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Page 10

by Ophelia Sexton

  Her pulse jumped until she remembered it was barely dinnertime in Germany, so this probably wasn't an emergency call.

  "Hey Cassie, are you okay?" Amanda demanded when Cassie hit Answer, and Cassie's breath caught.

  She saw Thor come alert. His head whipped around to look at her.

  "You were supposed to text me, remember?"

  "Oh Lordy, Amanda. I'm so sorry," Cassie said, with a pang of guilt for causing her friend to worry. "Everything's fine. I was running around like crazy trying to pack up this morning, and I just forgot."

  "That's a relief. So where are you?"

  "In town. Just finishing up a couple of errands before we hit the road."

  "We? Who's we?" Amanda demanded, curiosity brightening her tone.

  "Remember that yummy firefighter from yesterday?"

  Cassie saw Thor's dark brows shoot up in an exaggerated expression of comical surprise, and her face grew hot.

  He was standing several feet away, propping himself up on the counter next to the store's cash register while the clerk bagged his items.

  Of course, being a shifter, he could easily hear both sides of the conversation, and he wasn't even pretending he couldn't.

  With a brilliant grin, he pointed at himself while mouthing, "Yummy? Me?"

  Cassie stuck her tongue out at him before replying to Amanda. "Would you believe I'm going on a road trip with him? He asked me to drive him home to his mom's ranch in Bearpaw Ridge, somewhere in Idaho."

  "No way!" Amanda squealed. "I mean, I know he asked you out on a date, but now you're planning to share a motel room or a tent or something? Why Cassandra Long, I do declare that I thought I knew you better than that."

  Cassie giggled. "Seriously, Amanda! The man has a broken leg, a broken arm, and probably broken ribs. Just how much trouble are you expecting me to get into?"

  "Depends on whether he's got a thing for being nursed back to health," Amanda said, her tone filled with sly amusement. "Has he asked you to buy any scrubs or one of those cute little white nurse hats yet?"

  Thor shook his head vigorously, holding his left arm close to his side to brace his cracked ribs as he began to laugh helplessly.

  Cassie winced on his behalf.

  "Amanda, stop, please," she begged. "He's standing right here! I'm about to die of embarrassment."

  To her credit, Amanda immediately stopped. "Sorry, Cassie, I didn't realize."

  "It's all right," Cassie assured her. "He's really sweet, and going to Idaho with him will hopefully throw Baldwin off my trail. I mean, it's the last place anyone expects me to go, right?"

  "Right," Amanda agreed. "But isn't that a really long drive, especially if your firefighter dude—"

  "Thor. His name is Thor," interrupted Cassie.

  "Like the Norse god? Cool!" Amanda said. "But can he drive with a broken leg? Or are you going to be the only driver?"

  "I'm it," Cassie said. "That's why he asked me to come on the road trip."

  "Oh, I'm sure that wasn't the only reason," Amanda purred. "But still, I'm worried about you spending that many hours on the road."

  "You don't have to worry," Cassie assured her. "I'm ahead of you. I've already mapped out the trip into five and six hour chunks and booked a place to stay in Coyote Crossing, which is only about a six-hour drive from here. From there, it's another six hours to Pocatello, where we'll be staying overnight. That leaves just a three- or four-hour drive up to Bearpaw Ridge."

  "And to think I forgot that you're the queen of advance planning!" teased Amanda. "Sounds like you've got it under control. Cool. Text me when you arrive in Coyote Crossing, okay?"

  "I promise I won't forget this time," Cassie said. "Look, before I let you go, I have to confess that I didn't have a chance to take the sheets or towels out of the dryer. And I broke your magazine rack to make a splint for Thor's broken leg…I was going to buy you a new one, but then things got crazy."

  "Oh, don't worry about that," Amanda said instantly. "I hated that thing, and I read all of my magazines on my iPad these days, anyway."

  Cassie noticed that Thor was finished at the register and walked over to pick up his bags. "Hey, we're about to hit the road, so I should let you go."

  "Safe drive, sugar," Amanda said. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

  "Wanna tell me what kinds of things your friend won't do?" Thor asked when the call ended. He said it with a wicked smile that made her heart beat faster.

  "Not a chance," Cassie retorted, reaching past him to scoop up the bags of clothing and toiletries. "That's classified information."

  Chapter 8 – Road Trip

  The drive out of Colorado and into Utah was smooth and uneventful once Cassie navigated her way through the network of narrow, winding local roads that led from Cougar Creek to the highway.

  She and Thor chatted for the first hour or two. He asked her questions about herself, and she gave him carefully edited replies. He didn't remember enough about his life to be able to tell her much in return, and soon she could tell he was becoming sleepy.

  She wasn't surprised. In fact, what had surprised her was to find Thor so alert and energetic this morning.

  Shifters' accelerated healing took a big toll on their energy levels, and for major injuries, it was typical for a shifter to spend most of his or her time sleeping, waking up long just enough to eat huge meals to fuel the healing process.

  He was dozing when they stopped at a roadside steakhouse for an early lunch. Thor perked up long enough to inhale a huge steak along with a mountain of fries and a big slice of apple pie. Cassie was hungry too, and her own steak and fries disappeared almost as quickly as Thor's.

  When they got back on the road, Thor reclined his seat as far back as it would go and instantly fell deeply asleep.

  Cassie let him sleep for two or three hours as the landscape gradually changed from forested mountains to desert. Then she stopped at a diner and woke Thor up long enough to feed him a second lunch of a couple of burgers and a big milkshake.

  She found herself feeling protective of him, which was odd.

  Since when did a dominant male shifter need someone like her to protect him? Still, she couldn't help herself. Thor was hers.

  Mine? It felt strange but utterly right.

  Yes, purred her cat. Ours.

  Cassie felt an odd jolt, somewhere between excitement and sheer panic.

  She was sure that Thor would have laughed at the notion, if he'd been more awake. He looked totally adorable, though, sitting across from her in the diner booth, sleepy-eyed and threatening to take a nosedive into his hamburger bun at any moment.

  Conversation was at a minimum as he mechanically shoveled food into his mouth and she sipped at a milkshake of her own.

  But that was okay. Being with Thor was comfortable whether or not they were talking.

  Thor finished his second lunch, and they got back in the car to continue their drive.

  It felt strangely intimate during their drive to glance over and see him peacefully asleep in the seat next her, while her iPod worked its way through her playlist, and miles of spectacular red-rock scenery rolled by.

  Am I nuts for feeling this way? I only met him yesterday! But she didn't feel nuts. Just serenely happy, as if everything was just the way it was supposed to be.

  When they finally reached Coyote Crossing, a small town set amongst alternating patches of bright green irrigated fields and dun-colored desert, Cassie pulled into their motel with a sigh of relief.

  It was an older building that had recently been renovated into a series of extended-stay suites.

  Though he denied it, she could sense that Thor was in discomfort from the long hours of sitting in the car. And that had made her feel uneasy for the last half-hour of their drive.

  When they checked in, she was pleased to see that their suite was set up like a small apartment, with a tiny kitchen in the back, a dining table and chairs, and a comfortably furnished living room. Two bedrooms opened onto the li
ving room across from each other.

  No stairs, thank goodness. Their suite was on the ground floor, and she was parked right in front of the door.

  Cassie had a brief argument with Thor when he insisted on helping her unload her Subie and she just as firmly sent him on his way into the suite.

  "But it'll do me good," he insisted, doing his best to loom over her. "I'm all stiff and sore from not moving around."

  Cassie put her hands on her hips and glared up at him. "And it'll do me no good if you fall over and break something else," she pointed out. "If you're really uncomfortable, try stretching. And if you want, I can help you take a hot shower before you go to bed."

  His face lit up. "I wouldn't say no to a shower, especially if we can share again." His voice dropped to that soft rumble that she found unbearably sexy.

  Cassie was looking forward to another shared shower, herself…not that she'd let him know that. Right now, she had the upper hand in the negotiation, and she knew it.

  "So does that mean you'll be a good boy and go inside?" She pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him. "Here, why don't you text Dr. Chang and let her know how you're progressing?"

  He grimaced and conceded the point to her.

  She watched him hobble the five steps to the suite's door and vanish inside before she walked around to the back of her car and lifted the rear hatch.

  When she came inside, carrying Thor's bags of new clothing and dragging her suitcase behind her, Thor was standing next to the breakfast bar that separated the kitchen from the dining area. He was thumbing through a stack of menus that had been left on the bar.

  "Hey, how do you feel about Mexican?" he asked, sounding hopeful. "There's a food truck located just up the street that's open until ten, and their Yelp reviews are very good. Apparently they specialize in giant burritos." As if to underscore his point, she heard his stomach growl.

  Cassie considered the question. Can you really get good Mexican food in the middle of nowhere in Utah?

  She was from Texas, after all, where Mexican food was plentiful, flavorful, and cooked by actual Mexican chefs.

  On the other hand, she didn't feel like steak or hamburgers again. She'd take her chances. "Sure," she said, putting down the stuff she carried. "What do you want?"

  "Shredded pork burrito," he said promptly. "And if they have salsa and chips, let's get a couple of orders of those."

  He held out the folded paper menu and she walked over to look at it.

  As she scanned the list of selections, she stretched her neck and rolled her shoulders, trying to work out the stiffness after a long day behind the wheel.

  Out of the corner of her eyes, Cassie saw Thor push away from the breakfast bar where he'd been leaning. She thought he might be headed for the shopping bags that contained his new clothes.

  Instead, she felt his good hand settle on her left shoulder and squeeze. A moment later, his thumb found a sore knot of muscle and dug into it.

  She breathed out something that hovered on the verge of a moan as he continued to give her a one-handed massage.

  "Pressure okay for you?" Thor asked.

  It took a moment for her to return from her happy place to answer him.

  "I'll drive you to anywhere in North America if you promise to become my personal massage therapist," she said honestly. "But should you really be doing that?"

  He rewarded her with a deep, soft chuckle and kept working. "Remember how I told you I needed to move around a bit after sitting all day? I think I've found a happy medium."

  Thor took his time, using his strong fingers to loosen every tight muscle in her neck and shoulders. Cassie forgot about the menu still in her hand as she braced herself against the breakfast bar and soaked in his touch.

  When she felt warm and almost drugged with pleasurable relaxation, she felt him lift her hair away from her nape. She shivered as his warm breath touched the sensitive skin on the back of her neck.

  Please, oh please kiss me. She wanted that more than anything right now.

  His lips were warm and very gentle as they brushed her exposed skin, then traced a trail of slow kisses across her nape. A lightning bolt of pure desire shot down her spine, igniting throbbing heat between her thighs. The sensation was so intense she swayed.

  And Thor instantly stopped what he was doing. "You okay?"

  "Yeah," she breathed. "Never better."

  She turned and straightened. She looked up to meet his eyes and saw they had gone golden-green.

  On impulse, she went up on tiptoes, took his face between her hands, and kissed him hungrily.

  His good arm went around her as he eagerly returned the kiss and pulled her hard against him.

  They both forgot about his broken arm in the sling until Cassie slammed into it.

  "Oof," she said, as the unyielding cast hit her square across her breasts.

  Thor drew in a sharp breath and instantly released her. She looked up and saw that his face had gone pale under his beard and the light tan.

  "Sorry!" she exclaimed, and just like that, the erotic spell he had cast over her dissipated.

  Thor looked surprised. "Sorry about what? That was my own damn fault just now. I didn't hurt you with this thing, did I?"

  He jiggled his arm in the sling, which made him wince again.

  "No, and stop that," Cassie said firmly. "Now, go get your weight off that leg and have a seat while I go fetch us some dinner."

  "Yes, ma'am," Thor said, with insincere meekness. One corner of his mouth quirked up in a lopsided smile. "I'm not sorry you kissed me, though. It was worth the pain."

  Cassie rolled her eyes at him but couldn't help feeling flattered.

  Her phone buzzed. Glad for the interruption, she pulled it from her jeans pocket. It was a text from Amanda.

  Did you get to your hotel okay?

  Just pulled in, Cassie texted in reply. About to go grab some dinner. What are you doing up so early?

  She received an animated laughing emoji in reply. Haven't been to bed yet…it was a great night out. The people in Munich really know how to party! How are things with the yummy firefighter? Send me a selfie with you and him!!

  Cassie glanced over at Thor, who had settled himself on the couch as directed, with his injured leg propped up on the low coffee table. "Amanda wants us to take a selfie together. Is that okay?"

  "Sure, why not?" Thor reached out his good arm in invitation. "Come and sit here next to me."

  Cassie snuggled cautiously against his left side, careful not to bump his ribs. Then she held her phone out at arm's length and took the shot.

  She felt a shock when she saw the photo. She looked like her old self, radiant and relaxed. Happy.

  How long had it been since she'd allowed herself to disarm long enough for happiness? Somehow, it had only taken Thor twenty-four hours to melt her defenses.

  "Looks good," Thor said, leaning over to peer at her screen. "You'll have to send me a copy when I get a phone again."

  Cassie studied the photo, feeling wistful. I'll have to keep it as a souvenir of my road trip after all this is over.

  Prepare to be jealous, she texted Amanda and sent her the photo.

  The reply came seconds later. OMG! You should totally go for it. He's HOT.

  Three chili-pepper emoji followed.

  Cassie laughed out loud.

  "So she liked the photo?" Thor inquired.

  "She thinks you're hot," Cassie informed him smugly.

  Which you are, she thought, but didn't dare say out loud.

  She could still feel the imprint of his lips against her nape. The skin there was still tingling pleasantly.

  His arm tightened around her as he chuckled.

  "Hot…and hungry," Thor joked as his stomach growled again.

  "I'm on it," Cassie assured him, pulling her car keys from her purse. "You behave yourself now while I'm gone, y'hear? No dancing on the table or anywhere else."

  * * *

Cassie returned from the food truck with a big paper grocery bag filled with containers of fragrant Mexican food, she was pleased to find Thor still sitting on the couch. She had half-expected to walk in to find him doing something that Betsy would disapprove of.

  Thor had the TV remote in his hand and was watching a news report about the Mt. Thomas fire.

  "Looks like they've got it mostly under control," he told her as she walked into the suite. "Which is good, because I was feeling guilty about being pampered like this while the rest of my crew was out there working their asses off."

  "Does that mean you remembered something?" Cassie asked hopefully.

  His expression sobered. "Not yet," he said quietly. "Maybe with some more food and sleep…"

  She helped him to sit at the dining table and then distributed the food. As she ate, she watched him wolf down his burrito and a big bag of freshly cooked corn chips that accompanied a generous container of pleasantly spicy salsa.

  Once he'd crunched the last chip, she saw him quickly begin to sink back into his healing torpor.

  "I'm guessing you won't be wanting a shower after all?" Cassie asked, finishing up her own set of excellent soft tacos al pastor garnished with a flavorful tomato pico de gallo bright with lime juice and finely diced jalapeño pepper.

  Thor's eyes brightened a little at the sight of her licking the last drops of spicy lime juice from her fingers, but the waves of fatigue rolling over him were almost visible. As was his struggle to stay awake.

  Thor yawned widely. "I'd love a shower…but I have a feeling I'd fall asleep in the middle of it. Then you'd have to haul my dead weight out of the bathroom."

  "What, little ol' me?" Cassie grinned at him and extended a hand to help him rise from his seat.

  Carrying Thor would be awkward because of their height difference, but she'd be able to manage it easily with her shifter strength. The question was whether she could manhandle him without making his cracked ribs worse.

  "No, I'd just leave you where you fell," she mock-threatened. "But I promise I'd bring you a blanket and pillow."

  "Thanks for letting me know." He shook his head wryly. "I'll take my chances in a nice soft bed, thanks. Now, if your offer is still good in the morning, I won't say no."


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