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Hunting Season (The Gathering Book 1)

Page 17

by Shelly Laurenston

  Sighing, Janelle turned back to Arri. The girl was practically cowering. She’d seen whipped dogs that looked less frightened.

  “Okay, Arri. We’re going to take it real slow.” Janelle forced a smile, but that seemed to scare her even more, so she stopped. “Now put your fists up again and plant your feet. Good.”

  Janelle slowly brought her own fists up. “Now, I’m going to swing at you, but real slow. Okay? You’ll definitely see me coming. And all I want you to do is to just push my hand out of the way. Okay?”


  “Great.” Moving in movie-style slow motion, Janelle swung her fist forward. Arri kept her eyes on it until it was about five inches from her, then she squealed and dropped to the ground covering her head.

  “That is it!”

  “Calm down, Janelle.” Neecy and Katie were still at it. Katie was trying her best to get to Neece, but their team leader had some great defensive moves and she was wicked fast. You didn’t get to her easily.

  “You gotta give her some time.”

  “Time we don’t have.”

  “I’m sorry,” Arri offered from her place on the ground. “Your fist just looks awfully imposing from where I’m standing. Can’t we get someone more my size… or just smaller than you?”

  Janelle gritted her teeth. She didn’t need little Ms. I-can-wear-tank-tops-and-tiny-jeans commenting on her size. All it did was piss her off. “I’m not sure we can find anything that small without following the Yellow Brick Road,” Janelle snapped.

  “Hey! I’m not that small!”

  “That’s it, you two. Take a break.”

  “Fine.” Janelle reached down and yanked Arri to her feet. For a few moments, they silently watched Neecy and Katie sparring while Janelle seethed.

  How come she had to train Arri? The girl was absolutely terrified of her, and Janelle was damn tired of it. She didn’t need Minnie Mouse making her feel like the Jolly Green Giant.

  Katie tried another attack and Neecy completely blocked her. Nah. Katie didn’t have a chance. Neecy was way on. She’d shown up that morning sporting a little attitude. It must be all that Yager love. Janelle couldn’t blame her. The man was fine. And he actually made the two of them look small and delicate. She liked that in a man.

  The question now was how far would Neecy let their little “thing” go? She’d known Neecy a long time. And Katie was right, Neecy was still trying to make up for something she did years and years ago. And she still hadn’t really gotten over what that boyfriend of hers did to her.

  Whether Yager was patient enough to wait all that emotional bullshit out, however, was anyone’s guess.

  Neecy easily blocked another punch from Katie, pushing her arm out of the way. Katie used the momentum to try one of her roundhouse kicks. Neecy saw it coming and prepared herself to block the blow.

  At that moment, Delia pushed open the door to the training room. “Hey, Neece. Did you know Yager was here?”

  Neecy’s head snapped around, allowing Katie to land that kick right at her head. Most likely because she thought Neecy would block it, Katie put a lot of oomph into that one move.

  Their team leader went down like a ton of bricks.

  Didi stared at the man across the desk from her. Like Neecy, Yager was more than ten years younger than her and a stone-cold fox. She didn’t know what Neecy’s problem was, but she needed to get over it. Or some little filly was going to come along and snatch her a Viking stallion.

  Yager shook his head. “I can’t believe it.”

  “It’s true. I’m done. I’ve been done for a while now.”

  “I guess I never thought you’d retire.”

  “Now, Yager, you know we can’t do this forever.”

  He lifted one big muscled leg and rested his foot on the opposite thigh. “Have you told Neecy?”

  “No. I’m informing all the leaders now. And of course Skuld knows. My husband’s real excited.” Yager frowned and she held her hand up. “Yes! I’m married! Why does everybody keep forgetting?”

  “Probably because we never see him. Do you ever see him?”

  “Don’t be a smartass.”

  Yager smiled. “Okay. Okay.” Restlessly, his fingers tapped against the arm of his chair. “So, any idea who’s going to take over?”

  She knew what worried him. Didi didn’t hound her girls. She didn’t worry what they were up to when they weren’t hunting. But that was her. Some leaders were not nearly as relaxed as she was. Yager wanted to make sure he didn’t lose any of his precious Neecy time.

  But Didi wouldn’t let that happen. The bottom line was, Didi wanted her second-in-command happy before she walked off. It would make her a better, less uptight leader. And she knew Yager was the key. Actually, all the Jersey Crows knew that. Only Neecy insisted on playing this “only sex” bullshit. And it was bullshit. The girl floated into the house earlier in the day. The man had fucked the cranky right out of her.

  “To be very honest, Yager, I want Neecy to take over. But in the end, it’s Skuld’s decision. Second-in-commands don’t automatically get picked to lead. All I could do was recommend her.”

  Yager leaned back in the seat and Didi was glad she liked good, sturdy wood furniture or he’d destroy the damn thing. “So when are you done?”

  “No matter who they choose, the transition will take a few months. Then, of course, a party.”

  “When don’t you guys end something with a party?”

  “Now, now. Don’t be bitter. But let’s face it. A group of crows is ‘a Gathering’. While a group of ravens is ‘an unkindness’.”

  Yager threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, I see. Trying to get on my good side, huh?”

  “I am charming, aren’t I?”

  “But you guys always seem to forget the ‘murder of crows’.”

  “Well, that would be redundant.”

  An abrupt knock on her door cut into their conversation. “Yeah?”

  Delia stuck her head in. “Uh…” Her eyes strayed to Yager.

  “What, Delia?” Delia knew Didi had no patience with long pauses. She hated that. “What is it?”

  Delia started chuckling and couldn’t seem to stop. “Uh… Neecy… um.”

  “What about her?”

  Delia cleared her throat. “Um… I need that stuff you put on scrapes. She’s got kind of a little… uh…” She looked down at the floor and laughed harder.

  Embarrassed, Didi glanced at Yager. She bet he never had to deal with giggling Ravens. “Delia?”

  Shaking her head, she pointed down the hallway.

  “Lord, the shit I put up with.” Didi pushed away from her desk and stood up. She walked out of her office, knowing Yager trailed behind her because he only had to hear Neecy’s name and the guy’s entire body tensed up.

  Didi heard them before she even opened the kitchen door. Laughing. Yelling. Rowdy bitches.

  Pushing the door open, she froze. Neecy held her hand up. “Don’t freak out.”

  “What the fuck happened to your face?”

  “Katie nailed her with a roundhouse kick,” Janelle said from her seat on top of the kitchen counter. The girl never used a chair if she could help it. “Bam! And she was out.”

  “You blacked out?”

  “Just a little. Nothing to sweat about. I mean, these are just scrapes.” Neecy waved at her bloody cheek. “No big deal. I got these when I hit the floor.”

  “And a juicy-sized knot on the side of her head from Katie’s tiny little feet.”

  Neecy glared at Janelle. “Ya know, you could enjoy this a little less.”

  Janelle grinned. “You’re right. I could.”

  Neecy glanced around the kitchen for something to chuck at Janelle when she saw him, leaning against the doorframe and staring at her.

  Their eyes locked and Neecy felt Yager move all through her body. The way he examined her face, she could almost feel his big fingers brushing the scrapes across her cheek, checking the size of the lump on
her head.

  So busy devouring everything about Yager, it took Neecy a moment to realize the Crows had gone completely silent. They were staring at her and Yager.

  “I’m going to go and… uh…” Christ, when did she start having trouble speaking? She was a professor. She spoke to groups of people every day. But now she was a verbal mess—and she blamed Yager.

  Pointing at the ceiling, she said, “Gonna shower.” Neecy turned and headed out the other kitchen door that led to the back hallway.

  Neecy didn’t look at Yager again as she took the backstairs up to the second floor. She walked into her room, closed the door behind her, and stood there for a good two minutes wondering what the hell was wrong with her. This wasn’t like her. When she saw Yager all she wanted to do was go to him and let him put his arms around her. She wanted him to take care of the scrapes on her face, kiss the rapidly growing knot on the side of her head. She wanted him to kiss her forehead and tell her she would be okay. He’d make it feel better.

  Christ, when did I become such a pussy?

  Now thoroughly angry and disgusted with herself, Neecy ripped off her clothes and went to her bathroom. She turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature, and stepped in. She slapped her hands against the cold tile and leaned her head under the showerhead. Closing her eyes, she tried to push out any needy feelings she had about anybody or anything.

  She didn’t need anybody except her sisters. And, hell, they needed her more than the other way around.

  Taking a deep soothing breath, Neecy had begun to relax when the shower door slammed open. She spun around, immediately swinging her left fist, but it hit one big palm.

  “Goddamn it, Yager!” She pushed wet hair out of her face. “How did you get in here?”

  “You didn’t lock your door. Besides, Didi said, ‘Don’t just stand there, go after her.’ So I did.”

  At some point, she really would kill that woman.

  “Well, out! As you can see, I’m a little bit indisposed at the moment.”

  As always, Yager ignored her, instead reaching into the shower and sliding his hand behind the back of her head. He pulled her forward and looked long and hard at her bruised cheek.

  “You sure you’re okay, baby? Janelle said you took a really bad hit.”

  “I’m—” she gulped hard so she didn’t lose her voice, “—I’m fine, Yager. Thanks.”

  Still gently but firmly gripping her head, he whispered, “Come home with me.”


  “Because you said you wouldn’t do anything sexual here. So come home with me.” He leaned into the shower, completely ignoring the fact that he was getting wet in the process, and brushed his cheek against her unhurt one. So gently, she barely felt it—but she felt it enough. “I promise I’ll make you feel better,” he whispered against her ear.

  Her entire body shook. “Yager—”

  “Come home with me, Neecy.” His lips barely touched hers—but they touched them enough.

  Christ, she shouldn’t do this. She knew Yager wanted more than just a sexual relationship. And if she were honest with herself, she was starting to feel that way, too. But she didn’t want to want that. It was dangerous. He was dangerous. Her feelings for him were dangerous.

  “Yager, if I come with you now, I’ll be gone by the time the sun comes up.”

  He grunted and shrugged, but then he kissed her and she stopped caring.

  Yager stared down at the woman sprawled out next to him. Neecy Lawrence could really take over a bed when she slept. But he liked it. One of her legs stretched across his, one arm lay across his waist, and her head rested against his chest, her breath tickling his nipple.

  He really didn’t know what to do about her. Neecy made it all so difficult.

  Brushing her black hair off her face, Yager winced at the bruises on her cheek. He hated to see her in pain. He felt it as surely as if someone had kicked him in the head. But he couldn’t tell Neecy that. Anytime he tried to get close, she backed away. Anytime he tried to make this deeper than sex, she ran.

  He sighed. He didn’t want this anymore. True, he still wanted Neecy, but he wanted her like this. All the time. He wanted to be able to go to sleep and not worry she’d be gone when he woke up. Hell, he wanted a date. To the movies and dinner. Something simple and fun, ending with mind-blowing fucking. It seemed so simple to him, but Neecy made sure nothing was simple. It was like she couldn’t help herself.

  He wanted to discuss all this with her, but as soon as she even sensed the sun was rising, she’d be gone.

  But Yager wouldn’t be doing this her way anymore. No more playing by her rules. No more giving her space, hoping she’d come to her senses. No. He was ready to push his hand on this one and she’d simply have to learn to deal with it.

  Neecy felt the sun begin to rise. She guessed it was about five-thirty or so. Time to get the hell out before Yager woke up and tried to turn her into some simpering female who couldn’t live without him.

  Yum. Sunday brunch at the Bird House sounded like a lovely idea after all that sex.

  Using every bit of her training, she silently eased out of the bed. Yager was out cold. Snoring, even. Well, that wasn’t attractive, but she smiled anyway. Grabbing her sweats and sneakers, Neecy backed toward the door, her eyes locked on Yager. Even snoring like a big bear she found the man gorgeous.

  Sighing softly, she steeled herself to leave and turned toward the bedroom door.

  Neecy stopped short. Yager stood there. His back against the door, his arms crossed in front of his massive chest. He looked like he’d been standing there for hours, waiting for her.

  “Going somewhere, baby?”

  “How did you…” She glanced back at the now empty bed. “Where did you…” She growled. “How the hell do you do that?”

  “I’m really fast.” He tilted his head to the side, his hair falling across his face. “Where ya goin’?” He asked it so sweetly, Neecy immediately went on the defensive.


  “I want you to stay.” He took a step toward her and, for the first time in her life, she stepped back. Not because he scared her, but because he didn’t.

  “That’s a bad idea.”

  “I like it.”

  Neecy shook her head. Determined bastard, isn’t he?

  “I’m sure you do, but—”

  “But what?” Yager now stood in front of her.

  “Look, this is getting complicated.”

  “Complicated? It doesn’t seem complicated to me at all.”

  He’d started walking back toward the bed, forcing Neecy to step back as he stepped forward.

  “Maybe you’re just making this complicated,” he continued.

  “I’m not. I’m trying to keep this as simple and uncomplicated as possible.”

  He took her clothes out of her hand and tossed them to the floor. “Well, you’re not doing a good job of that,” he offered sadly.

  Neecy’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not doing a good job of that because of you!” she accused.

  “You’re blaming this on me? That doesn’t seem fair.”

  The backs of her legs hit the mattress and she stopped. But one good push from Yager on her shoulder and she flopped back on the bed.

  “Ya know, Lawrence, I find it really sad I have to go to extremes to get something so simple.”

  “Extremes?” She really didn’t like the sound of that. Nope. Not at all.

  He wrapped his hands around her waist and hauled her up into a sitting position, her back against the bed frame.

  “Yeah. I had to borrow these from Tye. He has a rather disturbing collection of stuff.”

  He leaned over her and before she could see what he had, he grasped her wrist. She felt cold metal and heard the click of a lock.

  Oh, what an asshole!


  He pulled the other cuff through the metal bars and locked up her other wrist.

  “Wilhelm Yager,” she said calm
ly, although there was a bit of a giggle there, “this is such bullshit and you know it. Now let me go.” She should feel fear. Panic. But she knew, as sure as she knew her own name, she knew Yager would never hurt her. He’d never abuse her. She knew it with all her soul… and it terrified her.


  “What do you mean no?” Nope. She wasn’t scared, worried, or panicked but she would admit, at least to herself, she was a little turned on. Actually she was seriously turned on.

  “I mean no,” he said. “We need to talk. And we’re gonna talk.”

  She pulled but the cuffs only dug into her wrists. These weren’t typical handcuffs either. More like something she could buy at a sex shop. Apparently quiet Tye was the group freak among the Ravens. “We can do that without me being chained up, you idiot.”

  “No. We really can’t. And don’t call me names.” He walked to his dresser. “I try to talk to you and you run. Or fight. Or something other than talk to me.” He grabbed his laptop. “I’m tired of it, Lawrence. So we’re going to have this conversation. Like other normal adults.”

  “We’re not normal, Yager.” She watched him walk back to the bed. “We have wings and go to parties with gods. You take them to strip clubs.”

  “That was Mike’s idea,” he snarled through clenched teeth. “Last time I listen to his stupid ass.”

  “What I’m saying, Yager, is… Don’t you dare!”

  But he’d taken the sheet they’d knocked to the floor earlier in the night and tossed it over her head.

  “That is not funny!”

  He chuckled as she gave a quick shake and knocked the sheet back off. He’d already plopped himself down in a chair by the bed. Now he propped his big feet on the mattress, right by her legs, and put his notebook computer on his lap. Then he winced as it hit his cock, readjusted, and proceeded to ignore her.

  She yanked her wrists. No, she wouldn’t be getting out of these without causing herself some serious damage. Damn kinky people with their damn kinky toys.

  “Let me go, Yager.”

  He didn’t even bother looking up from his computer. “Not till we talk.”


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