Kill For You

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Kill For You Page 15

by Michele Mills

  “I really don’t know yet,” Rebel hedged. “Like I said before, I have to wait for Justin to recover, and he and I need to talk about it. I don’t want to speak for him, and wherever he goes, I go. We’re a package deal. And about Krissy and the others, you know, I’m just realizing I haven’t even had a chance yet to ask them about their plans. Have you?” Rebel huffed as she pulled a particularly stubborn weed.

  “All I know is that they seem to be on some kind of quest to find more men.” Phoebe frowned. “

  I really hope that they’re careful,” Phoebe said. “There’s a group of dangerous men living in the mountains.”

  “Oh yeah, Trevor said something about that before, that you guys met one other small group of survivors, but they were ex-cons banding together and you avoid them.”

  “We definitely avoid them,” Rachel said. “We haven’t heard from them since three of them kidnapped us, and that was what, two weeks ago?”

  “Yeah,” Phoebe answered. “Maybe a little longer.”

  “What?!” Rebel sputtered. “They kidnapped you? When? How?”

  “I was visiting Phoebe, Sebastian and Josie—I’d just met them—when three men broke into the house, tied up Sebastian, and took the three of us. They drove us up into the mountains and stopped at a lodge, well really a former big cat sanctuary, and kept us there. Our men found us there, shot the other men and saved us.”

  Rebel had a hand over her mouth, shocked. Speechless. She hadn’t known it was this bad. Here she was, thinking these other men were just annoying, posturing ex-cons, and instead they’d actually tried to hurt people. She dropped her hand. “The three of you were okay? They didn’t hurt you?”

  “They raped me,” Phoebe said.

  Rebel sucked in a breath.

  “They put Rachel in a cage, and I went up to the big house with them. I knew one of them wanted Josie.

  Rebel whimpered

  I did my best to let them know I was willing, that they didn’t need to bother with the little girl.”

  Rebel whimpered.

  “Two of them took me into a bedroom and raped me while Josie was down the hall watching a movie. I’m just happy nothing happened to Josie.”

  “Oh God, Josie. Rachel…did they rape you too?”

  “No. I was next on the list, stuck in a stupid cage, outside all night freaking out, wondering what was happening in the lodge and I couldn’t do a damn thing to help. It was terrible,” Rachel said.

  “I do my best to not think of it,” Phoebe said. “It helps if I tell myself if I dwell on it too much, they win. You know?”

  “I do know,” Rebel said. “I…” she hesitated. “I was raped too. Right at the end, when everything had gone to hell and people were acting like lunatics.”

  “Oh honey, I’m sorry,” Rachel said.

  Rebel locked eyes with Phoebe. It had happened to this woman too. She knew exactly what she’d gone through. The pain, both physical and mental.

  Rebel took a deep breath and decided to go ahead and talk about it. She felt comfortable talking to these women, and she hadn’t told anyone the actual story yet, but she suspected it would feel good to get it out, like Phoebe had done. “I had a sprained ankle, a busted lip, bruised jaw and eye because they beat me up. I was depressed for a while, mainly because those two guys had been friends of mine before the end. They were part of the industry, part of the crew for a couple of movies I’d worked on. I remember standing around laughing with them and other people at wrap parties. One guy was married with kids! I don’t know, it was just harder because of that. The…the…”

  “Betrayal,” Rachel said. “You felt betrayed.”

  She nodded. “Like, who the fuck could I trust anymore?”

  Rachel and Phoebe exchanged a glance. It was full of meaning, not that she could decipher what the meaning was.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rebel gripped the handlebar of the fancy red ATV she was riding, a huge smile on her face. Trevor promised to bring more to put on the farm, but right now she knew they only had two and she’d taken the last one.

  Hey, first come, first served.

  While they were gardening, Rachel mentioned that the chickens needed to be checked. And since Rebel knew where the chickens were and how to drive the ATV to check on their numbers, she’d volunteered to do that on the spot. Practically jumped up so no one else could offer. They’d laughed at her enthusiasm and let her take over the chore. So here she was. Away from toiling in the dirty garden and out in the open with the warm breeze whipping through her hair.

  Talking with Rachel and Phoebe was great, but damn, she’d learned not even the presence of a shirtless George Clooney could make gardening fun.

  Her teeth clicked together as the ATV bounced over the field. She saw the chickens huddled together under the metal awning. Poor babies. They looked hot. She squeezed the brakes and her vehicle skidded to a stop.

  Rebel lifted her sunglasses and wiped beads of sweat off the tops of her cheeks. Another scorcher in the Valley. Well, to everyone else this wasn’t a very hot day and was, in fact, a nice respite, but to her it was hell on wheels. She frowned as the skin exposed below her shorts made a wet squelching sound as she slid off the vinyl seat.

  The chickens barely fluttered as she walked near, conserving their energy. “Sorry, guys, but tomorrow one of you is going to be dinner.” She gave them a rueful smile. She knew Rachel and Phoebe were planning on making chicken soup. Poor guys. They clucked in chorus and looked too cute to kill.

  “So far it’s only eighty-nine degrees, sweeties, with a breeze, so it’s not so bad. You guys look fine. I’ve got some scraps for you to eat.”

  She scattered the food for them that Rachel had given her and took a head count like she’d been told. Uh-oh. She counted again. Six missing.

  She swung around in a circle, scanning for lost birds. Her hand automatically flew to the gun at her hip. “Where is everyone?” Rebel asked the nearest hen. She swore it raised a skeptical eyebrow at her.

  “Fine,” Rebel threw over her shoulder. “I’ll look around and find them without your help.” She walked over to a nearby copse of spindly trees shading the anemic creek Trevor had shown her that morning. He’d explained that sometimes the birds went there for water and stayed to enjoy the shade. She investigated all their favorite hangouts that Rachel had tried to describe to her and found nothing but a few white feathers. Now she got worried. Really worried. Where were the other hens? Had they been eaten?

  Damn coyotes.

  She looked down. “Oh, no.”

  On the muddy bank of the creek were two perfectly pressed tiger prints. Rebel’s heart pounded and every muscle in her body tensed. There was no mistaking them for anything else. The claw formations were the kind you could pour cement into to make a mold. She sank to her knees and reached out to touch her discovery.

  She swallowed hard, her gaze darting in every direction, and stood up, weapon in hand. The once cheerful, sunny location had turned dark and sinister. For all she knew the big cat might still be stalking her right now, licking its lips. Rebel cursed. Was it a pampered Siegfried and Roy tiger, or an evil Jungle Book tiger?

  It was certainly some type of predator she shouldn’t be messing with.

  She gripped the Glock with all her might. Self-doubt started to flood her mind. “What in the hell am I going to do now?”

  A branch snapped. Her heart pounded. She whirled around to aim at the source.

  “Whoa.” Trevor threw his palms out. “Steady there, Annie Oakley. No need for anyone to die today.”

  “Trevor?” she gasped. “Are you trying to get shot? You almost gave me a heart attack.” She lowered her weapon.

  “No, but you almost gave me one earlier when I clued in that you’d taken the ATV. You’ve only been out here once before and I don’t like the idea of you being alone. Come on, let’s get back to the ranch. You’re done.”

  “Trevor, there are six chickens missing, and I found a tiger
print in the mud over there. I mean, I think it’s a tiger. Maybe it’s a cougar. I don’t know. But this can’t be good…”

  “Well, shit, let’s get out of here faster then.” He grabbed her arm. “Put that gun away.”

  He waited half a second for her to holster her weapon. She sputtered as he yanked her through the trees, up the hill and past the jabbering hens.

  “What if that tiger eats all of the chickens?” She panted as she tried to keep up with his long-legged stride.

  “We’ll worry about that later. Let’s get the hell out of here first.”

  Rebel noticed a motorcycle parked next to her vehicle. A brand-new silver and black Harley. “You have a motorcycle?”

  He grinned. “I have tats. Of course I have a motorcycle.”

  Rachel’s lips twitched. She didn’t know one thing about bikes like that, but even she could tell it was a thing of beauty. It almost made her want to own one too.

  When they reached the ATV Trevor put both hands around her waist and placed her, light as a feather, onto the seat.

  “But…but…” she sputtered.

  “But what?” Gorgeous blue eyes locked with hers.

  “What about the babies?” She gestured to the chickens.

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Hey, those chickens are people too!”

  “Yeah, right up until the moment we eat them. They’re big boys. They can take care of themselves until we come back with reinforcements. We’re almost done building the second chicken coop. We’ll come back and get them tomorrow.”

  He mounted his vehicle as if it were a horse. She sighed. Damn, he looked good.


  She turned on the ignition and her ATV growled back to life, then she looked up at him. “Yes?”

  “When we get back, you’re getting a spankin’.”

  He had the most mouth-watering smile on his face.

  Her stomach fluttered. “I am?”

  “Oh, yeah. I’m going to teach you a lesson. Never leave without telling me where you’re going. Follow me to the garage.” His Harley tore up the dirt and roared off ahead of her.

  Never leave without telling him where she was going? She pursed her lips.

  And holy shit, was he hot or what? Long hair fluttered in the breeze… and that scruffy chin. Wow. His beard had filled in more, even in the short time she’d known him, and it was sexier each day. His tatted arms were hard as steel as he wrangled his handlebars. The work-stained white T-shirt stretching across his muscled chest was the icing on the cake.

  He made that bike look good.

  She hit the gas so hard her head snapped back.

  “Wait for me!”

  Trevor pulled into the garage first, and Rebel drove the ATV inside and parked behind him. The rumbling of the engines echoed in the vast gray space.

  She cut the ignition and palmed her keys. Trevor was barely off his bike before she started talking. On the way over she’d decided a good offense was the best defense.

  “You think you’re going to spank me?” She crossed her arms, trying her best to look offended, mad, or…whatever. Not happy, excited and totally turned on. No, not that. Because actually, just thinking about getting spanked, his rough hand on her ass as he stoked her skin blazing hot…her pussy was already drenched. Her nipples two, hard points rubbing against the confines of her lacy bra.

  He tucked his keys into his pocket and gave her a lazy smile, infused with potent male virility. “Rebel, I’m always serious. You deserve a spankin’—” he said the word slower, adding a bit of fake southern drawl—“and you’re gettin’ one. I had a heart attack, not being able to find you at first. Come here and receive your punishment.”

  “Punishment?” Her breath hitched and her cheeks warmed.

  “Yep. What do you think about that?”

  “Well, I think you had me at spankin’.” She used her fingers to create quote marks in the air.

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Come here, I’ve got some teaching to do.” He reached for her waist and she twisted away.

  She took a few steps back. “Oh, no. It’s not going to be that easy.”

  His blue eyes twinkled. “You’d be surprised at how easy I can make it, or how hard.”

  “I don’t want hard.”

  “Oh, I bet you do.”

  Rebel gave him a sassy smile and jumped behind a nearby table loaded with heavy-looking tools and metal parts, putting the barrier between them. “Okay, maybe I want hard. Lots of hard. But I’m not playing easy to get.”

  She was having fun playing around with him. Actual fun. It had been so long it felt rusty.

  Trevor growled and leapt onto the table. Items clattered and banged onto the floor as he slid his whole body across and descended on the other side, right in front of her.

  Rebel gasped and laughed at the same time at his outrageous behavior and tried to dodge him. “I can’t believe you just did that. What a mess! What were—”

  She squealed with surprise as he caught her; he walked her back a step until she was pressed against a corkboard wall. He pressed so close he cut her words off. His body caged hers between a giant red tool chest and a black cabinet. He canted his head, and his lips captured hers in a rough kiss. She sighed and melted at his warm caress. The muscles of his thighs bunched against her legs through the fabric of his pants. A jolt of warmth spread between her thighs.

  “Trevor,” she murmured, and surrendered to his expert touch.

  His arms wrapped around her and one hand groped her ass. He raised his head. “Gotcha,” he said with a wink.

  How could she not laugh? A woman could fall hard for a man like Trevor. He dipped down and nibbled on the curve of her neck, his soft hair falling against her shoulder. Even as his hot kisses burned her skin, she reminded herself that this was temporary. This man wasn’t a keeper.

  But meanwhile, no reason why she and Trevor couldn’t have a little fun, right?

  He tugged her away from the wall and spun her around. Rebel sucked in her breath, surprised at the abrupt change. “What’re you doing?”

  “Bend over the table,” he ordered with intense focus. “I wanna see some skin.”

  Oooh…hot. “Okay,” she said meekly, and started to comply. “Wait.” She stood back up. “What about everyone else? We’re right here in the middle of the garage. Where are they? Maybe we should go into the office and lock the doors. I don’t want them walking in, seeing you spanking my bare ass.”

  Or did she?

  Did she want someone watching them?

  Hmm. Maybe that’s exactly what she wanted…an audience as Trevor took what he wanted.

  Damn, every moment with this man was a sexual fantasy come to life.

  A shiver ran up her spine as his large, rough hand slid under the back of her top and connected with naked skin. “Phoebe and Josie are with Justin, and everyone else is out digging another trash pit.”


  “Yeah. Even your cousin and her friends. They all went.”

  “Oh, well, that’ll take hours.” She turned her head to look back at him. “Why aren’t you with them?”

  “You were missing, remember? I asked around to find you and no one knew, so I came looking. And now you’re going to pay for all of my troubles.”

  “Rachel and Phoebe knew where I was.”

  “I wasn’t with Rachel and Phoebe,” he growled. His hot gaze drifted down to her hips. “Pants down, now, or I’ll pull them off for you.”

  “No, wait, I’ll do it. I like these shorts.” She had them off and folded on the table in no time.

  “Panties, too.”

  She bit her lip and turned to the side so she had room to pull them off and bend down all the way to her ankles, giving him a peep show of her ass and her pussy lips.

  “Rebel,” he groaned.

  “Should I leave the top on?” she asked coyly.

  “For now.” He stretched the words out, as if they had all the
time in the world. Then he reached back to pull off his white T-shirt. It went over his head and he tossed it on the floor. His torso was truly awe-inspiring. Like this was the Museum of Modern Art with a curation of Trevor Mason bad boy installations. She could hardly wait for that body to be pressed against her own.

  Her gaze skimmed down his length, resting on the phenomenal hard-on pressing against his jeans. Her breath hitched. She intimately knew the massive shaft that lay beneath and what it could do to her.

  Bring. It. On.

  She leaned forward and wiggled her bare ass. “Like this, Trevor?” She turned her head to glance back at him in all his shirtless male glory.

  His muscled arms sleeved in colored tats rippled as he adjusted her stance. “Wider,” he demanded with a stern voice.

  She did as told, her heart bursting with excitement. This was actually going to happen. He was going to spank her ass and fuck her from behind in the garage. She couldn’t help the huge smile that was spread across her face.

  “I want to feel that beautiful ass of yours hot under my hand. How many spankings do you think you deserve?”

  Was that a trick question? Her elbows and forearms pressed against the metal table. A bit uncomfortable and slippery, but she could manage. “I don’t know,” she answered truthfully. “How many do you think I need? Three?” She did her best to keep the excitement out of her voice. She’d always wanted to be spanked, but it had never happened. It wasn’t something she could ask for, it had to be administered, delivered. She’d always wanted it like this, where a man was giving it to her, as punishment. In reality, it was about control. Pain and pleasure.

  “Oh, that’s not enough,” he laughed with dark intent, all teasing gone from his voice. “Not nearly enough. I’m thinking you can handle at least twenty. I want this ass of yours a bright cherry red.”

  She swallowed hard. Jeez. Twenty? “I’m really in trouble, aren’t I?”


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