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Negotiating Skills

Page 7

by Laurel Cremant

  He opened the folio and flipped through the first few pages and nodded his head in understanding. He wasn’t surprised that Veronica went above and beyond as usual. She really was damn good at what she did.

  He watched as she made her way back around to the end of the table and lifted a small remote into her hand. She pointed the remote towards the large monitor and the first image of CLEO flickered then sharpened into clarity on the screen.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you CLEO,” she said proudly with a wide smile spreading across her lips.

  A short round of applause followed her statement and there was no denying her pride in the project.

  She began pointing out different features of the finished application. As she spoke Victor couldn’t help but feeling a swell of pride for her himself. She had worked hard on the software and she spoke so smoothly and confidently that a person couldn’t help but be caught up in her excitement.

  “This is a big improvement over the original barebones application,” she stated.

  Victor noticed her falter slightly before continuing.

  “If you turn to page six of your folios you’ll see comparison metrics of this new version versus the original.”

  She paused briefly as everyone around the table began flipping through their folios.

  She stared pointedly at Victor and he gave himself a mental shake. He had been so wrapped up in watching her that he hadn’t wanted to take his eyes away from her.

  He looked down at his own report and began to flip through the pages. When he reached the sixth page his breath caught in his throat.

  Sweet Jesus, he thought before lifting the folio and tilting it in towards his chest, effectively blocking anyone’s view of the page.

  His eyes quickly scanned the other folios around the table. Nothing seemed unusual and no one else seemed surprised in anyway.

  Victor stared back at his folio and gulped in a mouthful of air. On his page surrounded by innocuous technical jargon and charts was an image of a decidedly more graphic nature.

  The image was of Veronica dressed exactly as she was at that moment, but with several important exceptions. The image showed her facing away from the camera. She was slightly bent forward with her skirt raised up around her hips. Her fingers were hooked into her thong which was dragged down just passed the juncture of her thighs giving Victor a perfect view of her luscious ass and pussy from behind.

  Sweat broke across his forehead as Victor struggled to breathe. He was amazed no one heard the sound of his dick smacking the zipper of pants. The image in front of him had him hard as a spike in seconds.

  “Is there a problem, Mr. Rossi,” came Veronica’s husky voice from across the room.

  Victor raised his heated gaze to meet hers. She quirked an eyebrow at him as a small flirty smile played across her lips.

  “Your report has additional details that might be better discussed at the end of this presentation. We can explore the details further then perhaps,” she said.

  He had to clear his voice before responding. Trust Veronica to come up with the most frustrating way possible to wave a white flag of surrender. He didn’t think his dick would survive the next hour.

  “Of course,” he managed to reply smoothly before he ran a trembling hand through his hair.

  “Perfect, let’s continue shall we,” she said to the group around the table.

  “CLEO is now completely web based. Employees can now access it through multiple internet browsers,” she continued.

  “On page eight you’ll see the complete browser compatibility list highlighting the enhanced ease of access.”

  Victor began to flip through his report again but a strange sense of intuition stopped him before turning over to the noted page. He glanced up to look at Veronica and he saw a wicked smile play across her lips. He looked back down and took a deep breath to brace himself before turning the page.

  She’s trying to kill me, he thought desperately a second later as he stared down at the image on the page. This one showed Veronica spread eagle on her bed, her pussy bared naked, open, and wet to the camera.

  Victor struggled to keep his breath even and smooth despite his racing heart. The woman was playing with fire and damn if he didn’t love her for it.

  He shifted slightly in his chair trying to relieve the pressure of his aching dick. He looked back up and saw heat flare in her gaze before she turned back to the screen and continued with the presentation.

  The minutes ticked by slowly for Victor. His skin was tight with restraint and all he could think about was dragging Veronica cross the conference table and fucking her senseless. His brain just couldn’t think beyond the image of her cunt open and wet for him.

  This was the invitation he had been waiting for and the contrary woman had issued it as both an invitation and a challenge. Each ticking second was a battle of wills between them. She knew what she had done to him and was enjoying the struggle.

  A part of Victor welcomed the challenge and loved the anticipation. Veronica was his match in every way.

  As the end of the hour slowly approached Victor was convinced that Veronica was deliberately drawing out the presentation. He shifted several times in frustration and with each shift she sent him a naughty little smile. Despite her discrete flirtatious looks he was able to keep himself in check…just barely. His heart was no longer racing but his dick was still hard enough to fuck a hole through the granite topped table.

  “The final point I’d like to address is staff training,” she finally said.

  “As you can see CLEO is now a fully functional application. But unfortunately some employees may find the transition difficult,” she said pointing the remote to the screen.”

  She threw a glance over her shoulder and the smile that spread across her lips had Victor’s heart speeding up again in earnest.

  “If you’ll turn to page twenty-six you’ll see the staff training projections,” she said.

  Victor almost didn’t want to look but the heat and challenge in Veronica’s gaze had him looking down and turning to the page.

  Fuck Me. Victor’s hands clenched into fists as he looked down at the final image on the page. It showed Veronica lying with her legs spread, knees bent, and feet planted firmly on her bed. She held a large dildo in her hand pushing the bulbous tip of the tool into her dripping flesh. The image was deliciously raunchy, but what had Victor’s heart stopping were the words written boldly along the length of the fake cock.

  Fuck Me.

  “As you can see, with proper motivation and encouragement from upper management there should be no problem with having the entire staff fully trained in a minimum amount of time.”

  Veronica pressed the switch turning the overhead lights back on and a loud round of applause came from around the table.

  Victor let his gaze travel down her body. Her skin glowed and her breathing was slightly labored.

  Anyone looking at her would assume those things were just a sign of her excitement over the demonstration, but Victor’s gaze didn’t miss the evidence of her stiffened nipples or trembling hands by her side.

  She just stood there staring at him, her wet pink tongue darting out to lick her lips promising him heaven and hell all in one swipe.

  Victor’s control snapped.

  “Thank you Ms. James,” he said not trying to hide the gruffness of his voice.

  “If you all would excuse us, I’d like to discuss the additional details of my report now.”

  His tone left no room for argument and the group of VPs and programmers hurried out of the office oblivious to the smoldering fog anticipation n the air.

  Victor didn’t let his gaze waver from Veronica’s. When the door closed behind the final person Victor pressed the intercom unit at the table and spoke softly to his assistant.

  “Marie, cancel all remaining appointments for the afternoon and go ahead and leave early,” he said.

  “Yes Sir,” replied the efficient voice th
rough the speaker.

  Victor watched as Veronica sat calmly down in a chair at the end of the table and crossed her legs. She quirked an eyebrow at him and her message was clear. Come and get me.

  Victor’s dick hardened further in response to her brazen provocation.

  He stood and began stalking towards her. He shrugged off his suit jacket not bothering to see where it landed.

  “Just so we’re clear,” he said as he removed his tie and threw it over his shoulder.

  He reached over and swiveled her chair around to him placing his hands on the armrests effectively caging her in. He leaned forward and his nostrils flared at the scent of her. She wasn’t as unaffected as she pretended to be. He could smell her arousal. The smell was like a wet heavy cloak surrounding her.

  He gave her his own wicked smile as that small victory whipped through his system.

  “That,” he said motioning towards his abandoned folio at the head of the table, “is considered an invitation.”

  Veronica tilted her head back and brought her plush mouth so close to his that her lips brushed his when she spoke softly.

  “Just so we’re clear,” she replied huskily, “It is.”

  Victor gave a rumbling sound of satisfaction before clamping his lips on hers in a hungry kiss.


  VERONICA’s body sang out in relief at the feel of Victor’s mouth claiming her own. His kiss was a commanding tangle of nipping teeth and thrusting tongue.

  The taste of him exploded across her senses mingling with the already heady scents of his heated skin and spicy cologne.

  She needed to get closer to him, needed to feel all of his heat against her body. She surged to the edge of her chair and snaked her arms around his neck. As if sensing her frustration Victor stood dragging her along with him. Veronica sighed in relief at the first feel of his chest pressed against hers.

  He snaked his palms down to her ass and slammed her pelvis into him. She moaned at the feel of his cock hard and throbbing against her stomach. God, he felt so good, so damn right against her. She could barely think. All she could do was rub against him trying to get closer.

  She hadn’t expected her plan to be so double edged. It was meant to be an invitation and a challenge. She wanted Victor to know that she was willing to share the control so that they could both be satisfied. He got to chase and she got to be captured but she hadn’t expected this gnawing need.

  Her womb was clenching and her breasts were heavy and tight with need.

  Watching his reactions to her pictures had turned her on to an explosive degree. Each shift of his body and heated gaze had licked a wave of heat through her.

  The need to stretch his breaking point had warred with her need to prolong her own anticipation and aching arousal.

  He grabbed her thigh and raised her knee up to his side. His hands found the edge of her skirt and shoved it up to her waist. She could only groan her agreement and hook her leg around his waist pulling him in closer.

  His answering grunt turned into a moan as his hands found her bare flesh and ground her against him. It wasn’t enough. She needed more.

  Her pussy had long passed drenched and her clit was throbbing a tattooed rhythm that had her desperate to have him inside her, desperate to feel his throbbing heat thrusting into her.

  She whimpered a protest when his mouth left hers.

  “No,” she whispered desperately pulling his head back down to hers.

  He jerked his head back. His teeth were clenched and his breaths came out in quick pants. He shook his head as if to clear it. His palms clenched on her ass checks before pulling her away from him.

  “Naked, now,” he demanded as he began shoving his shirt from his chest.

  Yes naked, she thought. She needed see all of him.

  The hard expanse of his chest was just as delicious as she imagined. It was a hard bronzed landscape of muscle and sinew. Her mouth watered at the thought of running her lips over the curves of his pecs and the rigid planes of his stomach.

  She licked her lips as he worked his belt free of his pants. Since the day she caught him masturbating, she had fantasized about his dick. She wanted to fill her mouth with it, to taste him as he exploded down her throat.

  She saw his hands still at his zipper and her gaze flew up to his face in desperate question.

  “I said now,” he barked as he lunged forward. He clasped the edges of her blouse and ripped it open.

  Buttons scattered into the air and clanged to the floor. Veronica was barely able to get out a gasp before Victor pulled her back in for a scorching kiss.

  Her hands reached up to stroke across his chest to his naked back. She tried to pull him closer but his hands kept her back as he removed the rest of her clothing. When he finally stopped blocking her movements she pressed herself against him and they both moaned at the feel of her naked breasts pressed against his chest.

  Yes this was much better, this skin to skin merging. Why she had fought so hard against this perfection was beyond her comprehension.

  He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She felt his stomach clench at the feel of her moist center rubbing against it.

  He leaned forward and she felt the cool touch of the hard granite conference table on her bottom.

  She felt his hands blaze a path up her ribs and cup her breasts. He cradled her breasts in his hands, palming them before squeezing them. She squirmed on the table, her body begging for his rough touch.

  His fingers swept forward and he began tugging at her nipples, pulling them forward in short pinches. He pulled his mouth away from her lips and trailed hot kisses down her throat, licking and nipping at her skin in hunger.

  When his wet mouth finally wrapped around a taut nipple she couldn’t hold back her loud groan.

  He grunted in response to her groan, raising his lips only long enough to push the two aching globes together. Her nipples scraped against each other and he hissed his approval at the site before taking them both into his mouth.

  He tongued and sucked at her nipples until she was drowning in the need for release. She arched her back surrendering her body to him.

  Her legs pulled tight at his back as she ground herself against him. Her slick folds rubbed against the ridges of his stomach and she knew she was close to exploding. She was so close to release she could feel the prickly heat of it scorch down her spine.

  Just as that realization came to her she felt his hands release her breasts and his lips released her nipples. She sobbed out a protest and tried to pull his mouth back to them. He couldn’t stop then. She was so close.

  He grabbed her hands and slammed them down to her sides on the table. She arched against him as his lips trailed down her stomach. He twirled his hot tongue around her navel before traveling down her right pelvis before settling at the top of her mons.

  Veronica stilled completely, her body wound tight with the need to feel his hot tongue lick into her center.

  Victor did not disappoint. He slicked his tongue down through her folds. The tip burned over her throbbing clit and pressed down hard before moving down. As he curled his tongue into her clenching pussy for his first deep taste, her control finally snapped and she came in a fiery rush of pleasure.

  Victor had never felt so out of control. His only thought was to devour Veronica. His only goal was to gorge himself on her. He released her hands and grabbed her thighs. He dropped to his knees as spread her thighs wide. The taste and smell of her release filled his senses.

  He stroked his hands up and spread her pussy wide. He pulled is face back to stare at it in awe. Her cunt was plump and juicy with arousal and her slit, still clenching in the aftershocks of her first release was dripping with cream. The site had him groaning and lunging forward for another taste.

  He needed to feel her come underneath his mouth one more time. He needed to see those luscious lips puffy and swollen and hear her scream out in release again.

  He plu
nged his tongue into her and felt her walls clench around it. She was absolute perfection. He heard her whimper softly and he felt her hands scrape through the hair at the nape of his neck and pull him forward.

  She ground herself against his mouth as he plunged his tongue hungrily over and over again into her.

  He replaced his tongue with two fingers penetrating her hard and fast as he licked up to her clit. He felt her thighs clamp tightly around his head and her whole body began to quiver hotly underneath his mouth.

  Her curled his fingers up into her slit and clamped his lips around her beautifully engorged clit, sucking it into his mouth. Her pussy clamped down hard on his fingers as she came again.

  He could only groan in hunger at the sound of her shouting out her release. He gave her pussy one last swipe before surging to his feet. He needed to get inside her now.

  He stared down at her laid out on the table. Her body was on decadent display. Her breasts were swollen and nipples were tightly distended. Her legs were hanging over the edge and her thighs were spread wide presenting her pussy glistening from his mouth and her release.

  She was fucking beautiful.

  She stirred and sinuously sat up placing her has flat on the table behind her. The position spread her legs wider and arched her breasts high. Her drowsy eyes lifted to his as she whispered his name.

  The sound of her voice husky with need broke his last link of control.

  He ripped at the zipper of his pants and released his dick from its confines. It was already slick with pre-cum ready to sink into her.

  He stepped between her thighs and pulled her ass to the edge of the table tilting her pussy to the perfect angle for fucking.

  He guided his dick to her center and let it slips her folds. They both sucked in a breath as heat met heat. He rubbed the head of his cock around her clit torturing them both before placing his cock at the mouth of her pussy.

  He was desperate to plunge into her. Desperate to feel her wet clinging heat clench around him, but he needed on more surrender, one more term negotiated.


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