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The Nephilim Universe

Page 19

by L. L Hunter

  “Are you sure you’re okay, Mel?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  “That was where they kept you, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes. There is still a strong glamour on it to make it look like it’s abandoned. But it’s not.” It appears abandoned to our kind, but to humans, it’s still a working hospital.” They walked down the corridor and Melody pointed toward a desk. Gabe saw a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked away, and then, when he looked back, the desk was surrounded by nurses. Patients sat in the waiting room and doctors rushed between beds.

  “Whoa. That’s… strange? Why would Abraham want to make it look abandoned to us?”

  I have no idea. His mind is twisted, so this doesn’t surprise me. An abandoned hospital would be better to conduct sordid experiments in.”

  Gabe glanced back down the hall toward the small room. “That was where you… you… died.” His voice broke, and he turned to look at her.

  “Yeah. I’d rather not talk about it. My angel-self died, but I am still here. Let’s just finish this. I’d like to get as far away from here as possible after this. Okay?”

  “That’s exactly what we’ll do.” He kissed her head and took her hand, and they made their way to the next floor.

  They found Abraham on the top floor. Willow lay lifeless on an old hospital bed surrounded by machines. There was a steady heartbeat, and she was breathing, but there were no other signs of life. Lakyn and Rachael stood near the windows alongside Eden, Asher, Max, and Aria. They were all watching Abraham, who sat on a chair beside the bed in the centre of the room. His head was on Willow’s abdomen, and his hand was holding hers. Melody guessed, judging by the way Abraham stroked Willow’s face every once in a while and kissed her hand, that he had already inserted Jazmine’s soul in Willow’s body.

  As soon as Gabe walked into the room, Abraham froze and lifted his head to look at him. His eyes burned like red fire.

  “Hello, Gabriel.”

  “Abraham. Where is she? Where is my grandmother’s soul?”

  He sighed. It sounded like he was bored. “I’ll give her back if you help me with a little something first.”


  “Gabe,” warned Rachael, “be careful.”

  “It’s okay, Aunt Rachael.” He turned back to Abraham. “Name it.”

  Abraham gestured at Jazmine’s motionless host on the bed. “I need you and Max to bring her back to me. Something’s not right. She’s been like this for a few hours now.”

  Gabe walked over to his family and friends, mainly Max.

  “Shall we do this?”

  “Let’s do it,” said Max. Before he and Max walked over to Jazmine’s new body, they each hugged their loved ones. And then they walked over to wake up the Angel of Fate.

  Chapter 21

  While Max and Gabe were trying to raise Jazmine, Lakyn felt something deep within him. it was dark feeling. It simmered in his blood. He knew that feeling. He brought out his dagger.

  “Guys, weapons and traits at the ready. The demons are coming. There’s a lot of them. Too many.”

  Rachael took out her dagger and stood beside her husband. Eden moved toward the door with Asher behind her, Eden with her dagger in one hand and her purple orb trait in her other. Asher didn’t yet have his trait, so Eden protected him. However, he was in training and had become quite good with a crossbow. He stood with his bow trained toward the door.

  Scarlett and Dyston had since joined them, as well as Scarlett’s parents Ruth and Samuel. The guardian angels were outside and had been ordered to attack the demons before they entered the hospital, except for Aria and Hook, who had been ordered to protect Max, Melody, and Gabe. They heard a sound coming from down the hall. A crackling sound, like a short-circuited electrical wire or a radio. They soon found out it was the latter when the song “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen blasted through the speakers. And then a familiar face walked through the door, followed by a second familiar face. Vines and flowers followed them along the walls, twisting and covering every inch of bare wall.

  “Hey, guys. Miss us?” said the petite blonde. She held her hand over a pregnant belly and sauntered over to her friend. Scarlett threw her arms around Emer.

  “Em, you made it. I didn’t think you would considering…”

  Emer smiled and rubbed her swollen belly. “Josh was hesitant, but I wanted to help you. I’m glad you asked. Are Kat and Jacob here yet?”

  “No. I sent word, but no answer yet. I’m sure they’ll be here soon,” said Scarlett. She looked around at her family and friends and remembered she had something to do before the chaos erupted and hell was literally unleashed. This might be her only chance.

  “Em, I have something I need to do. Stay with my parents.”

  “Go do what you have to do, Goddess. I’ll be fine.” Emer smirked at her friend and playfully shoved her away before walking over to stand beside Ruth and Samuel. Scarlett’s parents hugged her in greeting and welcomed her. Ruth then proceeded to gush over Emer’s baby bump.

  Scarlett moved toward the door where Eden and Asher stood. She knew it was time to give them their gifts. They had definitely earned them. All of the new generation had. She made eye contact with Lakyn as she passed and they nodded in agreement. Lakyn added a smirk as well. She was glad they were on good terms. Eden and Asher turned and smiled as if sensing her approach.

  “Hey, guys.”

  “Hey, Aunt Scarlett. It seems weird calling you that,” said Eden.

  “What’s up?” asked Asher.

  “I just came over to say that it’s time to give you your gifts.”

  Eden raised an eyebrow. “Gifts?”

  “Yes. You’ve certainly earned them. You’ve done a lot for the Nephilim and the humans. And the world.” Scarlett held out her palm face up. A ball of flame hovered there. “Hold your hands above mine, inside the flame. It won’t hurt, but you will feel the power transfer over to you.”

  Cautious, but excited, Eden and Asher did as Scarlett suggested and hovered their hands inside the small flame above Scarlett’s hand. As soon as they did, a brilliant, bright white light grew to surround all of them until their bodies were consumed. Eden and Asher gasped as they felt a strange new energy flow into their bodies. Then, less than a minute later, the light dissipated and Scarlett pulled back her hand.

  “Whoa! That was… what was that?” asked Eden. She turned her hands over to check both sides to see if they looked different. But she looked the same as before. She did feel a little different. She felt stronger somehow.

  “I’ve given you both your wings, and Asher, you should now have your trait.” She smiled, a little bit smug that she had the power to do so. That was the upside to being the Goddess of the Universe.

  “Oh, my God. Thank you,” exclaimed Asher.

  “You’re serious?” asked Eden. “I have wings now?” she began spinning around to try and see her back.

  Scarlett laughed. “Yes. You should be able to call them out when you need them the most. Enjoy and use them wisely. I know you will.”

  “Thank you, Aunt Scarlett.” She launched herself into her aunt’s arms and hugged her tight. Asher joined in.

  “You’re welcome. Now I have to go see Gabe and my son.”

  Scarlett watched as Eden and Asher turned to each other and huddled in close, probably to discuss their new abilities and wings. She beamed with pride then turned and made her way over to where Gabe and Max stood beside Jazmine’s new host body. She could feel the demons’ approaching, so she had to work fast.

  “Hello, boys.”

  Max looked up and grinned when he saw his mother. “Hey, Mum.”

  “Hey,” said Gabe. His brows were scrunched together, and beads of sweat glistened on his forehead as he concentrated on the task at hand. Gabe’s job was to sedate Willow’s body, even though she was basically dead so that Max could try to wake up Jazmine’s soul. But it was taking a long time. Scarlett glanced at
Abraham sitting beside the bed. He looked lost. It was strange to see the former Angel of Death and Grim Reaper, a man who had once held an important role in the universe, look so weak and defenceless. Scarlett admitted she would probably feel the same if she had lost her soul mate.

  “Listen, we don’t have much time. I came over here to give you something.”

  “What is it?” Max asked.

  “Give me your hands.” The boys stopped what they were doing and came over closer. Scarlett produced the little flame again. “Put your hands inside the flame. Don’t worry, it’s not hot.”

  They put their hands inside the flame and were surrounded by the bright white light. A moment later, the light disappeared, and they pulled their hands away.

  “What just happened?” asked Gabe, astonished.

  “I gifted you your wings. You both have powerful traits already, so I don’t need to do anything to those.”

  “You gave us wings?” said Max, blinking in surprise. Scarlett smiled.

  “Yes. I did. You deserve them. And you’ll need them soon. Anyway, I also wanted to wish you boys luck and say that I love you and will be here for you.”

  Max threw his arms around his mother’s neck. “Thank you. It’s just like my visions.”

  “I was told about those. Hopefully, the other part doesn’t happen.” She glanced at Abraham as she said the last part. He met her gaze and rolled his eyes.

  “Nothing will be happening if Jaz doesn’t wake up.”

  “Then call off your demons. We don’t have to do this. I know you’re grieving. You don’t need to exact revenge, Abraham. She is still alive.”

  Abraham’s head snapped up, and he got to his feet. “No, she’s not!” His eyes glowed red like molten lava as he threw up his arms and shouted. His voice boomed throughout the halls of the hospital and resonated through everyone’s bodies.

  “Demons! It’s time! Attack!”

  The building shook violently as the demons swarmed the hospital. The glamour that surrounded the hospital, and kept the human world from theirs, wavered and then began to dissolve. Human patients and nurses screamed and ran seeing the sudden disappearance of strange beings with glowing eyes and daggers. But seeing the angels was nothing to seeing the demons. The Nephilim watched in horror was the demons slowly began to possess every single person the hospital.

  Chapter 22

  The demons swarmed the hospital in the hundreds. There were so many demons flying about that the twilight sky turned into midnight.

  Gabe looked at Max in fear. “We have to do this. Quick, Max.”

  Max’s eyes darted back and forth as he took in all the demons filling up the room. The room they were in was a ward and was quite spacious, but with the number of demons and angels in it, it got smaller and smaller by the minute.

  “Max?” Willow’s body stirred. “Oh, my God.” He held out his hands to subdue her again, but her hands came up and gripped him around his neck. Air was restricted, and he suddenly couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t call out to Max for help. He couldn’t do anything but stare down at the zombie before him. Her eyes glowed golden as she lifted Gabe into the air.

  Aria, Hook, and Melody were too busy battling demons to notice.

  Black spots began to cover his line of vision, and his head spun. He was losing precious oxygen. Jazmine was far too strong. He tried to grasp onto Jazmine’s arm so he could hit her with a spark of electricity. He tried three times, and each time he came up against a wall of resistance in the form of a force field. He heard Jazmine cackle as his eyes drooped and the world began to turn dark. Jazmine slipped off the hospital bed and held Gabe’s limp body out in front of her. She heard a voice and turned toward it.


  “Abe, my love.” As soon as Jazmine saw her lover, she dropped Gabe, and he landed hard on the ground.

  He wasn’t quite unconscious yet, but the heavy fall and the sudden return of oxygen to his brain jolted him awake. He was climbing to his feet, planning to throw a bolt of lightning at Jazmine’s back while she was distracted, but one of the demons was upon him. It knocked him back to the ground. Gabe cried out and plunged an arm through the demon’s smoky, translucent body. The demons weren’t corporal, the ones that hadn’t found a host anyway, which made them easier to kill. They looked like brownish-grey clouds of smoke that occasionally flashed with red or green or yellow eyes reflecting the sin they had committed when they were alive.

  When Gabe’s arm went through the smoky form, his trait connected with the dark matter, and it shocked it. It quickly dissipated into the air leaving an ashy footprint behind. Another demon soon took the place of that one, and on and on they came. Gabe reckoned he must have killed about twenty demons at this point. He had to switch to weapons soon as he was growing tired using his trait.

  Jazmine walked toward her soul mate, arm outstretched. When they finally reached each other, Abraham took her face in his large hands and kissed her passionately. It had only been a few months since they last saw each other and should have been the blink of an eye in their immortal lifespans. But with soul mates, even spending a moment apart was almost enough to kill you.

  Melody ran to Gabe’s side as he fought another demon. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. You?” They turned back to back, swinging and killing demons as they spoke. Gabe had since switched to his dagger to preserve his energy.

  “We have to do something,” puffed Melody, out of breath from fighting. “There’s too many.”

  “I agree. We have to kill Abraham and Jazmine for good.”

  He glanced over to see where Jazmine had gone and saw her kissing Abraham. He wanted to laugh with glee. This was going to be easy, he thought. But he couldn’t do it alone.

  “They’re distracted. We have to do it now. I’ll hold them still as you keep the demons away. I’ll try to get some help. We need Eden and Asher. Eden can pull their souls from their bodies while I hold them, and you and Asher can hold off the demons.”

  “Okay. I’m ready. Let’s do this.”

  Melody and Gabe moved at the same time. Melody covered Gabe’s back as he ran toward Eden and Asher.

  “Eden!” he shouted as he approached, and thankfully, his voice wasn’t lost amongst the melee. Eden spotted him and nudged Asher. They ran toward him and Melody.

  “We need to kill Abraham and Jazmine. There are too many demons. We’re getting smashed.”

  “I agree,” replied Eden. “What’s your plan?”

  “I’ll hold them while you grab their souls and kill them. Asher, can you help Melody hold off the demons?”

  Asher nodded. “Sure thing.” He loaded another arrow in his crossbow.

  Gabe looked around to see where Abraham and Jazmine were and saw they were walking toward the shattered windows. His eyes widened. “They’re getting away!”

  “No, they’re not.” Eden launched herself into the air and out from her back sprung two massive silver-grey wings. She shot forward and landed beside Abraham and Jazmine.

  Gabe started running and then felt pressure at his back. Then he was flying. He gasped and looked to the side. He was shocked to see two white wings flapping on each side of his body. He couldn’t believe it. He had wings! He quickly realised where he was. He found Melody slowly running after him, so he slowed down enough to pick her up.

  She laughed. “You have wings!”

  “I do. How awesome are they?”

  She kissed him as she relaxed in his arms. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  Time seemed to move slowly between when they each got their wings to the time they landed beside Abraham and Jazmine. Gabe guessed it was the angel magic coming into play or the fact that time was different when you moved faster than light.

  Gabe dropped to the ground beside Abraham, set Melody on the ground, and then immediately threw a lasso of power around Abraham and Jazmine’s middles, holding them in place.

  “Now, Eden!”

  Eden folded in her beaut
iful grey wings and walked up to Abraham and Jazmine. She looked each of them in the eye and pulled out her glimmering white blade. Something sizzled, and the smell of burnt flesh permeated the air. Jazmine struggled in her bindings, but when she tried to burn through Gabe’s green lasso with her golden thread, the green electricity only flared and travelled up Jazmine’s thread to her hand. She screamed as the power seared her skin.

  “Keep struggling, and it’ll be worse for everyone.” Eden closed her eyes and muttered the Latin words needed to draw out their souls. Jazmine wreathed and kicked out and struggled, only causing herself to become more burnt. Asher stepped up beside her and held his crossbow to her throat. It only made Jazmine cackle with laughter.

  Soon, Abraham and Jazmine’s souls were out of their bodies and hovering above Eden’s hands.

  “Please, don’t do this,” begged Abraham. “I’ll call off the demons. We can have a truce.”

  Eden shook her head. “I’m sick of your empty promises and your games. It’s over.” She stabbed her icy white blade straight through Jazmine’s soul.

  Two screams resounded through the hospital—Jazmine’s, as she exploded in a cloud of golden dust, and Abraham’s, as he lost his soul mate forever. Abraham’s eyes went wide, and his skin turned ashen as Eden inserted the tip of the magical soul-killing blade into his soul. His screams echoed in the night as he exploded into a cloud of ash and smoke. That was the end of the Angel of Death and the Angel of Fate.

  Before they completely disappeared, Gabe caught the soul sphere that had fallen from Abraham’s neck before it hit the ground. He held it in his hand, and a tear escaped his eye.

  “I’m sorry, Grandma.” Then he put the crystal sphere around his neck.

  And then a funny thing happened.

  All of the demons in the room disappeared the same way, the ones that had possessed people and escaped their hosts, leaving the people alive. The Nephilim tended to those once possessed.


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