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Oak (Phoenix in Flames Book 7)

Page 3

by Catty Diva

  In the morning she would work to break into some of those more secure calls going on down on the surface. It would give them the information they needed for a successful raid. She was hungry and even though she felt tired, she went to the cafeteria to eat supper. It made her wonder if he would be there. Just as if she’d called him, there he was.

  Oak stepped back waiting for her to join the line. He motioned for her to go in front of him and there was no point in arguing if she wanted to get this done and get to bed. Now he followed her through the line and to the table she usually sat at. Everyone watched them drawing the wrong conclusion. They were not involved. There was nothing between them at all.

  “It’s always nice to share a meal with you.” Oak commented. She just looked at him for a moment then returned to her meal without a word.

  Some guys walked by and greeted Oak looking at her with curiosity. She ignored them and wished Oak would just go away.

  “How did your day go?” He asked.

  Her job was her passion. So much so, she was almost tempted to reply. That was his trick, he was trying to engage her in conversation. She looked at him, her eyes narrowed. “I don’t feel like talking.”

  “Understandable. You’ve been working hard since we took off.”

  She’d thought he might leave. But he just sat there and looked at her from time to time until she finished eating. “I’ve got to go and get some sleep.”

  He stood when she did and sat back down after she left. As she looked back, she saw other males joining him at the table. Oak was a popular guy. It wasn’t like she didn’t have any friends, she just didn’t pick many. There was Teresa, her mother, Nila, and Mike. Wasn’t it better to have a few good friends than a bunch that weren’t as good?

  Getting a good night’s sleep had helped her brain work better. That was good since today was an important day. She would be getting into the planetside communications and sending anything that might help to Nila or Teresa depending on the amount of worthwhile messages she intercepted. Dressed and ready, she headed to the cafeteria first for breakfast.

  She anticipated Oak being there she wasn’t disappointed to see he was. Already seated at another table, he moved to join her once she got her food and sat down. “Good morning.” Oak greeted.

  “Is it even morning?” She asked.

  “It is for us.” He replied then he continued to eat.

  She largely ignored him only looking up when he made a sound or someone greeted him. Why didn’t he realize she was no good for him or any male? The life she’d lived before she’d been freed had left her angry and depressed. It was better now, but would she ever be free of those horrible memories? If she was, it would be no time in the near future.

  When she finished her food she looked up to see he was still there. ”I’d best get to work now.” She said as she got up to leave.

  “See you later.” He called out as she walked out the door.

  Nila left the second she showed up even though she was a few minutes early. That was no big deal, she began to sink into her work. In no time she’d figured out schedules and who was where most of the time. By noon, there was enough to forward to Teresa. Once that was done, she headed to lunch where Oak joined her as soon as she sat. That male had some serious skills when it came to locating people.

  “I was worried that you might skip lunch.” Oak admitted.

  “Since I was hungry, I decided not to.” She grinned at him. In truth she’d gotten so much good information she felt proud of herself.

  “That’s a good decision. I hope it all goes well.”

  “Very well.”

  “Did you notice the pineapple upside down cake? Cook made it with you humans in mind.”

  “See, I got a piece. It’s one of my favorites.” She quieted. Giving Oak the wrong idea wasn’t something she wanted.

  “I’m learning to love Earth foods. It’s not like I wasn’t already well on my way. I’d gone to Earth a few times, but Patty showed Elm and I many great things from Earth.”

  “Patty? Isn’t that Tar’s mate?”

  “Yes, they are both great friends to Elm and I. She studies Earth as a hobby and serves their food at parties. You would love her. Everyone does, male and female.”

  “I’ve heard a bit about her. Maybe we’ll meet someday.” She finished her meal. “I’d best get back to work. My job will make yours easier.”

  Chapter 4

  The Raid

  Angel was right. The information she got could make all the difference. When he prepared for a raid as he would tonight, he always worried about all the things that could go wrong. Early in the morning planetside when most were asleep, they would attack. He would put his worries aside then and do what he knew he had to.

  Right now he would go to his room going over his equipment and taking a nap if he was able. Before they left, he would calm himself going over all the information available. Walking to his room, his brother caught him. “Ready?” Elm asked.

  “I believe I am. Are you?”

  “Yes, I’ve even gone over everything. This will be a big raid.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “I just spoke to Teresa. She has increased the team and discussed flashing up large items with the males who deal with that type of transportation.” Elm informed.

  “I was unaware.”

  “She just found out after Angel sent her a tape.”

  “Angel says little to me although she was in a good mood at breakfast. I suspected she had good news but didn’t asked.” Oak admitted.

  “She would never have told you.”

  “Probably not. I’ll see you when we leave.”

  “Rest well, Brother.” Elm said as they parted.

  His mate was a mystery to him and others. She kept to herself and shared little information. Still, since he’d been on the raid that had freed her, he knew entirely too much about her situation. Not that he held it against her. None of it was her fault. All he wanted was to claim her and help her forget. All she seemed to want was to avoid him and stay alone. For now he would go to his room and rest a bit before their raid.

  He woke suddenly just before the alarm went off. That happened most of the time to him. The sound of the alarm was shrill and he hated it. “Alarm off.” He commanded. The computer shut it off right away.

  The shower woke him completely and he went to the cafeteria for a quick meal and some stout coffee. In here, it could be ordered at any strength. A male needed the strong shit to get him going. “Hey, Bro.” Elm said as he sat down next to him.

  “Have you eaten yet?”

  “Yeah, but I can always use more coffee. The humans got it right with that drink.”

  “Too bad their world is falling apart.” Oak observed.

  “Good thing we got a lot of their plants and animals as well as recipes before it all went to hell.”

  “Maybe I can lure Angel to me with gifts from Earth?”

  Elm laughed like a hyena. “No chance.”

  He knew Elm was right, but he didn’t like it. She was his heart and she didn’t seem to care one bit. It was almost certain she didn’t even realize how much he cared. Maybe he would just try it regardless. It never hurt to show a female the care that male felt. Did it?

  Before long it was time to gather for the raid. Everyone was there when they arrived even though they were early. Ranger and Radley, two of those they’d found in the basement on their last mission, would be going in with them today.

  This would be a chance to see how they did. They would be positioned somewhere safer than the average place and where Teresa, Flicker, or one of the experienced raiders could keep an eye on them. Sure, they would observe how the two did, but they would also keep them safe while they learned. Once they were trained to be regular team members, they would be able to work as mercenaries anywhere.

  It was a dangerous job with a large percent of the trainees dying before they were ever through their training. They would train th
em to survive and thrive. Everyone was going through their supplies and weapons. He had everything he needed and it was in top condition.

  “Okay, everyone. Look around you. These are the people you’re working with so don’t shoot them.” Some of the new guys chuckled, but friendly fire was a real danger. “Let’s go over the mission quickly and if you need to know something, ask!” Teresa declared.

  She was good and she ran through the plan quickly but thoroughly. The answers she gave were to the point. Her eyes moved over her team, a much larger team than the last raid. This was a larger target so that was good. They were ready and that was good because it was time to go.

  “Let’s move out.” Flicker ordered.

  They entered the transport room where they would all be flashed down to their drop spot. From that point, they would spread out in four teams of four. An emergency backup team waited on standby because it was better safe than sorry. This was fairly new technology having been used for objects, not anything live, in the past.

  Was anyone nervous? Hell, yes! All of them but they refused to show it. A bright flash made them close their eyes and when they opened them, they were where they were supposed to be. Those brief seconds that they were blind was a weakness they needed to overcome. Luckily, no one was here ready to kill them.

  Spreading out, just as directed, only the new guys were left guarding the landing spot. He, his brother, Teresa, and Flicker moved inside the nearest building where the leader was said to live and work. Standing at the door, they prepared to enter with all weapons set on stun.

  Wham! He knocked the door in so hard it hit the wall and came back at him. Moving to the side, he hit two men and they fell instantly. Others came rushing in to see what was happening and he took them own quickly. These were sorry warriors and he was glad. In less than five minutes all the people in the building were restrained and Teresa was removing prisoners and items with Flicker as she sent them on to the next building.

  Flashing the prisoners straight to their onboard jail and the items to the storage area, meant she and Flicker were done and joining them before the next building was trouble free. This one seemed to be where the mercenaries they’d hired as soldiers were housed. They were a little better than those in the first building, but not by much.

  This area they were in was some kind of encampment. The messages that had been intercepted made it clear they were rebels. While they made an effort not to kill anyone, they would be taking them all back to face Razar. Not only were there no innocents here, slaves had been found.

  “That’s something we’ll not allow.” Teresa yelled into her com.

  “What’s up?” Flicker asked.

  “More slaves and they are using them as shields. We’ll clear out everything around them, then we’ll get them last.” Teresa instructed.

  Everything was going well when he felt a searing pain along his side. His eyes widened as he looked at his brother and tipped forward into darkness. He felt like he was moving. Almost like he was floating along at times before he sank into blackness again.

  This time he woke and was shocked to see Angel sitting next to him holding his hand. Had he died and gone to heaven? “What happened?” He asked.

  “You were injured. The doctor helped you, but she needed someone to keep an eye on you.”

  “So you drew the short straw?”

  “No, I volunteered. I wasn’t needed at my station. Nila is covering it and we’re on our way back. Teresa was most pleased with the raid except for you being injured. A few rebels were also hurt and Mike had to see to them also. Your brother volunteered to assist her.”

  “He did? Why?”

  “I suspect he likes her. She’s giving him a hard time.” Angel smiled which softened her face.

  “Like you give me?”

  “Much worse.” She assured him.

  “That’s not possible.”

  “You must have gotten your way all the time to feel I’ve been rough on you.”

  “I hope things between us will change now. Surely at the very least we can be friends.”

  “Is that what you wish?” Angel asked.

  “It’s a place to start. Did Mike say when I could get up?”

  “She said activity as tolerated. I wouldn’t do more than sit up at this point. The wound was bad and looked serious.”

  “That might be true, but Phoenix heal fast and Mazlan healing technology speeds that up even more. I already feel almost normal.”

  “Why don’t you wait to get out of bed until Mike comes back? She can be difficult and I don’t want her mad at me.”

  “If you stay and eat a meal with me. I feel hungry.”

  “No surprise. You’ve been out for ten hours or more.” Angel admitted.

  “Then I should have healed by now.”

  “If you stay in bed, I’ll order our meal.” She offered.

  He felt like he was making headway so how could he resist her offer? “Deal.”

  She called an order in on her com then she looked back at him. “So do you remember what happened?”

  “I remember how things went at first. It was when we moved to the next building that things went wrong. Someone must have come up behind me. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain along my side. That’s the last thing I remembered before I woke up looking at the most beautiful girl in the universe.” He knew he was grinning like a fool, but he didn’t care.

  Angel blushed a lovely shade of pink. He thought she was about to reply, but someone knocked on the door. “Come in.” The door opened and someone had a tray on their hands.

  “Glad to see you up and looking good.” The young boy said. He was a Mazlan about fifteen years old.

  They had an interesting program where teenagers continued schooling on computers while they served in various support services onboard or on the planet. It helped fill necessary positions, helped train the young ones in the military, and gave the teenagers a way to make a good paycheck. There was a similar program among the Phoenix, but the positions were limited and fought over. Now that more of his kind served in the Mazlan military, that might change.

  Dart acted like his name quickly setting the tray down and flitting out of the room. The door closed behind him. “He’s a good kid.” Angel observed.

  “Looks like he brought us some good food too.” Not that any of the food was bad. Teresa looked out for them in every way.

  “I’m still adjusting to some of the Mazlan foods.”

  “Which ones?”

  “This pink meat.”

  “That’s Phoenix, not Mazlan. It’s riddish. That considered a delicacy because they are hard to catch. Teresa and Flicker probably hunted these themselves.”

  “Why would they do that?” Angel wondered.

  “It’s a sport. Both of them are predators and very competitive. These beasts are also predators. I would compare them to a human bear but their meat isn’t greasy.”

  “Most people don’t eat bear.”

  “That may have been true fifty years ago, but these days they eat anything that doesn’t get away.”

  “Is it truly so bad on Earth?”

  “Many areas are inhabitable. The pollution has made the air unbreathable, the soil grows nothing, and the water will kill you if you drink it as it is.”

  “To think I always wanted to see Earth. Especially some of the places my dad described to me.”

  “Are you sure he ever saw them in person?”

  “No, he never actually said he did, he just talked about them with a look in his eye. It made he think he wanted to go there more than anything. He died entirely too young. I miss him very much.”

  “I’m sorry for that. It would be terrible to lose a parent before they lived a full life.”

  “You still have yours?”

  “I do. Phoenix have long lives normally. A human would have died from my injuries, I’m sure.” This wasn’t the first time he’d had injuries that would have killed those of other races. It probably wouldn’t
be the last either if he stayed in his chosen profession.

  “I’m not sure I could be with someone that risks their life every day.”

  He was beginning to see the problem might be the danger he put himself into more than any of the other reasons he’d come up with. What could he do about that? “You’re in danger on these raids too, even if you stay on the ship.”

  “True, but the danger is small while yours clearly isn’t.”

  “Life is a risk. You have to live it the best you can. Someday, I’ll go back home with my mate and live the peaceful life my dad has. Right now, I have to earn money to afford that life and fulfill my responsibilities to Razar and to my people.”

  “That I don’t understand. Why would you have a responsibility to Razar and why would working for him settle your responsibility to your people?” Angel questioned.

  “It’s a long story. Are you sure you want to hear it?”

  “I do.”

  He began with the history of his people. They ate as they talked and he answered her questions. “So you see, the Phoenix and the Mazlans have a close relationship built over time. We have an alliance and a treaty to work together and my people provide manpower while the Mazlans proved other things.”

  “Why do they need your people? Don’t they have to pay and provide things for you? Why not hire humans or other races?”

  He chuckled. “Did my mishap not teach you anything? Not only are we tougher than other races, a Phoenix has never turned traitor or let down someone they have sworn an oath to.”

  “Never? That seems like an amazing claim.”

  “It can be supported. Razar knows it to be true. We are also trained as soldiers. Some of us even have a talent for certain positions and many of us are in leadership positions. Most of the mercenaries Razar finds aren’t leader material. They also can’t be trained for anything that requires much thought. Perhaps that would change if he had a better hiring protocol and more time to do the hiring in.”


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