazardous,’ so please don’t bring any unauthorized toys along. Last year they caught a TG slave with a small blade up her cunt, (along with the other usual plugs), and they carted her off in chains and made a public spectacle of her, despite the significant political connections of her owner, who begged for his slave to be pardoned. Pardon her they did, by cutting off her tits, (slowly over a few days), sewing up the offending pussy and impaling her ass on a fat post in the kingdom palace. Media reports indicated that she lasted nearly a week, perched with that thing up her ass, arms and wrists wired behind her and a full gag hood and harness arrangement making identification impossible. Of course, there was no doubt it was her.”

  Melinda outlined the plans for the trip, pointing out that the air fare alone was costing her more than twenty-four thousand Euros and reminding Holly that she had better prove worth that sort of ancillary expense or Melinda would sell her off to the first Arab who She found with enough cash to pay for such a rare transgender slave.

  “Those important little behavior accessories we inserted last week are now in their respective niches and you will obey instantly or you will suffer the usual debilitating discomfort,” Melinda reminded Holly.

  Holly said nothing because she knew better and because she was tightly gagged with one of Melinda’s well designed head harnesses that was mostly hidden by Holly’s shoulder-length hair.

  “It has all been arranged,” Melinda continued. “We will fly Ultimate Exalted Premium First Class and I have booked two compartments, which can be joined together so that you will fly in ultimate discomfort,” Melinda laughed.

  “Other than taking over the whole first class section, this is the very best way to fly on a long trip like this. The private cabin is comparable to the ones on the old Orient Express, but far more comfortable and modern. You will be treated in the usual attentive manner they provide for creatures like you. That is, you will not speak or move without my direction and permission. They know how to handle you and I assure you, as a frequent flyer on Royal MidEast, I get top drawer treatment.”

  Now, at thirty-seven thousand feet over the Sahara, Holly continued to press and thrust with her dildo gag extension while she wiggled her own ass and hips, driving the anal/vaginal dildo slightly in and out in the short strokes her straps permitted. Melinda reached down and pulled two straps tighter, spreading Holly’s thighs a bit further, briefly touched and checked Holly’s breathing hoses again, making sure that they were not obstructed, and groaned quietly as she faded off to sleep. Eventually, hoping that Melina’s sleep was real, Holly slowly eased up on her probing and drifted off as well.


  “Doctor Rostrom,” the flight attendant whispered in Her ear.

  Melinda awoke instantly, but kept Her eyes closed and nodded Her head.

  “The Captain has sent you a private message. If you wish to reply, push your call button and I will return.”

  “Thank you,” said Melinda, as She opened the sealed envelope and read the typed massage on the airline stationary.

  Dr. Rostrom,

  Unfortunately, the authorities at our next stop have expressed a concern about the identification documentation of your maid.

  This is a matter of considerable gravity since our airline is registered in this country and thus we have no choice but to permit them to board and possibly remove your maid.

  My advice to you is to remain on board and make your complaint known to proper authorities from another location. Any objections at this time will have only negative effect.

  We cannot protect you if you leave the aircraft.


  A.M. Umatta

  Senior Captain

  Royal MidEast Al Sheik Airlines

  Melinda read the message twice and then made a decision. In preparing for the journey, She had included Her medical bag as carryon luggage. It contained a wide range of drugs, most of which were legal at home, but not necessarily so in foreign nations.

  She summoned the Flight Attendant and gave her a handwritten note for the Captain. Then, She asked that her medical bag be brought to Her at once.

  Holly was still sleeping soundly and barely felt the hypodermic injection Melinda gave her on her bicep. Still gagged, bound and strapped to the seat in front, Holly appeared to remain asleep. When the aircraft landed, three dark, bearded men in rumbled cotton suits boarded before any passengers were allowed to disembark, walked to the first class area and told Melinda that they were arresting her maid because her identification documents and passport were “suspicious and unacceptable.” Melinda nodded but said nothing. The men unstrapped Holly from her position, wrapped her in a blanket and carried her off the plane before anyone else disembarked. Melinda watched them place Holly in a black van and drive off. The men apparently didn’t care that Holly was unconscious.

  Ninety minutes later, the flight lifted off on the next leg of its journey, but not before Melinda placed three phone calls to Her office and Her attorneys. Suspecting that the cell calls were monitored, She simply told Her people what had happened and told them to take whatever action necessary to ge
t Holly back under Her control. She was certain that by the time she landed in Cape Town, the matter would have been suitably resolved and the Royal Family would have taken things in hand. She was not yet ready to give up Her masterpiece of gender alteration to some third rate cops who probably just needed a new butt to fuck. Not yet.

  Meanwhile, the immigration officers fitted Holly with the usual uniform prescribed for suspected violators of the local laws. They chained her wrists and elbows close behind her, attached the manacles to a short chain that went from the heavy collar on her neck to the shackles on her feet. A full face, gagging brank was put over the hood and small bells with a Y shaped lead chain attached to her nipple rings ad threaded through a small hole in the concealing cloak that served to cover the infidel’s corrupt body. With the cloak over her head, obscuring even her eyes, which were already covered by the hood and brank, Holly was led by the nipple leash to a waiting van on the ramp, away from the passenger terminal. She was forced to kneel on the corrugated steel floor because the chain from neck to feet would not permit sitting.

  “You understand English?” a short, obese immigration official with a dirty turban asked the hooded, bound figure as he sat and she knelt in the oven-like van, slowly moving through the airport security gates and out onto a major highway.


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