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The Nephilim Universe

Page 7

by L. L Hunter

  “That… that’s not mine,” he laughed nervously. “You know I don’t have one.”

  The dimly lit soul swam nervous circles inside the crystal sphere. It was as if it knew what was about to happen. Eden took out her special dagger.

  “Darling, you’re not going to do that. You can’t kill me.” Eden stuck out her hip and raised an eyebrow in a challenge.

  “Try me.”

  Abraham’s eyes glowed black, but then he began coughing. Black blood splattered on his shirt front. His shirt was black, making the black blood looked like an oil stain. Jazmine held onto her lover and stepped forward.

  “Look, I don’t like doing deals. And I don’t like begging for my life. Especially not with you, you little half-breed,” Jazmine sneered, looking Eden up and down. Eden stepped forward and met her gaze. “But we’ll do anything if you don’t kill us.”

  Eden glanced at Asher, then at Max and Gabe. Gabe looked at Max and then nodded.

  “Anything, huh?”


  “Then stop the demons. Stop the souls of the sinners from possessing people and committing crimes. Help us send the souls back to the Realm of Death.”

  Jazmine looked at her lover, and his eyes sank. Was that remorse they saw in his face?

  “Ah… we would… except you can’t alter fate.”

  “What do you mean?” Gabe’s heart skipped a beat.

  Melody and her fellow guardians joined them, and the rest of the room fell silent. Everyone ceased their fighting to listen as if the Angel of Fate’s words were the only ones being spoken.

  Samson chuckled. “What she means is, what’s done is done. This is only the calm before the storm.”

  “Samson is right. The dream we sent you, Gabriel, was a vision of the future, as you may have suspected,” explained Jazmine. “What you saw is set in stone. It is fate. You cannot stop it.”

  All at once, the noise erupted once more. Everyone began yelling and fighting. Max saw the opportunity and took it. He grabbed Gabe’s arm and pulled him aside.

  “I may have a way to stop it, but I need your help.”

  Gabe nodded. “Tell me. But first, tell me why you agreed to Abraham bringing you here? You should never trust a demon.”

  “I needed to learn how to make the souls listen to me. I had no choice. So, when Abraham suggested I learn to become evil, I took it as an opportunity to head undercover. Right into the lion’s den.” Max smiled, proud of himself.

  “Oh, man. You had to know it would be risky.”

  “I know. But I would do anything for my family and friends.”

  Gabe nodded. “So, what’s this brilliant plan of yours?”

  Chapter 19

  When Max had arrived at the Paris apartment to meet with the son of Lucifer, he knew he was risking his life. If his parents found out, Abraham and Samson would be nothing but ash by the time they’d finished with them. Still, he had to do something, not only to give himself some credibility as the new caretaker of the souls and Grim Reaper, but he knew this was perhaps the only chance he or his friends had of getting close to Samson.

  This would be his chance to stop the devastation Samson had unleashed upon the world.

  “So, this is him? The famous son of Scarlett and Dyston,” said Samson when Abahram led Max inside the apartment.

  “Yeah, this is him. This is Max. Max, meet Samson, son of Lucifer.”

  Max met Samson’s gaze and took a deep breath before stepping forward and holding out his hand. Samson hesitated before taking Max’s hand. As soon as their palms touched, red tendrils of energy snaked their way over their hands. Samson screamed as the crimson tendrils of power snaked their way up his arm and burned his flesh. But the tendrils did not burn him and turn him to ash. Where they touched Samson’s skin, they turned those places into pure white light. Samson tried to free his hand, but Max smiled and gripped tighter. He let go a few seconds later.

  Samson staggered back, clutching his hand. “What the hell? What just happened?”

  Abraham’s eyes were wide, and a look of horror haunted his face. He covered it quickly with a joke.

  “He’s pretty special, huh? What do you think, Sammy?”

  “Shut up. Only Willow calls me by that name. He’s special, that’s for sure. He’s dangerous and is something we don’t need.”

  “Hey, we had a deal,” growled Abraham. “I gave you all the souls you’ll ever need. In exchange, you get the spawn of Scarlett and Dyston. You have to train him up. He’s a danger to the job. We also want our freedom, Jaz and I.”

  “You will get your freedom after this is done. Reaper, I meant that he is something we don’t need fighting on their side. He has the power to destroy evil. He almost freaking purified me!”

  Abraham nodded. “We can’t have that. There needs to be a balance in the world. Where there’s good, there is evil.”

  As Max listened to Samson and Abraham talking, he formed a plan in his mind. Previously, he hadn’t known exactly what his trait could do—until this moment. He knew his trait caused a strange reaction when mixed with Gabe’s blood. He knew Gabe could sedate demons, making it easier for a reaper to harvest and destroy their souls.

  And now he discovered he could purify a tainted soul. Instead of destroying the souls, he and Gabe could work together and turn evil into good. He had a plan, and now he had to keep it a secret from the enemy until the others came. For the first time, Max had hope that he and Gabe were what the world needed.

  Chapter 20

  As everyone made their way to London, Max flying with Samson as per their plan, Gabe filled the others in on what Max had told him.

  “When our traits combine—mine with Max’s trait, they cause a chemical reaction and become stronger together. You know this, Uncle Lakyn,” Gabe said, looking at his uncle. Lakyn nodded. Gabe continued, all the while watching Scarlett’s and Dyston’s anxiety skyrocket after telling them their son’s part in the plan.

  “Max told me he could purify a soul with his trait while I can sedate them. We know this from the vaccines that were created during the last big battle. The vaccines were made from our combined blood and used to purify the souls and turn the possessed person back to their normal self.”

  “So, what’s the plan, Gabe? And why does Max have to be with them?” Dyston asked. Scarlett let out a sob hiding her face in Dyston’s shirt. He rubbed soothing circles on her back.

  “We thought it might be a good idea to go undercover. Make Abraham and Samson think he’s working for them,” Gabe explained. “When it’s time to call the souls and make them do their bidding, I will make sure I’m there and sedate the demons so Max can work to purify them.”

  “Do you think it will work?” asked Melody. She had chosen to ride on the plane with Gabe because she didn’t want to let him out of her sight. After leaving for the Realm of Fire and returning to find Gabe in grave danger, she didn’t want to be apart from him. After all, what kind of guardian angel would she be to leave her assignment’s side? Aria and Chordelia chose to fly outside with Samuel.

  “And why London? Why not Paris?” asked Lakyn.

  “To my understanding, it’s where the largest number of souls was dispersed. And because it’s close to the entry of the Realm of Death,” explained Gabe. “Plus, it’s what my dreams depicted.”

  They all nodded grimly. No one wanted to do this, but it was the only way they would save the world and restore peace. They couldn’t let the world be overrun by demons once more. Asher turned to Eden, who was looking out the window with her headphones in. He reached over, taking her hand, and squeezed. She blinked, pulled from her reverie, and turned to look at him. She gave him a small, sad smile and returned the gesture.

  They made it to London in no time at all, and as soon as they landed on the tarmac, their private limo took them back to Michael Academy, where they unloaded their bags and prepared for the battle.

  When everyone was armed and ready, they made their way to Trafalga
r Square. Max went first alone, but Gabe and Melody weren’t far behind while the others took positions on nearby rooftops and in alleyways, ready to make their move when the time was right.

  Max found Abraham, Jazmine, and Samson easily. They stood by the fountain. Jazmine and Abraham stood close together while Samson stood with Willow and another man. Max practised letting his power out by clenching his fists. The red electricity snaked its way up his wrists like ruby red vines before cracking with energy and returning to his palms again.

  He swallowed the lump in his throat and walked up to Samson and the others. They would look like regular tourists to a human eye, but to a trained eye, and a Nephilim or someone with angelic blood, they looked like demons. Jazmine used to be the Angel of Fate, a pure-bred angel before she fell out of the Realm of Fire for falling in love with Abraham, the Angel of Death. Although banished from this realm for breaking the law, they still held some of their original power. They would undoubtedly be a threat to Max and Gabe’s plan.

  As if sensing him, Samson looked up from his phone at Max’s approach.

  “Good, you’re here. It’s almost time.” Max took his place in the line in front of the fountain, between Samson and Abraham.

  “What time is it going to happen?” he asked. He needed to know so he could secretly send a text to Gabe and his mother.

  “Twelve noon,” replied Samson. “When the sun is at its highest and the city is at its most populated. Everyone will be out on their lunch breaks and will be hungry and vulnerable. It’s the best time for possession.”

  He swallowed the lump that had lodged itself in his throat and refused to budge. He didn’t like this, not one bit. He pretended to check the time and then checked to see whether anyone was looking before sending off a group text to everyone.

  “The summoning happens at noon,” he texted. He then put his phone back in his pocket. He hoped and prayed his family and friends would be in position when the time came.

  “Are you ready, little Blackbell?” asked Abraham.

  “Yeah. I’m ready,” he lied. He so wasn’t ready. He had to fake it so his plan would work. It had to work.

  “Two minutes,” announced Samson.

  Max took a deep breath and gazed around the square for the souls. He saw a few tainted souls floating about aimlessly. They had yet to be given direction. In a moment, he would have to tell them to take over the bodies of thousands of innocent people. Or pretend to, anyway. He looked for Gabe and Melody in the crowd and saw them beside one of the famous lion statues. They pretended to be tourists, taking photos of each other near the lions. Before heading here, Max and Gabe had agreed on a secret signal that Max could use to tell Gabe when it was time to sedate the souls.

  “Twenty seconds,” said Samson. He then proceeded to count down. Max raised his hand in the air when he reached five seconds and shot off a red spark, like an emergency flare, into the sky. As soon as Gabe saw it, he took Melody’s hand and ran to the middle of the square.

  “Now!” shouted Samson. Max closed his eyes and summoned all the souls to him. Gabe watched as a wave of red, black, green, yellow… almost all the rainbow colours rose into the air. Before the wave of souls crashed down over the people of London, Gabe raised his hands into the air and held the wave back.

  That’s when Samson began to realise that something was off.

  “What are you doing? Tell the souls to possess.”

  The gig was up. Max smiled smugly and turned to face Samson.

  It was then Scarlett, Dyston, and Samuel, as well as Aria and Chordelia, landed beside them.

  “I’m sorry, but we can’t let that happen,” said Scarlett.

  Samson glanced from Scarlett to Dyston and at the others who surrounded him.

  “What the hell? What is going on here?” Samson trained his gaze on Max, who had his arms raised and had begun the purification process. The wash of colour surrounding them slowly began turning white. It was working. Their plan was actually working!

  Samson then spotted Gabe in the crowd and growled.

  “You! You undermined me. You went behind my back, you half-breed scum!” He turned to Abraham and Jazmine. “Stop them! Kill them!”

  As Abraham stepped forward and ran at Max and Gabe, Lakyn and Rachael leapt off a nearby roof and landed on top of them. The trio of guardian angels held off Samson’s demons while Gabe and Max worked to sedate and purify the souls. They stood in a protective circle around the boys with Samuel.

  But holding back a thousand tainted souls was hard work, and Gabe struggled. He stumbled, and his nose began to bleed.

  “Gabe! Are you okay?” called Melody.

  “Yeah. I’m okay.”

  But Melody knew he was lying. He looked pale and clammy, and he stumbled again. Melody barely made it to his side before he passed out.

  Chapter 21

  Gabe blinked. He knew he was lying on the ground because someone was hovering over him. Their face was haloed by the sun. He tried to shield his eyes so he could see who it was. He had his suspicions. Her light brown mocha hair was a giveaway. So was her musically sweet voice.

  “Melody,” he whispered. His voice was hoarse. “Where am I?”

  “Hey, you passed out. We’re in an apartment near Trafalgar Square.”

  No, he couldn’t be here. He had to help the others. “The others!” He tried to sit up, but his head spun, and he immediately lay back again.

  “Take it easy. They’ve got it covered.”

  “But I have to help. I’m the only one who can hold back the souls. I’m the only one who can sedate them.”

  “I know. But it’s too much. I knew it would be too dangerous.”

  He tried sitting again, and Melody sighed, knowing it was hopeless to try to keep him down. She helped him sit up and propped some pillows behind his head. He leaned back into the softness and met her gaze. He needed answers.

  “So, did we do it? Did we stop the souls from possessing everyone?”

  Melody tried to meet his gaze but couldn’t. She couldn’t lie to him. It was unavoidable. She looked down at her hands, anywhere but in his eyes.

  Gabe knew then they hadn’t been successful. They hadn’t been able to stop the mass possession of London. They had failed.

  Gabe looked out the eighteen-hundreds-era push-up window and saw the darkening sky and the surrounding buildings. Big Ben chimed not too far away.

  “Where is everyone?” he asked.

  “They’re still out there fighting. Doing the best they can.”

  Gabe pushed up off the pillows and threw his legs over the side of the bed.

  “It’s not enough. Let me help. I need to go back out there.”

  Melody rushed to his side. “No! It’s far too dangerous. You’re weak.”

  “I hate sitting here doing nothing. It’s my battle. Samson wants me. I need to be the one to stop him. I need to be the one to save the world.”

  Melody knew it was futile. She sighed. “All right, but if you feel sick, we’re coming straight back here. Okay?”

  Gabe smirked and pulled her in by cupping the back of her head. He kissed her passionately. “Yes, boss.”

  When Gabe and Melody made it to the front line, the sight before them broke Gabe’s heart. There were many dead, many innocent Nephilim and humans. He saw Eden and Asher standing with Dyston and Samuel, fighting off several demons. He glanced around the square for Max but couldn’t see him. He had an idea. He knew how to help. But they had to move fast. And to do this, he needed Max. He saw his Aunt Rachael tending to an injured Nephilim with Lakyn and ran over to them. Melody stayed close.

  “Where is Max?” he asked.

  “Gabe? What are you doing here? We asked Melody to take you somewhere safe so you could recover,” said Lakyn.

  “I know. I’m fine now, and I need Max. I have an idea.”

  “He passed out too,” said Rachael solemnly. “Scarlett and Aria are taking care of him not far from here.”

  “Tell me
where they are. For this to work—I don’t even know if it will work—but we need to move quickly.”

  “What’s your plan, son?” asked Lakyn.

  “Create another vaccine. Max and I aren’t strong enough to keep doing what we’ve been doing. It’s too big of an energy drain. If you create another vaccine, we’ll be able to keep our strength as well as save the world.”

  Lakyn walked to Gabe and patted him on the shoulder. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

  With the help of Samuel, Lakyn and Rachael prepared a larger dose of Gabe and Max’s blood. They already had a supply of it from the last battle. Some of it was used to coat the rope that bound Samson. While the vaccines were being prepared in a nearby hospital, Gabe and Melody went to visit Max.

  Just like Lakyn had said, Aria and Scarlett were taking care of Max in a nearby hotel room.

  Max was sitting up in bed when they walked in. A huge smile appeared on his face when he saw his cousin and guardian angel.

  “How ya going, buddy?” asked Gabe.

  “Good, despite the fact Samson and Willow have disappeared.”

  Gabe’s heart sank.

  “What do you mean?” He turned to Melody, and she bowed her head in shame. “Melody? Don’t tell me you knew about this?”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I just wanted you to focus on regaining your strength again.”

  Gabe walked over to the bed Max was in and slumped down on the end.

  “Great. First, we’ve failed in saving people, and now the son of Lucifer has escaped. What are we going to do now?”

  “Hope,” said Melody. The answer surprised Gabe. She hadn’t expected her to say that. “All we can do now is hope.”


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