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That Unbreakable Love

Page 11

by Tynessa

  “And what the fuck does that supposed to mean? He know how my mouth is. How the fuck is my mouth, Theo?” Him saying that definitely struck a nerve.

  “Like that!” Theodore laughed, and even Cornell chuckled couple of times. It didn’t last too long because Star kicked him under the table.

  “Yea, whatever nigga!” Tykise dismissed his ass. The waiter came over and everyone placed their order. Once again, there was an awkward silence. Tykise was beyond pissed and every once in a while, she would grunt to herself or mumble something that everyone was pretty sure a curse word to her husband.

  “See, this the shit that I have to go through ya’ll. She so stubborn,” Theodore explained as if Star and Cornell really cared about the shit he went through. Star probably made a big deal about the double dating but she wasn’t concerned about the personal problems that went on between the two. And the way they were carrying on had her ready to leave.

  “The shit you go through?” Tykise asked in disbelief. “What about all the bullshit I have to go through,” she was damn near in tears when she said that. Cornell and Star both looked at each other at the same time. Yeah, it was time for them to leave.

  “Bitch, what the fuck do you go through?” Theodore roared in anger. It was like someone had just turned on the switch to a lunatic.

  “Whoa. Come on Star. It’s time for us to go!” Cornell stood from his chair and while Star was gathering her things, Tykise continued talking.

  “The constant disrespect! That’s all your ass do! If you ain’t cheating then you beating my ass!” What happened to the wonderful man she loved so much? Star and Cornell wondered and if they weren’t shocked before, they was definitely shocked at that very moment; especially Star. She had dated Theodore for a while and he never even raised his voice at her. She then looked up and thanked God for not letting her marry that psycho.

  Theodore jumped up so fast, he knocked his chair over. “I’m about to beat your ass right now! Keep on showing out in front of them!” By now, Theodore was in Tykise’s face as if he was about to hit her and they had everybody in the restaurant’s attention. Cornell wasn’t about to let that go down, though. Nah, not on his watch!

  “Whoa bruh, you need to back the fuck back!” Cornell gave him a push and he stumbled backwards a little. Star grabbed Cornell because she didn’t want him getting locked up over bullshit that didn’t concern them. Hell, he didn’t even wanna go there in the first place and now he was trying to defend Tykise. Star was really in her feelings about that. Not that he was defending her, but for what? She wasn’t going to do shit but run right back to the man.

  “Cornell come on and let’s go. This ain’t got shit to do with us,” Star said as she grabbed his arms. Cornell didn’t usually get into other folks affair, especially if they were married, but he just knew Tykise was a good woman and didn’t deserve to be disrespected. What they did behind closed doors was their business, but it wasn’t about to go down in his presence.

  That was something he always disliked about Ronny. Shaniqua didn’t deserve half the shit he did to her. He never confronted him about it because she always went back to the nigga. How females always ranting and raving about, once a dog, always a dog, that shit ain’t true and Ronny was a living proof. He’d proven all those bitches wrong.

  “Yeah, listen to wifey nigga! This ain’t got shit to do with you,” Theodore said with a smirk. What the fuck has happened to him over the years? Star questioned herself. He was definitely not the man she once loved and she was disgusted just looking at him.

  “No, Cornell!” Before Star knew it, Cornell was pounding Theodore’s face with his fist. Both Star and Tykise dropped their belongings and ran to their husbands. Star was pulling on Cornell’s arms trying to get him to stop so they could leave but she was having no luck. Once Cornell was pissed, there was no calming him down.

  Star thought Tykise would’ve been attempting to help break up the fight but that heffa was swinging on Cornell and yelling for him to get off her husband.

  “Oh hell to the mothafucking no! Bitch, what the fuck you think you doing?” Grabbing a fist full of Tykise’s hair, Star yanked it as hard as she could. “Bitch, how you gone swing on him when he was trying to help yo’ ass?!” Star fussed with each punch she delivered on her. Both Tykise and Theodore was on the ground while Star and Cornell was whooping asses and taking names. That was, until the police came and they both were charged with disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct.

  Chapter 17

  Shaniqua was laying in bed catching up on the TV show, Black Ink, while Ronny laid beside her knocked out. He had one of his hand down in his boxers, with his bottom lip tucked into his mouth, and he had the cutest little snore going on. He only did that when he’d had a long day. Shaniqua knew he was indeed tired because that phone of his had been ringing back to back for the past five minutes.

  “Ugh,” she grunted as she through the covers back. Whoever blowing up her husband’s phone was about to get cursed the fuck out. Though it was well after eleven at night, another chick calling him never crossed her mind. Yeah, Ronny cheated on her numerous times in the past but he showed no signs that the old him had reoccurred, so Shaniqua wasn’t worried about another bitch.

  Getting off the bed, she took her time walking over to the dresser where Ronny had left his phone when he got home that night. Snatching it up, she saw it was Debbie and she sighed heavily while answering. “This better be important, Debbie,” she said.

  “This is very important, Miss Thang! I know ya’ll asses ain’t over there sleep this early. Why in the hell Ronny haven’t been answering his phone?” Debbie fussed. The whole time she talked, Shaniqua was rolling her eyes upwards. She loved her mother-in-law wholeheartedly, but she could be so extra at times. If they didn’t answer on the first, hell even the second ring, that meant they was busy or asleep.

  “Ronny is sleep, just like yo’ ass need to be.” Nudging Ronny to wake him, Shaniqua said, “Here baby, your old ass mammy wants you!” Ronny mumbled something but didn’t even attempt to reach for the phone.

  Shaniqua still had the phone to her ear and laughed when Debbie said, “Don’t make my old ass come over there and fuck you up!” Both, Shaniqua and Debbie loved their relationship. It was weird but they wouldn’t trade it for the world. Debbie loved Star but Shaniqua was her heart. “But, I was asleep until my son called from the damn jailhouse.”

  “What? What Cornell got locked up for?” By now, Shaniqua was shaking Ronny damn near to death. He woke up looking at her ass like she was crazy. “Baby, Nell locked up. Get up!” They both jumped up and started grabbing clothes to put on.

  “What the fuck happened? Who you on the phone with?” Ronny questioned but Shaniqua wasn’t answering him fast enough. “Who you talking to Shan?” This time he was a little sterner.

  “Willie already gone to get them. He been calling Ronny but he wasn’t answering,” Debbie informed them. Shaniqua had the phone on speaker so Ronny heard everything.

  “Who the fuck is them? And what them was doing to get arrested?” Hearing that his little brother had been arrested wasn’t sitting well with Ronny. He knew Cornell could hold his on but jail wasn’t for him.

  “They got arrested for disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace.”

  Ronny snatched the phone out Shaniqua’s hand. He was getting tired of his mom talking about them, like she was trying to talk in code or some shit. “Will you quit saying they and them and give me some mothafuckin’ names. Damn!” he said to his mother. He wasn’t trying to be disrespectful, but he’d asked once and he was getting tired of her talking in riddles.

  “Boy, if you would’ve answered the phone when Cornell called you then you would have all the answers to your mothafuckin’ questions. Now, them is, him and Star,” Debbie said angrily. She knew how Ronny was while she was trying to beat around the bush. She knew he was impatient.

  “Star? Wait—what the fuck my sister do?” Shaniqua grabbed the phone
from Ronny. “Does my parents know?” Grabbing her phone, she saw there was no missed calls from anyone, so they couldn’t have known.

  “No and they’re fine. Apparently, they got into a fight with some girl and a guy they used to date years ago. He wouldn’t go into deals and said he would tell me more about it tomorrow when he sees me. I don’t know what’s going on but Willie is on his way down there now,” Debbie informed them on all that she knew.

  “Well, I’m about to go down there so I can get my sister,” Shaniqua said as she grabbed her purse.

  “There’s no need. Ya’ll can come over here tomorrow because I will be calling them bright and early to come over here so I can get in their asses. Both of them know better than to be out there fighting like that. They have kids to think about, and they out there fighting exes and shit. I can’t wait to see them.” Debbie was pissed. Cornell knew better and she couldn’t wait to get some answers. She just hoped Star wasn’t out there trying to fool around with one of her exes and her baby boy got in trouble behind her foulness. If that was the case, Debbie was going to beat her ass herself.

  “Aight ma, I’ll be over there in the morning. Just shoot me a text or something to let me know they’re home and safe. I’m going back to bed,” Ronny said and began undressing.

  “I’m going to meet Daddy Willie at the jail,” Shaniqua let both, Ronny and Debbie, know. Ronny stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her with a frown.

  “For what?” he and Debbie asked in unison. There was no need for Shaniqua to get out the house that time of night to go to no jail when Debbie had made it plain and clear that Willie was already gone to get them.

  “I’m going to make sure my sister is okay. Just because you not going to check on your brother don’t mean I’m not going to check on Star. Shit, I need to go and find out what happened.” Shaniqua stood there explaining with her hand on her hip. She didn’t care if Daddy Willie was already gone or not, Star was her little sister so she needed to go check on her.

  “Nah, you fixing to get your ass back over here in this bed. My mom just said my pops is handling it. What the fuck you gon’ do that he ain’t? He don’t need you standing looking over his shoulder. You might as well take off those clothes and bring your ass back on over here and get in this bed,” Ronny demanded. Shaniqua glared at his ass for a moment but knew not to say anything smart; not with the look that was displaying on her husband’s face. He had the wrinkles in his forehead that she was so familiar with and his right eyebrow was up like the wrestler, The Rock. That only happened when Ronny was ready to fuck up some shit.

  Smacking he lips, Shaniqua rolled her eyes at Ronny and said into the phone, “I guess we’ll be over there in the morning Debbie.” She could’ve swore she heard Debbie’s immature ass snickering right before hanging up. “Really? All that wasn’t call for while your mama was on the phone.” Ronny had embarrassed the shit out of her.

  “Girl whatever. You know my mom used to me getting in your ass like that. Come here,” Ronny stated, truthfully. He was now up and needed a little something to put him back to sleep; and what other way to do it than some of his wife’s good loving.

  “Hell no! I’m going to sleep. The lotion is already on your side and the bathroom is right there.” She pointed to the bathroom door. Shaniqua was dead ass serious and showed Ronny just how serious she was when she turned her back to him and threw the covers over her head.

  “So it’s like that?” He asked for clarification. Once Shaniqua said that it was exactly like that, that was all Ronny needed to hear. He reached over and grabbed the lotion and handled his business right there beside his wife; and to make matters worse, he moaned and grunted extra loud to let her know that he was doing a damn good job at pleasuring himself.


  Cornell was released before Star was, and really didn’t see how that worked when he was pretty sure Ronny’s dad post their bail at the same time. Instead of going outside where he knew more than likely Daddy Willie was, he sat inside to wait for his wife.

  “This some fucking bullshit!” He mumbled to himself. In all the years he had lived on earth, he’d never went to jail. His record was clean as a baby, so you know he was pissed and couldn’t wait to go off on Star’s ass. Yes, he had every reason to blame her for getting locked up. How could he not when it was her idea to go out with them, even after he stated he didn’t want to? Yeah, he was definitely going to tell her about herself.

  “Hey. You ready?” Cornell had his head down, resting in his hand, when Star walked up. When he heard her voice he looked up and didn’t say anything as she stood and headed for the door. Star knew he was pissed as she followed behind him. Hell, he couldn’t be mad at her, she didn’t tell him to fight that man over his wife. That’s the way Star saw it. Cornell couldn’t blame anyone but himself.

  “Hey, jailbirds,” Daddy Willie teased. Cornell gave a light chuckled as they slapped hands and embraced one another in a brotherly hug. Star didn’t see shit funny. She wasn’t no damn jailbird!

  “Thanks man. I’ll get your money back tomorrow once the bank opens,” Cornell informed him. Daddy Willie waved him off. He wouldn’t dare take money from Cornell. He didn’t take Ronny’s when he got locked up for DUI and he damn sure wasn’t about to take Cornell’s.

  “You know you don’t have to pay me back. I look at you as my son as well. I’m only doing my job as a father figure in your life. I love you just as much as I love Ronny and you know that.” Nodding his head, Cornell got inside the car.

  “Thanks Daddy Willie. We really appreciate it.” Once Star hugged him, she went on and climbed in the backseat.

  The whole ride was a quite one. Every now and then Cornell and Daddy Willie would attempt to carry on a conversation but it didn’t go that far. It was so awkward and Star thanked God once they pulled into the parking lot of the now closed restaurant. Once again, they both thanked Daddy Willie and promised they would be there to pick the kids up bright and early.

  “So I guess you happy now?!” Cornell said once they pulled off. Star didn’t know what he was talking about but she was pretty sure it had something to do with what happened that landed them in jail.

  “Happy for what?”

  “What you think I’m talking about? You just had to hang out with them, huh?” Cornell was calm and a little too calm if you asked Star, but she knew him and knew he was upset for whatever reason.

  “Wait… I hope you not trying to blame me for the shit that went down. Because it ain’t my fault!”

  “The hell you say!” He hit the steering wheel causing Star to jump. “If you didn’t wanna go out with their asses then none of this shit would’ve happened. You—,”

  “And if you wouldn’t have butted in their business and tried to play captain save a hoe then none of this shit would’ve happened. The bitch said that the mothafucka always beat her ass, so you defending her wasn’t going to change shit. All it did was land us both in jail. You see her dumb ass tried to swing on you and all you did was try and help her stupid ass. Hell, I should be the one pissed the fuck off!” Now Star was mad as hell. Had Cornell not tried to defend Tykise then she wouldn’t have had to beat her ass and got arrested.

  “Nah, now what you ain’t about to do is blame this shit on me. I was the one that told yo’ simple ass not to go out with them folks but you just had to see that nigga again.” By now they had pulled into the driveway of their home. Shutting off the engine, Cornell hopped out and slammed the door behind him.

  “Ignorant fucker!” Star shouted as she jumped out. “What the fuck I needed to see his ass again for? I look at your dumb ass every fucking night. What I need to see another man for?” She questioned him. Cornell didn’t respond right away. He took his sweet little time to unlock the front door and walked in.

  Once Star was inside and had done closed the door, Cornell hit her with, “Yo’ ass laid with me every fucking night a few years ago but still managed to cheat on me. With a bitch at that!” Star kne
w that shit was going to come up one day. To be honest, she thought it would’ve been a lot sooner. “What’s the damn difference now?”

  “Really? So you’re throwing that shit up in my face. I knew it was coming, but you know what? I ain’t about to go there with you. Yeah, I made a mistake but what’s done is done. There’s nothing me nor you could do to change that,” Star said then turned to walk off. She was pissed. How dare her husband throw that shit in her face? Once they stood before oath, he was supposed to have let all that go and let the past stay just that; the past.

  “You fucking right I’m bringing it back up. Especially when you start getting on some bullshit again. I don’t know what the fuck you was on but you ain’t about to play me and make me look like a fucking fool. You did that shit once and that was enough. We was dating back then but it’s a whole different ball game since we’re married,” Cornell somewhat vented to his wife. He was dead ass serious, too. He didn’t know what Theodore had said to Star before he walked up on them at the club that night but it was something for her to be so hell bent on going out with them. To him, something wasn’t adding up.

  “Are you fucking done? I’m not about to stand here and listen to this bullshit. You damn right it’s a different ball game and in this ball game you shouldn’t be throwing the past up in my face. If you wasn’t over it then you shouldn’t have damn near stopped my wedding.” Star was grateful that Cornell did stop her from making one of the biggest mistakes of her life the day she was supposed to have been marrying Theodore. Yeah, she had done her dirt in the past but it didn’t stop her from loving Cornell. Back then he was just boring to her. She was young and full of spirit. All Star wanted was a little excitement in her life back then.

  “Yeah, take yo’ ass on back there. That’s your problem right there; you don’t like to hear the fucking truth.” Next sound that was heard was Star slamming and locking the bedroom door. She had no words for her husband. Hell, he cheated on her too, with Kandi, but never once have she thrown that in his face.


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