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Barshan (Bratva Blood Brothers Book 3)

Page 13

by K. J. Dahlen

  When she went back to the table, she saw Rizvan slipping the crown back into its bag and then back into the wooden box that held it all these years. Then he replaced the ring and journals back in the crate and placed the cover back on the top. Laying his hand on it, he told her, “I think you should read what your great-grandmother wrote about. If for no other reason than to know your own family history. You may not want to know but you need to know.”

  Talli gazed at the crate then lifted her eyes to his. “Maybe someday I will read them but not today. I’m too tired and sore to make any sense out of what happened in the past. It feels like I just lost my parents again, now that I know what actually happened to them. I just need some time to digest everything I’ve learned.”

  Rizvan nodded. “I guess I should take this with me.” He patted the small wooden box. “Although by rights it should belong to you as you are Nikolas’s direct descendant and I am not.”

  “No you keep it,” Talli begged him. “I don’t want anything to do with what we found today. The ring and the crown both have too much blood on them, blood of the innocents and the blood of my parents.”

  “When you are ready, I will give it back to you. Until then, I’ll hold it safe for you.” He patted her hand. “Sergi or Felix will know how to contact me. I hope in the future, we can get to know one another a little better. You and I have something in common and neither of us have any members of family left.” He paused and added, “I’d like to know the man who raised you better than I did. The man you called your father. I always liked him and very much admired his talent.”

  “I’d like that. My father was a good man. I’ll be happy to share him with you.” Talli smiled, then turned to Barshan. “Can we go home now? I need to clean up and take a nap.”

  Barshan smiled. He took the crate off the table and wrapped his arm around her then led the way.

  The others followed and Felix as the last man out turned the lights off and pulled the heavy door to the vault closed behind him.


  It seemed like hours later that Talli sat on the edge of Barshan’s bed drying her hair after her shower. The warm water had washed away the blood of her injuries and tears she’d shed.

  Barshan joined her with a cup of strong tea and sat down beside her watching her comb out her long hair. They had showered together and he wore nothing more than a towel around his hips. “I need to ask you something.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Did you mean what you told Leon?”

  She hesitated briefly. “What did I tell him?”

  “When you said that the men of the Bratva had honor.” His voice was low and serious.

  She laid the comb down on the table beside the bed and placed her tea there as well. Turning her head, she looked him in the eyes. “Yes, I did. I don’t know any of you all that well but what I do know you have an honor system that knits you together in a way that no one can tear apart. You are there for one another and you don’t even have to think about it. Maybe what you do is criminal at times. I don’t know and I would never second guess you but from what I’ve seen, you don’t leave a man behind. To my mind, that’s better than anything else.”

  “Sergi and Felix want to talk to you tomorrow,” he informed her. “They both are questioning Leon tonight. I don’t envy them that chore. I think the man is crazy.”

  Talli nodded. “I know he is for sure. How did he really expect to retake the throne of old Russia? That just doesn’t make any sense to me.”

  Barshan leaned into her and laid his forehead against hers. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

  Talli closed her eyes and let his scent surround her. “My body has bruises and cuts on it but I’ll be fine. My wounds will heal in a day or two.”

  “I don’t know if I can wait that long to have you in my arms again,” he whispered in her ear.

  Talli smiled and whispered back. “Who says you have to wait?” She pulled her robe apart and slipped it off her shoulders baring her body to him. Her lips crashed down on his mouth and she kissed him hungrily.

  Barshan groaned and took her down on the bed. He slipped the towel off and threw it on the floor as his mouth ravished hers. His hands slipped down to her breasts and his caress got a bit wild. He lowered himself and sucked on a nipple.

  Talli groaned with fever and arched her back into him.

  He trailed kisses all over her body. “You taste so delicious, better than vodka.”

  Talli giggled. “I hope I do, that stuff is horrible.”

  He raised his head. “Those are fighting words, little girl.”

  Talli stared at him.

  He laughed. “I will get you to like vodka. You shall see.”

  “If it is as hot as you are, I think it will grow on me.”

  He winked at her and resumed his perusal of her skin. “I think I shall taste you further. Take a good shot of you.”

  She grinned and then when he pushed her legs apart and thrust his tongue into her. She gasped as her smile faded. She never felt anything like this.

  Barshan licked her, sucked her and pushed a finger into her.

  “O-ohhh,” she whimpered.

  He lifted his head a bit. “You will come for me, now princess.” His eyes blazed at her then he latched onto her button and sucked as he pumped her with his finger.

  Thrashing around, Talli thought she would go mad from his actions, she never felt such a delicious storming before. Her body tightened and she came hard as he sucked on her and seemed to slurp as he feasted.

  He again raised up and slid his hard form along her as he spread her legs further apart and plunged into her waiting heat and as her climax was still going, she was more than ready for him. Lifting her hips, she welcomed him. It was fast and hard but it worked for them.

  Only moments later, they both spun into oblivion. They both had to struggle to catch their breath.

  Barshan collapsed on top of her and for a moment, he couldn’t move. The climax he shared with her zapped his strength. Finally, he forced himself to move away from her but he didn’t go far. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close. “I want this feeling for the rest of my life,” he spoke quietly. “I felt it from the moment we met. I can’t let you go.”

  “But we’ve only known each other for a short time,” she protested.

  “I’ve been looking for you my whole life. I just didn’t realize it until I looked into your eyes. I’ve been restless and uncaring until I recognized something in you I’ve search two continents for. You are my other half and I’m going to keep you. You give me purpose and value and that’s not something I’m going to lose ever again.”

  Talli felt stunned. She turned her head to say something.

  He put his finger over her lips and wouldn’t let her speak. “Rest now. You don’t have to say anything. I’ll still be here when you wake up. I’ll keep you safe.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “I love you.”

  Talli closed her eyes and before she knew it, she was asleep.

  Barshan watched her sleep for a long time before he was able to close his eyes and join her.

  The sun was shining when Talli opened her eyes hours later. From the angle of the light coming through the window, it was still early morning. For a brief second she didn’t know where she was then his scent hit her.

  Earthy and warm with just a hint of spice. Talli groaned soundlessly. At some point in the night, they had shifted positions. Barshan had rolled onto his back and she was laying with her head on his shoulders. He was holding her in place with his big arms wrapped around her. Her leg was tucked up tight between his. She could hear the echo of his heartbeat drowning out any other sound as her ear was pressed to his chest.

  Her body was slightly achy and bruised but that was fading quickly as want and need took her over. Desire began heating her belly. She poked out her tongue to taste his skin. His flavor burst inside her mouth as raw need began filling her soul.

  Arching her body up, she slid her legs around his mass to straddle his hips. She could feel his cock filling with blood and when she gazed at his face, her eyes met his. Neither said a word as Talli rubbed her body against his in a dance older than time itself.

  His eyes were half closed as he felt his body respond to the need she inspired. Her pussy was wetting his hard cock as she stroked it to life.

  Her head dipped to his and her lips brushed his lightly. He wanted to crush her to him but she leaned away breaking contact. When he lifted his arms to bring her back she shook her head. Laying her finger on his lips to still his protest, she moved her hips.

  Barshan groaned and closed his eyes. Need was growing out of control as his cock got harder than steel. Then she moved her hips again, and he could feel himself sliding inside her warm wet sheath. Bucking his hips, he went in even deeper.

  His hands took charge, wrapping around the cradle of her hips. He pushed up into her as she ground down against him. The urge to move was strong and he gave into it. He lifted her hips and rammed them down again and again. He plunged deeper and deeper into her little bit of heaven.

  He felt her body tighten, hugging his cock. With each stroke, she matched the intensity he felt. Each time she ground her body against his, he felt the desire inch higher and higher. Within minutes, he felt his climax zipping down his spine to his balls.

  His fingers moved to her clit and as he brushed the skin around it, he felt her respond. She arched her back and her pussy tightened around him almost to the point of causing him pain. Suddenly, she screamed and he could feel her body shatter as she slipped over the edge into ecstasy. A few hard strokes later, he joined her in oblivion. His mind went blank as his hot seed filled her and he forgot to breathe.

  When Talli collapsed on top of him, his arms wrapped around her and he held her close. His heart was still pounding in his chest and as he inhaled, he drew her scent into his lungs. Closing his eyes he knew he couldn’t let her go, he’d never let her go. He needed her as much as he needed air to breathe.

  She finally pushed away from his embrace but didn’t go very far. She leaned forward and laid her lips on his.

  Barshan deepened the kiss and felt his hunger for her growing out of control. Blood rushed to his cock again. Before he could harden too much he broke the kiss. Leaning his forehead against hers, he whispered, “I want you again,”

  Talli lick his lips with her tongue. “I know. I want you too. I want to spend the whole day in this bed with you but I think we have business to attend to.”

  “Yeah, we do.” He sighed heavily. “We have people waiting on us. They allowed us time last night but we do need to meet them today and discuss what happened.”

  Talli closed her eyes. “I’m not sure I want to talk about it.”

  Barshan kissed her forehead and held her close for a moment, then ran his hands up and down her back. “It isn’t going to go away.”

  “I know,” Talli admitted. “I’m selfish enough not to want to lose what I have right now.”

  Barshan tightened his arms around her for a moment. When he relaxed his hold, he told her, “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She lifted her fingers and covered his mouth, preventing him from speaking. “Please don’t make promises you can’t keep,” she whispered. Pulling her fingers away, she kissed him, slipping her tongue into his mouth she tasted him.

  Barshan deepened the kiss and for a moment lost himself in her touch. Reality slammed back when he heard his cell phone ringing. Groaning as if in actual pain, he released her and leaned over to grab his phone.

  Talli slid off him and reached for her robe when she heard him talking. Glancing around the room, she saw Rugar lying in the corner watching her. When their eyes met, his tail began to wag and he got up coming over to the bed. She reached out and rubbed the top of his head.

  “Good morning my friend,” she whispered into his fur. “Have you been watching over us, keeping us safe?”

  Barshan’s conversation ended and he reached over the top of her to stroke the dog’s chest. “I couldn’t get him to leave the room last night. I don’t think he took his eyes off you all night.”

  “I’m going to miss him when Callen comes back to get him.” She pulled away. “I know he was only here for a short time but he gave me a piece of mind just knowing he was there.” She got up and put on her robe. Then she walked into the living room.

  Barshan joined her a moment later still fastening his jeans. “Coffee or tea this morning?” he asked as he went into the kitchen.

  “Coffee I think. I need the extra boost this morning.” Talli slid on a stool at the counter. She watched him fix the coffee. “Who was calling so early?”

  “Yuri. He asked if we could meet him this morning.”

  His back was to her and she could see his straight back stiffen as he passed the message along.

  “Did they read my great grandmother’s journals?”

  “Da, they did.”

  “And?” she asked almost as if waiting for a death sentence.

  Barshan turned to face her. Seeing the abject terror on her face, he frowned. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

  “My world has crashed and I don’t know what to expect anymore. I don’t even know who I am! I feel like I’m caught in a maze and I can’t find my way out.”

  Barshan moved to her and wrapped his arms around her pulling her close to him. “Sweetheart, you aren’t alone anymore. I’m right there with you. You belong with me now and I’m not letting you go. I meant what I said last night. I love you. I need you. I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  She shook her head.” You do not have to stay with me now, Barshan. It is all over.”

  Barshan tipped her face up to his and kissed her lips. “It only took me one single look to see that you belong to me. Our souls connected and you can’t change that and I don’t want to even try.”

  Talli studied his eyes for a moment and knew in her heart he was telling the truth. She hadn’t dared to believe it before, but the man really meant all that he’d said. She leaned forward and touched her lips to his chest just above his heart. “Will you be there when we face everyone else?”

  “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I’ll always be right there beside you.”

  “Good, because I’m not sure I could do this otherwise.”

  “You are stronger than you think. You are Christophe Janick’s daughter.

  Talli felt her heart swell in her chest. He was right, she was her father’s daughter, and that would give her the strength she needed to face whatever she had to face. Her belly growled at that moment.

  Barshan chuckled. “See? Tummy knows what it feels. I need to get you fed. Let’s get ready. We’re meeting the others over breakfast at Yuri’s penthouse.”

  By the time they got their clothes on and ready to go, the coffee was done and he poured them each a cup in a travel mug. Neither of them said much as they traveled to the hotel. Talli sipped her coffee and rubbed Rugar’s ears the whole way.

  Barshan kept glancing her way but he didn’t say anything either. When he parked the car, he turned to look at her. “Are you ready for this?”

  Talli took a moment before shaking her head. “Not really but it must be done.”

  They entered the hotel together. Barshan held her hand and Rugar was at her side.

  Kosta met them inside and escorted them upstairs. When he opened the door to Yuri’s suite they were met with voices echoing in laughter. When they walked into the living room, Talli could see that everyone was relaxed and smiling.

  Sergi, Nikoli, Rizvan, Felix and the others were all laughing at something one of them had said.

  Besides herself, she saw two other women there.

  One of the women caught sight of her and struggled to get to her feet. Her big belly got in her way and Yuri stood up to help her. He turned and smiled. “Talli Janick I’d like you to meet my wife, Raven. As you can see we will be three very soon. Raven is Serg
i’s granddaughter and he and his son Misha are here for the birth we are all waiting on.”

  Raven walked over to her and embraced her in a hug. “Welcome to our family.”

  Talli felt a burst of caring for these people. Glancing over her shoulder, she found Barshan standing behind her smiling. She reached for his hand and when he closed his fingers in hers, she smiled. Turning back to Raven she said, “Thank you.”

  When the second woman joined them, she introduced herself. “Hi I’m Pepper. I don’t know if you’ve met him yet, but I am Mikial’s girl.” She looked back and pointed to a man standing in the back of the room.

  He smiled at her.

  Talli could read the love in his eyes for her and her alone. “No I haven’t met him yet, but I’m sure I will. I’m Talli Janick.”

  Then she looked over at the other men in the room. She really wanted to get this over with.

  But it seemed Raven wouldn’t let them talk business before breakfast. “If we’re all here, let’s get breakfast done first. I know you all have business but this poor girl looks like she needs to eat.” Rubbing her belly she added, “I need breakfast too. I’m starving.”

  Yuri chuckled and rubbed her belly then taking her arm, he led her into the dining area.

  The others followed and lined up at the buffet style setting.

  Conversation was light over scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and French toast. Lingering over coffee, she could feel the tension begin to build. When the table was cleared and fresh coffee poured, Raven got to her feet and she smiled at Talli. “We’ll let you guys talk.” She and Pepper left the room.

  Talli tucked her hair behind her ear and faced the men waiting for her. Sweat beaded her forehead and one drop slid down the side of her face.

  Rizvan reached out and took her hand. “My dear, there is no reason to fear us. We are here to help you, not hurt you.”

  Talli looked at him and could see he was telling the truth. Her shoulders slumped a bit and she relaxed. “I guess I didn’t know what to expect.”


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