The Modern Mind
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lions: studied, 608, 611, 618
living standards, 647–8
logic: Wittgenstein’s theory of, 159–61
logical positivism, 235, 306, 766
longue durée, la, 559–60, 563, 624, 752
LSD, 502
lynchings: in USA, 283
M-theory, 745
Mach number, 36
magic: in religions, 602–3
magic realism (literary), 706–9
magnetic anomalies, 553–4
man: distribution and migration, 555—6, 564, 689–92, 752, 754; origins and fossil evidence, 370–2, 484–7, 555, 607, 612–14, 675, 688–9
March on the Pentagon (1967), 538
March on Washington (1963), 523
Marxism: and Budapest Sunday Circle, 180; and culture, 466; and Darwinism, 319–21; and Frankfurt School, 224–5; and French existentialists, 410–11; and Freud, 225, 437, 752; and history, 561–2; Popper on, 380; resurgence in France, 625–6, 632–3, 752; and revisionism, 235; scientists’ adherence to, 316; and socio-economic change, 445; Weber refutes, 46; and women’s liberation, 530; see also communism
masochism, 34
mass society: and conformity, 503; and counterculture, 595
mathematics: as abstract concept, 677; foundations of, 24, 98–102; and German refugees to USA, 352–3; and Gödel’s theorem, 270–1; journals, 351–2; limits to, 764; and phenomenology, 31; and understanding of life, 747–9, 751; and wartime code-breaking, 362–4
matrix math, 260
May 4 movement (China), 178–9
Me generation, 599
media: ‘hot’ and ‘cool’, 547; mass, 754, 766–7; new forms of, 210–12, 218–19, 285, 547–8
Medicare (USA), 533
medicine see AIDS; antibiotics; antidepressants; autism; beta-blockers; blood transfusion; cancer research; cloning; contraception; cosmetic surgery; genetics; glands; hormones; immunosuppressants; leukaemia; Medicare; progesterone; psychoanalysis; psychology; restriction enzymes; Salvarsen; syphilis; therapy-religions; tranquillisers; transplants (organ); tuberculosis; venereal diseases; viruses; vitamins
‘medium is the message, the’, 546–7
mental abilities see Intelligence Quotient
mental illness, 491–2, 501, 626–8
Mentalités (historical), 558, 560
meritocracy, 448–9, 698–9
messenger substances see hormones
metanarratives see postmodernism
metaphysics, 36–7, 76–7
‘Middle America’, 520–2
middlebrow: and media, 210–12, 219–20
mind: nature and function of, 492–3, 500–1
modernism: condemned by Catholic Church, 68–9; defined, 52–3; impact of, 71–2; and science, 5
molecular biology, 683–98
monetarism, 650
moon landings, 566–8
morphomatics, 749
mother tongue, 690
motivational research, 445–6
motor cars: ownership, 214
Movement poets and novelists, 464–5
music: chance in, 624; evolution of, 757; indeterminacy in, 513; and modernism, 52–9; in Vienna, 37; see also electronic music; pop music; serial music
myth, 461–2
narcissism, 599–601, 620
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 112
National Intellegence Tests (USA) see Intelligence Quotient
National Socialism (Nazism): beginnings, 173; Hitler leads, 240; and Olympic Games (1936), 329; persecution and flight of intellectuals and scientists, 181, 302–7, 309, 350–1; persecution of Jews, 67, 243, 302, 309, 327, 352–7, 394, 435, 606; philosophical background, 234, 309; race theories, 294–7, 310–12, 315; religious opposition to, 314–15; repression of art and artists, 211–13, 300–2; rise of, 273, 294–6, 300, 304; and Stalinism, 436; and Western disarmament, 176
nationalism, 71
Nazism see National Socialism negation, 503
Négritude, 460
Neo-Confucian synthesis, 71
neptunium, 397
neutron stars, 572–3
neutrons, 262, 393, 509; see also particle physics
New Class, 443
New Deal (USA), 341–2, 646
New Growth Theory, 649
New Journalism, 598–9
New Learning (New Culture)
Movement, 178–9
New Left, 537, 595
New Policies (China), 70
‘Niagara movement’, 111
nihilism see therapeutic nihilism
Noema, 32
Noesis, 32
Nomenklatura (Soviet Russia), 318
noncommunicative geometry, 745
Novembergruppe, 222, 231
nuclear energy, 365, 394, 396; see also
atomic bomb
nucleic acid: and amplification, 617
nucleosynthesis, 508
nucleus (atomic), 93; see also particle physics
nylon, 343–4
oceanography, 553–4
Oedipus complex, 13–14
oestrogen, 428
oil price crisis (1973–4), 583, 589, 647–8, 655, 680
Old Growth Theory, 649
opinion polls, 432
other-directed societies, 433, 442, 446, 650
ozone layer, 586
palaeontology, 370–2, 484–7, 586–7, 612–14, 675, 686–90
Pan-Germanism, 241, 243
papal encyclicals see Index of Names, People and Places under Popes John XXIII; Pius X and Pius XII
parallel universes (cosmology), 742, 755
parallel worlds (psychology), 203
paramedics, 647
particle physics, 20–1, 90–2, 134, 256–64. 393–5, 508–9, 569–70, 744–5
particulate inheritance, 115
penicillin, 367–8
pessimism, 38, 39
pesticides, 582–3
Ph.D. (degree), 74
phenomenology, 31
philosophy: continental and analytic, 75, 766; and forms of knowledge, 668–71, 676–9; and objectivity/subjectivity divide, 673–4; and problem-solving, 492–3; and science, 235–6
photography, 167–8
physics see particle physics; quantum
physics; theoretical physics
pill, the (contraceptive), 429
Planck length, 740
Planck’s constant, 22
planned society, 376, 378–9, 382, 388, 646–8; see also welfare state
plasmids, 615
plastic, 96–8, 343–4, 635
plutonium, 397
pollution see ecology
polyesters, 343–4
pop art, 510–12, 515
pop music, 456–7, 477
pornography, 529
Port Huron Statement (1962), 595
Post-Impressionism, 58, 127
postindustrial society, 592–3
postmodernism, 7, 679–81, 706, 715, 729, 734, 753, 769
poststructuralism, 634–5
potassium-argon method (dating), 487
poverty, 286–9, 383–5, 441, 520–1, 646, 651, 653–4, 698
pragmatism, 75–7, 89, 90, 679
prehistoric art, 369–70
‘preparation 606’ see Salvarsen
primal therapy, 598–9
privatisation (of utilities and businesses), 648
progesterone, 428
progress: decline in belief in, 245–6, 254, 453, 603, 631, 670, 673; end of, 7, 754–5
Prohibition (USA), 215
propaganda: political, 328
Protestantism, 46–7, 602
protons, 257, 261–3, 509; see also
particle physics
psychedelic revolution, 597
psychiatry: misused in Russia, 540–1; see also anti-depressants, tranquilisers; radical pyschiatry; schizophrenia
psychoanalysis: and association tests, 139; connection with Marxism, 225, 437, 752; criticisms and
reevaluations of, 493–5, 498, 664–6, 758–60, 766–7; and direct analysis, 663–4; effect of Great War on, 150–2; effect on literary works, 135–7, 196, 202, 758; Freud-Jung division in, 135, 139–42, 274; international spread of, 138; interpretation of civilisation and society, 273–5; Nazi view of, 306–7; and neuroses, 275–6; and personal emancipation, 633; resurgence in France, 625–8, 752; in Strauss’s operas, 55; Trilling supports, 452; in USA, 505–6; in Vienna, 13–15
psychology: inferior to fiction as teacher, 755; and phenomenology, 31–2; see also counter-culture; therapy-religions; schizophrenia
pulsars, 572–3
punctuated equilibrium, 696
Puritanism, 47
quantum chromodynamics (QCD), 743
quantum physics, 23, 37, 61, 93–5, 257–60, 755; and string theory, 744–5
quantum electro-dynamics (QED), 508
quarks, 509, 569, 573, 667, 743
quasars, 572–3
R & B music see rhythm and blues
race theory: in Africa, 526–7; and assumption of white superiority, 40–4, 277; and culture levels, 451; and ‘degeneration’, 38, 43; and evolution, 578; in Germany, 240–3, 294–6, 310–12, 315, 395; growth of, 71; and human migration, 752; immigration control in Britain, 536; and intelligence, 206; and teaching of Third World cultures, 730–1; and US ethnic minorities and immigrants, 108–12, 116–18, 124, 148–50, 198, 206, 217, 282–4, 390–1, 522–3, 526, 528, 654–5; Weininger’s, 33; see also anti-Semitism; US minorities, racial
radar, 365–6
radiation, cosmic, 569–72
radical psychiatry, 502
radio, 210–11, 218–20
radioactivity, 91, 134, 262–3, 393
radiocarbon dating, 487, 563, 565
rebirthing, 598
recessive traits (genetics), 19
red giants, 573
redshift, 265–6
refugees: from Nazi Germany, 181, 302–9, 350–7, 505
reinforced concrete, 82
relativity: and Eddington’s astronomical experiments, 183–5; general theory of, 133, 181, 264; Mach and, 37; special theory of, 61, 93–6, 132; and string theory, 744
relict radiation, 570
religion: and alternative life-styles, 598–602; and challenge of science, 289–91, 765; and church-going, 603–4; and community, 314; and magical practices, 602–3; non-Western, 761–3; see also Christianity; Jews; and individual theologians in Index of Names, People and Places
REM sleep, 494
reportage, 285
repression, 13
restriction enzymes, 614–15
rhythm and blues (R & B) music, 457, 477
rocket propulsion, 365, 482–3, 736; see also space travel
rock‘n’roll music, 457–8
sacrifice (religious), 249
Salvarsen (‘preparation 606’), 106, 113, 367
satellites (orbital), 481–4; Echo, 569
schizophrenia, 502–3, 541
science: and cross-over culture, 769; as ‘culture’, 467–70; intuition and tradition in, 471–2; link to science, 754–5; see also individual sciences and fields of study scientism, 66
seafloor spreading, 553
Secession, 59, 64; Viennese, 35
self-organisation, 746
self-religions, 598–9
semicircular canals (inner ear), 36
semiconductors, 477
semiology, 635–6
semiotics (semiosis), 347
serial music (serialism), 230, 414, 513, 624
sex: education, 214; in literature, 429–30; origins of, 685, 695; religious attitudes to, 604; theories and studies of, 33–4, 278–80, 423–7, 529; see also pornography
sharashki (Soviet camps), 316, 482, 542
shell shock, 151
Silva Mind Control, 598
singularity see ‘Big Bang’ theory
‘Situs’, 593
skyscrapers, 80–2, 89, 223
smoking (tobacco), 582, 658, 661
Social Darwinism see Darwinism, Social
social welfare see welfare state
socialism, 163, 287–8, 292–3, 378, 518, 530
socialist realism, 321–3
sociology: decline of, 763–4, 766–7; and German emigrants, 305–6; in USA, 212–15, 281–2, 432–49; see also, Herbert Spencer; C. Wright Mills; Irving Louis Horowitz in Index of People, Names and Places
solidarity (philosophy), 670–1
Sonderbund (Cologne, 1912), 127–8
space travel, 481–4, 566–9, 573, 667
spectroscopy, 134, 479
speech see language
spiral nebulae, 265–6
Sprechgesang (opera), 58
Sputniks, 481–2, 484, 566, 736
stagflation, 648
Stalinism: and French intellectuals, 412–13; and genetics, 475; and Nazism, 436; persecution of Russian intellectuals, 315–25; socialist opposition to, 472–3; see also Josef
Stalin in Index of Names, People and Places
Stanford-Binet test see Intelligence Quotient
stars see stellar evolution
‘steady state’ theory, 508
stellar evolution, 573
stream-of-consciousness, 28
string theory, 739, 741, 743–5, 756
stromatolites, 685
structuralism, 629–30, 632, 634
students: rebellion, 536–7; see also Youth
suburbia: and social life, 438
Sunday Circle (Lukács Circle, Budapest), 180–3
superstring revolution, 743–5
Surrealism, 164, 203–5, 510
survival of the fittest, 41–3; see also evolution
symbolic logic, 102
Synanon, 598
syphilis, 103–7
technology: and individual control, 4; Mumford on, 288
technostructure (corporations), 590–1
tectonic plates (continental), 554
television, 211, 219, 546–8, 757
temperament (intellectual), 75–6
Theatre of the Absurd, 513
Theatre of Cruelty, 641
thelyplasm, 33
theology: see religion; Vatican; individual theologians in Index of Names, People and Places
theoretical physics, 93
Theory of Everything, 742–3, 764
theosophy, 64
therapeutic nihilism, 12, 27–8, 30
therapy-religions, 598–601
Thermodynamics, Laws of, 21–2, 32
Third World cultures: teaching of in USA, 729–32
thorium, 91
thymine, 480
time: real and physics, 66
Time Zero (singularity), 570–1
totalitarianism, 435–6, 473
tradition-directed people, 433
tranquilisers, 501, 597
transcendent pictures, 63
transistors, 476–7
transmission control protocols (TCPs), 737–8
transplants (organ), 659–60
transuranic elements, 394, 397
tree rings see dendrochronology
tripartite division (Freudian), 13
tuberculosis (consumption), 103–5, 662
turbines: in jet engines, 269
U-Project (Germany), 400
uncertainty principle, 261
unconscious, the, 13, 139–41, 237, 626, 629, 664–5, 758; collective, 140–1; see also Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung in Index of Names, People and Places
underclass, 699; see also poverty
unemployment: and corporate industrial system, 691; eliminated in Nazi Germany, 341, 383; post-war fluctuations, 390; of US blacks, 523; World War II affects, 342, 387
universalism, 27
universe: beginning of, 508, 569–71, 740–1, 751, 755; expanding, 264–6, 755
universities: and creative ideas, 767; criticisms of in USA, 720–2, 729–32; expansion, 212, 503, 760; increased in Britain, 537; influence in Germany of, 26, 74; internet i
n, 739; modern development, 73–5, 78, 281; and technological innovation, 650; see also countries and individual institutions in Index of Names, People and Places
uranium, 91, 393–6, 398–400
US minorities, racial (negroes; blacks; Afro-Americans): at Black Mountain College, 355; and colonialism, 527; cultural influence on artists, 60; economic/social deprivation, 653–5; education of, 533–4, 655; emancipation and integration, 519; and ‘Harlem Renaissance’, 215–17, 458; and intelligence, 206, 526, 533–5; and Johnson’s Great Society, 522–3; and legal equality, 644–5; and literary canon, 726–8; music and literature, 458–61, 528–9, 705; origins, 556–7; sporting prowess, 329; and US civil rights movement and direct action, 391, 523–4, 528–9, 644; and US racial attitudes, 108–12, 117, 124, 198, 206, 217, 282–3, 390–1, 458, 526, 654–5; war service, 390; women, 705
venereal diseases, 104–5
vernalization, 319–20
viruses: and medical research, 660–1
vitamins, 180
welfare state, 383–5, 444
West: dominance in modernist ideas, 760–2
white dwarfs, 572–3
will to power, 40
women: black, 705; and Christian belief, 604; de Beauvoir on, 422–3; liberation movement, 529–32; in non-Western cultures, 761; portrayed by Klimt, 35; in US literature, 705; see also feminism
work and workplace, 437–8, 440, 443, 447
World War I (1914–18): conduct and effects, 144–52, 156–8, 168; literary response to, 186–201; and poetry, 152–6
World War II (1939–45): effect on economies, 342, 388–90; effect on political allegiances, 386; effect on science, 375; outbreak, 361; progress of, 367, 386
World Wide Web, 738
wormholes (in space), 741
X-ray spectroscopy, 479
X-rays, 49, 479
youth: and counterculture, 595; and Komsomol, 293, 317; and Red Guards, 539–40 see also students
Zen, 597
Zionism, 45; see also Jews
PETER WATSON was educated at the universities of Durham, London, and Rome. He has written for the Sunday Times, the Times, the New York Times, the Observer, and the Spectator, and is the author of War on the Mind, Wisdom and Strength, The Caravaggio Conspiracy, and other books. He lives in London.