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Barshan (Bratva Blood Brothers Book 3)

Page 4

by K. J. Dahlen

  Barshan shrugged again. “That’s on Russell Jerome, not on you. As you reminded us earlier, you aren’t responsible for his debts. We’ll take care of him when we find him, don’t worry about that. But to collect what he owes us, we have to find him first and right now, you seem to be our only link to the man.”

  Talli shuddered. “I wish to god, my mother had never met him.”

  “How did she meet him?” he asked. “Do you know?”

  Talli nodded. “My Mom told me she met him at the park. She was feeding the pigeons and he sat down at the same bench she was sitting on and began a conversation. She said they seemed to have so much in common.”

  “What was your first impression of the man?”

  She shuddered again. “I thought he was a little slimy. I could see he wasn’t really interested in my mother romantically but he married her anyway. He put on a very good show but it was all a lie. I think he was really after the jewelry store. I told her she should tell him about my father’s will but she claimed he wasn’t interested in that stuff. There were just too many questions after she died that went unanswered. Now, I’ll never know what really happened.”

  “Maybe we can help you get the answers you need.”

  Talli sighed. “Perhaps.” She hesitated then asked him, “Did you happen to see there were ashes scattered on her clothing in the bedroom?” she sobbed briefly. “He couldn’t even give me that much of her.”

  “What are you saying?” Barshan frowned.

  “After he destroyed everything she was, he threw her ashes all over the mess he made.” She raised her hand to her eyes and wiped away her tears. “He left me with nothing but my memories of her.” Getting to her feet she whispered, “I think I need to be alone right now.” Turning, she went back to the bedroom and closed her door.


  Barshan stared at the closed door. This woman was different than most he’d known. She was in trouble, yes. But something about her was so graceful, so strong, yet there was a look in those beautiful green eyes that made him just want to hold her and never let her go.

  Barshan just sat there with his hands curled into fists. As he thought of the wrongs done to her, his rage had grown yet again, at the cruelty Russell Jerome had shown this woman and he prayed for the day to come when he would face his judgement here on earth. Barshan wanted to be there in person when that day came. He really did.

  Hours later, Barshan and Talli sat in a conference room with a cup of coffee. Demi, Ivan, Yuri, Sazon, Roman and several other men were there with them.

  So far, no one had spoken to her, instead they were speaking to each other in Russian, comparing notes and stuff. Barshan felt bad about it but he still did not know how to include her.

  Finally, everyone began to sit around the table in the middle of the room.

  Yuri cleared his throat and began the meeting, “Russell Jerome is not who he claims to be. He met and married Claudette Janick under a false name with nefarious purposes in mind. The purposes we don’t yet know. Talli Janick believes he did something to cause her mother’s death and there is no evidence to either support her claims or deny them. But the fact he had her cremated before Talli could get an autopsy done is suspect. What brought this man to our attention was the fact that he went through both our organizations to get a large sum of money using fake documents as collateral on those loans. When Ivan and Barshan went to collect on the loans, they both found the documents were worthless. Now Russell Jerome is in the wind and we’re both out a good deal of money. Last night, Talli was attacked in her shop and both her mother and her homes were searched and ransacked.” He paused a moment before he asked, “Is that what we’re dealing with?”

  Everyone agreed.

  Yuri moved around in his seat. “The question is what are we going to do about this menace? If we do nothing, we could have a war on our streets and no one wants that.”

  “Besides, if we do nothing word will get out that the Ukraines and the Russians can be cheated.” Demi growled. “That should never be allowed to happen. We will hunt down this little piece of shit and teach him a well-deserved lesson. He will be our example to the city that no one cheats us, no one.”

  “I agree but before we do that, we need to find and get answers from him.” Yuri nodded.

  Ivan turned to Talli and asked, “Why do you think he ransacked your houses? What was he looking for?”

  Talli shook her head. “I’m not sure. Since my father died, I’ve kept the jewelry store going with his designs and my own but nothing so earth shattering that he would steal from us.”

  “What about before your father died?” Barshan questioned. “Was there anything that stood out to you from that time?”

  Talli seemed perplexed for a moment then her eyes widened. She got up so quickly that her chair crashed to the floor behind her. She turned and ran for the door but Sazon grabbed her around the waist and brought her back to the table.

  Demi and Yuri got to their feet and stared at her. “What did you remember?”

  Talli shook as she retook her seat. For a moment, she didn’t say anything. Then she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and told them, “I do remember one incident about a year before my father was murdered.”

  “What happened?” Demi asked gently as he took his seat.

  “My father had a meeting with someone he considered important. It happened late at night and there were no witnesses. These men just showed up in the middle of the night. He didn’t want this meeting and there was a lot of shouting. It woke me up and when I went out to see what was going, I noticed several rather large men standing in the hall. My mother escorted me back into my room before I could really see too much. She even stayed with me until the meeting was over. She was afraid too, but she wouldn’t let me ask any questions. She kept telling me it was better not to know. That it was my father’s business and none of ours. I asked my father about it a couple of days later but he told me it was nothing.”

  “That’s it?” Ivan asked.

  Talli shook her head. “A few weeks later, another man came to the shop. I didn’t see his face but there was a lot of yelling in the office. My mother took me out of the store and we were gone for a while and when we got back, the man was gone and my father was quiet all afternoon. I could tell he was raging but he never told me why or what had him so upset.”

  “Did he ever tell you who the man was that came to see him?” Yuri wanted to know.

  Talli shook her head. “No he didn’t but the man came back just before my father died. I came back to the store from lunch one day and they were in the office yelling again. The door was closed but I knew his voice. I couldn’t tell what they were saying but it was loud and not good. Days later my father was dead.”

  Reaching for a stack of papers in front of him, Yuri searched for something then looking at her he asked, “Do the names George Windguard or Leon Pavel mean anything to you?”

  Talli sat back in her chair and all the color drained from her face. “I know the name Leon Pavel. Why? Who are they?”

  “They are aliases Russell Jerome has used in the past,” Yuri informed her.

  Talli raked her fingers through her hair. “One of those names might not be an alias.” She paused and stared at them all. “You might know one of them too.”

  Demi glanced at Yuri then turned to Talli and asked, “Which one?”

  “Leon Pavel.”

  “Who is he?” Yuri asked.

  “He claims to be a distant cousin to Rizvan Dreususs,” Talli informed them. “I don’t think I’ve ever met the man in question, but I have heard this claim before.”

  Silence held the room as each man present took a moment to digest this new information. Rizvan Dreususs, was one of the last exiled Russian royals. Royalty in Russian died out when the people executed Tzar Nickolas and his family, those that remained fled for their lives. They kept a low profile and had almost died out by this time. Rizvan was one of the last people of the Tzar’s
family fourth generation removed.

  “What would a man like him want with your father?” Sazon asked. “Why would this Leon person claim to be royalty? A cousin, no less?”

  “I don’t know,” Talli told them but she couldn’t look them in the eye when she said it. “It was something my father never wanted to talk about and I never asked.”

  The fact she wouldn’t look at them only Yuri and Barshan took notice of. Neither man brought attention to the situation but Barshan knew he would be asking her later on.

  Yuri looked over at the other man and acknowledged his slight nod.

  Looking over at the clock on the wall, Talli noted the time. “I have to get ready for work.”

  “You won’t be going in alone,” Yuri informed her.

  “Why?” Talli frowned. “I don’t think Russell would dare come anywhere near me right now, do you?” Shrugging she said, “I know he’s a dumbass but he’s not suicidal.”

  “He may not realize we know about him yet,” Demi stated. “But at any rate, he’s a desperate man by this time and desperate men become dangerous.”

  “We still have a mystery to solve and a man to find,” Ivan added. “It would be best of you weren’t alone until we find him.”

  “Okay, I won’t go in alone but I have to go in today,” Talli informed them. “I have a big order coming in around ten this morning and I don’t want to lose this order. I also have to call the police about the break in and report the loss to my insurance company.”

  Demi shifted in his seat and glared at Yuri before he turned back to Talli. “I don’t think we want the police involved in this matter. We take care of our own affairs.”

  Talli shook her head. “I can’t make a claim to my insurance without a police report.”

  “You’ll have to forgo the claim then.” Demi shrugged as if her concerns were no big deal.

  Talli gritted her teeth but didn’t say anything. There was nothing to say. These men would take care of Russell Jerome and the mess he created while she was the one who would take the loss of her stones.

  Yuri rapped the edge of the file against the table and announced, “We still have more digging to do. Let’s get to it and meet again tomorrow with any updates. Agreed?”

  Demi nodded.

  “We’ll keep men on both houses and the shop for at least one more day while we hunt Russell down. If we find him, we’ll let you know. I expect the same from you.” Yuri glanced at Demi.

  He nodded. “I would like to put my own men on guard along yours if that would be possible,” Demi suggested to Yuri.

  “That would be a good thing.” Yuri nodded and got to his feet. “That way there are no surprises from either of us.” He glanced around the room making contact with every man there. “Be alert people. This is going to be dangerous for all of us until this man is caught and we get some answers. We don’t have a clue right now as to what he’s after or what he will do to get what he wants.”

  “Da, I agree with Yuri,” Demi stated as he too, got to his feet. “We must be alert and bring this imposter in to question him. We must guard our streets and keep everyone safe.”

  Barshan stood and moved over to talk to Sazon a moment before he came over to where Talli was sitting. When she stood up, he cupped her elbow and stated, “I’ll be with you today until Sazon relieves me this afternoon.”

  Talli didn’t like it but knew she had no choice. Her life would not be her own again, until after Russell Jerome was caught. Keeping her facial features neutral, she nodded and stepped away from the table. She knew she couldn’t stop what these men were doing and she resented the fact that Russell had pulled her into between these two factions of the city.

  This only affirmed what he father taught her years ago. He didn’t want either organization tied to him or his business. He always told her to remain independent and not to answer to anyone but herself. Now, she had no choice in the matter and she didn’t like it, didn’t like it at all.

  So for now, she would play the game their way. She also had a feeling she knew what Russell was really after and if it was what she thought, she knew she had to keep that secret hidden from the men in this room. In the back of her mind, she had a feeling that was the reason her father died and if it was, then she would get the revenge she needed, not them but her.

  After a few minutes, they left and went down through the elevator to the parking area.

  On the way to the shop Talli asked, “Can we stop by my mother’s house? I want to collect her ashes.”

  Barshan nodded but didn’t say anything. A few minutes later, they pulled up in front of her mother’s house.

  Talli made no move toward the door for a long moment, then she reached for the door handle and pushed it open. With Barshan following, she let herself into the house. Everything was quiet as she walked through the rooms again. Glass crunched under her feet and when she got to her mother’s bedroom, she walked over to the pile of clothing near the closet.

  Sinking to her knees, her eyes wouldn’t move away from the small pile of ashes laying atop the fabrics. Tears rolled down her cheeks but she didn’t make a sound. Reaching shaky hands out to hover over the burnt ash, she whispered brokenly, “Oh Mama, nobody deserved this.”

  Barshan came to stand behind her. Squatting down beside her he asked, “Would you allow me to gather what is left and box it up for you?”

  Talli nodded. “I don’t think I can do it, so I thank you for suggesting it.” Her words were spoken softly and he stood to assist her to her feet. When he turned her toward the bed, she stumbled over and sat down with her head hung low. Tears dripped to the floor.

  A few minutes later, Barshan held out a small shoe box to her. “I know it’s not worthy but it was all I could find,” he murmured.

  As she clasped the small box to her, Talli swallowed heavily. “It’s enough for now.” Glancing up at him she asked, “Can we get out of here now? I hate the fact that he wrecked everything he touched.”

  Barshan hesitated then knelt in front of her. “You mentioned last night that your father had a hidden safe here in the house. Do you know where it was hidden?”

  Talli closed off her feelings and expressions. “Yes, I know where it is hidden. Why do you ask?”

  Barshan looked around the room again. “Could that be what Russell Jerome was looking for? Was there something he thought might have been inside?”

  Talli closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Yes, that’s probably what he was looking for but he never would have found it. And even if he did, he never would have gotten the safe open.”

  “Why is that?” Barshan frowned.

  “The safe was my father’s own design,” she explained. “It was one that took his fingerprint or mine to open. No one else was aware of this and now that he’s no longer around, only my fingerprint will open it. Not even my mother knew of this safeguard.” She shrugged. “Like I said, even if he’d found the safe he never could have opened it. My father made sure of that.”

  Barshan stared at her for a moment. “You know what’s in the safe don’t you?” Without giving her time to answer he stated, “What was your father hiding and what is Russell Jerome looking for?”

  Talli’s eyes grew cold and she got to her feet. Without saying a word, she left and moments later, Barshan heard the front door slam shut. He got to his feet and went after her. He was more than a bit surprised to find her sitting in his car clutching the small box on her lap.

  As Barshan got into his car, he took note of the two men watching over the house. One was Yuri’s man and the other he presumed was Demi’s man. Just before he started the car’s engine, he saw the two men duck out of sight again.

  When he got to the parking lot of the strip mall, he carefully took note of the cars he found there. He would check the surveillance tapes later to identify who the cars belonged to. He didn’t want Russell slipping inside unannounced.

  He gazed at the small woman beside him as they walked into the mall. He knew
the danger she was in even if she didn’t. He also knew he couldn’t be with her 24/7 but he was working on that. He’d gotten an idea in the middle of the night. He only hoped she would agree with him.

  He nodded at the man standing post inside the business and told him to go home and get some rest. He watched Talli as she began her regular work day by setting items out on display.

  When he had a moment, he made a call to a friend of his and set up a delivery. He had a feeling that before this was over, they would need all the help they could get.

  He also took a moment out to call Yuri with his discoveries of this morning. While he spoke to Yuri, he watched as she straightened her office.

  “What do you think is in the safe?” Yuri asked.

  “I’m not sure but she doesn’t want us to know about it,” Barshan informed him.

  “What did you stop by the house for this morning?”

  Barshan sighed heavily. “Jerome dumped her Mom’s ashes all over the bedroom and she wanted to get them.”

  Yuri was quiet for a moment then growled, “He deserves what is coming for him.”

  “I agree,” Barshan stated. “I’m getting her a watch dog for when we can’t be with her. I don’t want her to be alone until this man gets caught.”

  “I agree.”

  “Now, I just have to get her to agree with it.” Barshan sighed.

  Yuri laughed out loud. “Yeah, good luck with that. She’s a very stubborn woman.”

  “Tell me about it,” Barshan grumbled. He thought of how he liked this about her. She was so petite, so small, yet he’d witnessed her courage and strength already. He had to admit he admired her very much. She had stood her ground against two of the most powerful organizations in the city without blinking an eye. After a moment he asked, “Do you really think this Leon person could be related to the royals that are still alive? If so, what the hell business did they do with a man like Christophe? I mean why go to a merchant rather than come to us or the Ukraines?”

  “It’s a puzzle is it not?” Yuri confirmed. “Maybe soon, we will have our answers.”


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